A Valiant Effort Ch. 01


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"Oh shit! Katie! Put those away!" I shouted at her, swerving a bit, as my eyes were no longer focused on the road.

Katie just pouted, and slid down the seat, so that any passing cars wouldn't immediately notice the fun bags on display in the big red behemoth. The car already attracted enough attention, and when you added titties to the equation, every person driving by was going to be doing double and triple takes, if not wolf whistles.

I wanted to perform double and triple takes, myself, but I knew that if I kept staring, we'd eventually crash. I wasn't interested in getting my car fixed in Montana, of all places, and I sure as hell didn't want to be stranded here either.

"Come on, Katie. Please?" I asked, quieter this time, but still firm in my request.

"Ben, you said you liked them. And I'm hot, anyways, so no. I'm not putting them away. Just don't look, if you don't want." She said, then crossed her arms, mashing the melons against her chest, causing an extreme amount of cleavage.

I sighed. There was no controlling her like this. Hell, there was no controlling her in any way, ever. I just shook my head, resigned. Guess I had a topless companion on this journey. Life could always be worse, I supposed.

"Alright, whatever. They're your tits." I reached down for the cigarettes, and lit one up, trying not to focus on the nearly naked hottie next to me.

I couldn't help but think, again, how hot my sister was; how much I wanted to suck on those beautiful specimens of femininity on her chest. Oh god, I was such a pervert. And now, incest was starting to take a hold in me, and not in a way that I minded as much as I should have.

I took a drag off the little white stick of death, and slowly exhaled, knowing I should have quit a long time ago.

Katie reached over and took the butt from my hand, and we quietly shared it for the next few minutes, passing it back and forth, taking care not to ash in the car. I was thinking how maybe smoking a bowl would calm my nerves, but I needed to keep my wits about me. If Katie was going to insist on being topless, I was going to have to try harder to keep my mind out of the gutter.

It was hard to believe that last night I had craved for her touch, and then listened to her fantasize about having my cock and cum deep inside of her. I was going to have to figure out a way to deal with this issue sooner or later, and hopefully, before things progressed to the point where I couldn't stop myself from attacking her sexually. She was my dream girl in more ways than one.

I started to really think of how she looked, and what was so appealing about her.

She stood about 5'5", maybe weighing as much as 125 lbs, but I thought that was an over estimate. Her ass, as I'd noted earlier, was heart shaped, and although I hadn't seen it up close and intimately, and I knew that it was the finest ass I'd ever seen. Her breasts were larger than I remembered, and were probably closer to a D cup rather than a C. It was a generous C, at the very least, and those nipples that jutted out of the center of each mountain were perfectly proportioned to the rest of it. A lighter brown color that might be mistaken for pink in the right light, those areolas were about the size of a quarter, but I needed closer inspection to verify. Her hair, which was up in a ponytail, was a blonde/brown color that caught the sunlight and looked soft to the touch. She was slim, with a tiny little belly, but not in a glutonous way; rather, it was just the sign of health versus anorexia. Basically, the perfect physique, combined with a dazzling smile, a confident aura, and brilliantly blue eyes made her the most desirable woman I'd ever seen. I was still trying to figure out exactly how old she was in my head. I knew she was at least 19, maybe 20, and even maybe 21. I couldn't recall her birthday, and I knew she was 3 or 4 years younger. I'd just turned 24, so that meant she was at least 20.

It dawned on me that if she wasn't 21, I was feeding her alcohol as a minor, and that thought brought me back from the daydream I was in. The daydream where she was my sex goddess, and topless, and begging me to look. Oh wait, that was actually happening. Shit.

I looked over at her as she pitched the cigarette out of the window. I didn't approve, but I wasn't going to comment. I decided I was going to consider her 21 until I found out for sure. That way, I could have a clean conscience. Sort of, anyways.

The rest of the journey into Billings was uneventful. I continued to peek over at her, and we shared a few more cigarettes, but the conversation had dwindled to nothing, and the AM radio wasn't getting a signal anymore. That surprised me, but it didn't bother me; a person can only handle so much shitty music over and over again before they went crazy.

As we pulled into the outskirts of town, Katie replaced her top, much to my disappointment, and also threw on a tee shirt. The temperature had started to drop again, and even though it had been hot all day, it was decidedly chilly. I even had her grab the wheel so I could pull my shirt back on, though we left the windows down. The red interior of Beast was excellent at absorbing the heat, so if we got too cold, it was easy to scoot one way or another to garner a little more heat on our bodies.

We hadn't talked about the fact she'd been topless since I asked her to put her clothing back on, and since she didn't bring it up again, I wasn't going to say anything either.

We pulled into a hotel, and she got us a room. When I looked inside, there were two beds this time, and I claimed the one on the left. They were both doubles, and looked like they might be comfortable. Considering the sleeping accommodations from the night before last, anything was better than that couch.

I went back to the car, and carried all of our stuff up, noting that I now had zero clean clothes with me. Looks like I was handwashing this evening. By the time everything was set down and put away, Katie mentioned food, and then walked out the door. I thought about following, but I was exhausted from driving all day, and also, I had a cock to take care of.

While she was gone, I hurriedly went into the bathroom and undid my belt. The moment the restraints were lifted, my dick popped out, still fully at attention. I figured I'd been hard most of the day, and only had that quick moment alone yesterday to take care of business. This time, I was going to go a bit slower, if possible.

I reached down, and grabbed some lotion from the sink, and slathered a generous amount on the tip of my cock. I slowly moved the lotion around the head, and with a loose grip, slid my hand down the shaft, feeling the immense pleasure of the first stroke. The first stroke was always my favorite, and after that, the regular motion of my hand going up and down, pulling, squeezing, and rubbing the lotion in caused my mind to wander.

The first thought that came to mind was of my sister, topless, next to me in the car, and me covertly peeking at her nipples, which were rock hard. I couldn't tell if it was the wind, or if it was arousal, but it didn't matter- those nipples needed to be tasted, touched, flicked, and loved. I wanted nothing more than to pull them into my mouth, and to taste the sweetness that my sister had to offer.

Then I began to think of how nice her hands had felt on my body last night in the shower, and how close she had come to stroking this mammoth in my hands. I didn't have an obscenely large package, but I liked to think it was the biggest in the world when I jerked off. It was an ego thing; girls begging for it worldwide. Needing my cum. Wanting it inside them, in their mouths, in their asses. All over their faces, and titties, and everywhere else. Load after load of hot spunk, shot in and on every girl ever.

And then, I began to hear the words Katie had uttered last night in bed as she pleasured herself... "fill me up. Cum in me. Oh Ben. Come for me. Cum. Cum. Cum." These words played over and over again in my head as my pace quickened. I was about to explode, I could feel it deep in my balls, that ache, oh so sweet, yet painful, just before my wad was shot and I was spent.

I was literally only moments from climax, though still not reaching the point of no return, when I heard Katie come back in with the food. Shit. I was so close, I wanted to finish, and I planned on it. She could wait. I was still thinking of her words, of what she wanted, how she'd begged for it, when the door behind me opened. I'd forgotten to lock it, and there she was, looking at me.

The point of no return was here, and there was no way I could stop myself now. I tried to turn away, but the mirror situation in the bathroom left me no privacy; she'd be able to see me no matter where I turned. Still, I just closed my eyes as I stroked the last few strokes, the explosion just milliseconds away.

"Cum for me Ben... Cum for your slutty little sister... Cum, you stud. CUM!" she was whispering at me, somehow having gotten right behind me as I was just about to release. Whispering into my ear put me in overdrive, and the first of my cum shot out of the tip of my dick, landing on the floor in front of me. I assumed it was the floor. It might have been a rug, or the toilet, or something. I couldn't tell with my eyes closed.

Suddenly, I was facing the other way, still spurting white cream from my cock. Katie had spun me around, and since I was so focused on what I was doing, I couldn't stop, or even be embarrassed at this moment. I couldn't figure out what was going on, what with the explosion still building and occurring simultaneously. I was facing Katie now, unable to stop, and still shooting ribbons of spunk a goodly distance.

I could feel the last of my seed finally leaving my body, causing the eminent relaxation to kick in. My eyes were still closed, and I wondered just what had happened. I had a sick feeling in my stomach that I'd accidentally just cum on my sister. AND SHE'D ENCOURAGED ME! This wasn't me, this was all her. I couldn't believe it. I was afraid to look.

Moments passed, and I still refused to open my eyes. I knew Katie was right there, but I didn't want to see.

Finally, I knew I'd have to face her eventually. I opened my eyes.

Katie was in front of me, kneeling, and smiling up at me. There wasn't a trace of cum anywhere that I could see. I was so confused. Had that really just happened? I wasn't sure.

I looked around behind me, looking for evidence of my eruption, but I saw none. I looked back at Kate, with my cock still in hand, unconsciously stroking myself, a tiny bubble of cum left on the tip. So I did explode... but where had it all gone?

My mind was coming back to reality, and I looked around again, still noting the absence of my seed, and Katie still kneeling in front of me, smiling, and waiting for me to speak.

I looked back at her uncertainly, not sure what to say. She'd literally just watched me blow my missing load.

All of the sudden, before I could think about anything else, There's Something About Mary popped into my head, with that other Ben getting cum on his ear. I laughed, not knowing what else to do, and felt my ear. No, there was nothing there. I looked again at Katie, and suddenly, I had a suspicion.

Why was she kneeling, smiling, and where had my cum gone? What was it about that smile? Had she...? No, I wasn't even going to think that way. Or had she...? Had she taken it in the mouth? All of it? I'd been facing the other way, so that was impossible, right? I wasn't quite sure what to say.

If she had caught my cum in her mouth, was that wrong? OF COURSE IT WAS! SHE'S YOUR SISTER!

I didn't want to know, but I did...

"Um, Katie. Sorry about that. I, um. Shit. Yea, I was busy in here. So, uh... what are you doing in here?" I asked, not sure what to really say, but not sure how to ask what I so desperately needed to know.

Katie just winked at me, stood up, and left, without saying a word.

I was at a loss. I had an inkling that my sister had just swallowed me, but I wasn't sure how that was even possible from the specifics of the situation. I wasn't going to dwell on it, because I knew she'd brought food, and I was hungry. The last thing I'd eaten was that sandwich hours ago.

I walked out of the bathroom, after having adjusted myself and replaced my belt, and looked over to see Katie sitting on her bed, still smiling at me.

She pointed towards the small table that had a pizza box on it, as well as a six pack of beer, and what looked like a DVD. I wasn't sure why she'd gotten a DVD, as we had free cable in the room, but I wasn't going to ask, considering she'd just caught me jerking off. Caught me. What an innuendo that was.

It excited me to think that she may have caught me in her mouth, but at the same time, I was appalled. She'd dominated that encounter, and now I was at a loss. I wish I hadn't closed my eyes. Maybe I didn't actually have as much cum shoot out of me as I'd thought. I mean, there were several times I could have sworn a huge load had just spewed out of my peter, but it turned out only to be a couple dribbles. For that matter, there were times I thought it was only a little bit, and there were gobs of creamy white goo everywhere.

I walked over to the table, and grabbed a slice from the box, noting she wasn't eating.

"Not hungry?" I asked, "And thanks!" I gestured with the pizza.

"I think I'm full for the moment," she said with a wink, "and you're very much welcome" She indicated my groin with a tilt of her head." Then laughed. "AND THANK YOU! BIG brother." I thought she had emphasized the word big, but wasn't sure.

I just shook my head, finished my slice, and grabbed another one.

I needed a cigarette, too, but I wasn't quite ready to step outside, knowing that I'd probably just been swallowed by my sister, and I needed a moment to think before I faced the world. I continued to munch my pizza, and reached over for a beer. Although it was shitty beer, it was still better than nothing, so I washed the last bit of pizza out of my mouth with a few gulps from the small silver can.

While I'd been eating and drinking, Katie had laid back on the bed, and was just watching me, still smiling that odd smile.

I couldn't take that look anymore, so I set my beer down and headed out for that smoke. I imagined that Katie would join me in a few seconds, but she didn't, and I finished it in relative peace.

My head was swirling with all sorts of things, and it was spinning so fast that I couldn't actually get a grip on anything. I shook my head again, and walked back inside, after pitching my butt into the ashtray nearby.

Katie wasn't on the bed anymore, and the shower was running, so I assumed she was in there, getting clean. I decided to finish my beer and wait her out, and then hopefully, I could think in the shower. I'd tried it last night, but it didn't work.

I was tired from driving all day, and sat back on my bed, waiting and sipping on my beer. I turned on the TV, and sat back to enjoy whatever stupid program may be on. It was a rerun of Family Guy, and since I had nothing better to do, I let the show captivate me.

I don't know when it happened, but my eyes closed, and I drifted off to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why wasyevyour time writing this, why waste my time thinking it would get better or explain anything.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

story was too long and not written very well. no sex just nothing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

My only complaint is beer should only come out of a can as a last resort.

wilbur52wilbur52about 11 years ago
Good so far

Beardfaceforlife like your style keep on writing. It's pretty good

wilbur52wilbur52about 11 years ago
ChasB and Anonymous asshats

Firstly ChasB, you have never written a story except maybe in gradeschool

or perhaps you need learn to read.

To the anonymous idots most of you should stick to porn magazines if you are looking to get your rocks off. READ STORIES or go wank off in your sisters panties!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Few bits of commentary.

Very nicely crafted story. It is a long tease, so I hope you are able to make it pay off by the end of the journey.

Not sure where you are going with this, but I am going to assume this will end up with your protagonist finally becoming the authoritative, strong man the sister wants him to become. The clues have been laid in the story so far, so if your protagonist fails to change, it will be a really big let down.

Now, personality traits.

You have a self described obsessive, compulsive, neat freak engineer. He refuses to drink and drive, yet will not go on a trip without in pipe and bag of weed?

Also, your bio says you are from Pacific Northwest, so I will assume you know the area, but when the average High temperature in Missoula, MT for June - August, (the assumed time frame of this story) is rarely higher than 83 F, more likely in the mid 60s for average temperature, it is hard to consider these days as scorching hot. You may want to consider writing a realistic number temperature to express the heat.

Good luck. I am looking forward to how this story continues. I'm hoping for this to be at least a 3 part series ending in the two being together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

What is this guy you're portraying, a complete imbecile, I kept wondering where the story was going, he doesn't have the balls to question his loser step- sister, come on it sucks.

otakuinshinerotakuinshinerabout 11 years ago
chptr 2 please

personally i liked the slow pace of your story, i do hope the second chapter has more sex though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
6 pages to no where

!!!!!! !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Having read the first few comments, I think maybe you've attracted some of the Loving Wives crowd. The story was fine. I liked it. Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
'64 Valiant?

Really-- 64 Valiant----- Monster--Tank????

dritzzdritzzabout 11 years ago

liked it, continue the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Fuck those guys

I liked it!

MaximguyMaximguyabout 11 years ago
I liked everything about this story....

Except for the fact the brother is a complete wimp. I don't mind her being a lying sneak because that would make for an awesome story about the strong minded bro taking her to task. Instead, we have this. The writing is good, and I'm hoping to like this more when the guy grows some nads.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

That sucked! Did you forget you we're writing a sex stores or did your mom walk in on you?????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This is going nowhere. Please stop writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A wimp and a lying bitch, how original...

Can you say 'doormat'?

An endless trudge through nothing much, ending nowhere in particular, with a spineless doormat and a manipulative lying little bitch; ho hum, how interesting....

This story was massively pointless; neither hot, erotic, pointed, or even interesting, just endless driving while he navel-gazes about what a good boy he is. Please don't write any more of this story, after six pages I'm ready to jump off an over-pass...

ChasBChasBabout 11 years ago

About page 4, I was starting to go to sleep, so went ahead to comment before shutting down. Bleah!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
six pages of..

travel dialog. "Where is the beef?"

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