An Unexpected Crew Pt. 02


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"I want you to cum in my pussy."

OK. I can do that.

I pushed her to the side, rose to my knees, flipped her onto her tummy, grabbed her legs and hips into all fours, hands and knees, held her hip steady, lined my cock up with her clearly swollen pussy from behind, pushed myself into her needy hole and...

"Big," she gargled, and then wheezed as my dick slip through the tight tunnel. She dipped her head down as she held her doggie position. I began pumping at her and she wailed. I reached around her with my left hand and grabbed her throat. She met my clutch with both hands. I pulled back on her as I fucked at her. Her back near my chest... My lips near her ear...

"Can you breathe?"

"Yes," she hissed.

"You slap my hand twice if it's too much," I huffed, into her ear.

"OK," she wheezed.

I fucked her with one hand on her throat and another on her erotic left tit. Pressing the firm flesh into her chest. My primal brain was enjoying every second of her firm breast flesh. Squeezing and holding the pressure on her left nipple with my fingers. With each slap of my pubis against her ass, I could feel her right tit kiss my right arm... Wiggling violently against her chest. I looked past my lover's shoulder into the reflective smoky glass on the bulkhead over my headboard.

That's right.

I had smoky glass installed in the master cabin of my new yacht. The sight of my lovers in my clutches was going to follow me onto my new yacht. It was too erotic for me not to have reflective smoky glass over my headboard. That's how I caught Mariana peeking into the master cabin when I fucked Sydnee. I saw her reflection in the glass.

In the smoky glass, I could see her strained face as I fucked her. Her hair tangled over her shoulders and my arms. Her hands still clutching my left. I could see her eyes roll around and then go cross-eyed. I screwed her for the next three minutes. Fat cock and tight, sloppy, and slurping pussy.

I saw her reach behind me with her left hand and she grabbed my ass. Pulling and holding in me in place... fully penetrating her pussy with my cock.

"I'mCumming," she squelched, in a high pitch, quivering voice.

And she was. Her pussy had my dick in a vice grip. Her erotic announcement reached my primal brain.

With her pussy twitching and convulsing on my dick... her gorgeous tits quivering in tight circles through the reflective smoky glass, my cum boiled out of my balls. Raked my orgasmic nerves on the way to my tiny slit. My tunnel vison narrowed. My selfish needs consumed my primal brain. I whimpered and groaned... I released rope... after rope... after rope into my new lover. My eyes hyper focused in the smoky glass... her youthful tits. I could feel the splash inside her. Her cervix drinking in the sticky goo with each convulsion.

I released her and she collapsed face down on the bed. My cock fell out of her pussy and a long strand of our mixed cum hung from my dick. Sexy.

Rosalyn crawled onto the bed, slurped the stringy cum from my dick, and then, took her lover into her arms. Whispering words into her ear.

I stood next to the bed. My dick pulsing to my strong heartbeat.

"That was amazing, Mariana. You too, Rosalyn."

Mariana could only offer a gurgle.


"You fucked her out, Steve."


I had a lover on each arm.

Both Rosalyn and Mariana holding my arms firmly as we walked from the marina to my home. Satisfied smiles on their faces.

I waved to some neighbors along the way. Some with, not so approving smiles.

Opening the door to my home, I was met by Gwen. Who, immediately took me into her arms and kissed me. Long and hard. One of her hands on the back of my bald head and the other on my shoulder. My hands and arms naturally taking my lover in an embrace as we exchanged tonsils.

Gwen then kissed Rosalyn. And then, looked at Mariana. Gwen arched an eyebrow at the tall 19 year old.

"Well? I take it you test drove the merchandise?" She giggled and looked right at me.

Curiously, Mariana was looking right at Gwen's baby bump hidden behind a figure showing, and flowing, blue dress. I arched an eyebrow as I watched Mariana staring at Gwen's tummy.

"You and Rosalyn can talk to her about joining the crew. I'm starving. And, by the way, Gwen. You're absolutely gorgeous, today. And, I love you." I kissed her quickly and made for the kitchen, where I found Amara eating chocolate chip ice cream and a dill pickle. Four months pregnant. Gwen... six months. I still can't get over having two pregnant women in my home.

Over the past few months, I've been giving back massages and leg and feet rubs... running to the store for candies, pickles, ice cream, tomatoes, cucumbers, peanut butter, and other odd cravings.

Amara stood and took me into her arms with a bite of pickle in her mouth. She didn't bother to talk.

"I love you, Amara. Any of the casserole left from yesterday?" She shook her head at me... and smiled. I love Amara.

I had made some homemade pork stew last week and placed it in the freezer for fast meals. I turned to Rosalyn and Mariana as they entered the kitchen.

"Pork stew. Interested?"

"Yes," Rosalyn replied. She took Mariana's hand. "Steve makes a great pork stew. Served over rice. Do you want to stay for dinner?"

The four women... hmm, five. Sydnee came from upstairs to join us. The five women giggled and laughed at the kitchen table as I slaved over the stove. Stirring the stew to keep it from scorching... checking the long cook style white rice for burning. I felt two familiar hands wrap around my chest and perky tits squeeze into my back.

Ah. Sydnee.

"You have no idea how hard it was to forego joining in with you and the girls after we docked."

I placed a hand over my lover's arm while I stirred the stew. "Returning your phone calls for work is more important, I suppose." I chuckled.

"Mariana is over there telling us she received the fucking of a lifetime today." Sydnee squeezed me and hummed as she lay her head on my shoulders.

"She is sexy. Gorgeous figure and beautiful boobs."

"That's what Rosalyn said, too. The tits part." Sydnee released me and stood next to me at the stove... Facing the women at the table behind me. "She is pretty."

I took a sip of beer and hummed an affirmative hum before I swallowed. I admired Sydnee's wig... short and tight braids falling to her shoulders and parted down the middle.

"You screwed her before I did. I know she's screwing Rosalyn. I wonder if she'll do me?"

I was about to comment, when...

"She and I have been discussing that," Rosalyn interrupted, as she stood on my other side... facing the women, like Sydnee. "She may be a little sore after what I saw Steve do to her." Rosalyn leaned to her left and look past me over the stove to Sydnee. "I'll invite her over the next time you and I are together. We may need to go slow with Mariana when it comes to another woman." Then, Rosalyn turned her attention to me. "You have a magic dick, Steve. Five lovers now and all of us crying out your name within minutes." She looked at my task at the stove. "Here, let me do that." And... she took over by taking the slotted spoon from my hand, and hip nudging me to the side.

"Go over there and tell Mariana she was fantastic. I know you did before we left the yacht, but, do it again. She's still a little overwhelmed. You can do that to a girl, Steve. It happened to me." She giggled and took over the meal. I did as Rosalyn told me. I sat next to Mariana and took her hand... taking her eyes into mine with a smile.

"Everything OK?" I asked.

She smiled, placed her other hand on top of mine and smiled. "Yeah. Everything is good. A new experience, is all. I've... never been with someone who is so good." She looked at Amara and then to Gwen. Speaking to us all in her south Florida Cuban accent... "Rosalyn says the three of you are in a committed relationship. One where you three will raise families together." We all nodded and smiled. She turned to me. "And, you have additional lovers."

I nodded. "We've agreed to keep our lovers close to each other. Gwen and Amara have agreed to stop bringing new lovers into our home. The three of us are still lovers with Sydnee and Rosalyn. We haven't discussed the prospect of a new lover in our small group." I paused and smiled. I gently squeezed her hand. "You were fantastic today, Mariana. You're a very sexy and beautiful woman. If you're interested in joining in with our group, even if just casually, I'll let the girls talk it over with you."

Just then, I heard plates, bowls and silverware clattering behind me. I'm starving.


Became a regular lover in our home.


I had both my pregnant lovers sleeping soundly in my bed.

A unique bed. Two king size, side by side. Custom made sheets and blankets. In my huge ground floor bedroom suite. I had just finished gently rubbing Gwen's back and she fell asleep under my hands.

An hour earlier, we finished a threesome. Oral sex only. Sideways 69 in a triangle. I licked Amara and Gwen sucked me off. Amara licking Gwen. The girl's tummies were well rounded now. Gwen, due any day, and Amara at seven months.

I rolled out of bed and left my sleeping lovers under the covers. I strolled into the kitchen and grabbed some raw celery, broccoli, and zucchini for a snack. I then went to my study, but not before I heard Sydnee cry out from upstairs.

She had a man with her this evening. A young model from the agency where she worked. Handsome guy. Well-groomed. A light skinned black man and fully ripped with lean muscles. Perfect for male models. He had the looks for it, too. He was clearly not as old as Sydnee. He looked too young. Maybe just out of high school.

On my iPad, I was reviewing the SEC filings for a petroleum stock I owned, when I heard a male voice near the front door. I looked at my watch and it had only been ten minutes since Sydnee wailed out an orgasm with Trint. Five minutes later, I caught Sydnee peeking around the door of my study.

I gestured to her to come in.

"One and done... again," she groaned, as she neared my workstation. "At least I got an orgasm out of it." She plopped her sexy ass into the chair next to me. I set my reports down, twirled in my chair and faced my beautiful lover. She looked at me with a curious, but happy face.

"Trint just came, caught his breath and said he had to go. You, Steve..." She paused. Looked at me, then to my iPad, with a gentle smile. "Stop everything you're doing and pay absolute, total attention to me. The same with all of us." She gestured to my iPad with the SEC report still showing on the screen.

"When you're a dog face, like me, and you have beautiful women in your company, you do everything you can to keep their interests. Sydnee... I'm amazed you even consider me a lover." I gestured to the front door with my eyes and chin. "In the handsome looks department, Trint is a 10 and I'm a 1.5. And, I gave myself credit for trimming my beard this morning." Sydnee giggled at me. "I'm grateful to have your company."

Sydnee stood and pulled on my hands to join her. Wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face and chin into my shoulder.

"You're a easy seven, Steve. Your body is insane, too. Better than Trint. Your dick though... A 20... easily."


I thought I was going to lose it.

Holding my daughter in my arms while my lover lay in her hospital bed beside me. Gwen... Smiling a forced smile after giving birth to our beautiful daughter. She extended her hand to me and I took it in mine. Obviously exhausted...

"Steve... You single handedly made me a wealthy woman. You are so fucking smart. And now, you have given me a beautiful little girl."

She was so exhausted, she couldn't cry. Her lips and eyes told me she wanted to. She is still beautiful, despite the stress in her face.

"She is beautiful," I replied, as I gazed into the innocent face of the babe in my arms. I looked up into my lover's eyes. "And, you are beautiful. Our daughter's beauty is obvious as I look at you."

"I look like crap," she groaned, as she swished blonde hair from her face. Turning in bed to get comfortable. It seemed impossible after pushing out 7 pounds and 13 ounces for six hours.

Returning my gaze to our daughter... "There is beauty in everything, Gwen. There is beauty in this very moment. A new life in the presence of her parents." I looked back to Gwen and her eyelids seemed heavy. I closed my eyes. Grateful for the effort my lover endured to bring our baby to this moment. I stood. I placed Sarah Ann in her mother's arms. I took out my phone.

I took the first photo of mother and child.


Of course, I was ignored.

Amara was the first to greet Gwen and Sarah. Then, Sydnee and Rosalyn and Mariana. All in our home to greet Sarah Ann when she arrived.

For the next 30 minutes, mother and child sat on the couch in the living room, while the women fussed over our daughter. I made drinks for everyone. I wasn't ignored for long. Rosalyn came into the kitchen with an attitude.

"Your daughter is gorgeous, Steve," she announced, as she took me into her arms. "Sarah doesn't look a bit like you." She giggled as she squeezed me from behind. I was pouring myself a bourbon over ice. "There's not one dark hair on her head. It's all blonde or light auburn. Definitely from Gwen. You're a father, Steve. And in two months, you'll be a father again."

"Sarah is pretty, isn't she?" I replied. I sipped my bourbon, set the glass down, and spun in my lover's arms to face her. "I hope I'm up to the challenge. Being a father."

Rosalyn looked me in the eye and nodded her head. "You're the smartest man I know, Steve. Except for my Papa." She chuckled. She lowered her voice and her tone... serious. "You're going to be a great father, Steve. I know it."

I sat across the room while the women each took turns holding Sarah. All of us munching from the party trays I bought the evening before. I looked at my watch... 3:03 pm. I would be leaving in a few minutes to go to the airport. My parents would be arriving. Gwen's sister, and her family, were on the road from Ohio. Arriving late tomorrow morning. It would be a busy day tomorrow.

I opened the door to the deck facing the Intracoastal... taking the few steps to the outer rail. The summer breeze... mild. Hot. Humid. I sipped my drink and looked at my watch again. I felt two familiar hands wrap around my chest and two perky titties press into my back.

Sydnee. I love Sydnee.

Her cheek against my shoulders and her grip on me, firm. I placed my free hand on her arm.

"Sarah is beautiful, Steve."

"Thank you. She takes after her mother," I chuckled.

Sydnee giggled silently against my back. Still holding me from behind, she whispered just above the breeze...

"I hope to have a baby with you, too, Steve."

Hmm... I thought. I would like to have a baby with her, too.

Later that evening, I screwed Sydnee in her room.


I hired two crewmen from the marina near Haulover Inlet.

Both young men with experience on sailing and power yachts. I took my father out to a well-known fishing ground, while my mother fussed over her new granddaughter. Sydnee, Rosalyn, and Mariana came with me. I felt I needed two more crew to safely operate at seven miles off shore.

My father was at the flybridge helm. Having a blast with a huge smile on his face as we headed back to Haulover Inlet. I took photos and videos of him and sent them home to my brothers and their families. And...

The girls were obviously flirting with Jason and Chance. And the two, obviously handsome, sandy blonde, and well-toned men, were accepting the flirtations and offering some in return. And, why not. The three girls wearing smoking hot bikinis... cheeky bottoms and wiggling tits. My father was struggling to keep his eyes front and center, too.

I gutted the mahi mahi Dad caught off the stern and put it in an ice chest. We would have it for dinner tonight.

I came out of the master head and found Rosalyn standing in the master cabin entrance... waiting on me. She looked at me with a little apprehension on her face, so I spoke first...

"What is it, Rosalyn? I need to know if there's a concern."

She stepped forward and closer to me.

"Would it be all right, if we stayed behind after we dock? I mean, um... We would like to party with Chance and Jason on the yacht."

I didn't have a problem with her request. She knew the rules about alcohol and drugs and I trusted her. Along with Sydnee and Mariana. I didn't see the three women for the remainder of the day and evening after I paid the two men in cash. The mahi mahi was butchered, sautéed, served, and eaten.

My mother... holding Sarah in her arms while I cleaned the kitchen... beaming with a huge smile on her face.

"Sarah's beautiful, Steve. You did well," she giggled. "I find it amazing the women in your life love you so much. They keep telling me how wonderful you are."

"Thank you, Mom. I consider myself a very lucky man. To be loved by such beautiful women. All of them are special in their own way. Rarely do we have a sharp word with one another. And, Sarah... I'm in love with her, too."

Mom sat down at the kitchen table with Sarah sleeping in her arms. Waiting until I put away the last of the dirty kitchenware into the dishwasher...

"Steve, your father is proud of you and your success. Your brothers, too." She looked around and gestured to my home. "You're a very good provider to your family."

A little concern appeared on her face... Before I could speak...

"Your father wouldn't say anything, but I will."

I arched both eyebrows, turned, and faced her more directly. The concern I saw wasn't too intense, but was still there.

"What is it, Mom?" I replied, as I sat next to her.

She smiled at me. Then, to Sarah. Returning her eyes to me...

"The Fraser place has come up for sale and your father has wanted that place for years. It's ideal for corn, sorghum, wheat, and grazing rotation. But..." She paused and looked at me with a tentative smile. "It's 2,500 acres, and it's out of reach for your father and brothers to buy. I was wondering if you could help your father acquire it."

Hell yeah, I can help. I would do anything for my father and mother.

"Give me the details," I replied.

The smile on my mother's lips... memorable.

Three months later, my father and brothers were grazing cattle on my place. Six percent from the sale of cattle grazed on the land and five percent from the sale of crops harvested. My oldest nephew lives in the house on the acreage, with his new bride, and is the caretaker for the land in return for no rent on the house. I gave him 325 of the acres for his use under the same terms.

I also bought an established 275 acre coastal grass farm, with irrigation. Two miles from the 2,500 acres I bought. The grass the cattle don't use, my nephew can sell to other ranchers. The acreage came with the tractor, mower, rakes and bailers. All in good condition.

In addition, I bought 710 acres twenty miles away from my father in the neighboring county. Perfect range for cattle pasture with a small, spring fed creek running along the northeast one third of the property. The property is also perfect for hunting game. White tail deer, quail, feral hogs, dove. My other nephew manages the hunting leases for the southwestern 110 acres of the 710. I had a small hunting lodge built for the hunters. Dad approved of the land. Same terms for him, and my brothers' cattle... six percent from the cattle sold. Dad, and my brothers, manage the 50 head of cattle I bought at auction and placed on the land.

For my Dad and brothers to use...

I bought two John Deere cotton harvesters with bailers. A labor saving technique to harvest cotton and get it to the cotton gin without boll buggies and module builders. I bought a well-kept and used John Deere combine with corn head and grain reapers. I also bought a new John Deere tractor for the 2,500 tract I bought.
