A Year of Futanari

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A collection of short futanari stories.
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Long Story Short

A Year of futanari Tales

October -- A Chip

"Patient describes stabbing pains in crotch and penis," the doctor mumbled to himself as he typed his prognosis, "no bleeding or signs of trauma, the patient is responsive and appears in good health."

The blue-haired futa cleared her throat, grabbing the doctor's attention, "Am I going to be okay?" she was clearly concerned.

"I think so," the doctor said as he finished documenting and turned towards the girl, "Look Ashly, I believe we are talking about a faulty chip, I know you are in pain and the chip is flashing red, but I looked through the manual there's nothing about a disease called HYCOBA-86..." he went silent, not sure what to tell Ashly.

Ashly crumpled in pain as another wave washed over her. Something deep inside her told her something was off, but all the testes, all the examinations, everything came back super healthy. It was more the chip that bothered her. She had it since she was born, everybody has one. It was the revelation of 2080, a chip that lets you know when you're sick. It starts flashing green when you're at risk, later becoming yellow and red as things got worst. But that wasn't all this gizmo could do, if you got to a doctor it could tell the doctor exactly what's wrong with you. The chip was nothing short of magic, and stories say they never failed, never.

"I'll schedule a replacement chip, should be here in a couple of days." The doctor concluded.

"Could you give me something for the pain?" Ashly asked. If she was doomed to suffer for a couple of days she might as well be a little sedated to better deal with the situation.

"Hmmm," the doctor thought for a second, "Okay, I'll prescribe some painkillers, but you shouldn't take more than 2 every 24 hours..."

Ashly thanked the doctor and left, going back home after a short stop at the pharmacy to pick up her painkillers. The chip on her left arm kept bleeping red and drew people's attention, as if she was some flea infected zombie that might start eating human flesh any minute now. "By next week we'll be back to green again," she whispered to herself as she walked out of the pharmacy. Hoping to get home soon so she could escape the frightened looks.

Ashly locked the door behind her, "Hello home," she greeted an empty crib. She always liked to greet her home when she entered, felt it created good vibes. She went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and galloped down one pill to help with the waves of pain. Next, she headed to her room so she could change to something more comfortable.

Her bedroom was simple, a bed, a full-body mirror and a closet, nothing special. She tossed her light blue dress on the floor and stood before the mirror. Her skin was lightly tanned and her blue hair framed her skinny face. She never colored it blue, it was just one of the many strange things futanari had in their genetics, she was born with blue hair and will probably die with blue hair. Her eyes were also blue, and she loved how it complimented her hair. Her figure was mostly thin, and she stood a little over 5 feet tall. Her breasts were nothing major, a modest B cup that held nicely without a bra.

Between her legs was the thing that made her rare, only 5% of the population were futa, and she felt lucky to be in that 5%. She had a big cock, nothing huge like those fake porn movies, but a modest 7 inches long shaft with a pair of full balls. Below them was her pussy, a tiny flower. Ashly was admittedly less interested in her sexuality at the moment, the flashing red light bothered her too much.

Ashly felt a little light-headed and attributed the feeling to the painkillers. She decided to think about what to do next from the bed. Sitting down was almost overwhelming, an overpowering sensation of exhaustion washed over her and she struggled not to succumb to it. Those painkillers the doctor gave her sure were something special. As seconds turned into minutes, Ashly couldn't find the will to get up, she managed to climb up onto her pillow as sleep washed over her and the world went black. Ashly slept, and dreamed, and smiled as the pain faded away.

Ashly woke up to a bright day, the sun flooded her room with light. She kept her eyes closed because they hurt, but noticed two things. Firstly, she was no longer in pain, the painkillers seem to work. Secondly, her right hand felt really numb, as if something heavy was placed on her arm and blocked the blood flow to the hand. Ashly guessed it was because she slept on her arm sometime during the night and afforded a bit more to bask in the glory of a new morning.

To her surprise, Ashly's hand still felt numb. She knew she wasn't in any mortal danger, when someone was at risk of dying the chip would start beeping, you couldn't miss it even if you tried. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes. The ceiling looked the same as always and so did the rest of the room.

Ashly turned her head to the right to look at her numb hand and gasped in fear, "What the fuck!" she screamed at the reason her hand was numb.

Over her arm rested a cock, as thick as she was. The shaft stretched along the bed, seeming flaccid. Ashly quickly pulled her arm out from under the thing. It took Ashly a minute to free her pale hand from under the hefty cock, but the minute she did she could feel the blood circulating around in there. After about a minute the sensation and color came back. It was at that time that Ashly realized the giant cock on her bed was her own. By some freakish accident, it turned huge while she slept, spanning the length of the bed she rested on, it was a monster. Realizing something went wrong, Ashly examined the situation farther, she noticed her pussy was still in place and didn't seem to change, but it was now obscured by two giant balls the size of a bean-bag chair.

"What the fuck?" Ashly wondered. The first thing that came to her mind was how is she going to have sex again...

Just then, two things happened, both startling Ashly and making her jump with panic. First, her cock pulsed, the sensation of it pulsing while she got morning wood was nothing new to her, but she was never even half as big as she was now. The flesh of her cock rippled and the bed shook under the shifting weight, at the head of the bed, the tip of her cock slammed violently against the wooden headboard, cracking it.

At the same time, Ashly's phone started ringing. She was lucky it was still in the pocket of the light blue dress she placed by the bed before she fell asleep. She shifted around and grabbed the phone, it was the doctor calling.

"Yes," she answered as another pulse traveled up her cock, this one was strong enough to break the headboard and the thing toppled over her onto her cock. Somehow the feeling wasn't of pain, but pleasure.

"Ashly, this is your doctor, my computer's telling me your chip is green now, how are you feeling?"

Ashly looked at her chip, it was green now. She was truly baffled, but didn't have time to dedicate thought to that. Her cock lurched again, tossing the broken headboard aside and colliding with the wall. To Ashly's amazement, the wall started to crack, turning her mind blank, "I okay..." was all she managed.

"Good," the doctor went on, oblivious to the situation, "I'm happy your chip turned green, but the prognosis bothered me, so I called the company's experts last night. Turns out HYCOBA-86 is one of those new, rare diseases..."

"I'm infected?" Ashly managed to ask as she watched her cock punch through her bedroom wall and into her neighbor's apartment. It was not thicker than Ashly's waist and only semi-erect. Her balls also grew, so big they lifted Ashly off the ground and offered a comfortable sitting place for the ongoing show.

"True," the doctor confirmed, "HYCOBA-86 stands for hyper cock and balls 2086. It's a disease that only affects futanari like yourself. you might experience a growth sprout in the coming days..."

Ashly couldn't help but giggle at the irony. Her cock was now fully erect, she couldn't see how big it was, but she felt it punching through three more walls. Below her, her balls covered the whole bed and spilled over the sides, the weight of it all making the bed give out and crack. On top of all the mess, Ashly sat and couldn't help but smile, the feeling of it all was so amazing she had a hard time listening to the doctor.

"Whatever you do, do not orgasm," he instructed, "once the body experiences an orgasm it is almost impossible to stop the growth. "

It was far too late now, Ashly felt something shift, deep within her giant balls. The pulses of her cock became more rapid, more violent. It was a losing battle, and Ashly didn't even want to win it, her bliss-flooded soul was a far better outcome than winning against her natural need. Her body felt like a marvelous machine, contracting and expending in perfect unison to draw gallons of cum from her over-filled balls and along her shaft. She didn't care where the cum ended up, it was probably flooding the next apartment or two, all she cared about was the fraction of a second when she felt her sack, a little bit less full with cum before filling up again.

Ashly was oblivious to the world now, sunk deep into an intoxicating sensation as the virus worked on her body. She didn't notice the phone falling from her hand onto the floor before her balls grew over it and crushed it flat. She didn't notice the building giving below her as she got too big for the structure to support her growing weight.

The next time Ashly noticed something other than her orgasm was when the sun touched her skin. Her old life was gone; she was no longer a simple girl, but a cum blasting goddess, infected with HYCOBA-86. She couldn't help but giggle when the thought crossed her mind, "at least the chip warned me in time..."

November -- A Queen

It rained cats and dogs on the day I got the word. I remember it vividly as if that moment was etched into my mind. I guess everyone remembers the day they learn how much time they have to live...

On that day, January 7th, the king knocked on my door. I invited him in and we had a cup of tea, but I sensed something was wrong. The king stopped by my house every couple of months, just like he did with all the people around town, but that was during the summer, and that day was winter...

When he finished his blue cup, he thanked me for my hospitality and for everything I did to help around town. I could see his face change, his visage taking a grim turn.

"Is everything in order?" I asked him. He was silent, his face turned white as wax and at first, I thought he was having a seizure. Just as I was about to call the doctor he whispered the words that roared through the room and changed everything.

"The ruffle, it was you, May..."

I don't remember much after that, I was told I fainted, but I really don't remember. I woke up in my bed as the sun started to set, Joe sat by my side and sang a nursery rhyme. She hugged me and offered me food, I hardly ate that day. The following morning the king came again, we talked. At the start of the year, the town holds a ruffle, all the names of women over 18 are thrown in a bag and one is pulled out at random. This time, my name came up, I was going to be the town tribute.

I know some towns don't have tributes like we do, so I'll take a moment of the few I

have left to explain it to you. Our town has a futanari, she is a 20 feet tall beast and all she does is basically lurk in a ruined castle and terrorize nearby towns. Decades ago, our town came to an agreement with our futanari. Once a year, we sent over a single woman, named the town tribute, for the futa to kill and eat and in return the futa left us alone.

And now, two weeks later, here I am, the town tribute. I'm not mad at them, it was a deal everyone living in town accepted, knowing they could be next. Standing before the castle, alone, it was breathtaking, almost surreal. Something seemed off though, the castle's outside, it didn't seem like the place a monster lives in. The fields outside were clearly cultivated and used to grow crops. There were also no skeletons lying around like in the stories people told.

I walked inside the castle, enjoying the last moments of fresh air in my lungs. For some reason, tributes were always sent to the futa naked, probably because the clothing would get stuck in the beast's teeth. I approached a big, open gateway that led to a dark hall. I was instructed to announce my coming and await the futa's arrival inside.

"I am May," I called as loud as my voice allowed me, "I have come as the town tribute..."

"Welcome May," a soft voice came from the darkness, it wasn't the roar of a futanari, "please, come in."

It was hard seeing into the darkness of the hall, but as I walked farther in my eyes slowly adjusted. Before me, was something that looked like a throne. A big chair that seemed befitting for royalty. The light from outside fought its way inside the hall and I could see the chair was in good condition, almost new. On it set a girl, her black hair streaming down her slender frame, It was still hard for me to tell her features as my eyes were still adjusting.

"Hello May, nice to meet you," the girl spoke, "my name is Queen."

"Nice to meet you, Queen, are you a survivor? Do you know where the futanari is hiding?" I asked.

Queen started laughing, her soft voice echoed off the walls and her gleeful tone filled the room, "I am the futanari..." she whispered.

I started to laugh myself, sneaking looks behind me every few seconds to make sure the beast won't suddenly jump on me. As the laughter came down I noticed my eyes fully adjusted to the dark. I examined Queen once more. A gasp escaped my lips as I noticed her crotch. Between the girl's slim legs, a cock unlike anything I ever saw slithered onto the fabric of the chair. The thing was clearly flaccid, but it was as thick as my thigh.

"I..." it was hard to string the words into a sentence, "I don't understand, what's going on? where is the beast?"

"There is no beast," Queen whispered, "your king lied to you, May."

I couldn't help but gasp, my mind still racing from the fear of death and the realization something was off. My eyes were locked onto the only thing that somehow made sense, Queen's cock. It was about a foot long, possibly more.

"Your king once had a mate... I was his Queen..." she explained, "but he struggled, couldn't accept his beloved Queen had a little something extra," she gestured between her legs.

"The king was married once?" I wondered, unsure if this was a hoax or if she was serious.

"I know it's a lot to take in all at once," Queen whispered as she got up from her chair and walked over towards me, "I think seeing this place and all the magic that happens here will help you understand things better."

Queen stood no more than 2 feet away from me. I couldn't help but flinch, expecting she'd harm me in some way. Instead, the beautiful futanari gestured away to a door on the far wall. She started walking and I followed. I couldn't imagine what horrors she was hiding in this castle of hers.

As her hand grabbed the knob and turned the door open she looked at me with a smile.

This room, unlike the hall, was lit with sunlight. The room was huge, bigger than the hall.

I wanted to scream when I saw what was inside, but my mind couldn't function, I couldn't move.

Below me were about a hundred women. Some walked around, others traded goods, others still rested on strangely stuffed bellies. Inside the coordinated dance that was taking place below me the voices of children echoed off the wall, numerous boys and girls played around gleefully.

Once everyone noticed Queen's presence the hall quieted down. All eyes were on her, and she was aware of it. She took a valiant step forward and spoke.

"Hello lovers," she called, "I want you to accept May, the new tribute. I invited her to see us and stay with us so she'd know what she was getting into. I'm sure you'll welcome her like the family she is."

People cheered and I felt slightly embarrassed, but Queen went on.

"Today is The Day of The Moon my beloved. Today, we have the privilege of witnessing Helen as she joins our fold." Queen finished and the people below cheered wildly.

"Helen?" I wondered, not believing my ears, "Helen Horn? The florist?"

"Yes, do you know her?" Queen inquired.

"Of course, she was last year's tribute, I can't believe she's alive..." a smile crept onto my face.

Queen gestured again and I followed her downstairs to the floor. We walked amongst the other ladies, each and every one of them sent Queen a kiss as she passed them, and she returned a smile. Soon, we reached what looked like a plaza of sorts, the ceiling above us opened to let the sun in.

In the middle of the plaza was Helen. She didn't look anything like I expected her to look after a year as a tribute. She looked like a person who lived well, her skin was smooth and shiny, and her body was full in all the right places. Her blonde hair grew wildly and now reached her firm ass.

"Hello, lover," Queen greeted her.

"Queen, is it time already?" Helen asked, she didn't sound nervous.

"Yes, Helen, the time has come..." Queen took a step closer to Helen.

"Thank goodness!" Hellen almost cried, "I thought I couldn't wait another second."

"May, please stay close by, I don't want to force you against your will, but I want you to see Me and Helen, it will help you understand," Queen said, looking at me.

Something inside me told me to run, told me to escape while I still had a chance. Helen closed the gap and hugged Queen, the two kissing passionately. I was fixated, locked in a haze that I didn't really understand. The two women hugged and I could see Queen's cock, it was massive already, and before my eyes it was growing even bigger. The thing was so big it emerged behind Helen's thighs and pressed between her ass cheeks.

As more people started together and watch I realized Queen was going to have sex with Helen, right before my eyes. Queen pulled away, her length rubbing against Helen's moist slit, leaving the cock wet. The futa grabbed Helen's hand and flipped her around. Helen flowed with the motion and instinctively bent over, exposing her pussy to Queen.

The huge cock pressed against the tiny slit as the people cheered the two. Queen forced herself in as Helen screamed and moaned, her flower stretched and pulled open by a cock as thick as her thigh.

I wanted to look away, not to watch Helen being ravaged by Queen and her huge cock, but I couldn't. Queen lifted Helen up, supporting her weight on her shaft. As the two turned to face me I could notice Queen's cock, outlining Helen's abused pussy and womb. The shaft reached all the way up to between Helen's breasts.

The people around me were in a frenzy, screaming for Queen to use them too after she was done with Helen. I suddenly noticed Queen's body locking in place, her cock pulsing wildly as both Helen and she broke into an orgasmic scream. It took me a moment to grasp what I was seeing, what was happening before my eyes. It was then that the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place.

The bulge on Helen's body was shaped into a round orb. Queen was coming inside her, filling her with an amazing amount of cum. It was so much it inflated Helen's midsection as her cock audibly pumped even more cum inside the woman, her thickness keeping Helen plugged.

The whole thing lasted forever, Helen grew bigger and bigger as Queen just kept coming. I have no idea how long it lasted, but when Queen was done Helen blacked out, her belly as big as a house.

Queen pulled her still erect cock out of Helen, it stood in line with her eyes. Out of Helen's gaping pussy came a torrent of cum and I realized what happened to the other women I saw earlier, where all the little boys and girls came from.
