A Raid of Queen ABYT


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Cables, and less curvaceous and 'flesh-like' machinery ran along its back, creeping around the sides of its waist and chest, where its several back tentacles were connected, two currently wrapped around him, the other two yet plugged into the rest of the hulking machine.

Yet more cables seemed to be hooked up to its back, connecting it to the rest of the body, though they didn't look like they were connected to it directly like its four back tentacles, but rather the reverse.

Small, rounded and conformal 'tanks' were attached to either side of the machinery on its back, glassy canisters filled with a lime-green liquid that he definitely didn't think was drink flavouring.

However, he couldn't keep himself from looking at its face, arguably the most uncomfortable part; saying Machina were attractive was an understatement, but they had a knack for looking scary in a sexual way, this Machina's expression downright hungry as it regarded him with eyes looking not unlike that embedded in its chest, and similar glassy-domed eyes elsewhere on its body, especially the mantis-part, all observing everything.

Its plush, glossy lips were twisted in a predatory smile, and he saw its tongue peak out past its lips, the luminous, lime-green muscle licking hungrily from one corner of its mouth to the other in a gesture of raw lust.

A head of dark, glossy dark emerald hair hung down past its shoulders, though amongst the strands of silky hair grew out angular horns emerging from its skull, four in total. One pair rose up from the top of its forehead, splayed out in a slight 'V' shape, their tips hooked back at a sharp right angle, green lines glowing through the green-tinged metal, reminiscent of bug-like antennae. The other pair were situated just above the ears, one on either side of the cranium, sweeping backwards and angled upwards just slightly, their tips glowing green and pulsing in intensity.

And all down the back of its neck and spine ran a cable that raced with electric, bright green light, connecting to the equipment on its back and with its skull.

It fixed him with a broad smile, showing canines that were sharper than your average human's, and so close to its face, he couldn't help noting the scent, a rather pleasant aroma hanging around the Machina.

"Oh, so handsome~" it spoke, it's voice seductive, and edged with danger.

Jack wasn't eager to hear its praises.

"Fuck you!" Jack tried to kick at her, his legs still largely unbound, but his shoes only just managed to hit the Machina's abdomen with barely any of the full force... and as soft as its humanoid body seemed to be, with how parts of it squished as it moved, it felt like striking a block of solid rubber.

That seemed to amuse the depraved machine a great deal.

"Fuck me~? Oh, you will, you will~" it answered, turning his defiant curse into a terrible tease, its voice dripping with playful lust to match, eyes widening, but pupils shrinking dangerously. "We'll be fucking lots~"

Jack could only blink at this shameless, unabashed admission, his own eyes widening in incredulity.

"That's not-- I mean-- fuck, let me go you freak!" He started struggling again, trying to free his arms, to no avail.

"All in good time~" it assured him, reaching out to trace fingertips along the side of his head, Jack only now noticing its nails were sharp like claws. It was a sensual touch, too, making him flinch quite sharply. "But first, I must set you free~"

He was left contemplating that line; what did it mean by 'set him free'? Of what?

He couldn't get it out of his mind, though feeling his chest pressing against its bust was certainly a strong distraction, moisture seeping through his clothes as its teats leaked just from that small amount of compression.

It reached up with its other hand to cup the other side of his face, Jack now held in its hands. It fixed him with a deep look, such that he couldn't bring himself to speak. He was surprised and confused; the Machina looked like it... wanted him? Like, deeply, its smile full of yearning and warmth as well as lust.

He barely had any time to think about his circumstances when he was suddenly pulled into a firm lip lock, taking him by surprise.

"Mmph!?" The Machina's lips twisted a little with its head to mesh with his tightly, its eyes narrowing in enjoyment whilst his looked about frantically.

Its lips... damn, they were so plush, and its kiss was wickedly luxurious, gently twisting and meshing, quiet wet smacking reaching his ears as the tentacles wrapped around him kept him held tight to the lusting Machina.

It let out a delighted murmur that thrummed against his lips, signalling its tongue slipping past his teeth to dance with his own muscle, thoroughly outmatched. Its length, its flexibility, its slickness... everything about its tongue was an erotic optimisation, and Jack felt far too vulnerable with it pushing against his inner cheeks, brushing around his gums, under his tongue, everywhere.

Part of him thought about biting down on the invasive organ, but he wasn't sure how the Machina would respond to that... or if he could even bite hard enough to matter. It was squishy, it had a texture, but the Machina's tongue did not feel like organic muscle. If it was tough synthetic material like the rest of it, even as soft and flexible as it was, he may not have been able to do much to it.

Worse, subconsciously he didn't want to bite down on the Machina's tongue, for it was coating his own in a flavour that he couldn't place, but proved delightfully sweet. Perhaps a bit fruity. She smelled sweet too, her proximity alarmingly pleasant despite her forceful administrations.

Then her tongue slipped and uncurled, and with a bewildered, startled grunt, Jack felt that synthetic muscle start entering his throat, curling down and slithering against the walls of his gullet.

At first, his eyes watered, and rolled back a little. But after a moment, the uncomfortable reflex seemed to fade, and the gliding touch of the tongue grew a little tingly. Pleasant. He should've been choking, but whatever relaxed his muscles in his throat made it easy to breathe again, through his nose... and seemingly through the Machina's mouth, breathing in air for him.

He tried to kick at the Machina again, but his feet just bounced off its sensual but deceptively resilient frame.

That's when he felt something rolling down the Machina's tongue. Thick, moist, and sweet; globs of something gooey being fed into his mouth and down his throat.

His eyes widened again once he felt the stuff reach his gullet, and though he gurgled a little, his reflex not entirely suppressed with the intrusion of this new substance, he couldn't keep himself from shivering and swallowing the stuff.

And once he did, he didn't stop, reflexively drinking down the gooey stuff, almost jelly-like in its consistency, but more fluid, so it could glide down his throat with ease.

It left a tingle in its wake, and a sweet flavour that his tongue couldn't ignore, mostly thanks to the Machina's own rubbing from side to side in his mouth proper to lather his tongue in the taste.

There was a smell too, a sweet, intoxicating scent that filled his nose. It seemed to relax him, even in his confusion and fear.

He gurgled a little, trying to resist as best he could, but attempting to break the kiss was impossible, the Machina's hold on his head gentle but unyielding.

He could feel his gut starting to fill with the goopy liquid, spreading a tingling warmth through his innards, until the Machina finally released him from the hellish kiss and forced feeding, technological tongue sliding lecherously out of his throat and over his tongue and lips with a sensual gliding touch, a lusting gasp leaving the perverted machine's mouth.

He hacked and coughed a little, the suppressive effects of the Machina's tongue and saliva on his gag reflex not absolute. It did, however, leave him feeling a little disorientated, a heady feeling making it a bit tricky to collect his thoughts and regain his bearings.

He didn't get the opportunity to, when the Machina suddenly tugged him down and pulled his face into the depths of its cleavage, wrapping its arms around its bust and the back of his head so he was thoroughly trapped between the two globes, each bigger than his head by a few percents, enough that the Machina's tightly wrapped arms made it feel like his skull was enveloped, and his face was buried against soft, warm skin, despite the tail end of metal ridge embedded in its chest touching his forehead; the malleability of the Machina's boobs more than compensating and providing ample, lustful cushioning.

There was also the smell, a passive perfume he thought the Machina gave off normally, but trapped in such a confined space, seemed a lot more intense.

But above all, that stuff it had fed him, that sweet, goopy jelly... its warmth was spreading, and he was starting to feel the tingling fill his limbs, but most alarmingly, concentrate around his groin, Jack struggling to keep his cock from stirring in his pants.

He tried to fight back, kicking and pushing against the Machina with his legs, trying to tug his arms free of the binding tentacles, and then clawing desperately at the Machina's body when he felt those tendrils loosen their grip around his arms, freeing them, but not their grasp on his body. He tried to punch it, to no avail, then tried finding anything he could grab onto for leverage or rip out and do something.

He cried out in his shock and surprise when he was first buried in the Machina's breasts, and after, he let out a successive wave of shouts and curses, desperate and alarmed, right into the smooth, warm 'flesh' of the Machina right in his face, and against his mouth.

He hated how comfortable his body actually was in this position, the Machina's body disconcertingly soft and enticing for his current position.

But most worrying of all was when he felt that tingling sensation, that warmth from his gut reach his head... and he could feel its influence in his mind.

The burgeoning arousal he felt was now much stronger, his body flooded with hormones and whatever chemicals filled him with an intense need, and he could no longer fight his own manhood, erecting in his pants and straining against the material, pressing against the Machina's lower belly.

He tried to fight it, getting hotter by the moment, but the proximity to such a feminine figure was getting to him. He let out grunts, which took on a notably breathy quality. His struggling was weakening, fighting against this Machina was growing more strenuous than he could deal with. He wasn't tired, he wasn't exhausted, he was just becoming so terribly aroused.

Quite involuntarily, he let out a small moan of need, and groaned into the Machina's breasts as his mind began to yearn for its touch. His kicks weakened, his grabbing at the machine's body barely possessed strength, and he grew quiet.

And this seemed to please it greatly.

"That's it~ Give in, human~" he heard it say with a sultry croon, muffled by its enveloping breasts. He could feel it stroking the back of his head with an intimate affection. He groaned, trying to muster some defiance, but it was hard. Namely because he was hard, down 'south'. He was so horny, he could barely keep himself contained. He wanted so badly to fuck something. Or be fucked. It didn't matter by what, as long as it brought him some relief.

Jack couldn't fight anymore.

He stopped struggling, too weak, too aroused, to fight, twitching in the Machina's embrace. At this point, he was freed from the soft, enticing prison, and had his head tilted up so the Machina could look down at his face, eyes half-lidded and expression hot and intoxicated. And he could look at its face in return... it was beautiful.

She was beautiful.

He groaned some more, barely able to keep his head from completely drowning in arousal. The Machina was looking at him longingly, affectionately even.

His cock throbbed needily against her body. Then, the two tentacles around him, and two more from her back, began to shift and reposition, using their clawed graspers to rip and pluck the clothes from his body, patch by patch, tearing it to pieces until his form was naked against hers; she felt so cool, yet so warm; soft, yet pliant; inviting, yet otherworldly.

It seemed like she was doing the same, feeling him that is, pressing him close to her body and touching him with her hands, those soft fingertips, despite her clawlike nails, tracing along his skin, the tentacles around his torso loosening in parts, flexing as needed, to let her hands slip beneath the tendrils so she could glide her touch along his form, exploring his physique, his contours. He shivered in her touch, his nerves buzzing with sensitivity so even her simple exploration was proving to be tantalising.

But she didn't seem to have endless patience; her hand slipped down his back, fingers tracing along his vertebrae, until it came to rest upon his rump, cupping one of the glutes, whilst her tentacles aligned his body. He felt a moist heat kiss his glans, and his erection throbbed in anticipation, aching with need for satisfaction, knowing her pussy was right there.

She tugged on his rear, and his hips were pulled close, and he slid inside her.

He let out a low moan, and so did she, as he pushed to the hilt inside of her. She was... warm. Incredibly warm, and her initial looseness clamped down around his cock, her walls hugging his meat with a possessive snugness, the textured folds of her pussy pulsing with a rhythmic pressure that gently squeezed his cock from the root to the tip, whilst a low-intensity flexing of her synthetic flesh kept her contours rubbing and softly digging into his sensitive member, especially around his glans, and not missing the sensitive underside of his corona, digging into that ridge once he began to feel himself sliding back, her tentacles and the hand grasping his ass keeping a hold of his cheek guiding him back and forth at her leisure.

She was slow at first, but even at that pace, it was incredible. Jack shuddered as her contours gently scoured his length from root to tip, her rhythmic squeezing and easing around his rod intensifying that sensation at intervals.

Hot breaths of pleasure left him as he found himself once more nestled between her breasts, though mostly because that was the most convenient place to put his face... he wasn't complaining. Soon though, he was held there regardless, the Machina's other hand holding onto the back of his head, and keeping him buried in her comforting chest.

Eventually, he loosely wrapped his arms around her waist, finding a gap in her attached machinery around the small of her back, his fingers able to feel the contours of the junction between hips and a set of curvaceous glutes. Then, he began to roll his hips slowly, on his own, though the Machina was still doing most of the work, her tentacles and the hand on the back of his ass keeping him moving at her desired pace.

Nevertheless, his movements seemed to please her, the Machina moaning and seething with pleasure, Jack feeling a flex up her spine. This prompted her to move him faster, and so he moaned into her chest, muffled by her breasts, but thoroughly pleasured.

He could feel his cock throbbing harder now, and he was leaking like a faucet, his precum oozing and adding to the copious amounts of lubricating fluids inside her pussy, which further soaked into his length and tingled it to the core.

She started moving him even faster now, and Jack couldn't help the strain that entered into his moaning voice, panting hotly as the thrusts now moved fast enough to cause wet slapping to resound from their copulation whenever their hips collided.

Of course, this was only audible to them; Jack was all but entirely ignorant of the constant moaning and cries of ecstasy flowing from down below from all of the Machina's relentlessly pleasured captives. They didn't matter to him at that moment. Only the pleasure being shared between him and the Machina.

He could feel a tension building, pressure mounting in his loins, a floodgate ready to burst. He could feel an intermittent spasm in her pussy too. Was she going to orgasm? He didn't think he could possible please such a voraciously obscene entity.

All the same, those spasms were driving him closer to the edge, and with the Machina in control of his thrusts, he couldn't slow down or stop to try and stave it off.

And so, with a cry of bliss, Jack submitted to the machine, and came. The Machina sensed his climax, and tugged him in deep, holding his head tight between her breasts and ensuring there would be no sliding back for any part of him.

And when his torrent of seed shot into her depths, he felt her spasm around him, a sharp, delighted cry leaving her. Fluids spattered around his crotch, and even her breasts seemed to shudder ever so slightly.

He felt something trickle down his shoulders and his back, he wasn't sure from what. But his mind was so buzzed with pleasure he didn't care, enduring the blissful climax with the impossibly erotic machine that'd just given him the best sex he'd ever had.

He groaned as he finally calmed down from the climax, shivering against the Machina's body, his own sweating a little from the intensity of the stimulation he felt, since the physical exertion wasn't that great.

After a bit, the Machina seemed to be done herself, and slid him free, though even that made Jack moan from post-orgasmic sensitivity, her walls clinging to his still-erect cock as if they didn't want to let him go.

He was a little out of it, the dose of whatever she'd fed him, and that simple yet incredible sex, leaving his mind a hazy mess.

She lifted him up, and he was face to face with her again. She gave him a smile, and pulled him close to kiss him, tongue gently slipping into his mouth to tease his, though this smooch seemed far more affectionate than the aggressive lustful lip lock last time. Jack even kissed back a little, though it didn't last long... and to his groggy surprise, he found himself a little disappointed.

He was lowered by his tentacles, a last parting caress of her fingers against his chin as he was brought down past her body. He looked down and saw that patch of cables begin to flex and ripple, and suddenly open wide; tentacles reached out, twisting and flicking, ready to take him. But first, Jack watched another human extricated from the hole, utterly slimy and barely conscious, his cock still hard and parts of his body discoloured beneath the skin from blackened veins, particularly around his dick.

The man was lowered to the ground gently, and then promptly swept up by another Machina that cradled him in her arms before bounding off and then taking flight.

Jack, however, was taken hold of by the hole's numerous tentacles, and soon found himself enveloped by them, coiling and slithering around him. He sank into the bed of tendrils, and groaned in sensitivity when he felt them start gently stimulating him, one coiling around his penis and keeping it nice and hard, gently stroking it, whilst another started toying with his balls. His nipples were teased, and every 'softer' part of him was squeezed and massaged.

With his eyes half-lidded, he watched as the outside world slowly disappeared from view, the tentacles closing up once more and creating an impassive surface, belying the lecherous depths within.

And all Jack could think about was wanting to go another round with that incredible Machina...


Leon grimaced as he looked upon the sight ahead; one man released from a slimy, tentacle-ridden hole in the front of the Machina Queen's so-called 'Throne', only to be promptly whisked away by one of the subservient Category 3s, whilst the man that the Queen had just personally had sex with was put in the first's place.
