A Fallen Woman Ch. 01

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She did Do Porn, and she paid the price.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/06/2022
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At 24 Kerry Hampton had it all going on. She had started her business career at age 8 with a summertime lemonade stand. By age 12 she was selling cold and hot drinks year round. At age 14 she had a devoted social media following learning how to concoct their own recipes and distribute their own product.

All of this while being homeschooled and competing at an elite level as an amateur gymnast. She was ambitious, driven, and determined to make her mark in the world. At age 18 she incorporated Drinks From Kids as a Limited Liability Corporation.

Kerry used neighborhood kids as delivery runners to provide opportunities for them to earn money and stay off the streets. This made her a local hero; especially after she was featured in a TV special on "game changers under 20."

A national supermarket chain was looking for a creative way to turn its delivery operations into a profit center. The Chief Marketing Officer saw a video clip about Kerry while randomly browsing online.

One look, and Frank Turner - the CMO - was smitten twice. Once by the potential of a feel-good story while raking in profits on high margin drinks, with the dynamic Kerry Hampton as the face of its campaigns.

And what a face it was! Captivating wide spread green eyes with dark luxurious lashes. A perfectly proportioned nose above a set of lips that would do a supermodel proud. And the rest of her, think of a certain NYC model with her own clothing line that pranced around in a notorious Robin Thicke video. Except for the eye color, Kerry Hampton was a dead ringer.

Frank Turner couldn't help himself. He was smitten with Kerry Hampton herself! The thought of her stark naked with her legs wrapped around him gave him a ferocious hard-on. "Some day," he thought. Some day. He put together a detailed acquisition plan and a financial model of the increase in transaction value. Although hard to quantify, he claimed a 25% increase in brand value through the association with Kerry's good works in the neighborhoods.

The executive board of Alex Brothers' Markets examined Turner's proposal with great seriousness. They questioned him about his underlying assumptions, his projections, and his marketing plan. Although, truth be told, one look at Kerry would have convinced each board member to throw the corporation's money at her to get her to come on board.

Today was the day Kerry had been working toward for as long as she remembered. A $100 million investment and she still had the chance to empower kids in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Life could not be better.

The executive team awaited Kerry in - of course - the executive boardroom. Alex Brothers' Markets (ABM) still maintained a full business dress code for back office workers, managers, and executives. Kerry matched them, wearing a classic blazer over a blouse and matching skirt.

"Hello Kerry," said Frank Turner. "We're all very excited about you joining our team. Let me perform some introductions. This is Roman Abbala, our CEO, and his son Marcus our CFO. Bob Constantine here is our Executive Secretary and Treasurer. And last but certainly not least this debonair gentlemen, our Chief Security Officer, Mr. Tailor Taylor."

Handshakes all around, although it seemed like Taylor held on just a little bit too long as he gave Kerry a thorough appraisal. Another suit entered the room.

"Oh, let me also introduce our Lead Counsel. Kerry, come over here and meet Killer Kowalski. We just call him that because of his reputation with the ladies, if you'll pardon my saying so. Now that you're on the team, maybe he will calm down a little."

"Let's get these contracts signed," said Kowalski, as he opened his copious briefcase and extracted several documents. These had already been signed by Abbala and Kowalski. Kerry's attorney had thoroughly reviewed them and advised her to proceed. Turner took a pen out of his shirt pocket and gave it to her. She signed and dated everywhere there was a yellow sticker.

"Gentlemen, and lady, let the celebration begin. Kerry, we have prepared a little presentation in your honor. Marcus, could you close the blinds and start the video, please."

The video began to play. Kerry saw that it was a collection of news and TV stories about her creation and development of "Drinks". It seemed like every third or fourth slide was a picture of her; at her desk, or with the kids, or loading drinks onto a truck. There was a video of Kerry accompanying delivery kids on their rounds. A very brief video of the pool party where Kerry had gamely sat in a dunk tank while all the kids tried their best to dunk her by making a free throw at the attached basket. She remembered ruefully that a lot of them got nothing but net, and she had gotten repeatedly wet. Her one piece swimsuit had become just a little too transparent. Good thing the video clip showed her getting into the tank and not coming out of the water. Kerry felt herself blushing at the thought of the senior executives seeing her like that.

The video mercifully came to an end and the lights came back up. Kowalski took a single sheet of paper out of his briefcase and slid it along the table until it was in front of Kerry. She picked it up and began to read.

"Congratulations, Kerry," said Frank Turner. "I'll see you tomorrow in my office bright and early." Have a pleasant evening.

The next day Kerry reported promptly at 7 AM. The first four weeks were a flurry of getting databases loaded, supplier contracts updated, adjusting delivery equipment to accommodate on-board drink mixing, and creating standard reports for the Senior Executive team.

The 2nd month of Kerry's sojourn - a Monday morning - at ABM dawned bright, shiny and with great promise. Frank had promised her early feedback on her performance and she was eager to hear it.

Kerry dressed carefully; she wanted to continue to make a great impression. When she arrived at work, Abbala's executive assistant took her to the Chief Security Officer's wing. She found him and Frank Turner both waiting for her.

"Kerry, some disturbing allegations were made about you after you joined the company," began Turner. "I was sure it was all nonsense from jealous people, but I asked Killer to look into it, just to be on the safe side. Tell her what you found."

"Well, Kerry, sometimes where there is smoke, there is actually a fire. Your company had a serious loan come due about a year and a half before we made our investment in you. Somehow you got the money to repay the loan. We couldn't figure out how you did it.

"Last week we had a session with the designers of some new image search technology," Turner interjected. "It has a lot of potential for online shoppers. After we finished testing it with a bunch of SKUs we fed our own images into it. Your image happened to be in the file we grabbed. Something very interesting happened. We found a lot of images on the web that we expected to find. We also found some other things."

Kerry could feel her breath caught in her throat, and a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She tried to take the offensive.

"Does this have anything to do with me? Are you wanting me to get involved with this new technology?" Kerry inquired.

"Not exactly, but it does involve something you did with the Internet. We found some, shall I say, interesting items that I would like to show you." Turner flipped a few switches on the wall behind him. LCDs lit up all over the room.

"Kerry, I'd like you to watch closely, and tell me if you can identify anyone on the screen."

A video began playing. Two men and a younger looking woman sat on a couch, with the woman in the middle. Her face was obscured.

"Anything?" asked Kowalski.

"No, I don't think so," answered Kerry. She knew exactly who was in the middle of that couch. She had vivid memories of making several videos. Which is what it took to pay off her loans.

On-screen the men began unbuttoning the woman's blouse. When only one button remained, the right-hand man slowly lowered her bra straps just enough so that her nipples peeked out above the cups of the bra. The left hand man ran his hand over her nipples with a gentle caress. Then he grabbed each nipple with a thumb and forefinger and pulled it up, lifting her breasts completely out of the bra. Her blouse was pulled down her arms and set to the side.

"Not much point in this bra anymore, is there?"

The woman reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She tossed it to the side, and pulled her skirt up around her waist. She pulled her thong to one side, revealing a tight pussy. She ran one finger down her lips and pushed it in deep. She gripped herself with the other fingers and the palm of her hand.

Although her face was obscured, a tight toned figure showed she could not have been much over 18. She showed no reluctance, rather an eagerness to have some serious fun.

The woman closed her legs, pulled off the thong and sat back. She spread her legs wide. The two men massaged and then caressed her legs, especially her inner thighs. She moved her hands to her tits as the men raked her inner thighs with their fingernails.

"Still nothing?" inquired Kowalski again. Kerry was silent. Her face had turned a bright red. At that point there were two hands working her pussy to fever pitch.

"Let me help you out," said Turner. He touched another button, and as the video continued, Kerry's face gradually came into focus. Turner paused the video.

"Now for the last time Kerry," said Kowalski in his deep, strong voice. "Who is that starring in a porno?"

At this point Kerry could no longer stave off the inevitable. The proof was right in front of her eyes.

"It's me," she confessed.

"You know, Kerry. This will reflect very poorly on the company. And you had the effrontery to lie to two members of the Senior Executive team. That is grounds for firing you, and you walk away with nothing.

"Or, if you are willing to accept our guidance in all regards, we can help you rehabilitate your career. The choice is yours. Either leave now or sign this document." He slid a single sheet of paper across the table. She began to read it, when it was snatched out of her hand.

"I believe I said, 'sign' the document, not 'read' it. Are you going to sign or not?"

This time Kowalski took a black sheet of paper and covered all but the signature blank at the bottom of the page. No way could Kerry read the document. She thought about turning on her heel and walking right out, but she feared what might happen to the videos. Really, she had no choice.

"I'll sign," she said.

"You're signing willingly and without any coercion?" confirmed Turner.

"Yes, dammit!"

"What did you just say?" said Turner in a very harsh voice.

"Nothing Frank, I didn't say anything." Kerry put on her most innocent look, but to no avail. The two men stood waiting. Kerry let out a big sigh, picked up the pen, signed and dated the document.

"I think we would be well advised to finish reviewing this video," said Kowalski. "We need to be prepared for anything that might be revealed. Kerry, don't you think that is a good idea?"

Kerry shuddered at the idea of the two execs watching her videos. But worse was the prospect of working with these men every day knowing they had seen her getting after it in all her naked sexual glory.

"Yes sir, Excellent idea. I will leave you to it and see you tomorrow." She arose and headed for the door.

"Hold on young lady. No one told you to leave. You're going to stay right here and watch with us. Take that chair."

Kowalski pointed to a simple wooden chair. He had shortened the front legs of the chair so anyone sitting in it would slide forward and have to brace her feet to remain on the chair. She sat.

Turner resumed the video. On screen Kerry began to caress herself between the legs. She pressed her fingers into her mound as one man squeezed her tits. The second man lifted her up and palmed her ass. Kerry could feel the strain on her legs as she struggled to stay on the chair.

"Kerry, why don't you narrate for us?"

She heard the voice and shuddered.

"What do you say?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Turner," she answered. "The one called Mike has pulled me onto his lap. The other one said to call him Ike. Now Mike is using both his hands to cup and play with my tits.

"Now he's making me lick my nipples. He bent my head down really hard because my tits are just average size. Oh fuck. He just spread my pussy open...now he's finger fucking me and rubbing my clit."

"Looks like you're dripping wet Kerry," Turner said. "Were you excited? Tell the truth."

"Yes sir. I was very excited," she admitted blushing brightly.

On screen Kerry was humping up against the hands squeezing and stroking her pussy. Two fingers slipped into her as Ike cupped her face and gave her a deep kiss. That was it. She humped like crazy and exploded into orgasm, all the while crying out "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" as she came.

Still holding her head with one hand, Ike unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. Holding her head with both hands now he lowered her face to waist level. He pulled Kerry off the couch and backed up and sat down in a nearby chair.

"Stop the video for a moment, Frank," said Kowalski. "We're not going to be able to see her face for the next part. How will we know it's still her on screen?"

He winked at Frank, who gave a knowing smile in return. And...it was the point of no return for Kerry when she heard what came next.

"I think if we can reenact what we see on screen, the three of us, then we'll be sure it's really Kerry on screen. Plus this would be a good demonstration for Kerry to show us she is eager to live up to the new contract she just signed. Kerry what do you say?"

She really had no choice. Expose herself now in private, or be publicly exposed at any time. She nodded her head in silent agreement.

"Frank, start the video over after we get positioned on the sofa. Kerry, come sit in between us, that's a good girl." Kowalski touched a button on a remote and a large LCD screen slid out of the floor directly in front of them, no more than 10 feet away.

The two men pulled her feet apart, raising her skirt in the process. She felt her inner thighs being gently caressed. Then the hands dug deeper and started squeezing their way upward to where her legs came together. Kowalski raked her inner thigh all the way to the top, and then pulled her onto his lap, facing the LCD screen. Onscreen her blouse was being unbuttoned.

"Hey," said Turner. "No buttons on Kerry's blouse today."

"Cut it off," directed Kowalski. "Monkey see, monkey do, Kerry, get busy."

She had no choice in the matter. She put her hands between her legs, pulled her panties to the side and went to work on her pussy.

Matching the action on the screen, he cupped Kerry from behind and pulled her breast up out of her bra. He rubbed her nipples. Once they were erect, he pinched and pulled.

"Lick your nipples now Kerry," said Kowalski as he jammed her head down and pushed a tit toward her mouth. He reached down and pulled her outer lips apart.

"My turn." Kowalski gripped Kerry between her legs where it did the most good, and alternated squeezing with hard slaps dead on Kerry's pussy. So what if that was a little extra? He could feel her getting close.

Turner, having destroyed Kerry's blouse and bra, now cradled her face in his hands and kissed her, first tenderly then deep in her mouth with his tongue. On cue she exploded. She hated it, but deep down it just felt so good. Her body tingled all over.

"I think Kerry just showed she will live up to her end of the bargain," said Kowalski. "Let's give her a break and turn off the video."

Kerry breathed a sigh of relief. At least for today her ordeal was over. But then she heard Kowalski.

"This will be better. We can focus on Kerry."

Time for a snack, Kerry," said Turner. He unzipped his pants and pulled Key forward onto her hands and knees. He sat back on an ottoman that was just the right height. He cradled Kerry's face in his hands, bent down and gave her tender kisses.

He pulled Kerry's head forward so her lips were a mere inch away from the tip of his cock.

"Kiss your lover now Kerry."

She parted her lips, leaned in, and went to work. As she gradually took out into her mouth she could feel a pair of hands alternately palming and squeezing her as cheeks. Then there were fingers working down into her ass crack and digging deep into the muscles around her asshole. She felt her pussy getting slick and creamy.

As Kerry sucked, Kowalski fucked. Soon he was driving her forward deep on Turner's cock, then pulling her back as he tested another thrust. He was facefucking her from behind.

Kowalski reached around and fingered Kerry's clit. Turner gave him a nod. Kowalski drove balls deep into Kerry, pushing forward until her nose was jammed against him and his cock was halfway down her throat.

Kerry felt cum full her mouth and her pussy. The finger on her clit was relentless and there was no escape. She felt a shudder building up deep inside her until she too went over the edge into an organ that left her gasping for air, her chest heaving, and finally collapsing to the floor.

Kerry lay naked and spent on the floor in front of the two senior execs.

"Well, I'm glad that's finished and we can put your indiscretions behind you. I think your fresh start demands a complete makeover. You go home now and think about your future with the company. Further instructions will follow."

"Yes, Frank, and thank you," said Kerry.

"I think for the time being it will be Mr. Turner, or Yes Sir. You understand?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Turner," she replied. She gathered up her clothes and dressed as best she could. She pulled the two pieces of her blouse together as best she could and buttoned her blazer. It mostly held her blouse in place. She mustered up what dignity she could, left Kowalski's office and headed for home.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Life changes for Kerry as she dates the men desiring her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope part two is soon.

PervertedKnightPervertedKnightover 1 year ago

LLC stands for "Limited Liability COMPANY", not "Corporation. One does not incorporate an LLC. Also, why the show about having her sign a document without reading it or having her attorney read it. It would be unenforceable. 2 stars from me.

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