An Alternative Universe Pt. 02


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When we got back, I parked on the driveway. We wanted to smoke in the car for a while before having to walk our luggage back to the house. But our plans were cut short when we saw Amy waiting at our doorstep, empty beer cans and an equally empty bottle of wine rolling over a growing puddle of piss on the driveway, she was clearly mid pee in her leggings, and had been sitting there a while.

Amy was barely able to sit up straight on the steps, leaning against the wall taking quick drags between gulps of beer.

"Yourrre back!" Slurred Amy trying, but unable, to stand. "zats good, ise almosss out of booze." She frowned.

Tina shook her head she was unimpressed. She didn't even say anything, and just dangled her cigarette as smoke poured out her mouth as she put the key in the lock. The effort to twist was almost too much as she opened the door. We walked straight to the couch clutching our cartons, leaving our unused suitcases in the car.

"Close the door on your way in." I said, blowing smoke through my words.

Amy crawled into the house on all fours collapsing on her chest and stomach in the middle of our dirty living room.

But Tina didn't care that her cousin was out for the count on our floor. So, I didn't care. We just sat at the couch smoking,

"Ciggy!" Amy suddenly screamed at the floor in a fit of drunken depressed rage. She needed her nicotine. We too wanted her to need it. She climbed up from the floor far too quickly for her intoxicated state and subsequently collapsed into a crumpled heap again on the floor. She slowly climbed up on to all fours her stretched soggy leggings translucent against her white skin. She managed to crawl few more uneven steps before falling again. She was almost weeping at the impossibility of her situation. It had probably been almost ten minutes since her last cigarette. Tina blew a giant cloud of smoke and smiled her yellow teeth. Finally, she gave in and tossed Amy a pack with three cigarettes left and a lighter inside.

Amy coughed with excitement and then struggled to open the pack in her uncoordinated drunkenness, but eventually managed to light one up. She fell to the side on to her back with a smile of pure bliss, taking desperate cheek hollowing drags.

"Another!" Tina grizzled, waving her empty pack. I suddenly realized mine was also empty and our current cigarettes were halfway done. So, I stretched to reach for two more packs. "Hurry!" She mumbled through an inhale. I gave her the small box and she quickly packed it, tore of the wrapper, and started pulling out her next cigarette. I was doing the same.

I loved seeing her smoke. Every breath she took lit the tip of her cigarette with a yellow flame. There was barely any breathing that wasn't an inhale or an exhale, the ashes from our un-manicured cigarettes falling like rain on our laps, as with last week we hadn't bothered reaching for the ashtray. Tina looked at me, almost confused and said. "Do you care?" she followed that by blowing a huge cloud of smoke and purposely flicking her cigarette ash on her cigarette on her lap.

"I guess I don't." I said quickly dragging again. We finished that cigarette and dropped it on the floor and promptly lit up again. Amy was sitting cross legged leaning against the sofa smoking furiously and yet I could tell that we would finish this next one before here. We already held another unlit cylinder between our fingers, wary not to waste any time between light ups. The more we could smoke the better.

My prediction came true, and we had lit that third cigarette before Amy struggled to get up, blowing her last cloud of smoke, to grab her pack. She managed to light her cigarette and fell on her back passed out. Still inhaling as she slept, ashes falling on her face. Tina and I smiled at each other. She was so cute. We left them on the floor sleeping. Our only concerns were the cigarettes between our fingers.

We barely slept that night, trying to smoke as much and as quickly as possible. We were never really satisfied with our nicotine intake. We felt like we could do better. But we knew we never would. The more we smoked the more we needed to smoke. It was our job to make sure that we did.

The next day we came down the stairs after smoking half a pack of cigarettes each.

"Got any booze?" Amy said between inhales. Tina nodded, dangling her cigarette, and pointing to the kitchen with her other hand. Amy showed a face of relief knowing that there was alcohol in the house.

Panic then crept across Amy's face as looked around confused "Where am I?" she asked.

"Our house" I said. You've been here before.

"Oh, really, I can barely see through all of this smoke." She coughed. "What day is it?"

"It's Sunday." I said.

"What?" She said smiling. "I don't remember anything since Thursday. I must be doing something right." She giggled and coughed as she focused on opening her beer and sat there sat cross legged on the floor in front of the chair and chugged it all down in one. Loudly burping once, the can was empty. She then like a rhino she slowly crawled on all fours to the coffee table for her pack of cigarettes. Then she unsteadily one knee and a time got up with her pack of cigarettes stowed in her hands and staggered over towards the kitchen will all intention of getting her breakfast a bottle of vodka.

"I think I needs a drink, and a pee, and a shower!" she giggled wobbling unsteadily on her feet whilst holding her cigarettes against her chest for security before sniffing her now very smelly and hairy armpits. "Oopsy," she farted loudly, and sniffed the air which reeked. "Maybe just a shower!" she stated as she looked down and my eyes followed as there was hissing as her crotch moistened as rivulets of urine gushed and then poured through her leggings making yet another puddle on the carpet.

With that the doorbell rang.

"Whooze zat?" Amy asked casually stroking her wet squelchy gusset with fervour as urine from her crotch continued to drip on the floor.

I smiled and sighed. "I think it might be our saviour, Tiffany."


The rather gorgeous Tiffany stood there wearing a pair of short denim shorts and a cropped white t shirt. Her cute little belly was on perfect display. She looked sexy and delightful. As if she was purposely teasing me. She had put her blonde hair up in a ponytail.

"How can I help?" She asked sweetly. "What's my first task?"

I smiled and looked across at Amy sitting on the sofa in her wet leggings playing with her gusset. "Bathe Amy, she is a filthy and a little piss wet!"

"Oh wow, okay!" She grinned.

"I will get you a drink and smoke once you've finished the task."

That was how Tiffany first got naked for us. Amy was so fat and slippery and drunk by the time she had to get out the bath, Tiffany then fell in too trying to lift her.

But I followed up with my promise. She got a cigarette and drink for bathing her.

Luckily, she found the whole thing funny.

We dried her up and found some of Tina's really old clothes, some that she just could not throw away. So at least she was warm.

Tiffany had gone to the fridge to find it completely empty. There was literally nothing it, not even the butter. We questioningly looked at Amy and Tina as to which one of them had drunkenly eaten it. Neither could remember.

As there was not even beer in the fridge. Tiffany suggested that we all went shopping. Both Tina, Amy, and I both coughed at the suggestion. It meant walking miles.

But there we were in the smoke-filled car, Tiffany, Tina, and I. Amy was far too drunk, she fell over in the lounge and stayed were she landed. She had cigarettes and drinks nearby she was fine. We were heading towards the large Costco store. It was overwhelmingly large.

In this strange world I now inhabit, I soon found everyone was a smoker at the Costco near our house. There was no problem in lighting up. Ashtrays were everywhere. People were not desperately chain lighting their cigarettes like Tina and I were. But most of the people, who weren't smoking, were holding unlit cigarettes in their hands, or were somehow displaying their packs with pride. And yet Tina and I stood out. Tiffany needed to smoke. The constant cloud of smoke that enveloped us drew looks of concern from the smokers at the Costco. Our addictions were so far beyond anything that was remotely normal, that even there we were somehow outcasts.

I decided we needed some groceries for the fridge. We could not just live on cigarettes and beer... Could we? We now had Tiffany to cook for us. Buying in bulk would suit new agoraphobic lifestyle. I loved seeing Tina smoking as she looked through the shelves. I had to keep reminding Tiffany to smoke. Tina would take inhumanly long drags as she examined the products deciding on what to buy. When she exhaled, I saw her through a cloud of smoke as I did the same. Our every smoke related action was simultaneous. We would light each other's cigarettes every few minutes.

About ten minutes in we all stopped. It was hard work for Tina and I. We were so out of shape. We had to just lean on some shelves for a rest and a smoke. We were sweating and exhausted from walking for so far down the long what seemed like endless aisles. We were breathing heavily and fiendishly smoking our cigarettes trying to recover. A store clerk came over to us.

"You need to use one of our ashtrays to put our cigarettes." She huffed as she stretched her neck and pulled the smoke in, and then pointed with that hand over to the long trail of spent butts we had left behind.

Tina blew a cloud of smoke directly at her face and angrily said. "We don't give a fuck about that. And neither do you."

"It's against the rules." She said, struggling against Tina's smoke exhaled words.

Tina said looking deep into the woman's eyes. "Finish that cigarette quickly so I can show you." The woman promptly pulled on her cigarette for about ten seconds, her cheeks caving in as if being pulled by the nicotine. After three of those long inhales in quick succession her cigarette was spent, and she casually dropped it on the floor and crushed it with her foot. She looked up and triumphantly smiled.

"Now light up again honey, you earned it." Tina said. As instructed the woman lit up another cigarette, exhaled smiled and walked away, flicking the ash from the cigarette on the floor without a care in the world. Tina dropped her spent cigarette on the floor with the other butts and we lit up again. She was shattered after walking up and down two aisles. I parked her on a chair. So that Tiffany and I could keep walking and shopping. Tiffany looked incredibly sexy in Tina's old jeans and t shirt. She was sexy as. She looked even better with a cigarette between her fingers. Her rate was still low. I had to keep reminding me of Vicky's journey. It took her ages to be confident. Tiffany was still not there.

Our shopping cart was full. Food, wine, beers, toilet rolls. We had run out weeks ago. Plus, carton after carton of cigarettes.

Tiffany was going to look after us properly. Feed and water us. So, we could just focus on smoking.

There was barely a line at the register for us. Our smoky stench permeating off our bodies was so strong nobody wanted to be near us. The lady at the register picked up her pack and quickly lit up as she saw us, probably thinking she would be able to handle our pong better if she herself was smoking.

We smoked about twelve cigarettes in the fifty minutes we spent at the store. Tiffany maybe one.

Tiffany was in charge of pushing the cart with our groceries to car. It was too much like hard work for me. I was just looking forward to getting back home. Where I could sit down and smoke.

To be fair to Tiffany, for the next week she did look after us. She cooked great food; we were eating fresh vegetables again. But she still let us sit and smoke on the sofa. After a couple of glasses of wine, she also looked stunning naked.

She liked drink wine and then to dance. So, I got her to dance naked for us. She had got used to having a cigarette between her fingers as she moved. We all enjoyed the view.

Three days later I was yet again driving carefully back from Costco, this time on my own. Tiffany had to cook, Tina had to smoke, and Amy was expected not dressed and too drunk. The drive now seemed an almost laborious daily trek to get another five cartons of cigarettes and two crates of vodka and gin as Tina, me, Amy and now Tiffany were literally on fire with the number of cigarettes we are smoking and alcohol we were drinking. I had again lost control of the situation again. Things in my life were spinning.

As I came around the corner out of the corner of my eye, through the fog of my own brain I recognised the bright white dog with the golden tail again strutting down the sidewalk on its own. I stopped the car and after a bit of my now rather irritating cough and catching my breath, I stubbed my cigarette out and then got out of the car.

I slowly walked over to the dog as I really can't run anywhere now, it's too much like effort, my lungs scream if I move too quickly. I bent down and coughed again and gave it a comforting hug. It was warm and comforting. It was like it knew me, and the dog sat and took my attention and nuzzled on to my legs whilst I looked around for the old lady. It was bizarre she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe this time she had not managed to keep up. Previously I could normally hear the clumping of her feet and stick as she shuffled along. About a minute later there was a clattering along the pavement as bottle blonde girl in high heels and a very short tight fitting low cut green dress showing off her huge fake breasts but importantly and what got my attention, she had a cigarette in her mouth as she confidently strode down the road. Her well over the top 5" heels clacking loudly against the concrete.

She got to me she bent down almost shoving her rather delightful clearly uncontained breasts almost in my face "Oh Sir, thank you so much," she purred with her exhale, "I have been looking after my grandmothers dog Bertie as she has been unwell."

She released her cigarette and another drift of exhaled the smoke smothered me before she was soon bending down and stroking him, "He is such a naughty boy he keeps running away. Don't you?" She grinned sweetly looking down at the dog and then took another short drag of the cigarette and exhaled as she crouched down.

Through the smoke, she teased me as her short dress rode up her thighs as she opened her legs by a few centimetres allowing me to see, she was revealing, almost teasing me that there were no knickers and certainly no pubes. She then leaned forward to stoke the dog, I could also see down through the inviting tunnel between her fake breasts to almost her soft belly in the darkness. We were both extremely close with the dog between us. I could smell cigarettes, a hint of wine and an overly powerful strong perfume. My eyes followed her hand as she took another drag on her cigarette and then as she exhaled, she flicked her cigarette, it rolled along the tarmac and down a drain. My eyes darted back to her pretty face. As she smiled her overly thick make up creased as placed her warm hand on my arm. Suddenly as I almost expected I got a rush of warm energy through my body.

We both slowly turned our heads and looked at the brick wall opposite.

There I was back sitting at my desk of my old job opposite Molly, I was just typing away on the computer. I could see a mug of steaming coffee beside me. I was actually working. I was my slim self, and it was normal. Then the image instantly flipped to Molly in a boob tube, legs invitingly apart flashing her wet pussy whilst downing a drink, sitting on my desk with a cigarette in her hand. It then jumped to our living room with a drunken Amy and Tiffany both naked dancing around the living room singing badly out of tune and drinking straight from a bottle of vodka.

There was gear change standing there watching me of striding at full pace up a hillside and stopping to admire the view. All of a I sudden even I could feel a wave of pure fresh sweet air within my lungs, it felt great. I felt alive. Then it jumped back to a beautiful plump and naked Vicky with cigarette dangling between her lips with my hands on both her full breasts as she nakedly hovered her dark hairy moist crotch teasingly above my hard penis as she dragged hard on a cigarette. Whilst in the kitchen Tiffany was smoking up a storm attempting to cooked us dinner. Vicky's large obese Mom was sitting on the couch opposite cigarettes between her fingers moaning whilst watching us as we almost had sex. I sat there willed the image for penetration my cock in Vicky's moist pussy. It never happened.

The image then jumped back to me sitting on my own in a nice clean spotless living room not a cigarette or empty bottle of wine or vodka in sight but a nice. A chilled beer and a hot curry takeaway watching an interesting movie on my own. The images then faded to several of all naked sitting on a sofa takeaway pizza on the table in front of us intensely watching a music channel as if was the most important programme in the world. Tina intensely smoking under one arm and a naked Amy in the other what made it equally strange was that there was a naked Vicky sprawled across us. As we sat in our own cloud watching television the four of us were chain lighting cigarette after almost endless cigarette.

The video came back to me on top of a hill which could have been the world, the wind and rain in my hair as I was spinning endless circles enjoying my fresh air and freedom.

The representations on the wall then came to a hotel hall filled with 90's pop music, it was clearly a wedding. My wedding? I was standing at the front of the room in a black tux. I was trying to look good. Everyone I knew from school, even my mom were sitting in rows behind me wheezing, smoking, and coughing. I was there at the front with a lit cigarette between my own fingers beside a large girl in a white dress. Her large bingo wing arms were bent as she brought her cigarette back under a now yellow tobacco-stained veil. Looking at the brick wall it could have been Tina, Amy, or Vicky. They were now all that shape. Squished with a corset into the dress, the breasts were almost bubbling out the top. The large girl was too short for Tiffany. All I could see was thick fog of continuous exhaled smoke drifting out from underneath. But looking at the wall I wished to find out who was under the veil. I just couldn't see the face through the continuous blue grey plume.

It was clear I had a choice and I had to decide and soon.

My focus was brought back to the pretty girl beside me. "You are still in control of your destiny!" The young lady croaked with the voice of the old Gloria from all those months ago as kindly smiled. My eyes followed her lips as they curved up, before I briefly glanced down at movement. She slowly closed her knees like a lock gate shutting now hiding what was her now glistening wet vagina from my view. My eyes went back to her face. Her smile was of perfect white teeth. She let go of me. The images on the wall disappeared. She stood up and pulled down her dress on the hem revealing more of her large breasts before then once standing pulled her dress up around her breasts as they attempted to escape. She fetched a cigarette from between her breasts and lit it. Exhaling into my face and then bent down giving me one last flash of her chest as she picked up the small dog gently stroking the fur trying to calm it down and then with the cigarette dangled, she turned with her heels clacking on the floor walked off.

I was stuck to the floor. I could not run.

What should I do?

The End.

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grl2040grl2040about 1 year ago

my pants are full of cum. thanks

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