Ambiramus Collection - Cindy


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Helping her to her feet, he kissed her as they ended up on the bed. On her back, he was an expert at getting her ready for his cock, turning her over, raising her arse and lowering his mouth. Tongue, lube, fingers, and she was ready to take his cock once again, glancing back to see his cock was rock hard once again. He gestured with his hand, turning over onto her back, as he got into position, sliding his cock slowly inside her.

"Stroke yourself, sweetie," he whispered, "Cum for your future husband."

She blinked rapidly, feeling foolish for wanting to cry again. She'd always been emotional, not that it's a bad thing, but he just made her so happy sometimes, she was so happy that constant smiling sometimes wasn't enough, that her body required something else to expel all the happiness she felt when with him. Feeling him slowly thrust into her, she felt the smile form as his lips found hers.

"Fuck your future wife," she moaned softly, "Just think, this arse will be yours, until death do us part."

He kissed her again, wrapping her arms around him as she savoured the feeling of his thick cock inside her. Her legs soon ended up around him as well, feeling him drive his cock at a different angle, patting him so he lifted himself up enough that she could play with her girlcock. She was almost achingly hard and knew she wouldn't last long.

"Slowly, honey," she whispered, "You're touching me in the right place."

One of his hands ended up grabbing her firm arse, slowly driving his cock nice and deep. She moaned and grunted, as despite going slow, there was still the occasional hard thrust. It made her smile, though. They'd experimented over their time together with some very hard fucking, wondering just how much she could endure. On occasion, he'd absolutely nailed her. There was only the one time she'd admit he'd hurt her. Completely unintentional and it had absolutely shattered him when she'd cuddled into him afterwards, admitting it hurt.

It was the first time she saw him cry, believing he'd hurt her so badly. The pain barely lingered for more than a few hours, but he'd felt awful about it for a number of days.

"Gonna cum," she groaned, Mark leaning back, wrapping his hands around her thighs and driving his cock deep, smiling as he watched her shoot cum all over herself. He used a finger to scoop a little up, offering his fingers to her. She smiled and sucked on his fingers eagerly. She then returned the favour, and he never hesitated in swallowing her cum in return.

Now that she'd cum, his eyes lit up as he pulled out completely and spun her around. She knew what he wanted, getting onto her knees while resting on her forearms. Lightly slapping her arse, he slid back inside her as he grabbed her ponytail, pulling her head back gently, as he started to fuck her.

"Oh fuck yes!" she cried out, "Fuck my arse!"

He slapped her arse again. "My arse," he growled, "Who's arse, Cindy?"

She giggled as he pulled her ponytail again. "Property of Mark Jones."

"And who does my cock belong to?"

"Me! Cindy Williams, soon to be Cindy Jones."

He slapped her arse again, making her burst into a fit of giggles, knowing he was doing his best not to chuckle along with her. "Definitely going to film us fucking and make you my little porn star. But the films will only ever be for us. Only I get to see you naked, Cindy. And I'm yours in return."

She glanced back and met his eyes. "Fill me up, honey. I'm feeling tired..."

"Okay, sweetie." He pulled her back so she was resting against his chest, still pumping her but slowly, his lips at her neck as his hands caressed her body. She knew he was close as he played with her girlcock again. She wasn't going to get hard, but she loved it when he just touched her, remembering the early days when he had been unsure how much attention he should give her girlcock. Once she'd assured him that it was part of who she was, and that she got plenty of enjoyment out of it, his hesitation ended, though he still made sure she was comfortable with it.

"I'm close," he whispered into her ear. Feeling him fill her arse always gave her that warm feeling, his cock pumping her deep. He kept thrusting into her until he was starting to go soft, wrapping an arm tight as he laid them down on the bed, spooning back against him, his cock falling out of her arse.

"Shower?" he whispered.

"No. I want to feel you leaking out of me during the night."

Pulling the covers up and over them, she made sure as much of his body was cocooning her smaller one as he turned off the lamp by the bed. "Did I surprise you?" he wondered.

"I had no idea, Mark! First a house, now a proposal..." She paused and took his hand, resting it between her breasts. "The only wish I have is that I could give us a baby," she whispered.

"Oh, sweetie..."

She kissed his hand. "I'm not upset, honey. It's just something I wish for sometimes, that I could have an operation that would let me not only look like a woman below, but that I could have all the other things a woman has. The idea of making love then carrying our child... It's a lovely dream, Mark. It only ever makes me smile."

"Do you want that operation?"

"Honestly? I've not really thought about it all that much in a long time. I know so many girls like me dislike that part of their body. I don't blame them. I sympathise with so many of my sisters, aware of what they go through. I've always accepted it as part of me. And you see me as a woman, Mark. You have no idea how much that means to a girl like me." She paused and turned around. "How do I make you feel?"

"Loved and desired. I'm not a complex man, Cindy. All I wanted was to find a woman who loved me for who I am, who didn't expect me to change who I was, who accepted me faults and all, but what I could promise the woman who loved me is that I would absolutely love, adore and cherish her with all my heart in return. The only addition to that is she'd have to love my daughter too. And I see how much you love her, which is why you're even more special to me."

She couldn't stop looking at her new ring the next morning at breakfast, Emily and her two friends as excited as she was. When Cindy suggested that Emily could be her flower girl, and wanted her involved in the ceremony, Emily was so excited, she didn't know where to laugh, cry or dance around the kitchen.

When Emily hugged her tightly and said she loved her, Mark was by the counter, and Cindy knew he was doing all he could to hold his emotions in check. The rest of the day was just as wonderful, Mark suggesting they take in a movie before he treated his two favourite girls to dinner out, whispering to his daughter that she would get a tasty dessert as well.

That meant a big bowl of ice cream with all the trimmings at her favourite ice cream parlour.

Mark missed his daughter when he had to return her to his ex-wife. Cindy missed her presence when staying at his apartment, and knew she'd really miss it now that they were living together permanently. What surprised her was when Emily hugged her tightly before returning to her mother, whispering how much she was going to miss her too.

"I love you, Cindy. See you in two weeks."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

"Look after daddy for me."

"Always. I love him as much as you do."

"I know, but I also know daddy loves you as much as he does me."

"Is that okay?"

She smiled at her. "Of course, Cindy. Daddy said we each have half of his heart, and that's what makes him whole again. I've always had half of his heart, but the other half was lost for a long time. You found the lost half of his heart and made him whole again."

Cindy would confess that her life felt like a dream over the next few months before the wedding. Everyone was offering help and advice, though she'd had an idea in her head of her perfect wedding since she was a little girl. Mark happily sat down whenever she had an idea to book something or a plan in her head of what she wanted, but also ensured it was something he happily agreed to. Having been married once, though he wanted it to be their day, he knew how important it was to her as well. He told her more than once that she would be the main focus. He wanted her centre stage, so he could show how much he loved her.

They agreed to keep the budget small. Her dress would be expensive, taking her mother, his mother and sisters and her friends out more than once to find the perfect dress. She knew he was going for a simple suit, maybe even a tuxedo, a couple of his friends as best man and groomsmen. Alexa would be her Maid of Honour, and she asked his two sisters to be bridesmaids. Considering she already felt close to them, it just let to smiles, tears and a lot of hugs.

Mark had no real interest in another bachelor party, but he did go out with his friends a week before the wedding for a night out, though he spent half the time messaging her anyway. She did have a bachelorette party. No men invited. No strippers or anything like that. Just a night out for a few friendly drinks before dancing the night away at the club, letting their hair down. More than one man tried his luck, suggesting one last night away. Considering she didn't even dance with any other men, she was ready to slap anyone who would suggest such an offer.

Her last night before the wedding, they made love one last time earlier in the afternoon before she packed her things. Most of what she needed was already at her parent's place. Alexa arrived to take her over. She hugged him tightly once her things were in her car, not really wanting to let him go or spend the night apart. They hadn't spent a single night apart since moving in together.

"You'll see me tomorrow at the end of the aisle, sweetie," he whispered, "I love you."

"I still think I'm dreaming and that someone is going to pinch me, wake me up, and I'll be alone in the apartment again," she admitted.

So he kissed her. He put all the feelings he had for her in that kiss. She realised that, clutching him tightly to her as neither of them wanted to break the kiss first. The only reason they broke apart, or she didn't find herself dragged back into the bedroom to make love again, is that Alexa cleared her throat, stating that their love was beautiful to see, but they had a wedding the next day, then the rest of their lives to make out constantly.

Breaking apart, they blushed together, that shy smile lovers would share, before he hugged her one last time. "See you tomorrow, Mrs Jones," he said softly.

Cindy would admit she was a nervous wreck that evening. She knew Mark would be waiting for her, but despite her own happiness, the trust and love she had for him, she was fairly sure most prospective wives had those last minute nerves, wondering if the future husband would get cold feet and run off. She didn't think for a second Mark would do that to her, but she couldn't stop those niggling nerves building up.

The best course of action was masturbating. She came twice after going to bed before finally drifting off to sleep.

Getting ready the next day wasn't as stressful as she thought. Everything was planned like a military operation, though this one didn't suffer last minute setbacks. All her friends and family were dressed beautiful. Seeing herself made up, hair done, and in her white dress, everyone had to stop themselves from crying. But when her father walked into the room and saw her, immediately stating his little girl looked beautiful, a little make-up needed to be re-applied.

It was a beautiful spring day, the sun providing warmth, light cloud cover keeping at bay the worst of the sun's rays. The park was colourful, a kaleidoscope of colours as flowers were now in full bloom. The lawns had been mowed. The hedges and tree trimmed. The gazebo upon which the ceremony would take place had been decorated.

As the music started to play, friends and family providing the aisle, she grasped her father's arm as she walked towards the man she loved. He looked as handsome as ever in his tuxedo. His hair was combed. His suit tight to his body. That smile she loved simply expanded each step she took towards him. And he had that wonderful stubble she loved to see, telling him long ago she preferred him like that rather than clean shaven.

Climbing the steps towards him, close family and friends gathered around them as her father handed her hand to Mark. They shook hands, her father welcoming him to the family, Mark welcoming her father to his, before they faced each other, the celebrant introducing herself before beginning her little speech. It was non-religious, so it talked about love in the modern world, and they had agreed that the fact Cindy was transgender would be mentioned.

When it came to the vows, they had agreed to keep it simple, repeating the traditional vows before making a little speech to each other. She wasn't surprised he didn't need any cards. He probably had an idea of what to say, but what mattered to her was that it would come from the heart.

"The man you met that first night was broken and bitter, Cindy. My life had fallen apart over the previous three or so years. But I remember you sitting next to me, resting your hand on my forearm, your eyes understanding, and you showed me something I'd had from few others. Empathy. You offered to listen as I unburdened my heart and soul. I think that's when I started to fall for you. Meeting for coffee the next day, learning more about you, realising how beautiful you were, how intelligent, how kind and how much love you had to give, we parted that day and I knew we'd end up here together one day in the future. This last year and more together had been the best of my life. You accept me for all I am, but more importantly, you love my daughter too. I know my family absolutely loves you. My sisters see you as another sister. My friends think you're too good for me!

But what I see when I gaze into your eyes is a future together. We own a house together. My daughter will become ours whenever she's with us. And maybe we can start thinking about a family. All I know is that the day I make you as happy as you make me is perhaps never possible. I find it difficult to express all the feelings I have for your sometimes. It's like my heart wants to burst. I want to walk to the top of the tallest building in the city and let everyone knows just what you mean to me. I know my daughter told you about my heart. She's always held half of my heart as my child. You now hold the other half of it. Standing here in front of these people, I now feel complete once again. I love you, Cindy. I want to live the rest of my life with you, grow old together, and enjoy all the wonders that marriage can offer."

She felt his thumbs wipe her cheeks, left wondering how the hell she was going to follow that. But she actually had very simple words to offer in return. Taking his hands in hers, she took a deep breath, then another, meeting his eyes, all the love he had for her reflected in those gorgeous blue eyes.

"I was unlucky in love, Mark. You know all my stories. That night in the club, I saw a handsome man, who seemed so sad. My heart went out to you straight away. I wanted to hug you and make you feel better. Then we struck up a conversation, and I learned of the wounds you carried. I told you some of mine, and together, we've helped heal each other. I learned you were a warm, caring and kind man, with so much love to give someone lucky enough to receive it.

I was so worried telling you I was transgender, but I should have known it would be something you'd accept. You've always loved me for me and that was the only thing that mattered. I knew, the day after we shared coffee for the first time, that I loved you, I wanted a life with you, and I wanted to be here on this day, knowing that I would soon be your wife. I often dreamed of being in a white dress, holding the hands of the man I loved, telling him that I loved him with all my heart in return. I love you, Mark, and I know I can look forward to many decades of your love in return."

Sliding the ring onto his finger was difficult as her hands wouldn't stop shaking, while she felt tears start to drip down her cheeks when he slid the ring on her finger. The celebrant then finished off the ceremony, announced them as husband and wife, before they shared their first kiss as married couple. Moulding herself into his body, it was no chaste kiss. They were in love and let everyone present know it!

After the signing of the marriage certificate, there was the traditional photos before they made their way to the large marquee tent set up. It was a relaxed reception ceremony, tables and chairs set up, but no sit down meal. Instead, there was a barbecue and finger food, while a dance floor was set up. There were a few speeches, nothing boring, providing plenty of laughs, before there was the first dance between husband and wife.

Gazing into his face as they moved around the dancefloor, she noticed he'd never stopped smiling. "Happy?" she asked softly.

"Just like you, wondering if this isn't all some elaborate dream, that I'm still sat in that club and I'm in some long drunken haze."

She kissed him softly on the lips. "Well, that's a small test if it's a dream. I'll prove later tonight that it's definitely not a dream."

Giggling as she felt him press into her, he growled, "Sounds like my wife plans on consummating our marriage rather quickly."

Raising an eyebrow, she glanced around before resting her head against his chest. "We'll be doing that every night going forward, Mark."

The reception went late into the night but Mark and Cindy left long before it was over. Neither were interested in getting plastered. Their parents had offered to ensure everything was cleaned up so they could disappear for the evening. No fancy hotels or immediately taking off for their honeymoon. They were driven home in the fancy car they'd hired, Mark carrying her over the threshold of their home.

Getting her out of the wedding dress did take a few minutes, while he carefully took off his tuxedo at the same time. When she was down to her white lingerie, his eyes lit up as he took in the white stockings and heels. Leaning over the bed, she grabbed her glasses and put them on for him, giggling as he'd stripped himself naked by the time she'd sunk to her knees before him.

Considering he'd pressed himself into her every time they'd danced earlier, she knew he wasn't going to last long. Moaning as she took half his cock in her mouth, gazing up into his eyes, his fingers immediately ran through her brunette hair, leaning back for a moment and shaking it, before swallowing his cock again.

"Fuck yes," he groaned.

Moaning again, his hand ended up on the back of her head as he gently thrust into her mouth. She could read he was very excited and was going to cum incredibly quickly, his breathing growing rapid as he swore again. "Cum for me, baby," she cooed, stroking him quickly before swallowing his cock again.

That first spurt did catch her by surprise. She gulped that down, ready for the next one, and the one after that. He growled as he came, his hand holding her head in place. She stroked her girlcock at the same time, loving the slightly submissive feeling that always came when he held her in such a manner. "Fuck, I love you," he whispered, immediately letting her head go, lifting her up easily and sitting her on the edge of the bed, kissing her hard, his tongue sliding into her mouth.

Easily taking off her bra, she lifted her bum so he could slide off her panties. Spreading her legs and pulling them back, she smiled as he dropped to his knees and buried his mouth, glancing to see him grab the lube from the nightstand, his tongue teasing her rosebud. Giggling as his hands spread her cheeks wide, she giggled even more when he easily picked her up again, bending her over the bed.
