A Very Friendly Neighborhood Ch. 03


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Once I started to calm down, I joined the girls who were almost through the marshmallows and graham crackers. I liked to keep lots of chocolate on hand, especially Reese's which made the best s'mores if you asked me.

The girls, except Hope and Alice, were pretty intoxicated at this point, and there were several burnt marshmallows at the bottom of the firepit. The girls were laughing in the setting sun.

"Our host joins us!" Eve giggled. "Who's gonna be the next one to show their tits, now that Tabs is passed out?"

"We're not just gonna show our boobs!" Mia groaned. "Why do you keep asking for that?!"

"Well, 'cause boobs are hot!" Eve snorted. "I mean, I want a dick in me, but fuck, I want boobs to play with too!"

"Is that why you're always trying to convince us that a threesome is the best way to go?" Hope asked curiously as she sipped her lemonade and watched her drunk friends.

"Heck yeah!" Eve laughed. "I don't know why you guys are such prudes. It would be fun!"

Hope glanced over at me and blushed and Alice hid behind her cup to drink lemonade. Harper and Lucy gave a 'psh' noise, and Mia just waved her off.

"Come on, I don't want anyone else in there to distract from me when I'm riding a dude." Mia declared. "I mean, how many of you have had a man who could really drive you crazy when you were alone? Nah. I'm enough woman for any man by myself."

"You just don't want competition, cause you know you aren't all that!" Eve teased.

"No!" Mia sputtered, "Besides we shouldn't be talking about this in front of Marshall, he hardly knows us!"

"Pft!" Eve dismissed, "You were just saying that because you started losing!"

"Now, now, don't fight! We're having fun, and no one is competing for anything right now. We're just enjoying the evening." I assured the two girls.

"Would you do a threesome with us?" Eve demanded, batting her eyelashes at me.

Maybe it was the buzz I was starting to feel from my drinks, but I didn't see any harm in answering the question.

"Well, I'm sure a threesome would be fun," I admitted. "But I think I want a long term partner more than I want just a few fun threesomes."

"But if your partner was okay with threesomes, you'd do it?" Eve pressed.

"Well, yeah," I agreed, pushing a concerned thought at the back of my mind that I was making a big mistake further into the depths. What harm could there be from admitting it? They girls were the ones asking. "It would be fucking hot. You are all freaking beautiful, and it would be amazing. But I'm sure that would complicate things... What girl wants to be with a guy who's okay fucking another woman."

I couldn't keep my disgust with myself out of my voice. I was doing just that, fucking other women. Debbie was holding threats of claiming sexual misconduct against her if I stopped fucking her. Kennedy was a whole other problem, as her threats were more of her causing self harm through self destructive behaviors to get satisfied if I didn't keep satisfying her. Now Aurora was trying to add Christina to the list. If I caved, who knows what Aurora would make me do.

There was a bit of a lull in the conversation, but then Eve piped back up.

"Nah, it's all good! I'm sure plenty of us here would be chill with it, so long as you weren't doing it behind our backs, right? I mean, a threesome is, like, as in the light as it can get, right?" Eve asked the other girls.

I couldn't follow everything that Mia, Harper and Lucy said as they assured me they'd be fine. Alice and Hope remained quiet for a while.

"I can't say for sure, but I don't think you'd do anything you thought would hurt me if we were together." Harper finally chimed in.

"Yeah, you've been super nice and respectful," Alice chimed in. "If I asked you not to, I think you'd respect it, so it would only be if I said okay that you'd do anything, if we were together."

Lucy's phone buzzed and she checked it, "Ah fuck, I have to go. I need to take care of my dog, and I promised I'd run an errand with my mom tonight. Fuck. Why is it always when fun shit happens when I have plans?"

"I can take you home." Alice assured her.

"I've gotta dip too, but I need your number first!" Eve proclaimed.

"Group text!" Mia called, "That way we can get everyone's numbers out fast."

"Can we add Tabs? I'm sure she'd want his number too..." Lucy muttered.

"Well, she can't exactly say one way or the other right now." Hope pressed. "She can get it later if she wants it."

I gave Eve my number and she started the group text. Everyone chimed in their names so I could get them in my contacts. They all got my number as it was the only one they didn't have.

"I need to get Tabs home." Hope declared. "Marshall, can you help me get her to my car?"

"You're my ride, I'll help too." Mia declared, but upon standing was unsteady on her feet.

"Um, you should probably sit this out." Hope informed her.

"Fine..." Mia accepted, sinking back to her seat.

We went up to the bathroom and found Tabitha still laying there, and a quick rinse cleaned the mess she'd vomited up, and then went to move her.

"Wha...?" Tabitha gasped, "I'm fine. I'm... urk..." And she vomited again.

"Get it all out now, I don't want you puking in my car." Hope declared.

"I'm not gonna...urp." Tabitha groaned and proceeded to empty her stomach, heaving until there was nothing in her stomach to regurgitate.

"Good. It took hours to get my seat clean last time you puked on them." Hope declared.

I helped Tabitha to her feet, then pulled her arm over my shoulder to help her down to Hope's car. Then I helped Mia to the car as well, as she was the only other girl to have drunk enough she couldn't walk steadily enough for me to feel comfortable letting her walk on her own.

"Hehehe... such a gentleman..." Mia laughed as I lowered her into the back seat of Hope's Camry.

"Drive safe!" I told Hope, since the other car had already left with Alice, Lucy, Eve, and Harper.

"Later, Marshall!" She called and pulled away.

I stood there for a moment, wondering if I really had a shot with any of those girls. I admit, Tabitha didn't really seem like the type for me, but I could see any of the others. Even Eve seemed like a great potential. I was open to satisfying my partner's kink, and if Eve wanted threesomes so she could enjoy another woman's breasts I could be open to that. I admit, right now, Hope had my preference, but I wasn't closing any of them out.

"Did you have a fun evening with those young ladies?" Kennedy laughed over her fence.

"Oh, hey Kennedy. I didn't see you there. Yeah, it was fun." I admitted.

"Did I see Aurora over at your place before she came to talk with my mom?" Kennedy pressed.

"Yeah, she came over to talk." I confirmed.

"What did she say?" Kennedy prodded.

"Um, I'd rather not talk about it out here." I replied.

"Cool, I'll be right over then." Kennedy chimed.

"That's not..." I started to object, but I was just done. It wasn't worth it. Plus, hey, maybe Kennedy could tell me what the fuck was wrong with everyone here.

A second later, Kennedy came bouncing out her gate in shorts, a tanktop and sandals. She pulled my hand up into the house.

"Sweet, pizza!" Kennedy called, "You mind?"

"Knock yourself out." I told her.

There were still roughly two pizza's worth of slices left between the pizzas. I'd be shocked if Kennedy could eat it herself.

"So what did Aurora want?" Kennedy prodded again.

I sighed. Since Kennedy was, in fact, one of the two women I was being more or less forced to fuck, might as well just put it out there.

"Well, she wants me to fuck Christina since Christina is obviously devastated by Jerry's affair." I declared throwing my hands out.

"Hmmm... Makes sense. You gonna do it?" Kennedy asked, like it was nothing.

"...What?" I gaped. "You... you want me to do it?"

Kennedy shrugged. "I mean, why wouldn't you? I mean, I guess Christina could say no, but like, if Aurora says it is gonna happen, it's pretty much gonna happen."

"Why? Why would I listen to Aurora? Is she the queen of the neighborhood or something?" I demanded.

Kennedy stared at me for a second then nodded in realization. "Oh! Right. You're new here. Um... Let me start with just a story... okay?"

It was my turn to shrug.

Kennedy took another bite of her meat lover's pizza. Then chewed and swallowed before starting.

"Okay, so did you notice how close Amani and Aurora were when they came to yoga?" Kennedy started.

I nodded.

"There's a reason for that. The two of them moved into the neighborhood within weeks of each other, and when Aurora's husband did... whatever he did, and they were going through their divorce, Amani was there for her, and the two became close friends. Then when Amani caught her husband messing around with an eighteen year old girl from whatever country they're from in the middle east and decided to divorce him, it was messy. His screams and threats could be heard throughout the neighborhood, and he said there would be consequences for her." Kennedy explained.

"Oh my..." I murmured.

"Yeah, it was crazy. Apparently her husband follows some of the more extreme beliefs about stuff like that, and a week later a van full of a bunch of his friends pulled up in front of their old home." Kennedy continued.

I swallowed, I knew that the vast majority of middle eastern people weren't like that, but I also knew that thinking honor killings didn't ever happen was naive. Obviously it hadn't happened, but it sounded like it was planned.

"Yeah. Seems like you are thinking exactly what we all thought... until we saw all of Aurora's cousins, uncles, and who knows who else seem to materialize out of nowhere." Kennedy countered.

I blinked.

"Yep, turns out Aurora is like the daughter or granddaughter of some mafia boss in New York. And after the like fifty guys surrounded the van, it left and as far as we know, that was the last contact Amani had with her husband or his family except for in court." Kennedy declared. "It was also the last time anyone has pretty much ever dared to cross Aurora."

"Wait... Wait, wait, wait..." I mumbled, wishing I hadn't touched the beers earlier. "You're telling me that Aurora is part of the Italian Mafia?"

"Well, probably one of the US branches, but we can't be sure. It's not like we've confronted her about it, but when you have fifty mafia guys show up when she calls with everything from baseball bats to guns... yeah, pretty much confirmed." Kennedy stated, taking another bit of pizza.

I sat back. Now Aurora's reaction to my objections made sense. She had seemed unaccustomed to being talked back to... because she was unaccustomed to people daring to question her. Fuck.

"So yeah, if you value your life, career and such... I'd get used to the idea of getting in Christina's panties. And come on, she's a fucking swimsuit model! I know enough to know that this is like a wet dream for most guys. What's the issue?" Kennedy questioned.

"Because I want to date and get freaking married!" I snapped. "How am I supposed to do that if Aurora, or your mom, is just going to walk in and demand I start fucking one of the neighborhood women? 'Cause I'm guessing it isn't gonna stop with Christina! Your mom seems to think she can just have me whenever she wants me for as long as she wants me. How long is Aurora gonna make me fuck Christina? And how long until she decides she wants me to fuck her too? Or Amani? Or anyone in the fucking neighborhood?"

Kennedy looked at me hurt, "Or me?"

I stood up and began to pace, "I mean... yeah, a bit! I mean, you know you were putting me on the spot with that. But at least, you have a time frame. Just a few months until you go off to college. I can do that. Even in the best case scenario, I'd be stupid lucky to get a girlfriend in that time frame. So I guess I'm okay helping you out, but I don't want to feel like I'm at the beck and call of every woman in the neighborhood!"

"Thanks for that glowing endorsement." Kennedy replied sarcastically.

"I can't win..." I groaned leaning against the wall next to the fridge.

"Then take the wins where you can." Kennedy declared, grabbing a second piece of pizza. "Look on the bright side, you got to get with a..." She looked herself over, "... pretty cute eighteen year old, I think I'm not being too cocky saying, and now you get to nail a swimsuit model. Take the wins."

I groaned, "Not helpful."

Kennedy shrugged. "Welcome to Florida. Not the way most people usually experience the craziness of Florida, but hey, Florida will be Florida. Anyways, I have to get home. I still have a few assignments to hunt down and submit online. See you Monday after school for another 'study session'. Later!"

She grabbed a final piece of pizza and strutted from the room.

I flopped on my couch and groaned.

This was gonna be nuts. What was I to do...?

Tomorrow was Sunday. I had the evening to figure it out, the night to sleep on it, and the entire day to figure out what I was doing. Aurora hadn't exactly given me a time to show up.

I cleaned up, and got ready for bed. A quick shower helped sober me up, but I still couldn't figure out what the fuck to do. I laid down on my bed and tossed and turned until finally I fell asleep.

-- To be Continued in Chapter 4

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NaughtyPaladinNaughtyPaladin8 months agoAuthor

Sorry, I have been busy and writing my subsequent chapters for other works. I will try my best to get more chapters out, but I can only do what I can do.

oksideshow859419oksideshow8594198 months ago

Please Wait For Next Chapter




NaughtyPaladinNaughtyPaladin9 months agoAuthor

Pretty sure one of those cars was Grace, and she had to go home before they even got to his house. There were three cars at three beach, but two arrived at his place.

The_Licentious_LaureateThe_Licentious_Laureate9 months ago

So, the girls drove to his in a Toyota, a Hyundai and a Honda but only had two designated drivers and left in two cars. Methinks you have a continuity problem.

Lobosolo51Lobosolo519 months ago

Ok story line, however, you really need to do some editing. There are a lot of mis-spelled words which make reading the story a bit less than optimal.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c19 months ago

50 guys with bats? Of all the absurdity in this story that is the best.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggart10 months ago

An interesting story so far. Plenty of smut to make it enjoyable that way but also a nice interesting cast of characters with their own secrets and motivations. Hoping this story ends with a nice happy ending for the MC....... well after making his way through the neighborhood of course.

NaughtyPaladinNaughtyPaladin10 months agoAuthor

My editor has the next chapter. They had some internet issues but are working on the chapters they have for this story and several others.

bnaylor987bnaylor98710 months ago

I like this storyline. On the one hand, Dude can bang hot MILFs at will- most guys would love that, plus the 18 year old. On the other hand, he has hot college girls fighting over him and he wants to date....

I hope there are several more in this. I see lots of potential traps and victories and can't wait to see where you take this.

NaughtyPaladinNaughtyPaladin10 months agoAuthor

For those of you using the Feedback option to contact me and including your emails, I am replying, but since the Email I use for everything relating to my work with Literotica has "NaughtyPaladin" in the email, so it seems to get sent to your junk folder. So look for responses there.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Glad youā€™re back and glad this story is back! Youā€™ve crafted another interesting world here with a ton of opportunities to explore. Thanks to the new editor as well!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

My 2 cents

An interesting story. I like the story line and plot. I like the characters. Please keep this going. 5 stars! Thanks for your time and imagination.

shadrachtshadracht10 months ago

I Iike the story and all the crazy characters. Well done

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