Anchors Away!! Pt. 14


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Max just shook his head and started to take a bite from the end...then stopped and attempted to take a bite from the side...

"Damn it, Bob... and I was hungry as hell too...." He said as he laid his hotdog back down on the plate.

After a good laugh, I tell him "Go ahead and eat your hot long as you don't lock eyes with another male while doing it... you are safe!"

Ann got up...and went back to the stand... returning with a fork. "Hate to see a man starve, just to protect his pride" handing the fork to Max.

For the next few days, we hopped and skipped from one destination city to another Dunkirk, then Erie, then Conneaut, then Cleveland, then Sandusky and finally Toledo. By the time we had traveled all that way... EVERYONE had their fill of piloting the boats. Ann was very reluctant at take the helm, but once she did...and relaxed a bit. She really enjoyed it

Max and I take the wheel while we take the Detroit River to Lake St Claire and then stay on the American side as we cross the lake then follow the channel until we enter Lake Port Huron.

The waters at Port Huron are a beautiful shade of deep blue and has a surprisingly swift current. We have both boats at "full throttle" and are barely inching forward. We can see the Bridge and see the inlet....but we do not appear to be moving at more than a snail's pace. But slowly and surely, we creep forward ...and by the time we reach the lighthouse....we are back to running full speed ahead once again.

Over the course of the next 12 days...we work our way up the eastern shores of Michigan. LOTS of beautiful homes and scenery along the way.

We have chosen to keep "plodding along" until we reach Mackinac Island...where we plan to spend a little time on "solid ground once again...and visit this rather unique island where no cars are allowed...only horses and buggy, bicycle or "shoe leather express" as your means of transportation while on the island.

Once we get there, we spend a good portion of the day... wandering around the Island...browsing in shops, sampling assorted flavors of Fudge that they were making right there in front of us. Seemed just rude to walk away and not buy a pound or two...since they went to all that trouble to make it for us! Anyway, that was our excuse, and we were sticking to it!

Of course, we had to go on a buggy ride... pretty sure that is the law that "tourists" have to take at least one buggy ride while visiting there.

Along about 3:30 we decided that we had seen all that we wanted to see. We thought about getting a dinner reservation at the hotel...but we were told that a "jacket and tie" would be required after 6pm...and the earliest reservation we could get was for 7:30. So we decided to forego the formal dining...grab some things at the grocery store and head for the boats. Figured we could make it to Leland before dark...and spend the night at the marina there.

Once we get the boats taken care of...Max offers to fix us all some hamburgers on the little gas grill on the Queen Ann. So, Ann and I set about finding something to go with the burgers...

Finally settled on a can of baked beans and opened up a bag of potato chips. Certainly not a fancy meal... but we were not going to require anyone to change clothes just to eat it!

"What's your preferred course to get us to Chicago, Captain? Max asks " Well, Captain Max....I say we follow the coastline south to Muskegon ...then shoot across the lake to Milwaukee...then south to Chicago. Figured by the time we get to the windy city...these girls would be ready for a little "retail Therapy" so might as well let them experience shopping at the Navy's like a shopping center and an amusement park had a baby! Wife and I took the kids to Chicago one time...and that was about the only place that they were impressed by..."

Max's burgers where a whole lot better than anything we could have had at a fancy hotel restaurant....don't care what anyone says.

After our meal, we go up on deck to watch the last rays of the sun hitting the water...

"What's that old sailor's saying?" Ann asks, "Red sky at night...?"

"Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning" I recite for her.

"Then we should have another wonderful day of traveling ....just look at how red the sky is" she said as she admired the beautiful sunset...

When we have all taken our showers and are ready for bed. I lay down in my usual spot and put my arm out to cuddle up next to Ann. But even in my half-awake/half-asleep state it suddenly registers that I have Bob cradled in my arms and Not Ann!

When I looked over at her, she just smiled and said, "I've missed I asked Ann to swap places with me for tonight."

"I've missed you too" I say as I pull her body close to mine and caress her still damp hair.

Just as I am on the verge of drifting off to sleep...I feel Bob move away from me... then feel her familiar lips on my cock right before it disappears down her throat " Oh My God...Have I ever missed THAT" I think to she sucks my old cock the way that only SHE can do!

That old familiar tingling sensation is already building up, way down deep. I really do not want to cum just yet....but she is making it almost impossible for me to hold back.

"Maybe if I don't think about what she is doing to me...and concentrate on giving her pleasure....maybe I can hang on for just a little while longer.

So, I reach between her legs and feel for her vagina...which is already wet and on the verge of dripping. So, I slip my two middle fingers gently inside and work them deep inside her wet slick hole....using the palm of my hand to rub and caress her clit with each in and out movement.

Just as she begins to buck and push back against my orgasm erupts, and I send a flood of cum down the back of her throat. She continues to suck on my cock...but uses her free hand to hold my hand in place in her vagina...while she rides my hand to her own orgasm!

Once her body stops quivering....she pulls my hand it a kiss, then lays down beside me and says "Thank you...I really needed that"

"No, thank YOU!" I say, " I guess I've been missing our little play sessions a lot more than I realized."

"Do you think it would be alright, if Ann and I switched back and forth between the boats for a while?" She whispers " I think it might help all of us keep from getting bored with each other..."

"Are you getting bored, riding with Max all the time?" I whisper back

"Not necessarily bored, I guess...we are just running out of things to talk about...that we haven't already discussed a hundred times already."

"Such as?"

"His kids, and his wife and his parents and his in-laws. What he wants to do when he gets back home... what he is going to do with his in-laws if they refuse to let him have his kids... That is pretty much our conversation all day every day....if you know what I mean.

"If it is alright with Ann to switch back and forth... I have absolutely no problem with it.

We head out at first light, the next morning...and hope to make it to Ludington before dark. Bob is in an exceptionally cheerful mood today. Joking and teasing with me the whole way. I put her at the helm for a bit...she just loved the feel of the ship at full throttle... skimming across the waves as easy as can be.

Max and Ann had absolutely no trouble keeping up with we ran side by side most of the way.

We pulled into the Municipal Marina in Ludington just as the sun was setting.

"Red sky at night again" Ann pointed out "If it is as nice tomorrow as it was today... that will be great!"

We refuel both boats, top off our freshwater tanks and pump out the wastewater tanks...while we have the chance.

When it's time for bed...we repeat the sleeping arrangements from last night. Bob snuggles up with me and Ann snuggles up with Max. Only difference is....tonight it is Ann and Max that are feeling "frisky" while Bob and I just snuggle close and watch.

Bob watches for a bit...then giggles and says " You know, watching other people fuck makes you realize just how "Weird" fucking is. Makes you wonder how in the heck the original humans figured out how to do it! I mean there is a LOT involved in making it all happen. Woman has to be "receptive" of the guys advances and the guy has to get horned up enough to get hard. Then how they knew to "insert flap A into slot B" beyond my understanding. And to know that the male has to push it in and pull it out...and keep doing that until it shoots a bunch of goo in there. It's a freaking wonder that anybody survived!"

"It's all programed into our DNA ... animals know how to fuck and have no problem reproducing, and none of them have the luxury of internet porn to teach them how to do it! Or at least I don't THINK they do!" I joke...

"Yeah, I can just imagine...a cute little red squirrel ...way up in a hole in a tree....sitting on a pile of nuts...getting his nut, while watching other squirrels fuck on a cell phone that he found in the park!" Then she squinted her eyes and stuck out her teeth and acted like she was stroking an imaginary dick at lightning-fast speed....which sent us both into a fit of laughter.

We both awoke this morning with grins on our faces. Which lasted until we had finished breakfast and it was time to head out. Max motioned for Bob to go with him...and even though she did not say anything...the look on her face said volumes. She was going out of a sense of duty...and not out of any ardent desire to spend the day with Max.

We had only been out on the lake for about half an hour...when Ann sat down beside me and said "you and I need to have a serious conversation"

"What about?" I ask

"That sweet little girl over there on that other boat"

"What about her?"

"That girl is head over heels in love... and hasn't got a clue, what to do about it!" Ann says matter of factly

"I already told her to follow her gut instinct and basically gave her my blessing to see where her relationship with Max takes her"

"It is NOT Max, that she is in love with DIPSHIT! It is you!"

" I believe that she feels like she has somehow alienated you along the way and that you are not interested in her...and thinks that you and I...have a thing going!"

"Please let me make one thing crystal clear...I think you are a very wonderful, kind and sweet man. Someone that any woman should be happy to have in their life...and I am truly happy that you are in mine.... BUT, only as a dear, dear friend...and yes as a "fuck buddy" when it comes to that. But as far as any romantic relationship goes... That is NOT going to happen...or at least not any time soon!"

"The death of my husband hit me hard and tore my heart in two... I have no desire to go through anything like that...any time soon. Maybe sometime ...far, far down the road... I might think differently. But for right now...I am totally content and happy to be single and be off on a wonderful adventure with four of the dearest and sweetest friends I could ever ask for."

" I am not about to risk fucking that up, by trying to add a romantic twist to it least not with me! So, my advice to you, is to pull that young woman aside...when we get to Muskegon and tell her exactly how you feel about her!"

" If you love her...then tell her! If you do not love her on the same level as she loves you...then you need to grow a pair...and tell her as much! No matter how you feel about her...BE HONEST with her!"

"I thought sure that she was falling in love with Max...that is why I encouraged her to spend more time with him." I say

"That is what you ASSUMED was happening! You know what happens when you ASSUME something without actually knowing all of the facts.... It makes an ASS out of U and ME!"

"I do love her dearly, but with the difference in our ages...I just felt like she might be better off with someone closer to her own age...someone like Max."

"That is all quite noble and honorable...but also quite STUPID!"

"I can never understand how men can be so intelligent about some things and so fucking ignorant about others!"

"Love is Love" it does not care about age differences; it does not care about gender or race or anything else like that. We love who we love...simply because THAT is what love is all about! It is like hitting a magic tuning fork....if you and another person strike the same notes and they vibrate in tune perfectly...then that is are perfectly matched and you are in love with each other...end of story! Everything else is mere details..."

" I just keep visualizing me in a wheelchair...being old and frail...and Bob having to wipe my ass and change my diaper...and I just don't want her to have to go through all of that."

"Why don't you let HER be the one to decide if that is where she draws the line....because I honestly believe that she would do that for you and never once complain...WHY because she loves you and that is what you do ...when you really and truly love someone!"

"Maybe I am overthinking things a bit"

"I know damn good and well that you are!" Ann scolds...

"Let's turn the tables around...let's say that Bob is involved in a terrible accident...and ends up paralyzed from the waist down. Would you be able to just move on with your life and leave her to fend for herself... or would you be willing to become HER caregiver...give her medications, change her diapers for her...and do all the other things that need to be done...that she can no longer do?"

"I would do all of that and more...if that is what she needed"


"Because I love her!"


"But that's a whole different thing!"

"NO Dumb is not! LOVE IS LOVE"

"Sure, if you want to lay odds on it...the likelihood that she will have to take care of you...are much higher than for you to have to take care of her. But you DO NOT KNOW THAT! Nobody knows what awaits them in the future. Just take life one day at a time...and enjoy the living fuck out of it! Maybe you will wind up in a wheelchair as an old man...maybe not. Maybe you and her will be tearing one off...and you suddenly die of a heart attack at 95.... Take the undertaker a week to wipe the smile off of your face and get the casket lid to shut! But you will have enjoyed every single moment that you two have spent together...and THAT is what life and love are all about!

"So...first chance you pour your heart out to that little gal... she deserves to have a man in her life like you...just as much as you deserve to have a good woman like yours.

Yes...she can be a little rough around the edges...but that is because of what she has had to go through...just to survive in this old world."

"What about you" I ask

"Hun, I made up my mind...even before we left Norfolk Va. That one of two things were going to happen on this trip. Either you were going to go back to Missouri and decide to which case I would hop on a plane in Kansas City and fly back home to idiots would not know when to quit....and take off on another run around the Great Loop. In which case...I would just hang with you Bozo's and ride this freighter all the way back home!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Rick, Bob, Max, Ann; sure glad I started reading the story from the beginning. When Max and Bob ironed out their initial issues you could almost read the writing on the wall, fight, fuck or go for your gun. Early on it became apparent Bob and Rick were on the verge of renewing their relationshipn the relationship that started back in Stt Joe at the very start of the trip. Max was only a minor distraction for Bob, she's had feelings for Rick right from the beginning. This has been a great "read" from the start keep this story going...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loving this series!

hobie1010hobie1010over 2 years ago
I was

Born and raised in Conneaut. This chapter hit home for me. Keep going!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really hope Bob and Rick end up together. I’m in a loving age gap relationship and I was sad when it looked like the story was going in the direction of “age appropriate” couples; there is a happily ever after for Bob and Rick if you choose to write it!

BBeinhartBBeinhartover 2 years ago

Bob and Rick is who we like and they should be the focus. To be frank, Max is an irritating distraction.

paulyepspaulyepsover 2 years ago

Thank you for getting Bob and Rick back together .. I was really annoyed … can’t wait for the next chapter…

xxxtratall1xxxtratall1over 2 years ago

Born and raised in Niagara Falls NY and was very impressed with the accuracy of your description of the area. Also lived in Michigan for several years and traveled some of the same routes you have mentioned. Waiting for the next chapter on the edge of my seat.

Qwer12Qwer12over 2 years ago
Top Shelf Entertainment Again

Such a great and well written story by a great story teller. Love all the characters and you can relate to all of them and match them up to people we have met in life and their life experiences. Cheers. Thanks for publishing this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The bright where Lake Huron flows into the the St. Claire River is called the Blue Water Bridge because the water is so blue. The Great Lakes are beautiful.

I was not expecting the turn of events with Bob and Rick. That will be interesting to see where it goes. Love the story.

TomNJaxTomNJaxover 2 years ago

Thanks for the "turn." It was great to have them all explore options but I really hope Rick and Bob end up together. Loving the story in any case!!

deepred53deepred53over 2 years ago

Yes! I wanted Bob and Rick to stay together. Max, seems like a nice guy, but he has too much unclaimed baggage for Bob. Keep writing, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great series. A great story line with some funny spots and twists and turns. Hopefully they do the loop again and see Tom & Sara.

sc573791sc573791over 2 years ago

If and when you finally end this series I'm going to have to re read it a few times, I've REALLY enjoyed it!

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

*****One of the best series I have read in Literotica!! Thanks for sharing.

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