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Missy came in and said, "I forgot to ask. Most guys want a smaller bush, and I've just totally ignored that so far. So, you like more, or less? Landing strip okay?"

Of all the questions to get from the former 'queen bitch'. I blurted out, just going with my first thought, "Less is better, landing strip? Yeah, that's ... fine. I'm ... not obsessed, but, yeah, sure."

She grabbed my shaving cream and razor, and stepped into the shower. Wetting down, she started trying to shave herself. I hadn't watched this before.

Lara came in - she'd gone to get two more towels, and said, "Here, let me do you, you do me. Might be easier."

They got together on the process, and I stepped out to go get dressed, until I figured out I didn't really need to get dressed.

Looking at my desk, I could see Missy's closed laptop had 'Shoeless Joe' upside-down propped-open on it, and I figured she was going for the extra credit of a 5 paragraph theme on every book we read that semester. I'd opted out of that since I was also taking classes that just sucked the time out of a day.

There was giggling coming from the bathroom.

I checked my phone, which had blown up and showed I had 248 text messages. Huh.

My life was changing, very fast.

Even faster with the change while I was standing there, Dawn came up and calmly reported that dinner would be in 10 minutes if we wanted to come up.

Dawn was naked.

I don't think I'd seen my sister naked nearly forever. The closest we got was when we'd gone to a beach resort my parents arranged and she wore a wrap. That wrap didn't conceal much!

She was healthy, for sure, but I guessed she could be a little more athletic, if I had to guess.

I decided I'd do the 'enhance' on her later that night so she could go to bed like normal. It wouldn't do to have her fall asleep during dinner.

I nodded at her and tried to look at her eyes and not at her body, though she made no attempt to shield me from it. In fact, as I looked, and my eyes probably went downward, she stepped forward into the room light and said, "Kev. I'm your sister. We probably shouldn't be looking at each other like this. I can't have your babies, unless it's an emergency."

My eyes had to have gone sideways.

"And, it's not an emergency." She sighed with a put-up-with-it attitude and said, "Still. You can look. I'm family, we accept each other as God made us."

All I could come up with was, "For sure." Looking at her, I think she expected me to say something, so I said, "You... have really nice, uh, breasts, Dawn.... I ... like them."

That seemed to make her happy, and she stepped forward, "Thank you! At least someone does," and then she looked down at my penis, dangling semi-hard in front of me, going out but then being down-facing in a more thick-pipe than I usually was. "You got some use out of that earlier. We all heard."


"Yep. Mom was upset for a little bit, but then she suddenly got over it, and she and dad talked, and they talked with me. I said, I didn't care, you're doing what you gotta do - guys wanna fuck anything that moves, spread the seed, make more baby Kevins. Total sense."

I laughed nervously, "And ... What did mom say?"

"She wanted to make sure I didn't feel left out, since I don't have a boyfriend and I can't give her grandchildren if I don't have a boyfriend. I told her, I have someone in mind, but he doesn't know yet. He's in my diff-eq class, Todd. Kinda shy, but a good ethical guy. Not that athletic, but thin. He has good eyes, I think he'd be a good life partner."

My sister was Definitely Talking Weird.

Someone said something I missed, but then Dawn said, moving in a little closer, "I don't want to do this upstairs, Kev, but you deserve it, a chance at least. You've lived around me your whole life, and you never did this. Cup my boob."

She pushed her chest out, and then when my hand didn't move fast enough, she pulled it up and pressed it on her chest. "See? Regular boobs. Your sister isn't that oddball. Normal body, normal boobs. You can feel them whenever. You need a blowjob, too, that's fine, I can help. But, no sex. I'm gonna go after Todd, and I don't want to have to explain anything later. I want to be honest with him."

My hand rested on her breast, a B-cup that was kind of pointy and had larger-sized areolas. It wasn't what some people might say was ultra-sexy, but then again some people liked immense and some liked small and everyone could have an opinion. I liked all of them.

Still, the feeling was sweet - soft and pliable and fleshy and just fun to play with. Not knowing what else to say, I just narrated thoughts: "Soft. Smooth. Makes me... a little horny, at least. I'd better stop, or I'll get a big hard-on."

She laughed, "Oh, yeah!"

I dropped my hand and we walked on.

Sounding apologetic, she said, "Sorry, bro. Don't mean to give you hassles. I think we're all just getting used to the new-normal."

My interest peaked on the idea of 'new-normal' and where that came from, especially what was included, because I was feeling very disconnected from any common understanding of what was allowed or not allowed in my own house!

As we got back to the main downstairs room, Lara was just walking out of the bathroom. She was looking down at herself to her brand-new nicely trimmed, relatively wide landing strip. It came down her front but ended well above her cleft, so I could clearly see the folds. Below that cleft, probably because she was significantly excited, some of her lips showed, too.

"Hey! What do you think?"

Dawn said she loved it and it fit her really well, and was 'lots neater'. I could do nothing but agree, I was kind of being dragged along in this conversation, too.

Behind Lara, Missy exited and turned out the bathroom lights, bringing a towel up herself, and putting a leg up on the couch to get the back of her thigh dried off.

She had the same design but a little thinner of a strip, maybe an inch, and I complimented that, too, liking the look. Her cleft was also visible, spread, and her lips were showing, too. I wondered what that was about but didn't say anything. I had just about zero experience and didn't want to be the idiot, at least in front of my sister.

My mom called down, "Dinner's ready!"

Walking up, I got a face-full of my sister's butt, and I could even see up to her sex. Her outer lips were together, so it wasn't really revealing, but at the same time, her mound made me horny. I wanted to do something about that, though with Missy or Lara, but ... I was walking into a minefield right then: Dinner with My Parents. Bein' Fuckin' Naked, At, Dinner.

My dad was fully dressed and my worry level went down. My mom, too, was dressed and had an apron on, also a relief.

Dad was getting a drink from his liquor cabinet, a gin and tonic. I wondered if I'd like one, and was going to reject that instantly but then decided, hey, maybe it might relax me?

"Dad, do you think I could have one of those?"

He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow, but then said, "Maybe another time. We have company over."

So, this was a useful datapoint. That's pretty much what he would have said any other time, had I asked, but more likely the answer would have just been an incredulous 'no'.

Mom had the dinner table spread, but as Dawn came in and tried to get seated, there was a knock on the front door. Thank goodness all the blinds were down.

Mom went and got the door, and I heard some fast talking and then it shut again.

As she came back in, she motioned and we started to sit down, but Dawn interrupted us and handed out tea-towels for us all to sit on. She apologize-whispered to the girls, "My butt doesn't work on these cushions, might be good..."

I sat on a new tea towel and found I was having trouble just maintaining any sense of normalcy whatsoever. My mom and dad seemed to be doing okay, and the girls were, too, but I could just try to not look like a deer in headlights.

Lara was sitting next to me. She leaned over and whispered, "I want to kiss you soooo badly."

Mom heard that and said, "In a minute, Lara, grace first."

Holding hands (which took a minute since Lara and Missy hadn't done that yet), she intoned her normal meal-grace/prayer, "God, please bless this food to our use and us to thy service. Make us tools of your compassion and guide us in the light of service to others. Have mercy on the needful, and may your justice shine in expansive glory, Amen."

I think the most surprised person at the table was Missy.

Her face showed she was deeply confused. As we dropped hands to start passing things (the lemonade pitcher, for one), she asked, "Do you always do that?"

Dawn said, "No, sometimes she adds a few paragraphs about how we apologize for not cleaning our rooms."

Mom, Dad, Dawn, and I laughed, and I think Missy's question was unanswered, so I said, "Yeah, we don't always eat together, Missy. Sometimes we do, Sunday nights, usually, I think. I think your question was about grace, though?"

"What's grace?"

Dad said, getting slightly into a teaching-mode (we knew it well), "Grace is the Biblical idea that there is bounty, abundant good in the universe, and we receive that good regardless of how we act. It's up to us to... acknowledge the fact. Gifts fall, we catch. It's a prayer, but it's a big idea."

Missy just said, "Oh."

Mom asked, "You don't pray over food at your house?"

"Just at Thanksgiving, I think, but my parents were born Canadian, so we always have two Thanksgivings. One in October, one late November."

This led into a conversation about thanksgivings, and I managed to eat pretty quickly.

The boobs staring at me from around the table were something to behold.

My dad did his share of noticing, I saw his eyes linger on their breasts, etc., but his eyes weren't really that lustful. His glances were more evaluative. It was like he was looking at a tattoo on someone's hand or something.

Eating, I found my own sense of 'normal' went from panic-mode to 'oh-is-this-it?' to 'I-guess-we-just-talk' and then to 'Ionesco - Rhinoceros - surreal'. Those beautiful women sat across the table from me. Those amazing levitating jostling breasts pulled my eyes down but the depth and dancing-light in their eyes brought my eyes back up.

There was another knock on the door, and Mom got up quickly to answer it, sending whoever it was on their way.

She came back and said, "Kevin, you've got to answer your texts. We've had people coming to the house all day. First you were away at your meet, then you were home and taking a nap, then indisposed with your friends here, and now we're eating."

She went into the kitchen for a moment, then to the front door, and came back to her seat, putting her napkin back in her lap. "I put a big note on the door, maybe that will work. 'Kevin is busy. Send him a text, number is, blah, do not knock, we're busy.'"

I nodded, understanding the knocking then, but she continued.

"It's sort of working, I've seen lights in the driveway, but really, you have to get some handle on this. I'm worried they'll try to come to the back door and look in the windows."

Our blinds were down and drawn, and we were shielded pretty well, but that wasn't the point.

I nodded, "No pockets right now, Mom, but I'll deal with it as soon as I get back downstairs."

Lara said, "I've gotten a lot of texts, too, Kev. I have an idea, can we talk after dinner?"

I shrugged and Dawn asked Missy about something and we were back on another topic until dinner was over. Mom had been asking Missy about horseback riding and she told some stories about things she'd seen at competitions and while they were out trail riding on Aruba, some kind of fantasy-beautiful (Dutch!??!) island off the coast of Venezuela

We went back downstairs, but not before Missy and Lara both gave my mom a big hug and thanks for such a nice dinner and hospitality.

Mom seemed to mostly ignore the nudity and be genuinely glad to have them there.

I knew I was! But, I didn't want to ignore the nudity. I couldn't. I was getting seriously horny again.

Downstairs, Dawn came down with us and we came back into my bedroom to talk. I wondered aloud why she was there, not trying to shoo her away (boobs!) but just to wonder.

She said, "Kev. You've got a situation here, I think."

Reaching for my phone, I noticed the text messages count was HUGE.

I started to read some of them, and quickly got a sinking worried feeling I wasn't going to be able to answer/talk with that many people as individual chats.

Looking over at Lara, I asked, "Can you ... help somehow? I think we need like a Discord channel where I can say the same thing once? Or, maybe someone could run interference? I don't even know what all these people want."

Lara smiled and said, "I think some of them are angry with you, Kev. They noticed you were out the week before last, and then when they came in on Monday they must have gotten it from you. All sorts of people from Chorus felt sick right after class and went home, and lots got the runs and threw up, or just slept full time. Everyone was pretty freaked out."

"And you know this, how?"

"Duh. There's a shared chat already for Chorus stuff, they were posting it in there. Most of the comments were about feeling bad right after class, and they couldn't possibly catch it that fast. Still, it was all in one class. The leading theory is that someone spilled something over by the soprano section because a bunch of the altos were unaffected, and the Tenors and basses, too."

I shrugged, "Could be."

"Still. There is something odd, though. A lot of them want to talk with you, like, they have a sudden interest in you? They're asking me, because I'm supposed to be your girlfriend."

"You _were_ my girlfriend, at the time, meaning, past tense then. I'm not sure about now."

Her lips pursed, "I ... know that. I was mean to you. Doesn't matter. I'm devoted to you now, even if you're not devoted to me." Her resolution about this was apparent in her voice.

"So, are you going home tonight, or do I get some bedmates for the evening?"

Missy looked sideways and said, "I ... think I have to go home. My nana is probably wondering."


"Staying with us since my parents are in Singapore. She's not really my grandmother. She's... been house-sitting, and hassling me, since last year. My dad has to fly around a lot, and his new wife...uh, my step-mom, they're on a business trip."

Some of what she was dealing with made more sense.

I looked and smiled in mock-horror, holding my open hand on my cheek at Lara and said, "Oh no, that means it'll just be... You and I, ALONE, all night long!"

Lara laughed and said, "Not a problem."

Looking at Missy, I asked, "When do you need to go?"

"I said I'd be back after lunch. This is kind of pushing it already. The bitch better not say anything."

"Better go then." I wasn't sure about what her deal was with this Nana person, but there wasn't much emotional connection, it sounded like.

As she got dressed, I did, too, and Dawn and Lara as well, just so we could walk around upstairs without worrying about being seen from the outside.

It was a good thing, too.

As we walked out the front door, I read my mom's note, now apparently replaced with a much larger version. Next to the door, she'd put a shoebox on a wooden chair and labeled it, "Messages for Kevin".

Two car doors opened.

Sabrina "Sab" (pronounced 'sobb') Nelson, a tall, thin, curly-blonde soprano, got out of her car parked across the street, obviously talking on the phone to someone. Another car, right behind her, opened, too, and Elle Johnson got out of that.

Elle was a large person. She'd always been a large person. What I saw, though, was a much smaller version of Elle, like she'd dropped some pretty serious body mass. She had a spring in her step, too, that I hadn't seen before.

They walked over to us.

Elle said, "Kevin, just the person I want to see."

"Uh... Okay?"

Sab said, "Likewise. Lara, I understand. What are you doing here, Missy?" Her tone said that Missy wouldn't be welcome anywhere nearby.

I said, "Missy is here at my invitation, as is Lara. Why are you here?"

Sab took the focus, poking her phone off and putting it in her jacket pocket - it was kind of cool out. "Kevin. We have some... stuff to discuss."

Lara said, "Kevin asked me to coordinate. What do you need?"

Elle said, "Time. I need Kevin's time."

Sab nodded.

Lara said, "You two can wait. Missy needs to go or she'll be in trouble."

Missy smiled and said to her, "Thank you!" Turning to me, she put her arms around my neck and we kissed, long and sensuously. I got the feeling it was a dominance move, maybe, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense just as her being stuck in the romantic moment.

We didn't say anything and she went off to her car.

Sab said to Lara, "You're going to 'coordinate'? Does that mean what I think it means?"

Lara smiled and said, "Tell me what you're willing to do."

Sab just nodded calmly and sighed, then said in an accepting tone, "I guess... Anything. Absolutely Anything... and Everything. Where does that put me?"

Lara looked at me and asked, "Tonight? Bedmates, three or four?"

Lara's being okay with this was puzzling enough when it was Missy, but from everything she'd said earlier in the day, accepting it all, I just said, "Four is good?"

Elle asked, biting her lower lip, "Does that include me?"

I looked at her and she'd changed a lot. She wasn't the really big person she'd been, but then again, I wasn't going to disrespect her in front of the others. I said, "Okay."

Lara said, "I'll let Terri know. Let's go inside. Elle, Sab, you have bags?"

Neither did, so Lara shrugged and we started walking to the house.

As we walked, I noticed that they were both happy and excited, but I wondered what it meant, what all this sudden devotion meant.

The AutoDoc had given me options, big buttons. Info, I got, easy to understand. 'ENHANCE' I thought was just 'give health', but it looked like it did more than that, something maybe to the way people thought?

The 'REALIZE' was definitely more. It definitely changed people's viewpoints to accepting odd situations as perfectly normal.

I knew, I'd have to do something to learn more about the alien word-icons. Thinking about it, I realized how they were really phonetic letters jammed together, if I looked at the parts of the word-characters.

I'd been stupid. I could pronounce a lot of these words if I got that much.

Coming in the front door, we ran into Dad, who was putting his empty glass in the sink. I introduced my guests, and he said the next odd thing. "Your mom and I are going to bed early tonight, so if you're loud downstairs and wake us up briefly, we'll still get enough sleep. So, don't worry, have your fun, it's all good. Necessary work."

The last part felt odd, but he gave me a hug, as he sometimes did, and went upstairs.

Elle and Sab were smiling. Sab said, "He really loves you."

"Of course! He's my dad!"

"Don't have one. Divorced. I was super-young."


We trooped downstairs and I showed them where we'd be staying.

Sab asked, "So. May I help by cleaning up a little?"

"Bathroom is..."

"No, I mean, vacuuming? Laundry?"

"Uh, sure, I guess." I thought, a moment and decided to get cheeky, just to see what they'd do, and added in a slightly silly voice, "But, gotta vacuum naked."

Instead of laughing, both Elle and Sab just nodded and took off their coats. I thought my joke failed, but then Elle pulled off her sweatshirt, and then her shirt, folding them over the back of the couch in the main part of the basement room where we were standing.

Sab did the same thing, but I could see that they'd get them mixed up, so I said (echoing my mother's phrase from when I was a kid), "Oh, wait. Please fold those. 'Always be tidy', you know."
