About That Kiss


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With both breasts covered, he kept softly flicking at my nipples, dragging his fingernails over each one, till he had me panting and gasping for air. "Ah, yessss, just like that. I'm clenching inside so hard it feels like I'm never going to stop." I actually felt a bit panicky. Probably looking a little wild-eyed, I stared into his eyes. "Clay, I'm not kidding, I can't stop. It's like one big, long orgasm that I can feel all the way up to my hairline. How could I not have known this? That I could off this hard, just from a little nipple play. Oh, god, Clay. I can't stop clenching. It's like you've flipped a switch, and I can't turn it off!"

"I think I've got something that'll help."

My eyes went wide as I watched him pull a condom out from under the pillow. As he tore the wrapper open with his teeth, I gasped, "How is that going to help me?"

He shrugged. "It's simple. Give you something to clench, kind of like biting down on something when you're in pain." Slipping his hands around my calves, he said, "Now, let's get these legs up over my shoulders, so I can get in nice and deep and hopefully stop you clenching."

"Sure, if you think it'll work."

"I think if we can get you to climax hard enough so you go right over the edge, it'll max you out, and your orgasm will gradually dwindle off."

Not entirely convinced, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, be sure to put that on my tombstone:"

'She came so hard

And never recovered

And went right over the edge

Never to return'

Clay shook his head, laughing. "Come on, let's see if this pussy science works."

I think my mind went blank, it just felt so good when he started pushing his way inside me. "Ooh, Clay, you feel so good. And you're so thick, I don't think I've ever felt as full."

He grinned. "Tell me about it. You're so tight, I can feel every muscle clenching and rippling, as you suck me in."

"Please..." I squeezed his biceps. "Please don't stop."

"I'm really enjoying getting to know your body like this, Meg. And I don't think I'll ever be able to stop, not when it feels this good."

He leaned and claimed my lips in a steamy hot kiss as he pulled back and then thrust his way inside me a little deeper. Sure, that I'd never felt so blissed out, I couldn't get a word out, except to mutter, "Holy crow, how can it feel this good?" I smiled as I felt the delicious sensation of him stretching my insides so I could take every inch of him.

I came so hard, probably triggered from the sound of Clay groaning long and loud, as he climaxed and exploded inside me. I don't think I'd ever experienced a real live orgasm before. But thanks to Clay working his magic on me, it seemed like all I ever did was shiver right down to my toes.

Then I remembered about his fall last night, when we were racing back from the lake.

"Clay, how does it feel? You're not in pain, are you?"

Shaking his head, he smiled as he thrust in one more time, swivelling his hips to give me a little extra feel of him, before he pulled out. "Right now, he probably thinks he's in heaven, and he's not feeling any pain, not when he's happier than he's ever been buried inside of you."

"Not even your...?"

He chuckled. "No, they seemed to be working just fine, judging by how hard I came once I sank into your sweet little body." He thrust again, making me laugh at the way his eyes rolled back, like he really was sinking into heaven.

Though it was hard to believe, every day seemed better than the last. We went swimming almost every night, enjoyed cooking together, and made love like we'd invented the concept.

Sunday morning, I woke up, and turned and looked over at Clay, still fast asleep. I told myself I wasn't going to cry, but I couldn't imagine how I was going to manage without him.

In one short week, he'd become such a big part of my life, I hated the idea of leaving and going home. Back to my little apartment, and of course my job, and whatever it was I did with myself before I'd got myself so deeply wrapped up in him.

He'd dropped little hints over the week, suggesting that maybe I should try and think of a way to stay, even for another few days. But I knew a clean break would be better for both of us. His life was here, and mine felt like a world away. And as much as I hated to, I knew I had to go back, and leave Clayton to spend his summer swimming and hanging out with friends, while I sat crunching numbers, though I'd probably be thinking of nothing but him.

I smiled as I watched his chest gently rising and falling, probably for the very last time, since we'd be driving back to the city in a few hours.

Last night, I'd tried to put some distance between us. Since we wouldn't be sharing a bed anymore, I knew I had to get used to the feeling of sleeping on my own again. Though I tried to fall asleep tucked in against the wall, somehow, I still wound up curled to his side, with the warmth of his lips pressed to my forehead.

After breakfast, I told Clay I'd be back, and I went over to say goodbye to our neighbors. I was surprised at how emotional it felt to have to say goodbye to Dottie and Frank. They were such a warm, loving couple, they almost felt like family.

Dottie gave me a really hard squeeze, patted my cheek and whispered, "I'm really going to miss you, sweetie."

I had to swallow past the lump in my throat to tell her that I was going to miss her, too.

Even Frank looked pretty emotional as we said our goodbyes. His eyes a little misty, he left the two of us to talk, and said he had to take care of something outside.

Now that we were alone, I told Dottie, "I'd like to get your mailing address, so when I get home, I can send a check to Clayton to pay him back for everything he's done for me."

She smiled, and looked at me for a bit. "You know, I was just telling Frank, that after only a week, you look so much happier than when we first met. And I don't think you can put a price on that, do you?" Heaving a sigh, I nodded, because she was right.

"But I know Clay's got to be watching his money, since he's not working right now. And I'd really like to pay him back, at least for everything he's spent on me."

"I'd be happy to give you our address, but I doubt he'll accept your check, or ever agree to cash it."

"I know he's got his pride, but I always pay my way. And I'd feel better knowing that I at least gave him a little something back, after all he's done for me."

"Sweetie, I think he knows that your heart's in the right place. And I also happen to know that he's pretty smitten with you, and he's not looking forward to driving you home."

"How do you know that?"

"I overheard him telling Frank, that he doesn't know how he's going to get through the rest of the summer without you."

I didn't know what to say. I knew I'd fallen for him, pretty hard. But I imagined it wouldn't take him long to get over me. I just hoped he wouldn't feel desperate enough to want to invite that little blonde bimbo Candi to warm his bed.

On the drive down the highway it was so quiet in the car, I tried to think of something to say. "So, do you get to the city much?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, I get there often enough." Clay looked across at me. "I really enjoy my life at the lake, and unless something urgent comes up, I don't drive down more than I have to."

I heard him loud and clear, we wouldn't be seeing each other anymore. He'd be up at the lake, and I'd be bored out my mind at my job in the city.

A long while later, I turned my head and looked at him, when I heard him quietly saying, "I was seeing someone who lived right downtown. And I thought things were going pretty good. Until I found out that she was nothing like she seemed. That was when I decided to have some time on my own, to try and think things through."

Smiling across at him, I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Then I showed up and spoiled your plans."

He lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a kiss into my palm. "I wouldn't say that. This last week we've shared together, has to be the most fun and definitely the best time I've had in ages. I know you're probably still a little upset with your sister for driving off and leaving you there. But crazy as it sounds, I'm really glad she got that call and left you, so that I could be the one to find you."

I could hardly believe what he said. I was pretty annoyed with my sister at first, but I couldn't be mad at her anymore. I leaned across the truck, pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. "I can't be upset with anymore. Because I really enjoyed the time we spent together. And I'm so glad that you're the one that found me."


Looking across my truck at her, I decided she was exactly the kind of woman I needed in my life. Sweet, Smart, funny and sexy as hell.

Especially, since she didn't seem to care that we'd been staying in my tin can size camper. And she never complained once about having to wear the same clothes for two days in a row.

I liked that she was down to earth, and there was nothing phony about her.

"Hey, I almost forgot, I got you a little something else when I was picking up those clothes for you."

I handed her the box, wrapped in shiny red paper and she opened it, threw back her head and laughed. "Oh my god. You got me a sex toy?"

"I thought you might enjoy it, and uh... it might discourage you from seeing anyone else while we're apart."

"After what we've shared, I don't think that a toy's going to cut it. And I won't be looking for anyone else when I get home. But thanks for this. I like that's it's purple and about the same size as you are." She waggled her eyebrows and made me laugh.

"Hey, I should get your cell number before you go, Meg."

"I don't have it memorized. Remember, I just got the new number before I left."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. You had to change your number because of that guy who's hounding you." I just hoped she wasn't trying to blow me off.

She'd told me that she lived in the north end of the city, but that's all he knew. As we approached a set of lights, she pointed, and said, "Clay, you can drop me off here."

A little surprised, I looked across at her. "You don't want me to take you home?"

"It's easier for you to get back on the highway this way, so you won't get stuck on a side street."

It also meant that I wouldn't know where she lived, if I dropped her off here.

But I did as she asked, pressed a kiss to her cheek, and we both said, "Goodbye." As I watched her walk away, I wondered if I'd ever see her again.

I was at my place kind of zoned out, staring at the TV, not really caring what was on, and decided I had to do something to find her.

The I smiled as I remembered she'd used my phone to call her mother.

So, I went back and found her mother's number and gave her a call.

The lady who answered sounded a little young to be her mother, so I told her, "This is Clayton Daniels. I was camping near your sister Meghan, and I'm the one that drove her home."

"Oh, hi, yeah, I'm her sister, Kelsey. And I'm so glad you were there to drive her home. I felt so bad after I drove off and left her stranded. But I didn't realize that she hadn't had time to unpack until I got back to the city, and dropped off everything at my parents' house."

"From what she said, she's okay with what happened now. But I guess congratulations are in order, Meghan mentioned you were getting married."

"Oh, no. That never happened. I'm not even speaking to him anymore. We got to Vegas and he asked for some money to pay for the wedding. I gave him what he asked for, and I went and found a dress for the ceremony. As it got later and later, I kept phoning, looking for him and he never answered. When I finally found him drunk in one of the bars, with another woman, he told me he tried to double our money and gambled it all away. So, no surprise, we got in a big fight, and I flew home and left him there."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But I was just wondering if you might have Meghan's new cell number. She didn't have it memorized, so I thought either you or your mother might be able to help me."

"Oh, sure. I can give it to you, I've got it on my phone."

After she gave me the number, I winced and said, "You wouldn't happen to know the address of where she works, would you?"

After I wrote everything down, she said, "Oh, do you want her home address, too?"

Once I got everything I said, "Thanks, Kelsey. You're a lifesaver."

I had a feeling Meghan might be a little annoyed with me, when she discovered what I'd done. But hopefully she'll realize that all I want is the best for her. And I think that the two of us together, is the best thing for both of us.

When I walked into her office, in the new building I'd rented, after I'd bought her company, she looked up at me and her mouth fell open.

"Clay, what are you doing here?"

"Well, remember you said, that the company you worked for was up for sale?"

She nodded, looking confused.

"Well, I bought it. And now you work for me."

"You've got to be kidding." She stammered a bit, and then her face screwed up and she looked mad, really mad. She stood up, hands on hips. "So, that whole thing was just an act, pretending to be unemployed, and you having to live in that little camper?"

"Meg, I never said I was unemployed, I said I was between projects. Because I work for myself, I'm always between projects. I design things and make improvements to technologies that already exist, and then sell them to the highest bidder. So, I'm always working on something. You made some assumptions about me, but I never lied about who I am, or what I do for a living."

She stared at me for a moment, then it looked like a lightbulb went off. "When I overheard that phone conversation with your friend, I thought you were selling off your stuff. And it wasn't forty dollars you were asking for, was it?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "No."

"Or forty thousand?"


"Oh, my god. You're rich! I had no idea." She scrambled around her desk, looking all flustered as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door. "I don't think I can work here. I just hate being deceived. And I don't even think I know who you are."

When she went to leave, I said as she was going out the door. "Don't you even want to know what I was hiring you for?"

She turned her head. "I'm guessing to count all your money?"

"No. I've got an accounting firm for that." I held out a folder and said, "Before you go, I'd really like it if you took a minute to look at this."

She eyed me for moment, but finally came back and took the file folder.

"Like I said, I work on a lot of different projects, but these are the ones that mean the most to me."

She looked at me as she read the list. "But... these are a list of charities. For all different kinds of things, like clean drinking water, food sustainability, world health, and so many more." She looked at me and stared. "This is what you were talking about when you said that you like to pay it forward, isn't it?"

"That's right. I give away about half of what I make each year, hoping to make a difference."

Her expression softened, and she looked me over in my suit and tie and she started to smile. "I have to admit, you do clean up nice."

I smiled right back at her in her sexy little business suit, that hugged every one of her curves. "So do you."

"So exactly how do you see me fitting into all this?"

"I need someone to take this over to help to decide where we can get the most bang for our buck, and the best and most trustworthy places to make the donations. And with your background in finance, I think you'd be a perfect fit."

"I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around all this. I was told the company had been sold, and this was the new office. And arrived here this morning, I was ushered in here. It's just a little hard to believe that you're the one that made it all happen, and that I might be working for you."

"I really hope you will, Meghan. We get along so well, that I think we can make this work." I took a step closer, and stroked a finger across her cheek. "You know, my little camper just doesn't feel the same without you."

She gave me hope when she grinned and said, "Well, I really enjoyed the week I spent there with you."

"I did, too. And I was thinking, maybe next summer, I should look at getting something a little bigger. I know what I've got now is fine for me on my own. But if I were ever to get married and maybe have a few kids, I'd need something a little more spacious like the size of what Dottie and Frank have."

"The only problem is, if I agree to work for you, then it'll just be business and nothing else."

"Who says?" When she bit into her lip, looking at me, like she was trying to decide, I said, "Here, let's look at your contract."

When she opened the file folder I handed her, she looked up at me and her eyes lit up with a smile, as she read it aloud, "I love you, I want to marry you, and I would love it if we could work together side by side. Please say yes, Meghan."

Trying to hide her smile, Meghan took a step closer. "So, I'm assuming if I sign this, that it's legal and binding?"

I slipped my arms around her, till we were chest to chest and nodded. "Totally."

"Then I guess I'd better sign. Would you happen to have a pen?"

I handed it her my pen, I smiled as she wrote. "I love you, too. And I'm really looking forward to a very long, happy partnership." And she signed her name.

After a nice dinner, we headed back to my condo for the night, and I gotta say, I really didn't mind being in the city, as long as I had Meghan in my bed - hopefully for the rest of my life, now that she'd agreed to marry me.

She was lazy drawing circles on my bare chest, and she looked up at me and asked, "So what did your lady friend do that upset you, because I don't want to make the same mistake."

I didn't even like to think about my ex anymore, but I decided it wouldn't hurt to share. "We'd been dating for a while, and I thought everything was good. Till a friend of mine told me that she'd been bragging to his wife, that she planned to trick me into getting her pregnant, so that I'd put a ring on her. And she'd even picked out her wedding gift. She wanted a fire-engine red Lamborghini."

"Holy shit!"

Chuckling, I said, "Funny, that's exactly what I said."

"When I told her what I'd heard, she said none of it was true, and that everyone was jealous of her and trying to break us up. So, I called around, and found out she had been into a dealership picking out a car, and told the salesman that I'd be the one paying for it."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Clay."

"I was just glad I found out when I did." Then I flipped her onto her back and made her squeal. "And now that I've got you naked, I was thinking we could continue our research to try and discover, what really gets you off."

She smiled up at me, tugged my head down and whispered against my lips, "There's just something about your kiss... that does it to me every time."

Of course, we kissed for hours, because she was right, when we were together like this, nothing else mattered.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I loved the story. The ending was a little short but ok.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love these two but then I like all your stuff thanks

wwaldripwwaldripabout 1 year ago

Lovely story, loved the romantic scenes

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cannot score this a 5 because the ending was poorly written. After over 4 pages of them fucking, to find an end squeezed into less than a chapter and poorly written, really spoiled the story.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunover 1 year agoAuthor

Glad you enjoyed this one. Your comments are so kind, I think I might just keep writing.

BlissMaraBlissMaraover 1 year ago

Such a delightful romp with enjoyable characters, plot, and pacing. I love the romance--keep writing, please! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Awesome story, great build up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Such a cute story and obviously a 5. Just 13 previous comments?

Readers: This is a hidden gem.

rnebularrnebularalmost 2 years ago

Loved it. The build up of their romance was very nice, and I'm glad for a happy ending every now and then. Him being other than poor was pretty well telegraphed, but honestly, I expect a little bit of that in this type of story. Other than some mysteriously missing words (a lot of "I's" for some reason, shrug) throughout, this was a great read. Thanks smutty, until the next one!


PickFictionPickFictionalmost 2 years ago

A delightful story that I really enjoyed. Will message you separately with a few thoughts.

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