AAA+ Everything Box


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The world needs more orgasms, I'm pretty sure.

Catching my breath after a few minutes, I suggested they'd want to be dressed before Maria's mom, Veri (short for Veronica), came home. They resumed talking, something about how a mutual friend's son had lost his job and had decided to move to Toronto for better work, and how his mother (getting older)... etc., you get the idea. Ug. I didn't really care.

We had moved to the kitchen, where J started making dinner, but since I'd given her the be-healthy instruction, she was concerned about the fat content of the chorizo sausage. I just suggested that she boil it and drain off the fat; I'd seen my mother do that.

They looked at me like I was crazy, but maybe I was. She shrugged and tried it, and Veri came home to find she needed to go grocery shopping for dinner.

Remembering that I could ask literally anything and it would be considered a normal question, I asked them all sorts of questions about their sex lives, their interests, who they'd slept with in the past and how that went -- it was a fascinating conversation.

Maria was on birth control, but her mother wasn't, and her aunt J wasn't. I asked what would happen if J got pregnant, and she said she'd be overjoyed as long as it was with a smart man like me. I thanked her, but she said she was being practical, that there weren't that many young single men in town, and besides, those that stayed were there because they couldn't figure out how to move away.

As if moving away takes more intelligence than renting a truck.

This was a dim view of our town, but I could see where she was coming from.

I told J, laughing, that she should definitely ovulate now because, you know, why not. They laughed, it was a joke.

[As an aside, later, I found out, that instruction probably worked]

After dinner, I had some reading to do, so I went into the front room and sat down. The women, J and Veri, got to work cleaning the kitchen, taking my 'In everything you do, be tidy' instruction seriously.

Maria got her schoolwork and joined me in, working on math problems. She was having a hard time, so I suggested the go-back-start-over idea as a parallel task to what she was working on. Her surprise at the idea of being able to do math easily meant she hadn't really ever been encouraged and it made me sad for the way that math was taught, especially to girls.

About bedtime, we went upstairs and I took a quick shower in their bathroom, which had lots of products in it I wasn't used to seeing. The bottles were all far more gaudy and feminine-looking than my mom ever had, but I was starting to get used to the idea that girls generally were more tolerant of over-decorated crap than I was.

When I asked Maria, she said the fancy-shmancy stuff was over the top, but it was impossible to get normal bottles for women's products so she had to put up with it. The price of being female, she said, kind of like having 'women's razors' be the same as men's razors, except smaller for some reason, and pink. The smaller didn't make sense, women shaved legs and that was a HUGE area, they needed bigger razors.

Maria thus had men's razors for her legs, she bragged, she wasn't stupid.

I laughed with her; it didn't make sense to me, either, and I was a guy.

The bedroom was frilly, too, in more of a burgundy than pink way, but she did have the infamous 'dust ruffle' accessory under her mattress, which seemed overwrought, and posters left over from several years before of some Mexican male vocal group that she liked.

When I pointed out the posters, wondering who they were, she laughed and said she should take those down but they reminded her of a simpler time.

Taking a patriotic view, I asked if there were any Canadian boy-bands that sang in Spanish and she laughed like that was impossible. Thinking a minute, though, she did mention Adonis Puentes, a Cuban-Canadian singer, but she said he was ancient and not her style.

We went to bed and just as soon as the lights were out, she started kissing me, and I wasn't going to say no for damn-sure. Letting her crawl on top of me, she said she'd been worked up since I'd done it with her aunt and told her to come, earlier, and wanted to finish.

When I had asked at dinner if Maria was a virgin, she'd described that she'd only done it once and it was short, painful, and very unsatisfying. Her mom and sister had seemed surprised by this and had asked for details -- apparently Maria had kept this a secret -- so that led to a conversation about it being absolutely normal for it to be disappointing.

I hoped then I didn't disappoint her.

She straddled me, grabbed and aimed, then sat down, bracing her locked arms on my shoulders. Her hips rocked and she moved up and down on me, posting like someone riding a horse, and getting into it.

All I needed to do was caress her breasts, loving the firm but giving consistency of their flesh under my fingers, and the whimpered cries of appreciation when I pulled, lightly and twisting, on her whole areola-nipple area.

I wondered if life would be like this, going forward, just getting, day after day, to make love with beautiful women.

Calmly thrusting upwards, I let her ride me and have the fun. I asked her if she wanted to come, but she said no, she just wanted to live the experience and enjoy herself.

Her motions pushed me up and over, though, until I pulled her down on top of me, full body contact in a tight hug so I could jerk and spurt deep inside her, splattering her cervix with my sperm-rich cum.

My 'dirty mouth' might have been rambling, too -- I decided then that I liked that, telling them what was happening from my perspective. Maria smiled as I told her to, "...Oh-hellyeah...feel the sperm ...rrrnggg swimming, I was OOOmff-yes pumping them innnnnnnn to fill her up, fill OOomm-aaahhhryesss make her nrnrnrnrrrg buzz with the happy rrrnnngg love them Hot yeahhh..."

I had to laugh at myself after I recovered, playing back in my head what had come out of my mouth.

People are really silly when they come, I decided. I'd heard some weird-ass things come out of girls' mouths when they came, so who was I to think that I was different.

After I relaxed, Maria slid off and went to the bathroom, but when she came back moments later, she had a warm washcloth and a willing mouth that first licked me all over, then wiped me down in the cool dark-bedroom air.

That is, I think that's what happened. I was almost asleep by then.


The next morning, I walked home and picked up my car, but instead of heading to school, I drove to the houses my real-estate agent Irene had recommended.

All 3 were empty and upscale. One was a lot more upscale than the others, but it was set back from the road and on its own acreage next to a river. It had a swimming pool, indoors and next to the house. I laughed at the kind of cheesy fiberglass shed arrangement over it - it didn't fit with the rest of the property - but it seemed functional.

The house and yard had seen far, far better days.

And, I kind of liked it.

== Chapter: Epilogue ==

The 'Bolton Freehold' sign over the driveway greeted my visitors for many years, an unassuming barn-pole way to name a ranch. We didn't quite have a ranch, we had more normal tastes than that.

We bought up the farmland to the north and west, some open fields and a creek, then added a property that had some small lakes next to that.

I traveled a lot over the next year or three, confining my activities to the ten of us - my mom and I, Carol and Kate, Cindy, Lisa, Beth, Whua, Maria, and Deanna. We graduated on time, then went as a group to U Manitoba for grad school. Since it was a ways away, we went on opposite days, a Blue-team and a Green-Team, and each had Tesla trucks with self-drive so we didn't have to spend time actually steering.

My travel extended to lots of places, and I found that I could suggest a variety of things to unassuming (almost all female) college professors, and they could add one more brick in a wall of development towards my q-well PV cells. Those took several years to patent and get into production, but the money spigot funded many charities I regarded as worthwhile.

The reason we had two Teams was the proliferation of first crying mouths, then running feet, as my fertility proved more than a match for any birth control thrown against it. Two teams meant one team stayed home and watched over our brood as the second team went to classes.

Of course, there were others that came through to stay in another set of manufactured homes on the property, au-pair help, well-paid and well compensated, stopping by on the way from one place to another and set up with their own children to watch while they went to a more expensive university somewhere farther away.

My desire to have a big family didn't abate, and we certainly grew that idea. Life in a commune developed along with more refined instructions to throw suspicion away from our ranch. People in small towns talk, you know.

The box stayed with me, in a safe locked away, but in a way I had the box in me wherever I went. I could see so much more than I could previously, looking through the walls and finding what was really going wrong inside people and machines both.

That box may or may not have been empty or full of things, but in the end, it had Everything in it, by which I mean that Love is my Everything, and it gave me the Loves of my life, and it gave me to them, too, filling in their Everything with a focal point and a fulfilling lifelong path.

Brandon, Manitoba, population: Many Boltons. Very few are named Bolton, but there's more little me's running around that most people in town know about.

Just a little messing around and shaking hands at random political events and a variety of basic provincial problems got fixed, too. I was happy to help.

I figure I will leave the box with some strong instructions to my first born son, Justinian Fenimore Cincinnatus Bolton. I've not given any instructions to my kids, I don't want to interfere with their normal development.

They seem to be turning out just fine.

Maybe Justin can date one of Dawn and Josh's kids. I hear they have 7 of them now, 2 pairs of twins and three others. I'm sure they're great.

There's a lot of stories I could tell about how I shook hands with the rich and the powerful, but the best part about doing that is NOT telling anyone what happened and how various crises were avoided or fixed. I'm just a guy in the background with some good ideas.

Well - some good ideas, some great loving wives, some amazing beautiful smart kids, and some deep, deep feelings of abiding caring ever-expanding love for all of them.

My wish for you? Make your own love, with who you can, where you are. Make lots of happy babies, and give them all the hugs and improvised songs you can.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I really liked this story, but felt it rushed at the end to wrap up on the last page.

But overall still another 5 ★★★★★ offering.

ja99ja996 months agoAuthor

To anon of "He asked for": You're making great points. I was trying to put the character in a mindset of being an early-college-age guy. He was definitely in the mode of 'create children' and not 'care for children' and maybe the thing about that is watching them being born and holding them when they're young - he hasn't done that yet. You make perfect points about the hard part being the afterwards. I will attend to this in future stories better, the sensibility you're bringing to this is a character growth point and it's worth making a good development arc around. Thank you so much for helping here. My writing is very much an organic, here's-a-thing-what-happens-next sort of growth. I usually have an end point in place, but not aways, and I'm sure the idiocy of having a single person with that much power is not going to do good things to the reality of their lives in many ways, and that's interesting as a place to go. Thanks again for reading it, and especially for commenting, I do enjoy hearing what people think and ideas on what could have been different or better or worse etc. Peace out.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The felon clause on page 17 is horrible! It doesn’t say “if you are currently a criminal” it says anyone who has even been caught (even if it was 20 years ago & they have a nice stable peaceful life, or they are currently on parole and not allowed to leave) will just abandon their life and friends and family randomly.

His “wisdom” was the one thing that box failed to actually give him!

It’s a well written fun story, but he handles his power with the skill and finesse of a toddler playing with a blowtorch!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

On page 13 Megan says she likes kids and wants to run a day care.

So instead Kevin turns her into a business woman who will owe several daycare’s but not actually have anything to do with them or ever interact with the kids she likes and picked that profession for…. right… just perfect 🤦‍♂️ he is terrible at “helping”.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He asked for wisdom and then did that stupid, idiotic, shortsighted, cruel thing on page 10 with demanding Lisa have his child!!!!

Make one of his actual girls he loves have his child!

Making some one he has no intention of marrying, keeping, or even staying in her life at all have his child is stupid, shortsighted and cruel! To her and the child!

He wants her to give him a child and then never see the kid, interact with or love them! For them to be raised never meeting or knowing their father!

If he wants a child one of his girls can have it & then at least it’s raised in their father’s family with a mother, father, aunts, and grandmother.

That is so stupidly idiotically cruel and shortsighted! To both the mother and the child.

It wouldn’t be so bad in the story if the previous chapters hadn’t been building up how smart he’s been getting and how he also asked for increased wisdom to know how to use his powers and new skills better.

This story is brilliantly written and I enjoyed it. But that was such a horrible thing for the main character to do I almost stopped reading and abandoned the story right there!!

I feel like a want to slap the main character and yell at him demanding to know what he was thinking! That alone breaks almost the entire ‘ethical’ mind controller premise of this story & turns him completely into a cruel villain. I HATE this sequence of the story & have no idea how you expect us to still like him after that section.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The story is brilliantly written and I really enjoyed reading it. But was spoiled somewhat by how he just kept trying to sleep with every woman he met. I wish the story had been a bit more romantic focusing on his core group of women more.

ja99ja996 months agoAuthor

@unclebeardy, I have heard some ideas here that stories should be broken into chapters of 3 to 4 (literotica) pages each, and posted that way. I think this is your criticism? True, I could have put this in the 'Novels and Novellas' section, it would have fit length-wise, but really this is a MC story so I put it here. Apologies if you find it long, it's just the way the story fell out of me.

No, I didn't mean for any of my stories to be sequels, so far. I'm working on one that's a series, but haven't released the second part yet, and it says so at the top disclaimer section for that work. This is a standalone work, not related to others. The AAA+ reference was just saying it was a good-box, not that it was related to another work of mine. Thank you for reading!! All comments appreciated since I like to know what people are thinking.

unclebeardyunclebeardy6 months ago

Again. 2 stories about the AAA, with no indication if one is before the other, and they are BOTH over 20 pages.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great read. Couldn’t put it down. Great mix o relationships with just the right amount of angst.

GrandpaKimGrandpaKim8 months ago

I really loved this story. I couldn't put it down. I really liked that your protagonist, Kevin, was always trying to do the right thing, even though he had all that power.

ja99ja998 months agoAuthor

Author's Notes:

1. First page, halfway down, I left in a mistaken edit where he gets up to eat, then says he's slow to get up to eat. I know, mistake. Apologies. I can't fix it now, it's published. That said, looking at my author's biography page, there's a link to a place with a corrected version where I've fixed that, as an epub format.

2. The chapter heading, 'KJR' is Kevin, Junior', a leftover from a previous edit, too, please ignore. Again, can't fix it without resubmitting and waiting a few weeks for review.

OtterlyMindblowingOtterlyMindblowing8 months ago

Heck of a read, binged it when I should have been writing my own. Love seeing more wholesome mind control, people willing to look at consequences and try their best to mitigate them.

Smartest1Smartest18 months ago

Only 4 iso 5. This totally irresponsible breeding gets to me.

The story isn't too bad, but shows the danger of power corrupts.

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