An Unhappy Reunion Pt. 01


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I smile at Jane, "When I come back ... you get the full treatment. I didn't show Daisy everything, there is a lot more."

I casually remove my shirt while Jane removes my belt, she unzips me, and helps my pants fall. She turns around and I unzip the long zipper to her dress. With a light shudder the entire thing glides to the floor like it should. Jane jumps up in the center of the bed on her back, pulls her legs up and slides her soaked panties off. She throws them on her dresser.

Interesting, I think of it as her dresser already. I pull my boxers off, climb up on the bed and position myself in front of Jane. Like my sister, this is a young sexually active woman. She is dripping fluids. I slide in easily, but I don't rush it. She hasn't had the likes of me. I push the tip in and she lets out an "ahhhh" in relief. She has been wanting this, needing this, and I am giving her what she wants. I thrust all the way in.

Jane moans, "Oh fuck yea. I like that. Lean forward so I can touch your body. I want to see you, feel you, and explore your body. Most of all I want you stuffing me with your man meat." I start a steady fucking rhythm. "You sure fill me up. Carmen was willing to model for you. I was embarrassed at first. But there was no way I was letting your eyes off me. It was incredible standing there naked for you. Knowing you were all eyes on me was inspiring. I orgasmed several times with the way you watched me.

"Of fuck, this is so good. I love you ramming that steel in me. You complete me. I need you, I love you like nobody else. Not my family, not my brother, I need you. Oh my, that is awesome. Harder, faster. Take me and make me yours. Harder!" I am at maximum speed. "Oh, yes, this, is ... fucking ... awesome ... when you ... are ready ... fire away!"

My molten volcano has been stirring all night. I let loose a geyser and send seven large rounds of cum into Jane's womb. With each shot I thrust into her deep and hard.

Jane screams, "Oh YES!!" and then immediately clamps down hard on my cock.

Her face looks painful, but I know better. Her body is contracting every muscle. She takes a breath and holds it for a long time as the orgasm cripples her. She loses all control of her body. After two minutes I see the strain ease from her face. Her muscles stop contracting. Her body relaxes, and the smile broadens on her face. Her eyes flutter and finally open.

Janes voice is very soft, almost a whisper, she says, "Oh my. Wow. That was incredible. Thank you."

I say out loud, "HAL, 6:45 AM alarm." A voice says, "Yes Dave." I say, "HAL, turn off lights." A voice says, "Yes Dave," and the lights turn off.

Jane yells out, "HAL, will you fuck me when Dave is gone?" A voice says, "Sex is beyond my means. I am but a simple pawn in life." Jane laughs, "I love that line. I had no idea you liked old movies, Mongo."

I smirk and say, "I am unique."

I am on my side now and pull Jane to me. She does not resist. We fall asleep with my arms around her.

Chapter 7 - Going Home

6:45 AM

A loud marching band plays in my room and the lights are flashing on and off. I wake up almost immediately. Jane has her hands over her ears.

I yell out, "HAL, turn alarm off." The lights turn steady on, the sound stops, a soft voice says, "Yes Dave."

Jane is groggy, "I am not a fan of that alarm."

I giggle at her. I am often groggy in the morning and THAT alarm gets me up and going. Otherwise I might sleep all day.

I jump up and take a shower. I don't have much time.

Today I dress casual again. My clothes are all laid out. My travel bags are in the car. A robe is out for Jane. She stares at it, no doubt wondering how it got there. It's a perfect fit.

All Jane can manage is a, "How?" with her eyes on me in wonder.

I explain, "My staff are all ninjas. They put your clothes away, noticed you didn't have a robe for breakfast, checked the sizes of your clothes, and they went out and bought you one. The staff are all special people. They are well paid, but it's more than that. They care about the details and me. They will care for you the same way. They also care for each other both here and at their own homes.

"Frank can fix anything; he is the first to be called if something breaks at another's home. We all take care of each other. They have been my family and I treat them like that, not people that work for me. Tell them what you want, and they will help. If you want to help, just let them know. I would spend time with JoAnn, you both love to experience new things in the kitchen, she will share."

I take Jane's hand and go down for breakfast. Jay and Jack are sitting and waiting on me. They give me quite the smile when they see Jane. I rush them both and give them big hugs.

I am near tears, "It's so good to see you two again. It's been way too long. This is Jane, she's sister of the Sheriff and as you can see, she's not coming with us. I will fill in the details on the plane."

JoAnn brings out a mountain of food. We all dig in.

Jane gasps, "Those pancakes are awesome!"

We each grab a few quickly. Everything is great.

Jack points at Jane, then asks, "Someone new? Don't think I have seen her in the papers yet."

I chuckle, "Two days ago she made me a steak and I insulted her cooking even though it was awesome. Later I go back and ask her out to dinner. Yesterday I flew Jane to New York, bought her a dress at Brookdale, then went to Terry's for dinner. I ordered two steaks and one of every side. Terry actually showed her how to make the green beans and spent thirty minutes with us in his kitchen."

Jay is astonished, "I swear he has a sixth sense. He always knew when danger was near, and he can see love as well. Could it be Dave is finally off the market?"

Jane cuts in, "I've only had one date with him. I'm not rushing into anything. BUT - do I have your approval to go on a second date with him?"

Jack is taken back by her directness, "Um, uh, yeah, it's ok. Hey, Jay, does your father know you are here? He is rather protective of you."

Jay tries to look sad, I know it's fake, I know him too well, "He made me go. It seems Dave is more important to the company than me, his own son. My job is to keep him safe, to watch over him. I am only allowed to be a sniper and if I go outside, I have a bullet proof hamster bubble."

Jack and I roll with laughter. No way his father knows about this, but he will only get sniper duty. I am not risking his life; his father would kill me.

On the way out the door, Jane stops me, and I get a steamy kiss. I walk down the steps when Jane calls to us.

Jane yells, "Jay and Jack," she undoes the robe belt, "This is what he gets to look forward to when he comes home." She drops the robe, she is standing naked, tits thrust out. It's a beautiful sight and all three of us are staring at her flawless body. "I want all of you back unhurt. You understand me?"

I yell back, "We will all come back." The other two can only stare so I slap the back of their heads. "Hey, that's my girlfriend you are gawking at, let's go."

Chapter 8 - Meeting My Sisters

We fly back and discuss what we know, who the known players are, and what I plan to do. At the airport are two dark Porsches and a black Suburban waiting for me.

I say, "I will see you in town. No way I can keep up with you two." They smile and leave me in a cloud of dust.

I stop in town to pick up Daisy. She is ready and waiting for me. She contacted Nell to come with us. I am taking all four of my sisters on a shopping spree ... if we can. I plan to insist and make it a deal they can't refuse. We pick up Nell next. Then it is out to the ranch. It's a long dusty rough drive. The road needs extensive work to fix the holes. I pull up in front of the house and it's in terrible condition. Needs a lot of maintenance, grass, a new roof, and a paint job. God knows what the inside is like. Stacked milk crates make up the stairs. I am at a loss for words. This place is a shit hole. How could they let it get this bad?

My mother is on the porch. Phone in hand, she hangs up frustrated. She makes a second call. How predictable. We all get out of the car; my sisters stand at my side. Out in the quiet country, you can hear a car coming. She knows it is me. Nobody else would come out here. The first call was to Bill to have me arrested. She now knows I own the place. The second was to Fran and/or Sean to get me forcibly removed. All is going according to plan ... so far. Plans seldom go completely according to plan.

Mom yells at me, "Get off my land!"

I continue walking closer, "Now mom, didn't you just get off the phone with the Bill, the sheriff? Didn't he just tell you that you don't own this land anymore?" All four sisters look at me. "You didn't pay all the mortgage payments for almost two years and then stopped paying altogether. The bank sold your land. You are a squatter. Your only source of income is the city and your sister." I didn't mention the money she makes selling herself. That didn't seem like it would help. "Doesn't it seem odd that you stopped getting notices for utilities and the mortgage? Doesn't it seem odd, nobody asked you to leave?"

Mom yells at the Kara and Lisa, "Get inside now! There is going to be trouble soon."

I yell louder, "Kara! Lisa! NO! You are coming with me, Daisy, and Nell. We are driving up to Portland to go on a shopping spree with my money. (I now lie) I promised dad before he died that I would do this. And as much as it pains me, mom, you may come as well. Each sister has a trust fund that's been set up. I will show them how to get the money. How can getting money be bad?"

Now that I am steps away from mom, I say, "Mom, you don't have to come. I understand your hatred of me. But I must insist on the girls. It's a legal matter. If need be, I will get Bill out here. True, Fran's husband and sons will be here first, but they won't be a problem. Kara, Lisa, get in the car. For the sake of the family, if you do come with, we are going to buy a whole bunch of clothes, your choice."

Mom spits out, "I would rather eat dirt that spend a moment with you. You should go before trouble starts. I don't want my kids getting hurt. Except for you of course. Girls inside."

The girls looked conflicted.

I appeal to them, "I am taking Daisy and Nell to Portland. They have many shopping malls. You can buy a winter coat, spring coat, shoes, socks, panties, bras, skirts, pants, blouses, dresses, new jeans and purses so that you have enough clothes to go two weeks without washing. We have no limit on what we spend. We can go to Victoria Secret, Macy's, and all the other big-name stores or boutiques. I am paying for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and motel rooms until our quest is complete. Like I said mom, the offer is open to you as well."

I really don't want mom to come with, but it would make everything easier. I am throwing out an olive branch. I know she will chew it up and spit it out at me. I am content knowing I made the offer.

I continue confidently, "We will stay at least one night. You each get your own room and we will stay at nothing worse than a Hilton. Kara and Lisa, if you don't want a shopping spree, you at least need to come into town and do the legal stuff at the bank. That will give you access to a large trust fund."

Lisa spoke first, "Mom, we need the clothes and the money. It will make it easier on you. We are going to do this because we love you. Kara, get in the car."

I hear a truck coming down the road quickly. Sure enough, Fran's husband and his two sons are speeding towards us. Mom looks at me with a smile on her face. She knows she can't stop me. She feels confident that Sean with his gun and his two sons can beat the crap out of me.

Oh, how sadly they are mistaken. Take away the gun and it's not a fair fight. I am bigger, stronger, and have been professionally trained to be a killing machine. They hit me, I know how to ignore pain and keep going. I am a mama bear protecting her cubs, this is no contest.

Sean has a gun. I can't stop that with a fist.

Daisy asks nervously, "Dave, why don't you have a gun yourself?"

I answer confidently, "Because I don't need it. Trust me, we could not be in better hands." I smile at her. "Ok everyone, get in the truck. I am going to have a chat, put on a demo, and then it's time for lunch and shopping."

Fran's husband, Sean, jumps out of the car, gun in hand, but not pointing it at me. He isn't as dumb as he looks.

Sean says with anger, "You are NOT going anywhere city boy!"

I am calm, "First, be careful with that thing, your safety is off. Second, Bill's on the way. Third, I don't want you or your vehicle getting hurt. We're going shopping and then I am bringing the girls home to their mother. I am fulfilling my dying father's wish."

Sean makes the mistake of raising his arm. Ok, he is as dumb as he looks. I don't think he was going to shoot me, more just an animation and a threat. However, my friends have orders to shoot if a gun raises above belt height. They both do. Sean is now holding the end of a pistol in his hand. The front half of the firearm is gone.

I explain, "There are at least two M24 sniper rifles trained on you right now. Lights on." Two red dots show up on Sean's chest. "Lights off. They have depleted uranium rounds that can shoot a bullet through your truck engine. Would you like a demonstration? 5 ... 4 ..."

Quickly Sean answers, "No. Um. No demo needed."

I am happy, "I am taking my four sisters on a hell of a shopping trip and then I am going to give them access to some money. This is good for them and my mom. No harm will come to any of them. However, if I find out anything happens to my sister's homes or anyone in Bill's family, I can and will rain down hell the likes you have never seen. I own this land. I have been paying for the utilities for the last four years. If you want to buy the land and pay for utilities, I am more than willing to sell. 1.5 million dollars is the current fair market value, I will let it go for 1.2 million. This house sits on a lot of land. I will even split up the land."

I get into my truck and start up the engine, "Mom, I hope to be back in two days. All depends on how long it takes them to spend my money."

I drive off, careful of the terrible road. The car is silent.

I explain, "This isn't over. Fran is going to rile them up. They will go drinking. Trouble will be waiting for me when I get back. It's ok, I can handle it. You four should be safe. Jane is in New York safe with friends. We go to the bank first. Granny's second. Then Portland.

To be continued...

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Ravey19Ravey194 months ago

Some awkward points and a little bit clichéd in parts but otherwise a God if not original start.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It feels like parts are rushed through and some are overly vague. One example is what does the out side of his house look like? What would be the first impression of someone seeing it for the first time have? Second two rounds from two different rifles arriving at the same with enough impact to destroy a pistol would rip it out of a man hand while probably taking the trigger finger with the weapon debris. The bullets would continue on a deflected trajectory to impact something else before ending their journey. As described in the story I believe the truck would have had been on the receiving end of those bullets.

LacastrianLacastrian5 months ago

Jane and Daisy are lovers, but no one has ever eaten Daisy's pussy?

SmellerSmeller6 months ago

The MC is as unlikeable as he describes parts of his family. After 2 pages I couldn't read any more.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

He has the resources for armed private guard, the sheriff is his friend and yet he let his sisters to be abused and whored out by the evil bitch. Then when he confronts her, right after she called armed scum to harm him or even possibly kill him, he is civil and offers an olive branch why exactly? Some authors seem to forget the actions of the characters they are writing. It doesn't matter if they are blood related, if she is evil and he is not then his reaction can't possibly be the one you wrote.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

He had the resources and power to help his two younger sisters but he made them the goons plaything. Worst story I've ever read.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

The sex scenes are awful you need a rewrite its like a fifteen year old wrote it or someone with very little sexual experience. Other than that the story is ok. If he has the money to hire security the whole trip to New York was unnecessary and breaks up the story in a bad way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I wonder, the usual story, crazy parents, thrown out, become very rich, strong healthy beautiful body, come back, fuck all my sisters.

Compare that to nice childhood with family, no sex, no money. Probably not loving fat wife, and nasty kids.

It's only 10 years, it's over in the blink of an eye. See it as working 10 years, and then be free the rest of your live.

Now I have been working for 30 years, wife+kids, house, always money problems. And beer belly.

Reality would probably be, thrown out, living on the streets, getting addicted to drugs, die at a young age outside in the cold.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really like the story line, but the writing is very mechanical.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A GLS is a Mercedes not a BMW.

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