A Hillsman Remembers


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Steven interrupted and said "Let's keep the questions civil please."

Joe looked at Mary and voiced in his mind "Am I?"

Mary looked at Joe and he was sure that he heard her voice say "Yes."

Mary smiled at Joe, and then the class. She said "I think this is a good opportunity to discover such information in the library. Do you mind if I take this question, Joe?"

Joe was still stunned but managed to nod to Mary to continue. He was feeling embarrassed. If he'd read Sarah's report he would have possibly known that. Except, he was more interested in swinging around swords and... well... fucking.

Mary said "Let's start with me asking you, what calendar system do we currently use?"

Someone suggested the Gregorian calendar system and Mary said "Yes. That system was adopted in the sixteenth century, and before that, the Julian calendar was used in Europe from about the first century BCE. Before that, because of the massive influence of the Roman Empire on Europe, the Roman Republican Calendar was used from around 700 or 450 BCE.

"Now, switching from calendar to calendar and each calendar having different numbers of days for the year, caused lots of confusion for actual dates in BCE. In fact, they didn't even know about BCE, because the Gregorian calendar wasn't in use until the sixteenth century.

"Joe would have his birthday recorded but using a different calendar to the Gregorian one. We could go looking through the archives for that record but we haven't yet digitised that far back. If we had, we'd still have to convert that calendar date to a Gregorian calendar date and frankly, I'm not sure anyone is willing to do that, at the moment.

"Get Sarah to do it." said Wilma "She's used to making up things."

"I didn't make anything up." replied Sarah. "I put a lot of hard work into finding information about Joe.

"Actually, I wanted to ask, why is it so hard to find out information about our most famous Hillsman?"

"It's because he's still alive." answered Mary. "Information about a living Hillsman is personal and so we don't make that information public, because it may affect that person's privacy."

"So if General Joe was dead, then it would be easier to find out that information?" asked Wilma.

"He's no longer a general." said Sarah.

"Well he's best know as General Joe." said Wilma.

"Oh really, when was the last time Joe was a general?" asked Sarah of Wilma.

"Um... the Second World War?" asked Wilma.

"Are you kidding me?" asked Sarah. "What Hillsman council would allow a Hillsman to interfere that much with such a political event?"

"Please..." interrupted Steven, and the girl stopped bickering, "continue, Councillor Mary."

"Please call me Mary." said Mary. She was smiling at the childish behaviour. She said "Yes. Someone may investigate Joe's life, if he was dead, and document that. However, Joe is still alive, so how do we find out when Joe was, roughly, born?" There was no answer so Mary said "We look at historical events and see if Joe was involved."

"Like the invention of the fire-striker." suggested Sarah.

"Bullshit." said Wilma.

"Maxwell Powell invented the Max Fire-striker and Tinder Kit and Joe's was Max's apprentice during that period." said Sarah. "You'd know that of you listened in class instead of criticising everybody, just to make yourself look good."

"Stop it please." said Steven.

Sarah said "I apologise. I'm letting my emotions interfere with our lesson."

Wilma, just crossed her arms and sulked.

Joe noticed that Mary was stifling a smile. She said "Well let's look at that shall we?" She typed something into her computer and the screen on the classroom wall lit up, showing what was on Mary's screen.

"The fire-starter is a good place to start. It is an invention that we can historically track." She projected information about the Max Fire-starter onto the wall and sure enough, it was invented by Maxwell Powell. She said "Max is dead so let's look into his history." She projected Max's history onto the wall: Max lived from the tenth century to the sixth century BCE and he did have an apprentice called Joe Christianson.

"This established that Joe was alive in that period." said Mary. "So, we can say that Joe is at least two-thousand-five-hundred years old. And that's how we use the library to find out information."

Joe was shocked. The name Max Powell seemed familiar to him, but Mary's presentation showed that he really was that old.

"Do we need to probe further?" asked Mary. "Knowing that Joe is here with us?"

"Anymore questions?" asked Steven, redirecting the conversation.

"Joe, why are you here?" asked Henry, the boy that Sarah liked.

Joe brought himself out of his stupor and answered "To help Mary, though I haven't done that very well." The students giggled.

"No, I mean, why are you on the mountain?" asked Henry.

"Sarah kindly escorted me up here." answered Joe.

Henry sighed, he leant forwards and said "Please forgive me for being forthright, but did you come up here to stop giving us the grants?"

"No, definitely not." answered Joe, not knowing what the grants were.

Joe looked to Mary who said "It's been a long time since Joe created the student grant fund. It has now been managed by treasury for centuries. You could understand that Joe is more busy with other business, but there's been no request to the council to change the grant."

"So, well still get $100,000 each when we graduate?" asked Henry.

"I think that it may be more, due to CPI." said Mary. "Let me check, this will be another good example of how to search the library." She typed in 'student grant fund' and the details showed on the screen. She said "It's currently $101,000 and will probably be more in thirteen years."

Joe quickly read the description. It was a grant, set up by Joe Christianson, to help graduates get settled into, or further their education in, the human world. Joe asked "Do you know what you'd like to do with your grant, Henry?"

Henry seemed surprised that Joe knew his name. He answered "Not yet, though tertiary education or investment are my current considerations."

"That sounds smart." said Joe, with a smile.

"It's time to thank our guests and get on with our other lessons." said Steven. "First, I'd like to summarise what we have learnt: the Hillsman, public library protects individual Hillsman's privacy and rightly so; consequently, we need to look for historical events rather than personal information; and finally, there may be an opening for people who want to be archivists."

"Definitely," said Mary "There's a lot of information in the library to be digitised, ten thousand years worth, and we're always willing to take on archivists. You may even wish to specialise, such as Sarah investigating historical events that were influenced by Joe." Mary smiled at Sarah and Sarah returned her smile.

"Class, please thank Joe and Mary for visiting us today." said Steven and the class clapped.

Joe and Mary left the class. Sarah ran to join them and asked "Joe, will you say goodbye before you leave the mountain?"

"I'll do my best, Sarah." answered Joe, with a smile.

Joe was deep in thought as he and Mary walked back towards the tavern. He suddenly stopped near the top of the ramp. He said "Peter..." Mary stopped and looked around. Joe continued "Peter killed Mary."

Mary looked around, she seemed on the defensive. She said "Joe, you're scaring me. Is this some sort of prescience or a prediction? Does Peter kill me?"

"Pardon?" asked Joe. "No, um... A different Mary. She was standing on the parapet and Peter pushed her off."

Mary gasped and asked "A Hillsman killed a Hillsman?"

"Um..." said Joe. "No, Peter... Peter wasn't a Hillsman... I don't know..." Joe stood staring at the parapet where Mary was pushed.

"Um... how do you feel about that?" asked Mary.

Joe looked at Mary and asked "Is that what you think I psychiatrist would ask?"

"Yes." answered Mary and Joe laughed.

"Joe," said Mary "I'm going to get Tracy here. I think that she needs to hear this." Joe just nodded.

Moments later, Tracy arrived and asked "Joe, Mary says that you may have had a memory?"

"I think so." answered Joe.

"How to you feel?" asked Tracy.

Joe looked at Mary and they both burst out laughing.

Tracy smiled, after a short time of confusion and said "I suppose that question has already been asked."

"Yes." answered Joe. He looked to Mary and asked "Is it true or am I daydreaming?"

"I don't know." answered Mary. "I need more information. Do you know when that, um, incident happened or the last names of the victim or perpetrator?"

"Um... it's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember." answered Joe.

"That's alright." said Tracy. "You relax for a while. There's no rush to find out.

"That is encouraging. If it is a memory then it would seem that some of your memories are returning. It also seems that they are not traumatic for you. Well, at least this memory."

"I need to read Sarah's report." said Joe. "There may be stuff in there, about me, that may jog my memory."

"Good thinking." said Tracy.

"Last night..." Joe started to say. He looked at Mary who smiled.

"Yes?" asked Tracy.

"I dreamt of shooting people, baddies, with a... semi-automatic pistol." said Joe. "The people were dressed like cowboys. Was that a memory or a just a dream?"

"Have you seen many wild-west movies?" asked Tracy.

"Some." answered Joe.

"I can't answer that. It could be a memory or a dream based on what you've seen in movies." explained Tracy.

"I see." said Joe.

"Mary, would you stay with Joe?" asked Tracy.

"Is my psychologist abandoning me?" joked Joe.

"I'm not your psychologist, Joe." answered Tracy. "We wouldn't have done what we did last night if I was." Joe looked at Mary who was stifling a smile and looked up to the sky. Tracy continued "I don't think that you are going to have a psychotic incident with these memories. I think you're stronger than that. I think that you need to know if your thoughts are memories or daydreams and a historian is the best person to help you with that."

Joe nodded and said "That makes sense. Do you mind, Mary?"

"No, I'd like to do that with you." answered Mary. "By the way, you were in North America during some of the 1800's, so it could be a memory."

"So Joe, how to you feel about this memory of Mary being murdered, if it is a memory?" asked Tracy.

"I'm... it upsets me... but... it feels like it happened a long time ago... and I... I'm over it." answered Joe. "Although, I think I need a drink after finding out that I'm two-and-a-half, thousand years old."

"Good." said Tracy. "Why don't you two go to the tavern and sit down. You can read Sarah's report over a drink and Mary may be able to help you confirm some things."

"Yeah, good idea." answered Joe. "Do you mind, Mary."

"Of course not." answered Mary, with a smile. "A historian always enjoys first-hand knowledge of historical events."

"Call me if you need help." said Tracy and left.

Joe and Mary arrived at the tavern. Joe asked "Drink?"

"Um..." hesitated Mary. "If prefer oil, of you don't mind."

"Cannabis oil?" asked Joe.

"Yes please." answered Mary. "It's easier to swallow. I've got some at home to pay you back, if you like?"

"Not a problem. I think I can afford it." said Joe and Mary giggled. Joe approached Seb, the publican. He returned with four capsules of cannabis oil and a tankard of mead.

"Thank you." said Mary and they ate the oil. Mary watched Joe sip his drink.

"To keep me tied over until the dope kicks in." explained Joe.

Mary smiled. Joe realised that Mary was very pretty, especially when she smiled. He smiled back.

Joe asked, as he pulled Sarah's report out of his coat, "Do you mind if I read this?"

"Not at all." answered Mary. "It'll give me a chance to look up a few things. Maybe I can help verify what's in Sarah's report?" She then looked at her laptop, which she seemed to always carry.

"Maybe." said Joe as he sipped his drink and read.

"Did I do all this?" asked Joe as he tapped to Sarah's report.

"I don't know." answered Mary, as she smiled, "I haven't read the report."

Joe was about to hand Sarah's report to Mary then stopped and said "Sarah gave her report to me to read. Maybe I shouldn't give it to you?"

"Okay," said Mary "Why don't you ask me anything that is historical for me to confirm?"

"Yes." answered Joe. He then asked "Would you like a drink?"

"Um..." hesitated Mary.

"I'm not trying to force you." said Joe.

"That's okay." said Mary. "I... I get randy when I drink."

"Oh..." said Joe. "Drink up then. I get randy when I'm stoned."

Mary giggled and said "Like last night with Tracy?"

"I... um..." stumbled Joe.

"Don't worry about it." said Mary, with that beautiful smile of hers. "Maybe I should feed you more dope?"

It was Joe's turn to giggle and said "Maybe."

Mary bit her bottom lip and said "I think I will have a drink. Mead please, but just a glass, not a tankard."

Joe smiled and ordered their drinks.

They sat, drinking and talking about Joe's business, what it's like to be a historian and librarian, sailing Joe's yacht, et cetera. After many hours, Joe said "I think I'm stoned."

Mary said "I know I am. I also think that I'm drunk."

"I know I am." said Joe and they both laughed. He asked "Are you hungry? Would you like to join me for dinner?"

"Okay." answered Mary.

"I wonder what's on the tavern's menu." said Joe, as he looked around.

"Stew." answered Mary.

"You know the tavern's menu off by heart?" asked Joe, with a laugh.

"Yes." answered Mary. "It's always stew."

Joe laughed and Mary joined it. She then said "It's a nourishing, filling meal for visitors and quests.

"Would you like something different?" asked Mary.

"Are there other restaurants?" asked Joe.

"No." answered Mary. "But I can cook us something, different."

Joe laughed and said "What about your family?"

Mary frowned and asked "What family?"

"Parents?" asked Joe.

Mary laughed and answered "Long gone."

"Children?" asked Joe.

"Grown up and left." answered Mary.

"Spouse?" asked Joe

"Non-existent." answered Mary, trying to hold back a laugh.

Joe laughed and tentatively asked "Pets?"

Mary burst out laughing and answered "I don't need them nor have them."

"So I'm not imposing?" asked Joe.

"Definitely not." answered Mary, still smiling, "In fact, it would be lovely to have a visitor. And, I have some more oil at home, to get us through the weekend."

"That much, hey?" said Joe "Well, okay. Why not?"

Mary led Joe to her home. She opened her door and stood back for Joe to enter. Joe said "Thank you." as he entered her very pleasant and small home with a very large outdoor verandah.

"How does pasta sound?" asked Mary.

"Great." answered Joe. "Can I help with something?"

"Do you want to help?" asked Mary "Or have more oil?"

"Both, if I may." answered Joe.

Mary laughed and retrieved a 500ml container from her fridge. She handed it and a teaspoon to Joe. Joe asked "Will you be joining me?"

Mary laughed and responded by showing Joe a teaspoon in her hand. They both drank half-a-teaspoon each of oil and Mary returned it to her fridge. She removed some vegetables from the fridge and said "Could you wash these please?"

"I think I'm capable of doing that." answered Joe. Mary laughed and then again when he added "Without doing too much damage."

Mary boiled some water and chopped the vegetables on, what looked like, the bottom half of a shield, with a curved blade, similar to Joe's boomerang. Joe said "I've got one of those."

Mary laughed and said "All Hillsmans have these. The shield, slash wok, and curved knife, slash cooking knife, are all standard equipment."

Joe grabbed Mary to tickle her and asked "Are you making fun of me?"

Mary laughed and said "I don't think you need my help."

Joe laughed and Mary turned around in his arms to face him. His tickling efforts didn't seem to have any effect on Mary. Mary stopped laughing and looked into Joe's eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him, let go and said "We'd better finish making dinner or we'll starve to death." She turned back to her cutting duties.

Joe pressed his body against Mary's and Mary pushed back. She rubbed her bubble-butt against his groin. She smiled over her shoulder at him. Joe sighed, stepped away from Mary and asked "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Mary looked at Joe, suppressing a smile, and answered "I hope there're lots of things that you can do for me, but first, let's eat."

"As you wish." said Joe, with a smile.

Mary stared into Joe's eyes. She licked her lips as she looked at his. She sighed and asked "Do you remember how to cook with one of these?" as she pointed to the wok with the boomerang.

"No, but I'll give it a go." answered Joe.

"Okay." said Mary as she lit the gas-burner under the wok. She handed the boomerang to Joe and Joe stir-fried the vegetables. It seemed easy to do. Maybe he did remember how to cook with the shield and boomerang.

Mary added the pasta to the boiling water and a fillet of fish to the wok. Joe chopped and stirred the fish in with the vegetables until it was cooked. Mary added a can of crushed tomatoes to the wok and said "Maybe you do remember?"

Joe laughed and said "It's not hard to do."

"No." agreed Mary. "Hillsman cooking is usually simple but nutritious.'

Mary scooped the cooked pasta into a serving bowl and Joe scooped the sauce onto the pasta. He looked at the wooden handle attached to the boomerang. He said "My boomerang doesn't have one of these."

"No." answered Mary, as she place two bowls and the pasta dish onto the dining table. "They're easy to make and attach so they're sort of consumables. Let's eat."

Joe sat at the dining table as Mary added water to the wok and placed the boomerang blade into the water. They ate their meal with a bottle of mead.

Joe felt Mary brush her stockinged foot over Joe's calf as they finished eating. Joe appraised Mary: She had auburn, shoulder-length, wavy hair; full, probably a 'C' cup, breasts; about 1.8 metres tall; curvaceous body; beautiful face; lush lips and exciting blues eyes.

Joe smiled and said "You seemed to be a shy person to me."

"I am." answered Mary. "But that doesn't mean that I don't get what I want."

"Do I have a say?" asked Joe with a smile.

Mary stopped caressing Joe's leg and answered "Of course you do. I... I thought..."

"I do." interrupted Joe. "I thought that I might have to work hard to instigate something like this."

"Do you want to work hard?" asked Mary, with raised eyebrows and a slight pout.

"No." answered Joe, with a smile, "I like women taking the initiative."

"Good." said Mary "Because I intend to take that and whatever else I want, with your consent of course.

"But first. I need to wash up." Mary stood up and washed the bowls, wok and boomerang with the, now, hot water in the wok. She covered the leftovers with a plate and placed it into the fridge.

"May I help?" asked Joe.

"Later." answered Mary. Joe stayed seated at Mary's dining table.

Mary walked up behind Joe. She wrapped her arms around his neck and breathed into his ear. She then kissed his ear and neck. Joe closed his eyes and was ready to let Mary seduce him. She asked "Is this okay or have I misunderstood..."

"This is perfect." answered Joe, thinking that it was nice to have the woman do the sexual advancements.

"I'll be back." said Mary, copying the Terminator. Joe laughed. She then said, in her normal voice, "I'll slip into something more comfortable."

Joe sipped his mead as he waited for Mary's return, thinking that he was very lucky having sex with two very sexy women within two nights. He quite liked the casual way Hillsman women treated sex.