An Opportunity Not To Be Missed Ch. 24


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Meanwhile Alison and her boyfriend were having a huge row over the whole event, she tried to explain that she did sort of encourage the old man but only because she thought it was him. None of this seemed to help her case, in fact it only made matters worse and eventually the young guy stormed off out of the house.

The old neighbour watched him go and wondered what he should do. He knew he couldn't leave things as they were, what if she was on the phone to her father right now telling him what had happened, he would be a dead man!

He couldn't stand the worry and so went back around to see if he could apologise and somehow worm his way out of the whole embarrassing mess.

As he came up the drive he saw the front door wasn't closed properly and so pushed it open and stuck his head inside.

"H...hello," he called out nervously. There was no answer and so after a moments pause he stepped inside and slowly crept down the hall. He was unsure what he was doing but he knew he had to try and straighten things out with her.

Then he heard sobbing coming from an upstairs room, this was going to be tough and he thought a moment about turning and getting out of there. But something deep within was driving him on and he crept up the stairs towards the sound. He came to a bedroom door and as he slowly pushed the door open all thoughts of leaving instantly vanished, she was curled up on her bed crying into a pillow, she looked so sweet and lovely and his heart went out to her. But more than this he was instantly reminded why this had all come about, the mouth watering little minx was still in her tiny cotton vest top and panties and straight away he felt the dirty animal urges welling up inside him.

As he stepped closer she suddenly realised he was there and sat bolt upright on the bed.

"Don't be frightened, " he told her in as gentle a voice as he could, "I...I...I just want to make sure you're okay."

Her reaction surprised him, he expected her to scream at him and tell him how she was going to tell her father, but nothing could have been further from the truth.

I...I'm sorry for the way my boyfriend roughed you up," she started, "b...but that was wrong of you, you shouldn't have done that." As she spoke she repositioned herself closer to the edge of the bed on her knees and sat back on her feet looking so sweet and innocent

"But you asked me to," the creepy old guy insisted, "I only came around to see what was going on, after all it was what your Father had asked me to do." Thinking on his feet and seeing an opportunity, an opportunity for what exactly he didn't know, but there was an opportunity, he went on. "Look, m...maybe I should call him and let him know what happened, I...I don't want any trouble."

It was a gamble for the old man to say this, if she agreed he didn't know what he would do, he obviously wasn't going to really tell him what happened. But he could see she didn't want him to know that she had had her boyfriend around to stay

Alison looked worried, "no don't, see I thought you were my boyfriend, that's why I asked you to put the suntan lotion on me."

The cunning old boy thought quickly, "oh I see....... I thought you knew it was me, I...I must admit I was a little surprised."

"P...please don't tell my Father what happened today.....please... let's just forget it.....can we?"

He couldn't believe his ears, she actually thought that she was the one in the wrong! All the time she's talking the creepy old pervert couldn't help looking over her voluptuous fit young body. Her tits were absolutely huge and with the tiny little vest top hanging loosely off them they seemed to take on a life of their own jiggling and swaying with every movement she made. He could see her nipples clearly pointing out through the thin white cotton material and sitting the way she was, with her back arched inwards, she seemed to be almost deliberately thrusting them out. He was astounded that she had no bra on, how could such big heavy things stand out so high and proud completely unaided, it was a true miracle.

As she tried again to apologise it seemed as if she had forgotten that all she was wearing along with this top was just her sexy little white cotton panties, she was such a cock teaser and old Mr Cramp's was growing ever harder with every passing second.

She didn't notice the look in his eye or the bulge in his trousers, all she saw was a frail old man who surely wouldn't harm a fly. She felt disgusted by what he had done earlier, but to see him standing there in his ragged old clothes and looking half starved and really quite pathetic she saw him as no threat at all.

But she was wrong, he wanted to exploit this opportunity as much as he could, he had touched her once and desperately wanted to again. It was those tits, they were driving him mad, he needed to put his hands on them, touch them, feel them, it was all he could think of.

He took a few steps closer explaining that he needed to sit down as his old bones were aching. He sat on the edge of the bed right next to her which made her feel a little uneasy.

"Maybe we could agree on a way for me to not say anything to your Father," said the lecherous old creep speaking slowly as he eyed her up and down. "Perhaps if I do you this favour then maybe you'll do one for me."

"Yes, yes okay," she responded with an innocent naivety, "w....what is it you want me to do?"

He shuffled up closer to her and very slowly reached with his hand and placed it on her bare stomach. Luckily for him she didn't swat it away, instead she seemed to just freeze from a mixture of shock and uncertainty.

"I...I actually enjoyed touching you earlier," he said nervously as perspiration broke out all over his gaunt pale old face, "so perhaps if I could touch you again then......." His voice trailed off as his concentration moved from what he was saying to his hand.

", I....I don't think so, p....please no don't please." Alison didn't know what to do, her pleading was falling on deaf ears. She felt sickened as his thin bony old hand with yellow nicotine stained fingertips slowly start to crawl up her stomach. She could hear his breathing getting faster and heavier, she couldn't see his hand as her view was blocked by the size of her tits but she knew he was now under the overhang of her little top.

Just then he touched the underside of her tits, he paused to see her reaction for a second before his dirty old fingertips started to creep along one and then the other.

"Oh God yes," she heard the creepy old pervert whisper as his hand went higher and gently cupped her magnificent right breast. "Oh my Lord," he whispered through trembling breath as he started to feel his way over it.

Alison could now see the outline of his crawling hand through the thin white cotton as his palm now covered her nipple.

"L...look that's enough," came her weak protest, but there was no way he was going to stop. Her tits were so big that his frail old hand had to roam around under her top in order to feel just one of them all over.

"Oooh lovely," he sighed as his palm found its way back over her nipple before spreading his fingers wide and giving it a mighty squeeze. It was so big and incredibly firm, much firmer than he would have ever thought possible.

Alison was still unsure what she should do, should she scream at him, or should she put up with it to buy his silence.

With his eyes bulging out of his head and saliva dribbling from his wide gaping mouth he slowly massaged it for a while before moving across to the other one. She should have done something as his groping and squeezing became more and more frantic he was clearly getting over excited and desperate.

It was all too much for him, his cock was throbbing hard in his trousers, he needed her, he needed her more than he had ever needed anything, he could no longer control himself.

The gorgeous blond 18 year old suddenly started to protest as he pushed her top up to expose her magnificent 32GG's. He was all over her trying to kiss her on the mouth as he continued to grope and maul her tits. She moved her head back and tried to pull herself away but he clung onto her as he forced her back down onto the bed.

With her trapped underneath him he was able to press his ugly old face against hers and lick and kiss it all over. Despite thrashing her head from side to side he soon had his mouth clamped over hers moaning and groaning, "mmmmm i love you, oh yes i love you," over and over.

Alison felt sick and desperately wanted to get the dirty old pervert off. But she wasn't able as the adrenaline pumping through his veins gave him an unbelievable strength.

He grew more and more excited as he dragged his face down from hers and licked and slobbered up and down her neck, she tasted so sweet and the scent of her soft blond hair was so fresh and pure. All these things sent his mind into a whirl, he had never been so turned on and he knew he had to satisfy this massive and overwhelming urge inside him. Soon he worked his way lower until he was gorging on her tits. As he sucked and chewed on her nipples he noticed they were sticking out hard and proud, "ooh yes you love it don't you," he panted as he lifted his head for a good look at them before diving in again.

Suddenly Alison realised that with one hand he was undoing his trousers whilst trying to hold her down with the other. She knew what this meant and she wanted to get this disgusting dirty old man off her. But at the same time she felt confused, why was her body reacting this way, she surely couldn't be getting turned on by this withered old creep....

As he continued his assault on her she realised to her amazement that she was. She knew she didn't want this and she knew she didn't fancy this horrible ugly old man, so why was she starting to feel this way?

The truth was that she was a terrible cock teaser, she loved nothing more than seeing the affect her gorgeous over-developed 18 year old body had on seemingly rational men. She could turn them into quivering blundering idiots as easy as that! So the turn-on wasn't this repulsive old man, it was the feeling she got from seeing the affect she had on him. He was out of control, desperately in need of satisfaction for his unbearable sexual urges, and it was all because of her.

Still though she also knew that this was wrong and her struggling continued, she couldn't just let him have her!

"Stop! No! Get off me you dirty old bastard get off!" Her protests meant nothing and the old man had manoeuvred her so she was laying on the bed properly with her head on the pillow. With his trousers and underpants now down around his knees he worked his way between her legs. There was nowhere for her to go as he reached down and pulled the crotch of her panties to one side.

"I'm sorry...I have to, oh God I have to I'm sorry," he blurted out in desperation as he pushed his dirty hard cock against her cunt. "Oh God yes yes yes, OH GOD YES!!!" he cried as her lips parted around his swollen purple head. Further they stretched as he pushed it into her, the increasing flow of her juices enabled him to force it in deeper and deeper despite her incredible tightness.

The sensation was out of this world and the old boys excitement was such that he could already feel himself starting to come. "OH YES YES AAAAARGH!!!!" he cried as he instantly reacted to the sudden ejaculation by ramming his cock into her all the way to the hilt. He had lost all control and straight away pumped himself in and out of her as fast as he could, spunk gushing like a fire hose from his over excited member.

Over and over he kept on pumping as more and more of his dirty sticky muck filled the depths of her lovely tight tunnel. His hands were everywhere, squeezing her tits as hard as they could, reaching behind to grope and fondle her ass, or grabbing the hair on top of her head and pulling it back as he thrust himself hard and deep into her.

After a few minutes of this frenzied excitement and seemingly endless torrent of spunk he began to slow down puffing and panting with exhaustion. Yet still his dirty stinking sperm continued to dribble from the end of his cock into her ravaged cunt.

Sweating and drained he collapsed on top of her. Even still he continued to squirm and rotated his cock inside her. He thought he had finished but this was no ordinary experience and he soon found he was still excited and his cock remained surprisingly hard.

Alison took the opportunity to push him off to one side. He rolled over onto his back and she sat up on the edge of the bed. She couldn't believe how close he had brought her to an orgasm, she hated him but couldn't deny the feelings inside or the frustration she felt from being left unsatisfied.

She looked over her shoulder to see the dirty old creep laying there looking at her, in his right hand was his still hard cock. He was so disgusting, she hated him for what he had done but still felt strangely smug over the affect she was obviously having on him.

Then it dawned on her, she now desperately needed satisfying and there was a hard cock right there. She could have thrown him out and taken care of herself but then why should she? She was disgusted with herself for even thinking of it, this old man was revolting and never in a million years would she ever think of him as someone to have sex with, but it just seemed the obvious thing to do.

Old Mr Cramp was shocked to see her get to her feet and slip her panties down her legs and kick them off. Then in just her skimpy little top she climbed onto the bed calling him all the names unde the sun.

"You fuckin' bastard, I hate you you dirty fuckin' old bastard," she snapped as she straddled his pathetic ailing old body.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, then in an instant she reached down and took his cock in her hand and guided herself down onto it. She threw her head back and closed her eyes as her cunt stretched around the big old thing and she slid all the way down it.

"Ooooh yesssss," she hissed as she began to grind herself against him, the walls of her now soaking cunt gripping and massaging his erection as she started to ride up and down on it.

With her sat bolt upright on him he had a spectacular view up under her tiny white vest. From this position he could see the underside of her huge tits bouncing around under the flimsy cotton top, and the more she got into it the more they bounced around.

He lay there with his mouth wide open as he watched. "Oooh lovely lovely big tis," he groaned, "ooh look at them bounce, ooh go on more more!"

Still Alison had her eyes closed as she licked her lips and rode him harder and harder. She was obviously in a fantasy all of her own as she started to squeeze and fondle her tits through her top. "Mmmmmmmm yes yes yes," she sighed as she ground herself round and round harder against him, "oooh fuck me with that cock, fuck me fuck me!"

As the words left her mouth she fell forwards and started to rub her tits around all over his old face. From this position he was able to take over and start ramming himself into her which was met with satisfying moans from the sweet sexy 18 year old. With one hand she pulled her top up and pushed her naked tit into his face, her nipple finding its way into his mouth.

The two of them were in a state of frenzied excitement. Alison was now moaning and groaning on the brink of orgasm as her pussy took the hammering of its life and her over sensitive nipples were feasted upon by the old mans hungry suckling mouth.

He was taking every opportunity to feel her all over, he groped and squeezed her lovely firm ass, felt his way all over her thighs hips and waist and of course mauled and massaged her tits.

Neither of them were going to last much longer as the bed shook and slammed against the wall with every thrust he made into her.

Suddenly Alison let out a shriek as she erupted into an orgasm, her pussy suddenly squeezing the old mans cock like never before, the juices pouring from inside her.

At the same moment he felt his balls tighten and his cock jerk and pulsate. In an instant their fluids combined as he shot a load of thick hot spunk up inside her drenched cunt. The two of them writhed and fucked like crazed animals milking each other for all they were worth. Over and over they carried on until soon they were both at a state of near exhaustion.

As Alison sat back up and drew her hair back from her face and over the top of her head she looked down at the creepy old pervert and let out one more long satisfied sigh.

He had just experienced the highlight of his entire life, nothing could ever compare to the pleasure he had just had, and as he lay there looking over his conquest he found it almost impossible to believe.

Having reached the satisfaction she had needed Alisons use for the old boy was over. She climbed off the bed and walked on shaky legs across the room.

She opened the bedroom door and stood there waiting for him to take the hint and leave. He reluctantly clambered from the bed and pulled his trousers back up. He shuffled over towards her, when he got to the doorway he stopped and looked at her.

"Just go!" Alison said with a firm authority.

He just looked at her and went without uttering a single word...........

For the remainder of the week until her parents returned Alison encountered the old boy a few more times. He was very persistent and obviously desperate to get his hands on her again. She enjoyed seeing the way she could tease him, it turned her on somewhat to think of this disgusting old creep being driven to the edge of despair by the mere sight of her. This was something she felt she may play around with and explore in the future................

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wd56wd56about 2 years ago

i wish you would continue with mandy/allison or maria....these stories are some of the one i always keep coming back too...ive reread them so many times now

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Bambi, your writing, plotting and characters are just top notch. Descriptions of clothing (both perfect women in sexy clothes and revolting old men in unwashed sticky yucky smelly clothes) are awesome. I really love the juxtaposition. Also really love the initial naive revulsion followed ocassionally by the helplessness of the victim being turned on and responding. Never mind any of the (very few) negative comments from others. Please just keep following your own muse!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

made me cum

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
More Alison!

Another fantastic installment to my favourite series on Lit. Have to say that I actually prefer the character of Alison, but more as the 40 year old mother doing what she must to protect her daughter. The fact that she's even more voluptuous than her daughter (I'm a great believer in more is more) ticks all my boxes, plus her slight imperfections as opposed to Mandy's seemingly flawless beauty, give her the touch of realism every fantasy needs.

You 'have' set the bar high as one comment suggested, but I disagree with the assertion that you didn't reach it - trust me you're clearing it every time. Great stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Read This!

Dear Bambi

Unfortunate to see you refraining from using your core skills. Upskirt, lingerie, making the men lust over their prize for a while before they get their way. If something works, don't stop using it. Mandy meets your young requirements, Alison filled a good role as the older lady bound to circumstances as faced by Mandy. This was by far one of the most dissapointing of your works. Hope to see the old Bambi again soon. Nevertheless, you've proved you can write. It takes a bit more to maintain it. Unfortunately, for the good, you've reached a point where expectations are high for you.

You've got many options with the inclusion of a midget, fat retard boy, the old fat man told about Mandy as an offering and thus prepares an entire event picking lingeire, the scene, etc. You're good enough to make them into worthy reads.

Hope to see the old Bambi back again soon.

bambigirl44bambigirl44almost 16 years agoAuthor
Thanks for all the great comments...but...

Thank you all for the comments, I do appreciate them and also take on board any critisism. I agree with "anonymous in ban" that the style of clothing may be incorrect for the 1960s or even 70s. However I take great care in making sure that everything fits together just right and if you care to check back a few chapters you will see that Alison was then 39 years old and I now reckon her to be 40. At the moment it is 2008 is it not? Therefore I don't think it's too hard to figure out that she would have been 18 in 1986!!!! and I can absolutely guarantee you that this style of clothing was worn at that time!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
welll done

Didn't think I would like allison again but this story was just as hot as all the others ... and as usual my hubby and I got busy after reading it.. I have to agree with the other poster .. how about two guys on allison .. too too hot .. keep em cummin ...

malay_malemalay_malealmost 16 years ago
Keep on writing! Interesting flashback twist =)

Thank you bambigirl for continuing to write! Your story is the main draw for literotica cos I always keep a lookout for your story!!!

Love the twist of Allison's younger days which I am guessing will lead back to the present issues of Mandy. I think this can branch off into another series of yours if u have the time ;)

Some may not like the switch of character or era as I read in the comments, but personally i felt that since the style of writing did not mention much of the 1960 era of Allison and the issues facing the character is the same, everything is working well. Can't wait to see how things are played out.

The style is distinctively unique yours as always and I love your stories, keep on writing yar! =)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
keep to mandy

Great story, but please keep to mandy. When Alison was in college, it would have been what? 1960s? 1970s? Yet, you described it as though it was in 2008. Not to appropriate.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
keep to mandy

Great story, but please keep to mandy. When Alison was in college, it would have been what? 1960s? 1970s? Yet, you described it as though it was in 2008. Not to appropriate.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
keep up the awesome work

This is awesome. Great series. Could you please add more of a group sex on the next issue? That would be awesome. How about 2 older men and alison in a tricky situation? That would be awesome. Thanks

Pantyboy11Pantyboy11almost 16 years ago
wonderful new twist

Some people will be disappointed that this story is about Alison and not Mandy, but I loved the twist taking Alison back to her youth. Can't wait to hear more exploits, I have a feeling she is going to be sexier and naughtier than Mandy is in her teenage years.

Great story, well written, more please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
ohhhh yea

glad you brought alison back in, didn't expect that though you just get better and better, what your next story will be i don't know but i can't wait

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
It keeps getting better & better

Another great story. I have to admit I didn't see this one coming but I am glad this direction is being taken.

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