A Game of Chance


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"If you move from this spot or try to sit down I will make sure you regret it for the rest of your life! She said in a hushed tone. "Do you understand me girl?"

"Yes Ma'am." Jujou meekly replied.

"Eunice!" called Mrs. Corvus, Give us your honest opinion of this little bitch's grooming."

"With pleasure!" replied Mrs. Richards.

She rose from her seat and approached the chastened Jujou, walking around her, plucking at her hair, checking its texture and length. She lifted it up and checked her scalp and even plucked a few hairs to check their structure. A few minutes later she announced her verdict.

"Well," she began, "Well, it's really very nice hair or, at least it used to be. All that chlorine from the pool mixed with heavy exposure to UV radiation as well as cheap hair care products has rendered it very dry and brittle. There's not really much I can do with it other than to cut away the damaged parts and allow nature to take its course."

"Are you saying it can't be styled into a show cut?" inquired Mrs. Jones.

"Well no, not exactly, only that it won't be easy."

"What sort of cut would you suggest?" asked Mrs. Smyth.

"Oh, I don't really know...maybe a nice Pompadour? Condition allowing."

"I see" said Betty. "You mean kind of short in the sides and all poofy on top?"


"Like on my Lhasa Oslo?" With a little bow in the front?"

"Yeah" answered Mrs. Richards. "Just like that."

"Hmmm, that might be really cute." commented Betty her knuckle pressed against her lips

"But, is 'cute' really what we're looking for?" inquired Mrs. Jones.

"I'm not really sure what we're looking for...yet." answered Mrs. Richards "But, if you'll take her out to the kennels and get her ready I'll get my grooming kit from the car and we can take it from there. After all, she has a LOT of hair and if we don't like one cut we can always try a few more before she runs out!"

Jujou's jaw dropped at these words and as she stood there in bewildered shock Betty locked the lead to her collar and gave it a good tug.

"Come on you little bitch, Time to get a haircut."

Her words snapped Jujou out of her stupor but as she began to struggle Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Stephens grabbed her by the arms and propelled her through the kitchen and out to the capacious yard. As they passed the pool her struggles intensified but, the three women were simply too much for Jujou to overcome.

Betty unlocked the kennel door and led them into the grooming area just as Mrs. Richards came up behind them. Tossing her the keys Betty asked Mrs. Richards to lock the door behind her and as the deadbolt slammed home Jujou realized with horror just how much danger she was in. The four women had a heck of a time getting her onto stainless steel groomer's table and in the end Mrs. Richards was forced to bind her wrists and knees to the table as well and use the noose lead to hold Jujou still.

"So," asked Mrs. Richards, "Where shall we begin?"

She was trapped. The noose lead held Jujou's graceful head aloft while the bonds that secured her wrists and ankles to the table insured that she was going nowhere. She was totally at the mercy of Betty and her friends and it looked as though they had very little mercy to give.

"Now Dear," began Mrs. Richards, "Here's what I had in mind." She gathered the hair on Jujou's crown and pulled it back...hard. "It will look something like the hair on a Japanese Chin dog this way. Of course, the sides will have to be stripped down to emphasize the pompadour look but, you get the idea...don't you?

"Stripped down?" queried Betty.

"Yes," replied Mrs. Richards, "With the clippers."

"You mean...shaved?" asked Betty.

"Well, I guess we COULD shave it to the skin but, we usually just clip it short."

At that point Jujou really began to struggle against her bonds and Mrs.' Jones was forced to increase the tension on the noose in order to shut her up. This of course meant that she couldn't breathe very well and as the conversation continued Jujou's face got redder and redder.

"You mentioned a poodle cut." said Mrs. Stephens. "What exactly is involved in that?"

"Well, for a poodle cut we would first have to strip the hair a bit shorter and then give it a tight perm. After that it would simply be a matter of shaving the scalp into whatever design you feel is the most fitting."

"Oh, I like that idea! said Mrs. Jones. "So many fitting possibilities!

"What do you think my Dear?" Mrs. Corvus asked of Betty.

"I...I just don't know. Both sound promising but, Will they discourage Walter?"

"Good question Betty...good question." said Mrs. Corvus. "Eunice, what about maintenance? Just what is the upkeep on something like that?"

"The poodle of course requires a bit more maintenance than the Pom. After all, you have to re-perm the hair every couple of weeks."

"And the shaving?" inquired Mrs. Corvus adding "You better let her breathe a bit my Dear." To Mrs. Jones who seemed to have completely forgotten that Jujou was in the noose.

"OH! Sorry my Dear!" she said allowing the line to go slack and Jujou to slump, exhausted to the table.

"You were saying Eunice..."

"Yes...the shaving. Well, that's the easiest part! It's no harder than shaving your legs once the mass of the hair is gone."

"So, what you're saying is that aside from the perm, the poodle cut is easier to maintain?"

"Oh yes, the shaving is a snap!"

"So then..." asked Betty, an evil little smirk on her face. "So then, wouldn't the easiest style to maintain be...well, shaved all over?"

"Oh Betty," said Mrs. Corvus. "I do like where you're headed with this!"

"You mean all shaved?" asked Mrs. Richards. "As in...BALD?"

"Exactly!" replied Betty. "Bald!"

"We-e-e-ell" laughed Mrs. Richards. "I hadn't even considered that! I guess you're completely right though...bald IS the easiest style to care for!"

"Let's do it!" added Mrs. Jones with a grin as she once again hoisted Jujou to her hands and knees.

"Yes, lets!" seconded Mrs. Stephens.

"Betty, it's your call..." said Mrs. Corvus.

Betty looked at the other women's grinning, eager faces and said, "Eunice...Take it off, take it ALL off!"

"I was hoping you'd say that!" replied Mrs. Richards as she turned to her kit.

Any protest from Jujou was cut short by Mrs. Jones as she pulled the lead and tightened the noose around her delicate neck.

"You just be a good little bitch and shut up" she said with a grin as Jujou renewed her struggles.

Mrs. Richards walked around the grooming table and bent to peer closely into Jujou's panicked eyes. With a practiced flourish she snapped open a bone handled straight razor and held it before the wildly struggling girl's wide blue eyes. "When a bitch gets all uppity like you, I usually recommend to the owners that they have her spayed. Really takes the fight out of them quick. Now, I don't really think you want me to mention that to Betty...do you?"

Swallowing hard, Jujou slowly shook her head from side to side, eyes glued to the glinting razor's edge.

"Good, I didn't think so" she said as she closed the razor and put it in her apron pocket. She smiled at Jujou and gave the pocked a light pat as if to remind her that it was always within easy reach. "You will hold still and shut up until told different, understand?"

The two nodded in agreement and Mrs. Richards told Mrs. Jones to loosen the noose on Jujou's throat. "I don't think she'll be giving us any problems from here on out."

"Now then," she continued, lifting and slowly releasing a hank of Jujou's luxurious red hair, "the first thing to do in a case like this is to remove the overburden. Betty, would you please hand me the scissors?"

Her Mistress handed a large set of steel shears across the table and Mrs. Richards worked them a few times for affect and then...handed them back! Could it be they were just trying to scare her?

"No," said Mrs. Richards as Betty took the shears from her. "I meant the BIG ones."

Her hopes of relief were dashed as Jujou saw her Mistress hand a truly huge set of shears to Mrs. Richards.

The shears made a deafening noise as her tormentor opened and closed them rapidly before Jujou's teary eyes. SHHHINK!, SHHHINK!, SHHHHHHINK!

"Yes..."she said in appreciation, "These should do very nicely!"

Mrs. Richards gathered Jujou's lovely mane into a single pony tail and rubber banded it at the base. She turned to her Mistress and said: "Betty, would you mind holding this mess up for me?"

"With pleasure!" replied Betty, a smile upon her patrician face. She took the hair from Mrs. Richards and as the scissors were placed at its base stared directly into Jujou's tear streaked face. As they slowly closed Betty's smile became a vengeful grin. Each parting strand sounded to Jujou like a gunshot in the silent room and as the shears slowly deprived Jujou of years of growth her Mistress' grin grew wider. As Jujou looked on in fascinated horror she began to wonder if Betty's face would shatter before the shears completed their awful task. It didn't. The blades closed with a final 'sink' and as the pony tail came away in her Mistress' hand Jujou's head was suddenly lighter...much lighter.

"You keep that Betty." said Mrs. Richards as her Mistress went to throw the pony tail in the rubbish. "Think of it as a trophy from your first kill!"

Everyone in the room, with the exception of Jujou burst out laughing at that as her Mistress nodded and placed the prize in her pocket.

"Betty," said Mrs. Jones, "you should have that made into a whip! Just think how fun it would be to use it on her when she gets out of line!"

"That's a really great idea!" quipped Mrs. Stephens with a giggle.

"Yes" the others all agreed.

Jujou just continued to cry and as her hair fell forward her tears mingled with the remnants of her once beautiful hair. Hair that once reached to the table but now, barely hung past her face. "I'm ruined...I'm ruined..." the words kept pounding through her head. "I'm ruined."

"Betty, the clippers please, if you don't mind."

The sudden bark and buzz of the clippers jolted Jujou out of her stunned silence. NO! They wouldn't...they couldn't! Hadn't that already done enough? Blue eyes wide she watched as Mrs. Richards approached, one hand holding the dreaded clippers, the other softly patting the pocked where the razor slept.

Frozen with terror Jujou held stock still as the guard less clippers were placed in the center of her hairline at her forehead and unceremoniously pushed back. The clipper's buzz deepened as they bit deep and short red hair rained down around Jujou's face.

Pass after pass, the industrial strength clippers made short work of the remains of her once long and beautiful hair. In the end it had taken all of five minutes to transform her from a beautiful, red headed minx to something that more closely resembled an inmate seen in some black and white holocaust photo. "Yes," she thought as Mrs. Richards roughly ran the clippers over her head for a second time, "I am truly ruined!"

The women grinned with happy delight as they ran their hands over Jujou's stubble covered head.

"She doesn't look like much now!" said Mrs. Stephens.

"Not much at all!" added Mrs. Corvus

"At least it should keep Walter away from her!" chimed Mrs. Jones with a grin.

"It feels rough." said her Mistress, silencing everyone.

"Betty my dear," replied Mrs. Richards, "It's not done yet!"

"But...she's bald!"

"Far from it, my dear!" said Mrs. Richards as she reached into THAT pocket. "Far from it!"

"This can't be happening!" thought Jujou as Mrs. Richards smoothed the shaving foam onto her head. Moments later the keen razor began the final destruction of Jujou's once magnificent mane. Scrape, scrape...scrrrrrrape. The foam came away and with it the last remnants of her beautiful red hair. Scrape, scrape...scrrrape. She started in the front, at the top and pulled the razor expertly across the crown of juju's head. Scrape, scrape...scrrrape. The razor continued its hungry advance. First, down the right side then, the left. Scrape, scrape...scrrrape and the hair at the back of her head was history as well. Mrs. Richards lathered Jujou's head a second time and the razor made short work of any and all remaining hairs. Not a single stray escaped its ravenous edge.

"Well now Betty, what do you think? asked Mrs. Richards as she raised Jujou's hairless head with a hand on her chin for closer inspection.

"Hmmm." answered her Mistress in deep thought.

She moved around the table, examined Jujou's bald pate from all angles and running a finger over the smooth scalp then announced: "Not enough!"

"What do you mean 'not enough' my dear? asked Mrs. Jones in a perplexed tone of voice. "Her head's as smooth and hairless as a new born baby's butt!"

"It's just not enough. I want it ALL gone!

Mrs. Corvus clapped her hands and grinning broadly said "PRICELESS Betty...simply priceless!"

"You mean...?" began Mrs. Richards in an incredulous voice.

"I mean it's not enough...I-WANT-IT-ALL-GONE...EVERYTHING!"

"As you wish my dear, as you wish!"

Mrs. Richards squirted a small amount of shaving cream onto her fingers and while Jujou was still trying to figure it all out, smeared it across her brows.

"You have GOT to be ki..."

The noose cut her off.

Mrs. Richards stropped the razor and without hesitation removed Jujou's delicately arched brows. "Betty, would you mind handing me the small clippers?"

The high pitched buzz of the detailing clippers was deafening in the small room. They erased her beautiful red lashes in seconds.

"That, is MUCH better! said her Mistress as she stared at Jujou's ruined beauty.

"Is it my imagination or does she look really scrawny without all that nasty hair?" asked Mrs. Jones.

"A woman's hair is her crowning glory my Dear." replied Mrs. Corvus. "Without it, she is without even a hint of beauty. Betty...I do believe Walter will agree with me and I do believe that your problem is now solved."

"Not yet." replied her Mistress. "Not quite yet..."

"Not yet?" inquired Mrs. Corvus. "Why Betty, whatever do you mean?"

"I mean, she still has SOME hair and while there's even a hint of red gold left, Walter will be attracted to her."

"But Betty, there isn't a hair left upon her head! None!" replied Mrs. Jones.

"No, there isn't but, I'm not referring to the hair on her head!"

"Oh my!" said Mrs. Corvus stifling a laugh. "You really mean business don't you?"

"You bet I do! This little bitch tried to steal my Walter. She's going to pay and pay in FULL!"

"I got this!" exclaimed Mrs. Richards as she walked towards Jujou's rear end. As she lifted the small buzzer she turned to Mrs. Jones and said "Would you mind terribly holding her head down? It'll make the angle better for shearing."

"Gladly!" answered Mrs. Jones as she roughly pushed Jujou's face onto the table.

Once again she hefted the clippers. Turning to the remaining women she said, "It's rather tight down here! If the two of you could lend a hand it would make this go a lot quicker."

"Why of course!" replied Mrs. Corvus. "How may we be of assistance Eunice?"

"Well...it's just that dogs don't have these!" she said slapping Jujou's right ass cheek. "If you wouldn't mind holding them out of my way?"

"Um...OK..." answered Mrs. Corvus. It's just that I'm...I'm just not too sure of how to proceed?"

"Oh, it's very easy! One on each side, reach in and grab a cheek and then...spread them!"

"I see..." said Mrs. Stephens as she hesitantly reached in. "Never done anything like this before!" she said with a nervous laugh.

"Just pretend she's a dog in bad need of stripping, makes it easier!"

Mrs. Corvus and Mrs. Stephens reached in and placed their fingertips in Jujou's delicate ass crack. Then...pulled. She visibly stiffened at this invasion of her most private parts but there was nothing she could do to stop what was about to happen. The clipper was COLD and the vibration against her anus while not painful was...strange and alien to her.

The buzzer finished cleaning between her cheeks and continued downward along her pussy lips where it made short work of the pubic hair in that region as well. Shaving cream and the razor followed. This final step took some time as Mrs. Richards had to manipulate the flesh in that area in order to pull it taught. "Hold very still, wouldn't want to accidentally cut off anything important!" she jokingly said to Jujou as the blade cleared the stubble from the cleft of her sex. After some time Mrs. Richards proclaimed Jujou's "neither regions" done and said "Time to flip her over!"

Seconds later Jujou had been flipped over and retied on her back, legs spread wide. Again the clippers spoke and her bush was soon reduced to stubble. The foam was applied and minutes later it was gone...erased.

"Well Betty, what do you think?" asked Mrs. Richards wiping sweat from her brow.

"It's absolutely perfect!" replied her Mistress. "How often will I have to have her groomed in order to keep it this way?"

"Well Betty, that depends greatly upon the individual dog. Some won't show new growth for a week, some will have stubble within a day. Her hair was pretty thick so I would tend to think she'll need grooming at least two or three times a week."

"Oh my!" said her Mistress. "That's a lot of grooming! Is there any way to increase the time between sessions?"

"You know what Betty? I'm glad you asked that question! You see I just received a new sample of an experimental hair remover in the mail. The company wants me to try it out but, I really don't want to use it on any of my regular client's dogs. I'd feel really bad if it did any damage to their coats!" She reached into her bag and pulled out a large pink bottle. As she began vigorously shaking is she continued to speak.

"This might be just the perfect opportunity to try it out!"

"Brilliant idea Eunice" said Mrs. Corvus. "Simply brilliant!"

Mrs. Richards handed out latex gloves and squirted a liberal amount of the foul smelling goo into the palm of each hand. "Slather it on ladies!" she said as she plastered the stuff on Jujou's scalp. "Slather it on!"

"How long does it take to work?" asked Mrs. Stephens

"The label says for best results to leave it on for 20 minutes."

Five minutes later Jujou was smeared from head to toe and the goo began to itch...then burn. By the 15 minute mark it was very obvious that she very was uncomfortable and by 20 minutes she was in obvious pain.

"Better rinse her off ladies!" Mrs. Jones proclaimed with a smile.

Betty opened the spigot and the soothing water rinsed the nasty stuff down the drain. Each pass of the hose reviled skin. Pink, totally hairless skin. The solution had done its job well. There was not a single hair to be found on Jujou's tiny body...not even one!

"Wow!" said Mrs. Stephens reading the back of the label as she rubbed Jujou's incredibly sensitive skin, "This stuff is GREAT! I'd use it on myself if you didn't have to leave it on for a full twenty min..."

Mrs. Stephens' jaw dropped and she said "Oh, oh!"

"What is it my dear?" asked Mrs. Corvus.

"Eunice?" Did you read the label? All of it?" she asked.

"Well, yes!" I mean I scanned it but, all of these pet depilatory gels are the same."

"Um, not this one!"

"What are you saying my dear?" inquired Mrs. Corvus.

"Eunice, you must have misread the label! It says to leave it on for 2 minutes...NOT twenty!"

"Oops! answered Mrs. Richards, "My mistake!"

"And here, in the precautions, it CLEARLY says This product id meant for use on dogs. Do not use on human beings under any circumstances!"

"I guess I must have missed that part!"

"What will happen to her?" asked Mrs. Jones.

"I'm not sure, we'll just have to wait and see."