A Simple Life Ch. 36-49


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She chuckles. "Mr Peters was lucky you were there. How do you know so much about that stuff?"

"I love exploring the island. I used to take my mountain bike all over this place. I had this old point-and-shoot that Grandpa got me. I took SO many pictures down that pass over the years. In the Spring the fairy-slippers along this one part of it are incredible. Grandpa took me out when I was little to camp near the ruins and we stumbled across this whole big bloom of them. It's hard to believe anything so delicate and beautiful can survive out there and yet there they are every Spring without fail. Grandpa said they were put there for us to find. Grandpa said the fairies liked to go barefoot when the weather got nice. He said that the aroma was actually fairy toe jam!" I giggle. "Grandpa said...he said a lot of silly things."

She chuckles. "Sounds amazing."

"It is. If you really do believe in magic...well, I think you'd like them."

"I think so too." Her fingers slowly play through my hair around my ear. "Your Grandpa means a lot to you, doesn't he Avery?"

"He's the best." I whisper. "After that I mostly I headed out on my own. It's so quiet out there. So...peaceful."

"In Grade 8?"

"Oh yeah. Way before that. Mom didn't care. As long as she knew where I was going and when I was getting back she let me roam. Get me out of the house and out of her hair, ya know?"


"I think I know this island as good as anyone."


"Anyway, we get to the ruins, only an hour late, and had our lunches." I smile. "The...the other kids brought me treats. To thank me. Roll-ups and granola bars, all sorts of stuff. The good stuff. They sat around me and talked with me and we took pictures together." I titter. "Kayla gave me a kiss. On the lips!"

"That sounds like Kayla."

"It was...kinda cool. I felt kinda...proud. Ya know? Like I was a hero or something."

"That day you were." She says, stroking my hair softly. "You deserved to feel proud. You saved the trip Sprout."

"Yeah. I guess."

"I bet they all looked at you differently after that."

I sigh. "No...they...th-they teased me even more after th-that."


"Once we were b-back at the bus um...they said I knew this stuff...because I was a l-loser who had no...f-friends. The bullies did anyway." I sigh. "They kinda weren't wrong."

"Don't say that Sprout."

"They said I would b-become a hermit and d-d-die alone out there." I hug tight to her body. "Kids can be cruel, huh?"

"Kids can be assholes."

"But Kayla stuck up for me. It kinda started our whole friendship. A few others did too. So it wasn't all bad." I smile again. "Plus, for a few hours, I was...just...normal. One of them. They couldn't take those hours away from me."

"You don't want to be one of them Sprout." She ruffles my hair. "If you were one of them you'd still be lost in those woods. You just be you."

My smile grows. "And fuck the haters?"

"Fuck the haters. You know, I've never been up to see the ruins. I don't even know if I've ever seen a fairy-slipper." She says. "You'll have to take me sometime."

"I would love that." I say. "So Mr Peters got in so much trouble when we got back."

"Ha! I bet."

"The principal was waiting for us in the school parking lot. The poor guy got a strip tore off of him right there in front of the kids for taking us out without adequate supervision." I say. "She freaked out even more when she found out he got us lost. Cranky Karlene squealed on him so bad!"

"Law suits waiting to happen."

"Yeah." I say. "I'm glad it happened the way it happened though."

"Made for a good memory."


"And Mr Peters?"

"Still teaching here. He's married to one of the professors at the college. They adopted a kid from overseas. They all seem really happy."

"Happily ever after."


"I like those kind of stories."

I take in a long breath and slowly let it out as my body melts into hers. "Me too."


Chapter 48

After a moment of enjoying the snuggle I give Winona a prod. "Your turn." I say. "Your turn to tell a story."

"Right!" She tousles my hair and sits me up straight. "Since we're talking hero stories check this shit out." Leaning forward she takes her glass and has a swig of wine. As she sets it back down she has me scoot to the far end of the love seat then spins in her seat and flops down across the cushions. Her legs dangling over the arm rest and her head laying on my bare thigh she looks up at me with a bright-eyed smile. I smile back and begin to pet her smooth black hair. "So a little context first. When Russell was looking for a car he'd always bring me along with him, me being a mechanic and better at talking to people ya know?"


"So we get to this one place and it turns out the Neon they're selling is an SRT-4."

"A what?"

"It was a performance model they made for awhile." She says. "About as reliable as a politician in an election year, but when they do work those things could RIP!"

I giggle at her simile. I could practically hear her father's voice as she said it. "Was Russell a speed demon?"

"Nope!" She laughs. "But the price was right. So fast forward a year and I've got that bitch purring. It kinda became my project car, even though it was his daily driver. Better suspension, better brakes, winter tires, tuned up and dialed in. She looked like hot trash but that little beast coulda run rally races if we wanted. She could really..."


"Whose story is this?"

I giggle.

Winona smiles. Taking my free hand she lays it across her belly and holds it in hers. "So my uncle was working in a warehouse in Rapid City at the time and he got pinned between a couple of palates."

"Oh no!"

"He's fine." She says. "But we didn't know it at the time. All we knew was there was an accident and that he was hurt. Unci was FREAKING OUT."


"Grandma." She says. "Mom wasn't much better. The pair of them are running around like headless hens and then they inform Russell and I that we have to drive them into the city. Dad was only fifteen minutes away but they weren't going to wait for him. Unci was convinced that she was losing her son that day if she didn't get there. Not sure what she thought she was gonna do."

"Poor Unci!"

"Poor Mom."


"We weren't about to all cram into the truck so that left Russell's car." She grins. "I told them: I can get ya there fast, but you're not going to like it."

"Uh oh."

"So we all pile into the car. Me at the wheel, Russell in shotgun, and them in the back." She lets out a great laugh. "In the dead of a South Dakota winter, half of it through back country roads, I made it over 83 miles in 50 minutes."


"That trip was CRAZY! Behind me Unci is urging me 'faster, faster'. Beside her my Mom is white as a ghost and finding religion as she was convinced that we were going to beat her brother to the afterlife. And in front of her Russell is laughing his fool head off even as he's getting scolded by the others. I nearly hit the ditch on an icy patch, we're drifting around bends and we actually catch some air over a rise. It was awesome! It was chaos." My fingers slowly and gently teasing out long strands I am beaming down at her. The joy and thrill from her memory was coming through in every expressive word. She turns her head toward me, her nose grazing my navel, and laughs even harder. "Then on the highway we get pulled over!"

"Oh no!"

"This poor cop walks up to the window and gets sucked into the chaos." She says. "She's got my grandma screeching about her dying son. My mom apologizing profusely and scolding me for driving like that. Me trying to talk us out of a ticket. And Russell just sitting there laughing like a maniac."

"Why is he laughing?"

"That was Russell. When he got overwhelmed he'd either clam up or start laughing." She says. "The laughing was better. He could get pretty dark when he went quiet." Letting go of my hand Winona softly strokes the fine silky fabric of my nightie. "He never meant anything by the laughter. He couldn't help himself, ya know?"

"I know." I say having experienced more than a few times that embarrassment of inappropriate anxious laughter. "Your brother means a lot to you, huh?"

"He's the best." She echoes my earlier sentiment about Grandpa. I could tell just in the way she spoke about him that while the relationship was different she held her brother Russell in her heart in just the same way that I held Grandpa in mine.

"So what happened?"

"What happened was we got a police escort!"


"Yeah!" Her hand returns to mine to hold it against her belly it in a firm grip. "The cop didn't know quite what was happening but she could tell it was urgent so she turned on her flashers and lead us right into the hospital."

"No way."

"Yeah. I swear we got the most chill cop in the state." She says. "And thank goodness for that! When we got to the hospital there's my uncle with just his little pinkie wrapped in a splint! He went back to work that afternoon!"


"The officer just shook her head and laughed and said she was happy it all turned out well."


Her features soften, her voice slows. "Unci was so happy though. Happy to see her boy healthy. It was really touching actually." She chuckles. "Mom kicked his butt for worrying us so bad, but Unci was just grateful that he was okay. She said she was proud of me for getting us there so swiftly and safely. She said that it showed her that I knew how important family was and that she knew my spirit was brave and true."


"Yeah. That was pretty awesome." She smiles. "You know that pendant I wore tonight?"

"The feather one? The one Althea wore?"

"Mmm." She nods. "She gave it to me when we got home. She said it was for the Crow's swiftest warrior. She never called me a warrior before that."

"That's so cool."

"Yeah. And when Pops heard how fast I got there I got a high five from him."

"Ha! It can totally picture Amos doing that."

"He paid for that high five though. Mom kicked his butt for encouraging me. Russell's too. Needless to say mine as well. We were all in the dog house. Mom kicked a lot of butt that day." She laughs. "To this day Mom won't get in a car if I'm driving."

"So YOU'RE the speed demon of the family."

"That day I was." She turns her head again and kisses my tummy through the nightie. "I kinda miss that car. Russell and I and some friends ripping all around the Rez. It was good times."

"What happened to it?"

"We sold it when we moved here the first time." With obvious pride in her voice she adds. "At five times what we paid for it."

"You are your father's daughter." I chuckle.

"Damn right." She raises her legs to stretch them out then turns her whole body to face me, her knees having to tuck right in for her long frame to fit on the love seat. Her cheek now resting on my thigh she looks up at me from the corner of her eye then slowly pans down my slender body to admire the beauty that she saw in me. As I pet her silky soft hair and run my hand softly up and down her back we talk for little bit longer about nothing in particular, more just enjoying the sound of each other's voice, but I could feel the energy of the night gradually winding down. At one point she pinches the hem of my nightie and lifts it to take a peek below at my caged penis. "How's it doing?"

"Good." I say. "I don't even notice it anymore."

"Mmm." She lets it go. "I'm glad you like it. I think it's really sexy that you let me put that on you."

"I think it's really sexy too."

"If you want...we can do more stuff like that sometime."

I smile. "Yes please."

She looks up at me. "Another date Sprout?"

"Are you asking me?"


"Is this one over?"

She kisses my clit through the fabric. "Almost."

"I would love to go on another date with you Winona. I would love that more than...anything."

"As you wish." Her hand slides up my forearm to my upper arm and rubs up and down. "Oh! You're cold."

"Just a little." I say. "I'm okay."

"Nah, nah, nah." She sits up and pats my knee. "Let's get you under some blankets."


She grabs the platter from the table. "Wait for me in bed. I'll just be a minute."

"I-I could help."

"In your nice new nightie?" She shakes her head. "You do as your told and get that sweet little ass of yours in bed and get it warmed up for Mommy."

I smile and smooth out my pretty nightwear. "You're the boss."

She swoops in for a little peck to my cheek and whispers. "And don't you forget it."


Chapter 49

As Winona tidies up I walk to her bed and crawl in under the covers. Her sheets were so soft, her blankets so warm, and her plush pillows had this really nice subtle smell of lavender and chamomile. All bundled in I could not wipe the huge smile on my face as I lay there watching Winona put things away and snuff the candles. When she would catch my silly grin she would just shake her head and chuckle. She hides the final gift left in the bag, leaving me curious what it might be, then turns off the kitchen light. The final light to go was the burning fireplace on the television screen. And suddenly all was dark. Like PURE dark. That kind of dark where you couldn't even see the hand in front of your face.

I hear her approach the bed. I feel her weight on the mattress as she sat down on the edge. And then I listen as she got undressed. The covers lift and a soft, warm body joins mine beneath. She slides up beside me. Her hand slips up under my nightie and around my waist. Her strong arm pulls me into her, turning me at the same time. The next thing I knew she spooned up behind me.

She was naked. I could feel the bare flesh of her thighs against my hamstrings, her shins against my calves, and the top of her feet along the bottoms of mine. Her breasts push into my back. My fine nightie did not deny me the feel of her nipples. Her chest presses against my shoulders. Her nose and chin nuzzle into my hair. And of course I feel the big soft dick of hers snug in between my cheeks. I'd never spooned with anybody this much taller than me and OHHHH was it nice. She didn't simply embrace me, she engulfed me. I wriggle back even tighter against her, greedy for every last inch of bodily contact, as her arm pulls me in and holds me close.

As she sniffs and smooches the back of my head her hand finds a pec and very gently massages it. I let out a giggle as I feel her penis swell but she kisses the back of my neck and whispers. "We're done tonight Sprout."

"Okay." I whisper back. Freed from the hope of sexy times I close my eyes, take a deep breath...and as I slowly let it out my whole body relaxes in right down to the marrow. Under these blankets, held in these arms, with this wonderful woman at my back, the sense of peace permeates my very soul. In this cozy little world of ours there was no anxiety or stress or fear. Just two warm bodies and two happy hearts.

"I might snore a little."

"That's okay."



"I liked your story."

"Mmm. I liked yours too."

"Yeah." She sighs nuzzles into my neck. "The party was fun."

"Yeah." I say. Over top of my silky nightie I slide my hand over hers which continued to tenderly fondle my breast, her hand now between mine and my beating heart. "Thank you for coming to find me."

"Mmm. Thank you for coming back." She flicks my earlobe with the tip of her nose. "Party woulda sucked without ya."

I knew that wasn't true but I choose to believe her anyway. "I'm glad we found a group."

"Mmm, yeah. That's going to be fun."


"I'm glad you asked me out. I had a great time tonight."

"Me too."

We lay in silence for a time, my hand stroking hers and her hand rubbing me. It eventually migrates from my chest down to my tummy where it shifts from massaging to very lightly petting. Her breathing gets slower and deeper. Her arm around my body still keeps me held but the embrace relaxes.

"So soft." She whispers, her smooth voice getting dozy. I was getting sleepy too yet I didn't want to give up this moment. I didn't want our night to end. I didn't want to fall asleep only to wake up and discover it was all a dream. If this was a dream I didn't EVER want to go back to the real world.


"Shhhhh." She soothes and strokes and keeps me held so tight. Her hot breath flows like oh so pleasantly across my neck. "Hush now baby girl."

"Ohhhh." I coo in complete contentment. I wanted to obey, I really did, but the question inside of me could not wait. "Winona?"

"Yeah baby?"

I hesitate a moment, lightly tracing her fingers with mine, then ask. "Do you...do you believe in soulmates?"

Her hand stops, just for a moment, then starts up again. "Yes Avery. I do."

I let out a long sigh and wriggle as close to her as I could get. "Me too."

Her cheek slides down across my ear and she kisses my cheek. "Go to sleep now Sprout."

"Okay." I say. "Good night Winona."

"See you in the morning Sprout."

I smile. "Yeah."

Once more silence descends over the dark. But once more there comes something of vital importance that must be said. Something that could not wait.


"Mmmm." She hums sleepily. "Yeah baby?"

"Um. I...I gotta go pee."

"Pfff!" She presses her face into the back of my head as her chest starts to spasm up and down with quiet laughter. She lets me go and turns away to click on the bedside lamp. She looks at me with amused annoyance. "Go!"

I giggle and slip from the covers. Scampering to the washroom I quickly do my tinkle, having to sit down to do it because of my cage which was actually kinda cool, then wipe the plastic slit and wash my hands and hurry back to bed. I slip back under the covers, wriggle back into her, and grab her arm to pulls it around me again right where it had been before.

"You good?"

"Mm hm." I nod.

"You sure?" She pinches my butt.

I giggle. "Mm hm."

"We can sleep now?"

"Mm hm." I peek back over my shoulders and bat my eyes. "I'll be good."

"You're lucky you're so cute." She kisses me, goes to say something, then kisses me again...then kisses me again. Boy did I like getting kissed by her! She obviously liked it too. "Now go to sleep."

The light goes off and we both sigh as we start off once more into a nice, long, restful...

"God damn it."

"What is it?"

"Now I gotta go!"


She swats my tush. "This is your fault somehow."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Back on the goes the lights. With me wriggling and giggling in her bed Winona tromps off for the washroom muttering the whole way. I lay turned to the washroom and watch as she stands before the toilet bowl. I could only really see the contour of her upper back and butt but it was still a damn nice sight. A deep, thunderous sound of a heavy stream of urine hitting water from height. It never sounded like that when I went! Bigger dick, bigger stream. She flushes, washes her hands, then comes stomping back again. Her tits jiggling and heavy penis swaying back and forth to her steps. She gets back into bed.

"You good?" I ask with an impish grin.

"Don't even start with me." She chuckles as she pinches my nose. "Back as you were."

I spin around to give her my back. It goes dark again and again her long, lithe body encompasses mine as her dreamcatcher presses tight against my back. It takes a bit but the third time was the charm. Soon our bodies ease, our breath slows, and minds begin to drift away. Together.

To be continued...

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jakesm1jakesm14 months ago

Fantastic writing!

Futalover32Futalover328 months ago

I wish I had the words to convey how beautiful I find this story. It’s domination but not humiliation, a soft acceptance of power instead of an assertion of it.

GimliOakensGimliOakens9 months ago

Beautiful. Just Beautiful. True submission should never be about shame and humiliation. It should be about trust and giving. Submission is not about taking, it is about giving. I really love this story.

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