A Threesome in a Covid 19 World Ch. 12


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The hard-ons I get in your presence are - I can't scientifically say they're bigger -- but they're certainly harder and fuller in a way I've almost never felt in my life before. Like they'll burst the skin of my erection and explode it.

Seeing you standing there so close to me and looking so beautiful and desirable in that new bikini was just too much. Maybe standing so close with your crotch at my face level transmitted some sort of arousal inducing pheromone to me too.

Apart from that, I don't know."

Amy's reply was almost predictable...

"Well, I'll take that as a message that for the time being, you need more fucks. And a lot more smelling of my crotch.

In the meantime, you've got your face between my breasts. Don't you feel even a little tempted to do something for me by playing with them."

It had been rather nice as, with my arms around her back, I'd sat there talking to Amy with my face still planted between her breasts as she'd continued to stroke my hair. They're big enough and helped by a bit of additional support from her bikini top, perky and close together enough that my nose just touched her breast bone while the cheeks of my face pushed firmly into their sensuous flesh. My senses were filled with her delightfully girlish aroma.

But playing with Amy's breasts is always a treat; more so since she's among the ten or so percent of women who can orgasm on nipple stimulation alone.

I brought my left arm from around her back, used it to cross over her body and push the material covering her left nipple aside, then played with her right nipple through the material of her top as I took the jutting edifice of her left one between my lips, sucked it in up to the raised areola, pushed the tip of her nipple against the roof of my mouth and rubbed it vigorously with my tongue.

Amy moaned as she squirmed about on my lap, screwing her hips around in a way that ground her labia against the base of my still hard manhood and twisted its length around inside her; just maybe rubbing her clit on my pubis in the process.

It didn't take long to bring Amy to a climax -- it rarely does. It wasn't a screamer, but as she smothered me by holding me so tightly against her breast, it just about forced the nipple I'd been sucking down my throat, it was clear it had been good enough to release the flood of oxytocin her body rewards Amy with after a climax, and to that extent compensate a little for my premature ejaculation.

As she finished, she released the pressure on me, letting my pull my face off her breast and look up at her to find a grinning countenance looking down at me...

"It's still hard."


"Does it feel nice?"

"It feels very nice."

"I suppose you're going to tell me if I start screwing with it, it'll collapse."

"That's the way it usually works. A good orgasm leaves me with a prolonged residual erection, but it's not one that's good for more sex. Although it's been a bit different over the last few days."

"I noticed, Does this one feel different?"

I couldn't help but break into a broad grin. There's no secrets from Amy. She has this incredible intuition as to my every thought and feeling.

"I don't know what's happening Amy. Yes, it feels different. It feels harder than normal, it even feels bigger than normal. It feels wonderful being inside you. It always does, but more so than usual."

She screwed up her nose playfully at me as she once again started to screw herself around on my lap while this time slowly rising and falling on it; tightly gripping my manhood inside her. It didn't collapse to a half mongrel like it usually would. As had become usual over the last few days, whether it had refracted or was generating some extraordinarily rare case of multiple male orgasm possibilities I didn't know or care.

Amy breaks all the rules about sex and her response to it; nipple orgasms, vaginal orgasms, you name it. If it works for only a small percentage of women, it works for Amy. She had always kept me on the verge of exceptionalism with my body's response to her, especially at my age. Now it seemed like she was pushing me over it.

Once Amy had tested my erection and found it working, she threw herself into fucking me with a passion. Leaning right back, she lifted herself up and down, using the angle to drag the tip of my erection firmly across her g spot as every lift and drop withdrew my erection from her and plunged it back in.

Her moaning soon rose to a screaming pitch.

My shaft was enjoying it, but my eyes were enjoying it even more. With the angle of her approach, I could look down and see my erection almost withdraw from her vagina, caressed lightly by her labia and wet with her juices, to be plunged firmly back into her delectable body and then look up to see her breasts teasingly bounce -- one still within her bikini top, the other revealed -- nipples fully projecting on both.

Amy rode me hard until she came in a heaving, screaming rush; throwing herself forward and throwing her arms tightly around me as her vagina contracted firmly on my manhood.

It was intense. While my manhood had enjoyed it, it was nowhere near close to brewing up. But my passions were boiling. Boiling beyond belief.

While Amy continued to moan in my ear and screw herself around on my shaft as her orgasm imposed wave after wave of pummelling contractions on my erection, I shuffled forward in the seat until only the edge of my bum was on it.

Tucking Amy's hips tightly against me to bring our combined centre of gravity under my legs, I stood up; thankful of the gruelling fitness regime Amy imposes on me as she does her own exercises -- the very same fitness regime that let her fight off Frank.

Holding her firmly under her thighs, I stood up, carrying her to the plastered brick wall two meters from my chair to push her back against it and pin her there as firmly as I could.

Then I unleashed my passion upon her like I'd rarely known before. Full lengths thrusts of my stretched cock, delivered at a pace driven by pure lust.

To say it caught Amy by surprise was an understatement. Rarely have I engaged her in such a demanding position where only a flood of testosterone could give me the strength to do it, and never with so little preparation. But in a way, it was what Amy always wanted -- as indeed did Ellen. Wild passionate sex. She screamed, as much in excitement as it was an immediate response to the stimulation in provided to her; challenging me by bouncing up and down in my hold on her, rubbing her breasts against my chest and exaggerating the effect of my thrusts.

"Ah yes Ned... go Ned...AAAAAHHHHHh...oh god, keep going...oh my god Ned...go, go, go...fuck me Ned...fuck me hard...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH...OOOOHHHHHH...oh shit....oh fuck...harder...harder..."

It soon became apparent that Amy's ability to absorb this stimulation and the multiple climaxes it was giving her was going to exceed my physical ability to keep up the strength demanding, energy draining pounding I was delivering.

The thing was, while it felt great on my cock, as so often happened with these secondary erections, I wasn't brewing up. I'd got past the post ejeculative sensitive stage and thoroughly enjoying every thrust into her beautiful body, but short of just giving up, my only way out of this situation was to cum; and preferably cum hard.

Amy was so into it all, she wasn't even trying to grip me. I had to ask...

"Grip me harder..."

I felt her vagina tighten on my manhood. That was better. At first I thought not enough. But those initial tendrils of pleasure she gave me multiplied, spread through the whole length and circumference of my cock and started to intensify.

It had already reached the level of pleasure at which I would normally have cum. But another feature of these secondary erections is it goes beyond that and instead of being a momentary sensation soon lost in the ejeculative feelings, it stabilises there, slowly building further until the climaxes happens with almost no further warning.

All I could do was keep pumping, panting in exhaustion as much as I was groaning in ecstasy.

The sensations of pleasure kept incrementally growing. It was beautiful, more beautiful than any ordinary sex I'd had in my lifetime, but I couldn't help wishing I'd cum.

When I did, it wasn't forewarned by the usual momentary rush of pleasurable sensations which proceed the pleasures of the ejaculation itself -- I'd been absorbing those for some time already, plus some - it was rather a funny, novel sensation in my balls which I correctly interpreted for what it was.

I pressed Amy harder against the wall, buried myself deeply into her and let out a deafening groan as my balls ecstatically and with leg weakening pleasure, emptied themselves of whatever cum had been left over from my earlier ejaculation.

As it ended, I froze there, stuck with my body pressing Amy to the wall, held up as much by my erection as the hands I had on her thighs; too weak to even ease her legs to the ground in a controlled manner. Amy broke the ice, grabbing me around the neck and kissing all over my face...

"Oh wow Ned. That was mind blowing."

I giggled; or at least as much of a giggle as the compression of my chest against Amy's would allow...

"I'm stuck. I can't let you down."

"I don't think you've ever let me down." Amy replied in a twist on my words, "But what about now..."

Amy grabbed me more tightly around my neck and used that to elevate some of her weight off my hands. I eased them slowly downward and she followed, spreading the load between my neck, hands and erection, letting me bend my knees to keep my erection in her until her feet hit the ground.

I slowly back up to the chair this had all started on, sitting down, drawing Amy over my lap, still penetrated by an erection unwilling to give up its pleasurable residence in her vagina...

"Goodness Ned, what's got into you? Are you taking Viagra again?"


I pondered what further to say. It seemed Amy was the only one not in on the secret of how my body was responding to the events of the last few days. It was clear she hadn't fully absorbed the significance of my admission to her at the start of this...

"Amy, it's embarrassing to say this. I'm in awe of how you handled yourself with Frank. I love you more than ever for the person you are. But my body has responded to that in a way that seems completely inappropriate. I get far more easily aroused by your presence, or even the mere thought of it. And, as you might have noticed, it's a far more powerful arousal. I'm not surprised you asked whether I was on Viagra, because that's exactly what it feels like -- or at least did when you upped the dosage."

"Why is that embarrassing?"

"Because you had a life threatening experience and all I and do in response is get aroused. Isn't that a bit too 'typical male', not to get embarrassed by?"

"Ned, that's not all you did. It's one part of a multifaceted reaction. We have a highly sexual reaction to each other as part of our ordinary relationship. I'm rather pleased by the thought I can generate such a strong sexual response in you. It wasn't that I hadn't noticed, I just thought you and Ellen had found a new level of connection. I was even a bit jealous. So if growing a boner is the worst thing you can do in my presence, bring them on."

I sensed Amy pondering what to say next...

"Ned, I never revealed to you that I knew the day with Frank would come. He was just too controlling and obsessive to let it go. I didn't want it to control or burden our lives, but I knew I'd have to be ready when it came.

I couldn't hide from him forever, even so far from him; especially as I developed a well-recognised professional profile

I like being fit and I love you sharing my exercise with me and turning me on with the strength of your body. But I was always preparing myself for the day Frank came.

I knew he catch me by surprise, probably with a knife and he was too much of a coward to do anything but catch me alone. I thought I was safe while our borders were locked by COVID, so he certainly caught me off guard.

But as I dealt with him, you were part of my strength and the calmness that let me deal with him. My love for you, the example you set me in life, my desire to see this through and be with you again all made me determined to win against him. And when he threatened your life, he all but signed his own death warrant; and don't think I wasn't tempted to carry it through as he lay there helpless.

When he shoved his erection into my crotch, I was more enraged by the fact he was invading a space that belonged to you as I was of any personal fear of rape by him; although I have to admit, I found his body absolutely gross and shuddered at the thought of him penetratively raping me.

Ned, maybe the effect will wear off soon enough. But be proud of your erections. I love them and I love your reaction to me. Embrace them, because I certainly will."

I had never really known that for the last seven years Amy had been quietly preparing herself for what she knew would be a life or death situation. I felt a sudden flood of raw emotion; love, admiration, even astonishment at her handling of the whole thing. I hugged her, crying over her shoulder, even as I felt the erection which had been slowly subsiding since we'd sat down, spring back to life and reach up to touch her cervix.

Amy hugged me back, like a mother hugging a distressed child.

"Ned, since we're talking, maybe I can raise something else.

As Frack cut the bikini off me, one thing I did to keep myself calm was pretend it was you doing it as some sort of sexual foreplay. I was always a bit envious of the way Tash used to have you rip her old swimmers off and tear them to pieces as a prelude to her role playing sex with you.

I've got lots of old bikinis I've accumulated over the last seven years since you made me buy that first sexy one in Papeete. Can we do some of that role play sometimes; a sort of forced sex with my bikinis being cut away sometimes."

I hated to contradict Amy at that point, but one thing I felt I couldn't let stand...

"I don't recall making you buy any bikinis. In fact I think I may have suggested one or two were too sexy and you bought them anyway."

"I know, I was just teasing because I knew I'd get a reaction and it was diverting you from your dripping tears on my shoulder."

"How will I know that's what you want?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe you find me in an old bikini you haven't seen for years and, for some reason, there happens to be a box cutter or pair of scissors sitting in a place you usually don't see one."

Amy is always full of surprises, but she'd outdone herself this time; revealing she'd been preparing for Frank to attempt to rape and murder her for the last seven years and asking for role playing forced sex all in the one discussion.

"You know I never was that comfortable with what I had to do with Tash."

"I know. But you did it anyway because that's what made her happy and comfortable. And because you love me, I know you'll do it for me too."

"Won't it resurrect horrible memories of what Frank tried to do?"

"No, because my memory of that is one of victory and putting down the devil. It's a good memory, and role playing won't change that."

"Tash was living out her fantasy of being taken by her swimming coach while protecting her virtue. What's your angle on it; just so I can play my role properly?"

Amy pondered how to answer my question...

"I don't have such a tidy answer for you on that one. And I suspect you'll send me to a psychologist if I tell you.

I want to turn bad memories into good ones.

I fought and struggled under Frank so often as he raped me and all I got was bad sex.

I want to fight and struggle under you and have it finish with good sex. And don't ask me what good sex means. Trust me, it will be good. Just let your passions run. Be naughty and lustful and go with it, don't get all proper with me.

Pin me down and do it. Nothing fancy. You know I get off on whatever you do to me. Just do it."

I looked at her; almost dumbfounded. She was right. I wondered if a psychologist wasn't a more appropriate answer; not that she's ever really displayed any ongoing trauma from her past. Still, Amy's a remarkable self-healing woman, given what she's been through.

It half made sense -- if only half.

"Is this in a relationship context or a stranger?"

"Definitely a relationship. I could never think of you as a stranger. Call me a naughty girl, a slut and other names and accuse me of whatever crimes against you come to mind. Don't worry I won't take them seriously."

I half shuddered. With Tash there'd been an easy third party role to play with an easily made up script for what had always been for Tash a positive fantasy. This seemed like far more dangerous territory.

"You know I'm a hopeless actor?"

"Yes, but I know you love me so I know you'll do your best. Trust me, this will be good for me."

"OK, if you're sure that's what you want."

"I'm more than sure. I'm sure I'm sure."

"I had a safe word with Tash, so that I knew when 'no' didn't actually mean no. What's your safe word going to be?"

"I doubt we'll need it, but what about the word 'Tash'?"

"And do you promise not to break my arm if we role play the game?"

"Maybe. Or maybe not. I might get really into the game."

"That's what I'm scared of."

Amy grinned at me, almost patronisingly.

"You'll be fine. I'll look after you."

My love for Amy is unlimited. There are innumerable times I feel extraordinarily guilty having Amy as my partner. Being nearly 30 years older than her is bad enough for any relationship.

It wouldn't even be possible except for her determination not to have children.

At least with Ellen, she already has two and that's the limit of her childbearing ambitions.

But it almost seems like a travesty to humanity for Amy not to breed. She's so intelligent, clever, independent, kind, thoughtful, friendly, and physically perfect, in beauty and body that for her genetic line to finish with her is just not right. I have never met a more perfect human in all my time on this earth. And it's not as though my seven years with her haven't let me come to know her well.

It's not for me to tell her she should have babies. But I do sometimes worry her determination not to have children is the flip side of her determination to stay with me. And that's where my guilt takes over. I'm not really worthy of such love from her and for her to waste her breeding years on me, just doesn't seem right.

Still, this issue had been running for seven years now. Amy humours me and pushes it aside whenever I raise it -- even indirectly. Now was not the time to raise it again.

As the post ejeculative erection which had momentarily sprung back to life subsided once again down to a half mongrel, Amy lifted herself off me; depositing a flood of cum and juices into my rolled down speedos.

Putting her hand between her legs to catch any further drips, she ducked into the bathroom next door, returning a short while later with a hand towel and her bikini readjusted to cover her crotch and breasts.

She had me shift forward in the seat as she whipped down my still half firm manhood, but balked at dealing with the puddle of stuff in my pants...

"I think you might need to change those."

Handing me the towel, she added with a grin...

"I know I'm off work this week, but I promised I'd make a midday call. I'll let you deal with the rest."

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