A Raid of Queen ABYT


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He was starting to thrash now, but from overstimulation, not fear or desperation. He was barely able to keep himself sane, too much stimuli for him to be able to take, yet another orgasm welling up in his loins, the pressure building rapidly.

Then, the tentacle over his mouth slipped away, and he let out a gasp.

Then he started begging.

"Please! Please let me go, it's too much, I can't take it! Stop, please!"

There were tears in his eyes, but his face was stretched tight from the intense stimulation that lit nearly all his nerves, fraying Kurt's fragile composure.

His pleas fell on deaf ears, if they were heard at all... and promptly silenced when another of those tongue-equipped tentacles loomed up before his face, lunging forward without warning and latching its claws more firmly around his skull, cutting him off mid-pleading and shoving a slick, slippery tongue down into his throat and covering his eyes entirely.

He gagged at first, almost choked... and then that reflex seemed to be suppressed, and the tongue had free reign to slip and circle about his gullet, coating his throat and his oesophagus in goopy secretions that tingled every nerve it soaked into.

This was the last straw; his cock mercilessly milked, his balls relentlessly slurped, his ass gently stretched and his prostate massaged, his nipples licked and sucked, and now his mouth treated to an impossibly deep tongue kiss, along with all his nerves lighting up with intense sensitivity, exploited by the countless groping, coiling, slithering tentacles that clung and rubbed about his helpless body.

He cried out and came again, releasing an even bigger load than the first right into that hungering orifice, wringing him out for every drop.

His eyes were wide as possible at first... and then all at once, he seemed to submit entirely, eyes rolling back and then casting downwards, his whole body going limp once his climax abated. He couldn't form conscious thoughts anymore, he couldn't think clearly. All he could really focus on, was the pleasure that continued to tantalise his body, and the apparent willingness and ability for his body to go again. His cock was throbbing, leaking, and his balls were tugging against the suction and the stroking of the tongue and its milking tentacle latched to his sack, and his body did not seem as weary as it should've been, even though his mind was frayed.

Part of him felt like he should've been on his way to dying. Fucked to death by the Machina. That's how some of the rumours went.

He couldn't really think about that, letting out a low, weak moan as he was set for another harsh session within the tentacle hell, unaware that his body was slowly being altered with each passing moment he was subjected to the influence of the M2, on his way to becoming something much greater...


Terri couldn't stand the crowds. She was used to quieter environments, more space, making deals and doing business for her firm. She wasn't a super rich CEO or anything like that, but she made a good living and was good at what she did. It afforded her plenty of peace and quiet.

Not like now. But if ever she did have any privilege, now was also when it was most meaningless, for it wasn't a crowd milling about. But a near-crush as the throng of people ran through the streets towards the central shelters.

Terri was terrified of tripping and falling beneath the countless feet of those around her, who had plenty of reason to not want to stop or notice anyone getting trampled, not with the kind of danger nipping at their heels. Her smart navy blue suit wouldn't help her. And the shoes she always felt were so comfortable, she now cursed, the short heels proving difficult to run in, especially in such a chaotic environment.

She brushed locks of auburn hair aside, but there really wasn't much to see, not with her view blocked by everyone around her. She couldn't even really hear the emergency broadcast messages, nor the directions of the authorities trying to manage people as best they could. It was chaos.

Things only got worse when they heard loud crunching above them, and the screams that followed when everyone saw the massive, mantis-like Machina landing atop of a nearby building, looking down upon them.

Terri couldn't rightly make out the face of its humanoid body, so far up, but she swore it looked ravenous in some fashion... but she could clearly see it touching itself, groping its feminine figure as though it had no self-control.

It was only when she noticed a lack of jostling did she realise that she'd stupidly stood still, transfixed with fear and struck with a surreal sense of awe, and now the crowd had left her behind, if only a few feet.

Quickly, she turned around and chased after the mob, but found herself falling further behind; it seemed being in amongst the crowd had kept her with it, pushed along by the 'current'.

Fear welled up in her heart, she did not wish to die like this... or worse. The fear turned to panic when she heard glass, steel, and concrete crack and shatter in rapid beat, the Machina seemingly running down the side of the building, until Terri felt the vibrations of it hitting the ground behind her. She started breathing hard, sure she heard the thing cackling manically, and tried to sprint as hard as she could, even in the most unsuitable shoes.

That deficiency proved to be her undoing, when she rather abruptly tripped over, one of her feet hitting the ground at a bad angle and causing her to stumble.

The shadow of the Machina loomed closer. Fearful whimpering joined Terri's heavy breathing as she began to crawl, trying to get on her feet, to get into a sprint, get away from this monster.

But as one hand reached forward, she watched in abject horror as a segmented but smooth mechanical tentacle began snaking around her arm.

On every other limb, she felt a tendril coil around and refuse to let go, tugging her back a bit towards the Machina. Terri screamed.

She tried to fight her capture, pulling on the tentacles, trying to wrench herself free, but they were unyielding. She was flipped over, pinned to her back as her limbs were spread a little to her sides. She continued to squirm, screaming and crying as it all became too real for her.

The Machina stepped overhead, casting a gloomy shadow over her as the view of its metallic underbelly filled Terri's vision.

For something so... mechanical, the great bulk seemed to flex and shift with a disturbing organic quality, seems and plates shifting and softer material stretching to ensure this thing moved with utter precision.

It was also uncomfortably slick in parts, especially around a number of circular ports that seemed to line the lower edges of its body.

But that wasn't what eventually caught her attention and silenced her.

It was the massive penis that did.

It just... emerged, synthetic flexing sheets and hard plates sliding aside to reveal a gooey slit in the middle of its rear body segment, and from it slid a segmented, green shaft that was almost as big as her body, the glans alone as big as her head.

It twitched, a glob of green goo trickling from the tip, and a shuddering sigh making its way to Terri's ears all the way from the Machina's humanoid torso above.

Terri was just... in utter disbelief. Horrified, sure, but so utterly confounded she couldn't even scream in terror. How could any dick be so big? What did it expect to use it on? Surely not humans, they'd be torn apart if the Machina ever tried to force issue.

The fear began to build further, Terri deathly that the Machina may actually try. On her.

She began to squirm and thrash and grunt fearfully in the bondage of the tentacles, one last desperate attempt to escape a horrible fate, watching as that enormous penis was aimed at her; the Machina's body arched, a little, tugging its member back.

And then it thrust that cock like a stinger, Terri letting out a scream.

But she didn't feel any impact... at least, not until a massive blob of green goo slammed into her, Terri just barely hearing the orgasmic moan of the Machina over her own panic.

The substance splashed over her, almost covering her in her entirety; it was thick and heavy, and the smell... it had a musky quality to it, but unpleasantly pleasant. She should've hated it, but it was oddly enticing.

Still, Terri felt gross, feeling it all over her, soaking through her clothes, getting on her dark skin, sticking to her, the stuff having an uncomfortably gluey consistency.

Then, to Terri's surprise, she felt the tentacles pinning her down uncoil from around her lips, though still tugging on them as excess splash of the 'cum' left strands stretching between her limbs and the tendrils, but they pulled away and left her unbound.

But that was not salvation. She let out a whimper as she set about trying to pull the stuff off her... and discovered that it was no simple task.

Her whimpers turned to stressed pants as she tried to claw the gooey substance off her body, but all that accomplished was getting more of it on her arms and spreading it further around.

She twisted about, and found herself rolling on the ground in place as if in a mud bath; how could this stuff be so simultaneously sticky and yet slippery.

Worse, some of it got into her mouth, and she was desperately trying to avoid choking on it... but it seemed to react to her saliva, growing runny and trickling down her mouth.

It tasted sweet, tantalising even, for something that smelled so pleasantly musky.

She groaned, trying to brush it off her, but something was happening to her; her body was starting to warm all over, growing tingly and sensitive. She felt her loins stirring, her nipples start to erect beneath her brassier. The heat... it was growing.

What was this stuff doing to her? There was no way she should've been growing aroused, but her sensitivity was only increasing by the moment. She had to get it off.

But her efforts only worsened her situation; somehow she could roll about on the spot, sit up a little, bend her limbs, but she couldn't pry herself from the road. Every attempt to scrape the gooey substance off her body just spread it around and gummed her up more. Then she saw a dark patch in the lime-green goo; it was a piece of her clothes! It seemed to be dissolving slowly, but before her very eyes.

Elsewhere, he clothes seemed to be melting off her body, and that only caused her sensitivity to skyrocket; it wasn't eating away at her. It seemed smart. It seemed to know what to consume, and what to stimulate. Idly, she recalled PSAs and advisories talking about 'M2 Contamination', the nanomachine virus that formed the Machina.

Was this M2? Or some form of it?

Terri was having a harder time thinking about it, her body warm and sensitive all over, the stuff clinging tighter to her body.

She grew wet between her legs, whether she wished it or not, but her arousal only increased. Every time she brushed against her breasts in her desperate but now addled attempts to extricate herself from the hellish blob of stimulation, it caused a flare of pleasure.

A moan left her mouth, Terri now unable to contain herself.

She twisted about with another groan of pleasure, and realised that all her clothes were now gone, down to her undergarments. She was a writhing, naked mess beneath the obscene goop that only seemed to get more invasive, even though it didn't feel like was actively moving. Yet her nipples, her clit, her inner labia... even her pucker seemed to be subject to a simultaneous pressure and potent tingling.

She rolled her hips forward involuntarily as the arousal reached intolerable levels... and then, Terri couldn't stand it anymore, and fought through the gluey mess to bring her fingers to her pussy.

She started rubbing her clit with circular motions, slow at first... and then she began to move faster, loosing a loud moan into the air.

It didn't take long at all for her to reach an orgasm, shuddering and gasping sharply, hips twitching as her pussy sputtered. Left panting, she idly groped one of her own breasts, rolling onto her back. And yet, she wasn't satisfied. The arousal wasn't gone, the heat was permeating her body to the deepest levels, and it felt like a prickling tingle was dancing across her brain, exciting her even further.

Whimpering with need, she began rubbing herself a second time, though this time she curled a finger and hooked it inside of her pussy, and before long added a second, plunging them repeatedly between her walls as she kept up her efforts to please herself.

It felt like the stuff was in her throat now, creeping into her ass, her pussy, everywhere it could reach, that it had covered. Her toes flexed and her back arched as she cried out, reaching another climax.

It felt like it was in her blood. Reaching inside her, leaving its tainted euphoria behind in every part of her body.

Part of her felt that she needed that giant Machina cock just to satisfy her, the arousal and sensitivity driving her near to madness, every breath a heated pant.

In time, she curled up into a shivering ball, hands plunged between her legs as she touched herself over and over, only dimly aware of the goop around her forming a squishy shell, forming a crude cocoon filled with the sticky M2, but she didn't try to escape, drowning in the pleasure.

And within this cocoon, she would change. Slowly, of course. But it would be her chrysalis, and right now, she was a pupa, experiencing the very beginning of her metamorphosis...


This was Jack's first day.

He was supposed to be learning how to fix vehicles of all sorts, from cars to air hoppers, mechanics in smaller settlements like this often not having the luxury to specialise in one class of machine.

That was all pointless now.

"Go! Keep moving, the shelters are down the street!" he shouted, gesturing to people as they ran past with panicked expressions. He saw someone slumped against a bin, looking like they were hyperventilating.

Jack jogged to the middle aged man and helped him to his feet.

"You can't stop here, keep going!" he urged, pushing against the man's back, Jack receiving a shaky, wordless nod before the man was back with the crowd. Over on the other side of the street, he saw a group of people start splitting into a side street.

"No, not that way!" he shouted, pushing his way through the throng to head them off. If they kept going that way, they were probably going to find themselves caught out, picked off by Machina scouting ahead. They seemed to prefer isolated people over the big crowds. Plus, he was pretty sure that road ended in a construction site with an annoying detour, having had driven by it enough times to get frustrated by its slow pace. "If you go that way, you're gonna get separated!"

He got in their way, and redirected them back to the crowd. There were no thanks, but there was no time for thanks. He raced back to the middle of the street to help direct the survivors; he didn't know why he was doing it, really, other than that someone needed to, most of the cops likely gathering at the shelters themselves, the small number of troops stationed here either busy, pinned down, or already overrun. People needed direction or their safety was at even greater risk.

There was an uptick in screaming, and the sound of glass breaking and facades crunching as he looked down the street; an enormous Machina with a mantis-like throne had just crawled down between the buildings from somewhere, legs on either side piercing through the buildings on either side of the street, giant scythe arms plunging into the buildings to provide extra stability.

And then it dropped low over a group of humans, and Jack was horrified to watch over a dozen thick tentacles emerge from its lower surfaces, quick to snatch people up, coiling around them, violating them and hugging them close to the Machina's underbelly.

The machine shuddered suddenly, and even from where Jack was standing, he could see the humanoid part sticking out of the front of the insect-like mechanical body was experiencing something akin to an orgasm. He also saw things slip from its so-called throne, scuttling along the ground and pouncing on people, latching on and quickly going about violating them too, Jack able to hear stimulated cries over the screaming as people rushed past him.

"Get the fuck out of here!" he shouted, gesturing to people and trying to keep them as organised as possible. "Go! Go! Go!"

He knew he should've been running, but he couldn't bring himself, not when people were still in danger.

His bravery was going to be the end of him, he thought.

And sure enough, he was too focused on getting people to safety that he failed to notice the Machina making a beeline straight for him, until he saw that giant monstrous machine woman looming over him.

Two tentacles from its humanoid back suddenly raced down towards him, and with a surprised shout, he felt them wrapping around his body from the waist up, crossing over one another like they were braiding themselves around his torso, before crossing over one last time to coil around his arms, from shoulders to wrists.

Frantic, he tried to free himself, struggling in the grip of the tentacles, their smooth surfaces, despite their segmented construction, avoiding any pinch risks, which honestly made Jack more upset; if he was going to meet his end, at least don't taunt him with a modicum of comfort.

The Machina lifted him up towards its humanoid torso, and he had no choice but to get a good look at it; it was inserted up to its waist in the great mechanical mantis that served as its body, the tops of the hips just visible. Below that, the 'seat' blended with the rest of the segment, curving down into the underbelly. Though not too far below where the humanoid met the insectoid, there was a hexagonal 'patch', that seemed to be covered by a tight blanket of tendril-like cables. Uncomfortably, green fluids seemed to be trickling out over the bottom edge of the hole.

He did his damnedest to ignore the clutch of captive humans held to its underbelly, moaning in the grasp of tentacles that pleasured them so mercilessly.

He wasn't able to hold off looking at the Machina's humanoid body directly, however, Jack trying to avoid taking in the shameless nudity; news reports didn't say too much about the battles with the Machina, but he'd heard rumours. And he'd seen more Machina than he'd ever wanted to this day, and all of them not only eschewed any sense of decency, they seemed to actively flaunt themselves even as they hunted.

This Machina was no different, though it was considerably larger than its brethren, at least when including its insectoid 'lower body'. If just focusing on the feminine part, assuming it had proportional legs, its size would only be just a bit taller than most of them, though it seemed about seven feet to him. Not all that small.

And distractingly, not much else of it was 'small', the Machina equipped with a pretty serious rack, each breast just that big bigger than his head, with broad areolae and nipples to match, each dribbling a small amount of luminous green fluid.

Yet despite the rather generous bust, it maintained an overall relatively slender physique. Or rather, 'curvaceous' was the better term. Very curvaceous, wide hips and a what looked like plush glutes giving it a very sexy look.

Of course, outside of the green coloured 'flesh', there were plenty of parts that told Jack this thing wasn't human; nestled deep between its breasts was a smooth gunmetal grey band of curved alloy embedded in the skin, circuit-like lines radiating out from it just beneath the epidermis... or whatever counted for such with Machina. And in the centre, near the top of the cleavage, was a glassy 'eye' of amber sclera bordered by a dark void, and a black vertical pupil that seemed to shine, and more disconcertingly, track Jack. Its arms were silky smooth, but they took on a darker coloured appearance, like metal with a purple sheen and purplish-highlights on some of the more rigid parts along its arm.
