A Hero's Rebirth Ch. 04


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"What happened?" Creadean asked.

"It's nothing like firing a bow." Risavis noted. "The pressure on a bow builds as you pull on it and releases when you do. All the force happens all at once with his weapons. My wrist just wrenched too hard, despite my bracing."

Creadean nodded, "We'll have to find a way to overcome that if we are ever to use them alongside him."

She looked at my larger weapons, "They bite harder?"

"Yeah, but they rest against your shoulder so the force is there instead of your wrist." I explained.

"Good observation. A broken or dislocated shoulder could be much more problematic than an injured wrist on the battlefield." Creadean noted.

It seemed strange to me that they couldn't handle the recoil. Most people I knew might take a bruise at worst from a nasty recoil they weren't prepared for, and that was with people who were mostly inactive. It was a serious reminder that I was not dealing with other humans. From what I understood, their bone and muscular density and makeup were far different from mine or the people I'd known on Earth. Creadean wasn't comforted by the fact that the force would be redirected to her shoulder, she was worried. A broken collarbone, or a fractured shoulder, would cause no end of trouble if that was the result of them attempting to fire one of my rifles.

"Are all of your people so able to handle the recoil on such weapons?" Creadean wondered, carefully feeling the bones in Risavis's hand and wrist to verify no fractures.

"Well, like I told Durithana, the heavier the weapon the more recoil it absorbs. Some will also have padding at the back to help absorb the force, or other means of bleeding the force of the recoil out..." I thought, "But in general, yes, most people on my planet can handle the recoil of guns like this without injury."

"Such durability must be a great asset." Creadean noted with some jealousy.

"That's what my people would say about your speed and agility." I countered.

"Fair." Creadean conceded. "Not to offend, but your blade work does look painfully slow and graceless."

I winced, "It's a fair assessment. Compared to what you can do, I must almost seem to be moving in slow-motion."

"Did I not just say you appeared slow? Your words are sometimes quite confusing." Creadean replied with a sideways glance.

I almost explained, but how do you explain 'slow motion photography' to someone who has never seen a camera or a video.

Amura remained silent through the whole thing, watching with interest and curiosity but keeping her thoughts to herself.

Risavis's wrist was declared whole. She would just need to take it easy for the rest of the day to let it recover. I didn't realize how much of a scene we were making until I went to resume my shooting and suddenly there was a flurry of arrows as the other elves tried to avoid being caught staring.

I had an idea. I finished my shooting then headed back to Durithana's workshop. It looked like she had even more assistants than before. I recognized the elves who had helped her, but now she had two additional smiths and an additional mage.

"Master Thomas!" Durithana laughed. "I know we work fast, but not that fast. I told you the experimentation would take time."

"I know, I just thought of something I wanted to show you... A potential idea to help you with your brainstorming." I assured her.

"Ooo, I like the sound of that. Xenthalor, bring the young Master some parchment." She directed, and the new mage jumped to it.

As I sketched I began to explain.

"See, as you may have guessed, as you increase the caliber... the size of the pellet... the recoil rapidly becomes unmanageable even for someone like me. So we will attach them to certain vehicles." I explained. "Now, early models were just like this, cannons we called them, but we've refined them quite a bit. I wasn't directly involved with the artillery, so I can't give you as precise of details, but I can give you sketches."

I drew the rough design of a howitzer.

"That could work, or if you went smaller, you could mount it on a stand like this, on a simple cart." I explained, trying to sketch what a gunner's seat would look like on the back of a cart instead of atop a humvee."

"That would solve the recoil problem, assuming you could make the stand sturdy enough." One of the smiths noted. "But that is a lot of metal... How are our supplies looking?"

"Well, frankly, I'm not sure we have enough spare metal to make something of this size." Durithana confessed, tapping the sketch of the howitzer. "The stand we might be able to manage..."

I stepped back and let the smiths debate the merits of their options.

"Well, that ought to give them plenty to work with." I muttered under my breath.

"Yes! Thank you!" Durithana called from the huddle.

I chuckled to myself, I kept forgetting how good their hearing was.

I returned home as the light began to fade into dusk. Another full and good day. I cleaned up and took another bath. I'd worked up a sweat at the range and even if the residue of my shots didn't actually stick around, I still felt dirty again.

I slipped into my bedroom, made sure my clothes were prepared for the following day and my weapons were on hand should anything happen, then laid back on my wonderfully comfortable bed and doused the lights.

I was surprised when a slim figure slid into my bed with me. I hadn't even heard the door. I needed to do something so anyone couldn't just slip in unannounced while I slept. I'd been lucky in that Amura had decided against slitting my throat or stabbing me, but you never knew what others might plan.

"Did I startle you?" I recognized Narusil by her voice, and to my pleasure I felt her bare breasts press against my arm. As her body fully pressed against mine, I could tell she was wearing her underwear, but nothing else..

"A little." I chuckled. "Everything okay?"

"Yes, I get a little nauseous each morning, and I am constantly running to the water closet. But everything seems good... I just wish there was something I could do to feel the closeness with you again. I'm so happy to be carrying your child, but... I almost wish I'd gotten more than one experience with you before it happened." Narusil quietly confessed.

She was jealous. The other matrons who had made love to me a week ago had gotten a second round today, but she was pregnant.

"You know, just because you're pregnant doesn't mean we can't still do... things." I offered. It had been a couple of hours since I'd had my fun giving Diamiutar exactly what she wanted, I was down for another round.

"But... I can't seem to...well..." Narusil struggled. "I can't seem to get my body to cooperate."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Narusil took my hand and guided it into her undergarments. I understood and started to explore. None of my matrons had ever been anything but soaked and excited, but Narusil was almost dry outside and on the inside, there was moisture, sure, but not enough to lube her up for sex.

"Ah. I see." I accepted.

"I want to give myself to you, but... How can I do that when my body won't prepare itself?" She lamented.

I chuckled, "Well, there is a way..."

"Really?" Narusil perked up.

I had no idea how an elf would react, but the idea was in my head, and my johnson had gotten notice.

"Well, a common thing back where I'm from is called oral sex." I started gingerly.

"Mouth sex?" Narusil replied, "Why would you use that term? Is kissing not an adequate term?"

"Well, you see, there is kissing, and then there is oral sex. They are different. An example would be like when I made love to Diamiutar earlier, I licked, and sucked on her vagina as part of pleasuring her..." I tried to delicately explain.

"OH!" She gasped. "Mouth... sex... As in mouth to sex."

Now she was curious.

"Could you teach me how this is done?" Narusil asked.

I was only too happy to oblige. I re-lit the lights and lost my underwear, taking a moment to appreciate just how damn sexy Narusil was. She was kneeling on the bed, her sexy breasts shamelessly exposed and looking down at me with those trusting hazel eyes. I knew I was sailing into unknown waters for the elves. If an elven male could only ejaculate every few days, they'd never waste that opportunity on a blowjob, but here I was.

"Now, take my cock in your hand and bring your mouth down to it. You can start by just licking it. The dome at the top is really sensitive but there are parts of the shaft that also feel really good, explore a bit, then when you are ready, take as much as you are comfortable with into your mouth." I instructed.

My five inch member looked so big in her tiny hinds, as she nervously came down and began to lick, her tongue flicking over my dome.

"Emmmmm, yeah." I sat back and relaxed and let her explore.

At first she was overly gentle with her tongue, but slowly as she gained confidence and became bolder as my groans and moans of pleasure egged her on, she got into it. Then my dick was enveloped in the warm, gentle wetness of her mouth.

"Yes... Oh, that's good. Now, you can suck a little, lick, and move up and down on my... oh yeah, like that." I moaned.

She was a fast learner. She figured out quickly that her teeth gently grazing my skin was fine, but too much pressure there was undesirable. Her speed and grace with her hands translated fantastically to her tongue. It swirled and danced over my cock as the gentle sucking just felt so fucking good.

"Oh fuck, you are a natural." I praised her. "Now, it won't be too long before I climax. Some girls don't like it in their mouth and... well we don't have a towel here to dump it on... but I guess it could just go on the sheets and we could clean it up."

A gasp of horror escaped Narusil's mouth around my cock.

"Okay, well... Aren't those the only options?" I asked.

"Just let me know when it's about to happen." Narusil directed, and she undid the ties on her undergarments, letting each half slide down to where it got caught on her knees. Then she was back to sucking.

I wasn't sure what she was planning, but I didn't care with the way her tongue was finding every sensitive bump and divet on my cock.

"Oh God... fuck... here it comes." I groaned as I couldn't hold back any further.

In a flash, Narusil positioned herself over my cock and slid the tip just inside her pussy as my seed blew into her.

"Oh... That is good." She groaned as my semen sprayed into her.

Her pussy was a little rough for a second, but my semen lubed her right up and she slowly slid down my cock until as I finished squirting into her, my cock was fully buried inside her.

"You're telling me." I laughed.

It hadn't been an organic experience for her, like it had the first time, but I could still feel her glowing satisfaction.

"Sorry Master, it seemed a sin to waste your seed anywhere but where it belongs." Narusil shivered as she pushed down and tried to get my cock as deep in her body as possible before my erection faded.

"Nothing to be sorry about, it was great... But you are already pregnant... so does it really matter where the sperm goes?" I wondered.

Narusil groaned as I shrank inside her, "I suppose not, but I will NOT be having your seed sprayed needlessly on the floor, or the sheets. I could try taking it in my mouth as you suggested, but it just seemed like a waste."

"I'm happy regardless." I assured her, not that I needed to. I didn't know how any of my matrons, or Amura, shielded their emotions from passing through the bond, so she knew exactly how I felt, and right now, that was fucking satisfied.

"And I am content." Narusil sighed happily, laying on me still naked and uttering the command to turn off the lights.

And with that we cuddled up and drifted off to sleep.

My morning routine remained steady. First, sword work before breakfast, then to the Academy with Narusil for magic practice. Amura shadowed me the entire time. Narusil seemed to be more content with where my Ember Bolt spell was at, and was starting to work on practicing concentration with distractions. Flashes of light, loud noises, and such. For the first time, she seemed impressed with how fast I picked it up.

"It's not that different from marksmanship in high pressure situations." I explained as we returned home. "The same tricks that help me focus on my target and gun help me focus on my spell."

"I'm glad to hear that... I was worried. By the time most novices are learning their first spells, they get Ember Bolt, Lightning Jolt and Frost Impact the first two days... But I suppose the problem you have is the opposite of that which most novices experience. Most novices struggle getting their spells strong enough, but you struggle with keeping your power in check." Narusil admitted. "We will want to keep drilling your Ember Bolt, but tomorrow I think we'll add Frost Impact to your repertoire."

I walked in the door to our home and stopped.

Everyone was sitting in the front room quietly, and Audriul, Gledril, Quarintor, and Jakarah from the Council of Elder were there too.

"If this is about throwing that elder, whatever her name was, out of my house, I have no regrets." I snapped.

Jakarah laughed, "I told you he would think that."

Audriul sighed, "No, no. Oliphinar has been censored, and a vote to expel her is pending further discussion. Her vain attempt at deception to excuse her actions only made things worse. Why anyone would attempt such pathetic displays when truth-forcing magic is so simple is always beyond me."

Jakarah calmed herself, "We're here on two counts. First, Gledril has proposed that we expand your household. There are a few pending requests for transfers of household maidens to your home, but Gledril has assessed that you could satisfy more Matrons at this time. I believe it would be ideal to increase the number of Battle Matrons in your service before increasing the number of Household Matrons. Especially given that we have seen your Scheduling request. Which is the second thing we wanted to talk to you about. The message said you wished to discuss opening diplomatic relations with the other elves?"

I kinda liked how General Jakarah got straight to business.

"Yes. I was discussing things with my matrons yesterday, and they were able to clarify a few things." I explained. "Especially with the insight provided by Amura here, we realized that the breakdown of political relations was an effort by the Shadow Elves to weaken all of your forces, and if we're going to come out on top when the Respite ends, I want those relationships back, stronger than ever. I understand you don't have a lot of people to spare, so I am volunteering for this duty."

The elders exchanged a glance. "We were afraid that was what you were going to say." Audriul sighed.

"The Council has voted unanimously to accommodate all of your requests. This request would be redundant given the previous vote held." Jakarah explained.

"That's nice, but I need the goodwill of the Wood Elves to go with me. If I go and try to open discussion only for the other elves to find hostility and pain waiting for them, I might as well stay here and argue my case here until whatever fools, who would turn potential allies in an hour of need, pull their heads out of their asses." I declared tired and grumpy.

Risavis snorted in amusement.

"Very well. We can arrange for a discussion in the council tomorrow. You are welcome to come, but I think we'll be able to pass a resolution without your assistance." Audriul declared.

"And I will begin the process for a congress of maidens to expand your number of Battle Matrons... If you can handle two each day... but might want a day or two off, and we don't want you to be overwhelmed when you return to your other matrons." Gledril mused.

"And I heard that one of your matrons is already with child." Quarintor offered helpfully.

"Is this true?" Gledril verified.

Narusil nodded happily.

"That's wonderful!" Gledril celebrated. "We'll have to see what gender your child will be. But that does also bring up the fact that we'll want to put another Matron into Master Thomas's house to ensure his seed isn't being wasted. Oh, this is hard... Why don't we add in seven Battle Matrons. That ought to be enough to keep him properly utilized... Unless you think that is too many to handle?"

I saw all six of my battle maidens gazing up at me in hope. My brain immediately began imagining them naked.

"Nope. I think I can hit tha-I mean, I think I can handle that." I declared.

"Wonderful. I'll send out word for the Congress to prepare for the overmorrow." Gledril declared. "But now, let's see what it is you are carrying, dear mother."

Narusil rose and stood before the Elder Matron, her hands protectively over her lower stomach.

"Hei amari to covair al so meiva cal aem veur!" She intoned.

I noticed the similarities with the spell they had used to judge my sperm, but the ending was definitely different.

Small pinpricks of light began to twinkle around Narusil's waist, then after a moment a green light flashed, forming a nimbus of light around her.

The room erupted in bedlam.

Matrons were crying, maidens hugging each other in excitement, and the Elders smiling broadly. Narusil's knees wavered and she sank into a chair.

"A son... Master, I carry your son." Narusil breathed, one hand brushing tears away, while the other rested over her womb.

"This is great news indeed." Gledril exalted. "We shall share the news with all of Ealphamir."

I just sat shocked. This was like some crazy gender reveal party and I had not been prepared. It had been crazy for me, just knowing Narusil was pregnant with my child. Now, it was to be my firstborn and a son. I guess I'd kinda expected a daughter, given the ratio of elven girls. And while I had no intentions of being a deadbeat dad or anything, it had been easier for me to just accept that my daughter would be raised by the amazing she-elves of the society she'd live in. A son though... I could teach my son to be a man.

Would my son be like me? Half-human and half-elf? Would he be strong and durable like me, or fast and frail like an elf, or somewhere in between? I had so many questions and no answers.

"A son... That's great!" Was all the profound thought my dumbass could put into words. So inspiring.

"Indeed. Great, it is," Audriul agreed. "We will leave you to your celebrations... and preparations..." She added with a knowing look at the very excited battle maidens. "... and I'll have the Council Secretary send you a Notice of Scheduling so you may come tomorrow for the deliberations on the merits of re-establishing diplomatic relations with our sister elves."

And with that, the Elders rose, inclined their heads in respect and departed.

"To think, your first offspring... a male." Diamiutar mused. "What are the odds?"

Still a bit shell shocked, my mouth just ran.

"Well, assuming everything works the same here, my sperm determines the sex of the baby, and back home the ratio is almost 1-to-1... so about a fifty-fifty?' I babbled.

Creadean grabbed my hand and practically dragged me at a full run to the bedroom, as all three maidens groaned with desire.

Fuck, I thought, shoulda mentioned that earlier. If the amount of arousal I was feeling through my bond was any indication, I was about to get a ride to remember.

To be continued in Chapter 5...

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ClearmuseClearmuse4 months ago

Website had problems for a few hours. I was mad because I couldn't keep reading!

Enjoying the story!

ThunderloverThunderlover6 months ago

This story has kept me very entertained so far, I hope you keep writing!

I have been reading sci-fi for a long time and you are very good.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

If things went strange, a smaller group would mean less people at risk.


It seems American writers often have trouble with the difference between less and fewer.

If the object of the phrase can be counted, “fewer” is used.

If the object of the phrase is a bulk amount which cannot be counted then “ less” can be used.

Thus; If things went strange, a smaller group would mean fewer people at risk.

- 2c

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A few corrections to an excellent story. The original then the corrected with the corrected part(s) CAPITALIZED.

Tavorwen and Creadean strode at side, proud matrons of the new hero of the wood elves.

Tavorwen and Creadean strode BESIDE, proud matrons of the new hero of the wood elves.


Tavorwen and Creadean strode at MY side, proud matrons of the new hero of the wood elves.

Diamiutar motioned to Narusil, and there two quickly brought my degree of clothing in line with all of my naked beauties in the room.

Diamiutar motioned to Narusil, and THEY two quickly brought my degree of clothing in line with all of my naked beauties in the room.

"Secular magic is founded on the idea that by utilizing formulas and repeatability. Anyone providing the appropriate inputs can obtain the same output."

"Secular magic is founded on the idea that by utilizing formulas and repeatability anyone providing the appropriate inputs can obtain the same output."

Tarq'Vreegan lay broken on the ground, her beast had been the first to fall and she was pretty sure her spin as well as both of her legs and one of her arms were broken.

Tarq'Vreegan lay broken on the ground, her beast had been the first to fall and she was pretty sure her SPINE as well as both of her legs and one of her arms were broken.

I kissed her one more time, the rose and Tavorwen handed me my garments to dress.

I kissed her one more time, THEN rose and Tavorwen handed me my garments to dress.

Walking in, I noticed two more runes that had recently seen some love from Lymarith, the stranger the wards were, the better I'd feel about leaving my matrons unguarded.

Walking in, I noticed two more runes that had recently seen some love from Lymarith, the STRONGER the wards were, the better I'd feel about leaving my matrons unguarded.

Kathra was pleased by its presence. In exchange for her body head during the night, the great snake would stand vigil over her.

Kathra was pleased by its presence. In exchange for her body HEAT during the night, the great snake would stand vigil over her.

I could tell Creadean had objectIONs.

"Your strength wanes," the other Wood Elf Goddess spoke. She was glad in dark leathers and white furs, oddly her feet were bare and her fingernails and toenails were well maintained but seemed almost sharp in their shortness, like claws.

"Your strength wanes," the other Wood Elf Goddess spoke. She was CLAD in dark leathers and white furs, oddly her feet were bare and her fingernails and toenails were well maintained but seemed almost sharp in their shortness, like claws.

It seemed a little change but it reminded me a little more of home and brought a smile to my face.

It seemed a little STRANGE but it reminded me a little more of home and brought a smile to my face.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Damn it. I didn't realize how recent and new this story is. I want more. I want to know what happens and this story is fantastic. You should definitely work with your editor and get this posted as a full novel on kindle once it's finished. There are worse stories out there and this one is fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Love this story which I found almost by accident. Just a suggestion, you may want to categorize one of your chapter as SciFi Fantasy. I don't normally look for stories in the Novellas category, so you may expand your viewership to include the lazy guys like me who usually stick to one category.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I just found this story and read it all in 2 days. Wonderful job. The protagonist is powerful but not OP. The elves are well thought out, and give a great contrast to humans. Keep it up, you've got a great thing here.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Bro this might be some of the best writing I’ve found on this website you’re extremely talented don’t let anyone tell you otherwise you got me hooked will be keeping up with this story

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

love it. keep writing. thanks

farmertp78farmertp789 months ago

Great chapter, I feel that the whole "fish out of water "aspect is good. The speed of the timeline is well magic! That is the point that makes it a good story. I feel it has almost western vibe. Elvish bones make the idea of constant firearm use problematic. keep going and have fun with it.

NaughtyPaladinNaughtyPaladin9 months agoAuthor

I'm going as fast as I can.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just one request please upload faster

NaughtyPaladinNaughtyPaladin9 months agoAuthor

Just out of curiosity, how long do you think has passed here? I mostly have complaints that I'm moving too fast, but you have issues that he isn't taking a competent allied force, completely re-arming them with weapons they've never ever heard of and completely retraining them and turning their warfare on its head... in less than two weeks?

Let alone the fact that he's a sniper with no demolition training. He could confidently go to the smiths with the exact specs for his rifle, but while he has a basic understanding of explosives, he can't give them the level of explanation he could on his rifle.

So instead he's trying to do as a leader does and adapt to the team he's been given. He could either try and industrialize a forest nation for six months, casting aside hundreds of years of experience in the weapons they use (for weapons that regardless of how little recoil there is for you, he is unsure of the limitations of his new allies), or he could work on force multiplication by recruiting allies. I clearly think he'd chose the second.

Also, yes, no modern army carries swords into battle, but no modern army has regiments of mages either. The rules are different here. Plus, our military man is still figuring out what resources the elves even have available.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It makes no sense that a U.S. military warrior would not realize that the standard issue M4 rifle has very light recoil and would be perfect for the elves to carry and use. It's essentially a .22 caliber high velocity cartridge and has plenty of lethality against a full size man. Given that the elves are smaller and lighter the 5.56mm NATO round would be deadly out to at least 500 yards. If the elves can make a .50 caliber sniper rifle the M4 should be easy. So your focus on recoil is kind of silly. For a handgun the elves could use standard .22 caliber long rifle rim fire ammo, that has almost No recoil, and is still plenty deadly on a animal the size if an elf.


And why hasn't our military man helped the elves develop armor piercing ammo, hand grenades, claymore mines, and anti-tank weapons for the large beasts and dragons. Its odd what this professional soldier appears to have forgotten or failed to investigate in terms of possible weapons. There's a reason no modern army carries swords into battle.

nerdman009nerdman0099 months ago

It's getting really good with the planning, training, and romance bits I need more! Very addictive story!

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