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Tiger held onto Kat's hips as she rotated her hips forward and back on his hard cock. Her hands felt wonderful as she massaged his balls. He knew he would not last long in this position. He just laid back enjoying the silky softness that enveloped his cock.

Kat now had a rhythm going and it felt wonderful. She tried to keep her orgasm at bay so she could concentrate on her job. She picked up the vibrator and slid it between Tiger's legs.

Tiger felt Kat shift her weight, and then her hands lifting his balls. God that felt so good. Suddenly he felt pressure against his ass. Then he felt something quickly slide inside him. The object started an in and out motion. He realized the probe was rubbing against his prostate, and damn, was it intense.

Kat rode atop Tiger and watched as the vibrator moved in and out of his ass. The sight was too much, and as her orgasm started, she yelled to Tiger, "I'm coming, please, please come with me."

Tiger knew he had no choice as his orgasm hit. His cock pulsed over and over as he shot load after load into Kat. As his orgasm subsided, he relaxed his grip on Kat and she fell back onto his chest, leaving the probe inside him. Satisfied, she slid off of him and lay beside him.

"Kat," he said. "Please take whatever that is out of me."

Kat had forgotten the toy. She reached down and pulled it out and placed it on his stomach.

Tiger looked at it. "It felt so much larger inside me. How do you handle a cock if that thing feels so filling?" he asked.

Kat smiled and reaching up kissed him. "Practice my dear, it just takes some practice. Give me a couple of weeks and I'll have that plug up your ass."

Tiger replied. "I'm not sure I'm ready for all that, but it did feel good."

The eroticism of the massage was soon replaced with a comedy scene, as the two lovers attempted to get up. The slippery mixture was everywhere and they slipped and slid every time they tried to rise. Tiger and Kat laughed at each other, and then at themselves. Finally, they managed to roll off the mattress unto the floor, then crawl on hands and knees to the shower, and quickly washed the residue off. Then they hopped into the tub. Soaking in the tub they held each other tight. Tiger said, "Thank you that was amazing."

Kat replied, "The pleasure was all mine. Where did you come up with the idea for this kind of massage?"

Tiger smiled and said, "You can learn all kinds of things online. You should try it sometime."

Kat laughed, "Maybe I should. What did you think of the little bit at the end?"

Tiger paused for a few moments before replying, "Well it was, unexpected. I have never tried anything like that before. "

Kat said, "You seemed to get very hard when I did it. We need to explore that a little more I think." And then added, "You know, I heard about it online."

He cupped her head in his hands and turned her to him. They kissed deep and passionately for several minutes. She then turned again and rested on his chest. Together they rested in the tub until the water had cooled.

Rising from the tub, Tiger held her hand and told her to be careful of the floor because they didn't need another comedy scene this morning. Working together they washed the mattress and mopped the tile floor. Kat picked up the sex toys and asked Tiger, "What were all these things for?"

He replied, "I didn't know where we were going to go with the massage, and just wanted to be prepared."

Kat smiled and said, "The Boy Scout motto, 'Be Prepared', did you get a merit badge in this type of thing?"

Tiger slapped her ass, laughed, and then added, "No Dear, but there is one for knot tying." Kat felt the moisture between her legs.

They walked hand in hand back to the cabin. Together they fixed a light lunch and sat on the sofa with their plates. After they finished eating Tiger picked up their plates and left them in the kitchen. As Kat sat and watched the fire Tiger returned with a large comforter and wrapped the two of them up tight. They napped the afternoon away in a deep, restful sleep.

Tiger woke first and looked at the face of his beloved. He gently pushed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He watched her sleep, and thanked God above for bringing her to him. He thanked God for his wonderful family and the joyous life he had been blessed to have. Did he dare ask God to help him dominate and hit her? It just didn't seem right, but he did decide to, once again, ask God to help him love her as she wanted to be loved. He gently kissed her shoulder and fell back to sleep.

It was dark outside when the lovers stirred again. The cabin was lit only by the coals of the fire. Tiger walked over to the fire and added several logs. Kat walked to the kitchen and turned on the oven.

"How about a pizza tonight? "She asked. Tiger nodded his head as he headed out the door, walking towards the outhouse.

The air felt cold on his skin but it was refreshing. Kat pulled out the dough and ingredients for the pizza. She pressed the dough in the shape of the pan. Walking to the door she passed Tiger coming in. Tiger watched her walk, and started to tell her she could use the outhouse, but just watched as she stopped and squatted. She walked back to the cabin smiling.

As she passed Tiger in the door she said, "You like that, don't you? You know payback can be a bitch?"

Tiger grabbed her hand and told her, "I love watching you walk. Do you know how sexy you look walking in the nude? You are still the most beautiful woman in the whole world, and the only woman for me. I hope you know that."

Kat wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, "Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me."

Inside they prepared their pizza, half with peppers and extra cheese, half with everything Tiger could find. Tiger filled two wine glasses and they moved back to the sofa. The rekindled fire warmed the cabin and they cuddled up against each other.

Kat said, "I could watch this fire all night. It is much better than TV."

Tiger agreed and added, "Yes, and it doesn't hurt that we are naked."

Kat smiled, "I like being naked."

"I like you being naked too, "Tiger whispered.

They brought the pizza and a bottle of wine into the living room and put it on the coffee table. They sat on the floor and ate. It could have been any night at the Davis house. They talked about the weather, their kids, how school was going, changes at Tiger's work. It was the talk of an old married couple. Only they were nude and had done many unconventional things for the past two days.

Kat wondered out loud, "Do you think any of our friends do the kinds of things we have being doing this weekend?"

Tiger smiled, "Well most of the guys say they are lucky to get a blow job. Seems to be a birthday or anniversary gift."

Kat replied, "Yes that seems to be what the ladies think too, but they say it's a two-way street."

Tiger said, "It's not a chore for me, I love the taste of you. What do you say about us?"

Kat answered, "I don't say anything about us. I just listen and smile."

"Good," Tiger said. "I do the same thing. I think it drives the guys crazy trying to imagine what we do in bed."

Kat laughed, "Well next cookout just tell them I love anal sex and being tied up."

Tiger laughed, "That would blow their minds."

Kat said, "All the ladies think you're a stud. I just smile when they talk about sex, and they all know I am very satisfied."

They sat quietly for a few minutes thinking about their friends and what they would think, a smiling Kat said, "You're thinking about Jenny Nelson's tits aren't you".

Tiger thought to himself, Damn this woman can read my mind. "No, Dear, I just think she has a nice smile."

Kat slapped him playfully, "No man has looked at Jenny's face since she was fourteen. You know Judy Simmons has a crush on you, don't you? You are her hero."

Kat continued, "I have never seen you as mad as you were that day."

Tiger looked at her, "I'm sorry, but Bob Simmons had it coming. No man should ever treat his wife like that."

Kat agreed, "He never did get a chance to hit her. You made sure of that."

Tiger remembered the day they were at Liza's soccer game when Bob Simmons stormed up to the stands, screaming at his estranged wife. He grabbed her roughly, and as he raised his hand, Bruce stopped him. He thought that Bob might be able to throw a punch, but he sure couldn't take one.

Tiger looked at Kat and said, "Am I any better than him?"

Kat was astonished, "What do you mean, are you any better? You are the kindest, gentlest man a woman can want."

Tiger said softly, "But sometime soon I will punish you, whip you, and hurt you."

Kat cradled his hand in hers, "Tiger, you have to see the difference. Bob Simmons was using violence to punish Judy for trying to get free of his abuse."

Tiger looked at her, "I know the difference rationally, but emotionally I'm struggling."

They looked at the fire silently for several minutes. Kat touched his arm and told him, "I'll go get your dessert." She returned and stood in front of Tiger wearing her edible panties. "Ready for dessert, Stud?" Kat asked him. She looked down at his erection, "I guess so."

Tiger pulled her onto the sofa and started tasting the panties, and the sweet nectar under them.

Kat said, "They are your favorite, Strawberry."

Tiger devoured the panties, and then devoured her. Kat's first orgasm hit minutes after he had started his oral assault. The second came shortly thereafter. God, his tongue felt so good on her sex. She held his head and pushed him against her. "Oh God," she moaned, and then she flooded his mouth. She squirted all over his face and chest. She was screaming, "I'm sorry, but please don't stop." Tiger had to come up for air, and then dove right back in. Soon Kat pushed his head away from her, "Oh please stop, it's just too sensitive."

Tiger looked at her. She was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath.

Tiger asked, "Are you OK?"

Kat didn't answer just put her hand up like she was asking him to wait a minute. She put her hands on his chest and pushed him to the floor. She straddled his body and asked him to make love to her.

They made love for the rest of the evening, holding each other tight as they switched from one position to another. Finally, she asked him to come with her and he did.

Tiger whispered, "Thank you for dessert. It was delicious." Tiger added, "Thank you for coming like you did."

Kat looked at him questioningly.

He continued, "You had never squirted when we made love. I know it's silly, but I love that you can come like that when it's just you and me."

Kat understood. Sitting up she kissed him and said, "You better get used to it. Now that it is turned on, I have no idea how to turn it off." After a pause, Kat added, "Honey I hope you know you are my hero too. The only difference is, I get to fuck you, and Judy Simmons doesn't." She smiled up at him.

Together they stood. He washed the dishes, she dried. Hand in hand they walked up the stairs and cuddled together. They quickly drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow would be a big day.


Kat woke up alone in the bed once again. She looked outside to see the colorful leaves on the trees. We do need to come back up in a couple of weeks, it will be glorious she thought. She fantasied about never leaving here, just the two of them living on this mountain. It was a wonderful dream, but she realized the life they shared at home was pretty wonderful too.

Smelling the coffee, she walked to the edge of the loft and leaned over the railing. Kat saw him in the kitchen and said, "Hey Stud, what's a girl got to do to get some coffee?"

Tiger looked up at his beautiful wife. She was leaning over the balcony, her breasts seemly reaching out to him. Kat was so beautiful and sexy. Tiger called up to her, "Come down here and I'll show you what you have to do."

Kat bounded down the stairs and quickly embraced him. She gave him a deep kiss that almost made him topple.

"Wow," Tiger said, "That kiss will definitely get you some coffee."

Kat looked disappointed, "God, you are easy. I was willing to do a lot more."

Tiger laughed, "Bacon will be expensive."

Kat grabbed her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth as she walked to the large windows on each side of the fireplace. Tiger watched her every move. She looked so beautiful nude, so natural and so sexual at the same time.

After spitting out her toothpaste and rinsing her mouth, she turned again to Tiger. She gave him another deep lingering kiss. "That's for the second cup," she said. With that, she bounded out the door.

She quickly returned and looked at Tiger, "Sir may I use a blanket? It is really cold outside." Tiger smiled and nodded.

Tiger had breakfast and coffee at the dining table when she returned. Kat asked if they could sit in the living room. They moved the meal to the coffee table and ate. Kat spoke, "Can we just stay here forever? No jobs, no kids, no responsibilities."

Tiger smiled at her "No money either," he replied. "Plus you know we would miss the kids; it might take four or five years, but we would miss them."

Kat smiled and added, "We wouldn't need too much money, look at how much we would save by not wearing clothes"

Kat punched him in the arm when he said, "That would save thousands and thousands."

They finished breakfast and took the plates back to the kitchen. She washed, he dried, and quickly the kitchen was clean. They returned to the sofa with their second cups of coffee. Kat started the conversation, "I really enjoyed yesterday, especially the evening. The massage was a lot of fun too."

Tiger agreed, "Yes, I really enjoyed the massage. You did a great job."

Kat added, "I would like to do that again, all of it." She looked Tiger in the eyes as she talked.

He nodded, "Yes we can try it, all of it, again."

She wanted to ask about his plans for today. Kat remembered the conversation about Bob Simmons and wondered how he couldn't see the difference. She looked at her Tiger and made her decision. She knew that she really wanted him to dominate her but not at any cost. If they spent today making love, just making love, it would be enough for her.

Tiger thought about what he needed to do today. He had planned out the sequence of events. The rational part of today was done. He also realized he didn't know if he could really do it. He wished she had never put him in this position. As he looked at his beautiful wife, he knew he had to try.

Tiger stood up and reached for Kat's empty coffee mug. He washed, she dried and the kitchen was quickly cleaned. Tiger turned to her and said, "Let's go get cleaned up." Tiger picked up her blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders as they went out the door.

Entering the outhouse Tiger started the shower and Kat placed the blanket on a chair. Tiger reached up to Kat's neck and undid the collar. They entered the shower together and he took her arms and placed them against the wall of the shower. He lathered her up and washed her body head to toe, lingering at her breasts and her sex.

He turned her around and gave her the body wash. She washed Tiger's backside, spending extra time on his appreciative ass. He then turned and she started washing his chest and arms. Kat slowly worked her way down his body. She cleaned his cock and balls enjoying the stirring in his cock. Tiger pulled her away from him and rinsed his body in the stream of warm water.

As Kat began to rise from her knees Tiger pushed her back down. His cock was in front of her face and his hands pulled her head towards him. Kat engulfed his cock and started to lick and suck his erection. She was lost in giving him pleasure when he told her, "Look at me."

Kat pulled his cock from her mouth and while holding it looked up at Tiger. "No, keep sucking," he said as he guided his cock back inside her mouth. Holding her head, Tiger began to move in and out of her mouth. He pushed deeper and deeper into her, forcing the length of his cock down her throat. She gagged several times, but each time he resumed fucking her mouth. She could feel his climax coming, but he pulled out just before cumming.

While Kat was still on her knees, Tiger presented her with his testicles. She started licking and kissing them. He then moved farther forward and his asshole came to her tongue. Kat knew what to do and quickly pushed her tongue as deep as she could inside him. She moved back and forth between his balls and ass licking and sucking. She could feel Tiger's labored breathing and awaited her creamy reward. Soon Tiger pulled her head away from him and while stroking himself came on her face and breasts. Kat had closed her eyes as she felt his cum landing on her.

She heard the shower being turned off. Then there was silence. He did not move and would not let her move. She knew what was next. They had talked several times about just this in the chat rooms. Eyes closed she waited for him. With her eyes still closed she lifted her head towards him and opened her mouth. She felt his stream hit her face and into her mouth. Mostly he washed her hair, cheeks, and chest in his urine. It felt warm, it felt humiliating, she orgasmed without being touched. Tiger pushed Kat onto her back and knelt in front of her. The tile felt cold on her back as he picked up her hips and raised them to his shoulders.

Tiger sternly said, "Now you."

Kat obeyed and felt her own urine spraying from her. She heard it hitting the shower curtain, felt it on her legs and then on her own chest and face. She had kept her eyes closed the entire time. She felt too ashamed to look him in the face.

Tiger looked at her and told her, 'First time I have ever seen anyone dirtier after a shower than before." Kat knew when Tiger was joking or teasing her, this wasn't one of those times. He added, "Wash and then come out of the shower."

She hesitated in washing their combined urine from her body, but then she shampooed her hair and washed her body. She wasn't sure her body would ever really be clean again.

Tiger looked at her. He had been very worried about doing this activity with her. He feared he would not be able to let go and pee on her. But he had been more worried that this act would have made him think less of her. After all, who wants someone to pee on them? How could she want that? He still didn't understand it, but he realized the only real feeling he had about the act was a deepened respect for the woman, when logically, he should have lost respect.

She stepped out of the shower and looked down, unable to look at Tiger. After drying her body with a towel, he told her to pull her hair back into a ponytail. Then he put the collar back on her. Next he attached the chain-link leash to her. Twin blindfolds were placed tightly across her eyes.

Kat stood in the middle of the room nude. She sensed Tiger walking around her. He was doing something but she had no idea what he was up to. He grabbed one of her breasts and teased the nipple. There was no need as her nipples were so hard they hurt. Well, at least that was what she thought until she felt the pain as a clamp closed down on her nipple. Moments later she felt the same pain on her other nipple.

She heard Tiger behind her say, "assume the position." Kat dropped down immediately and felt some relief from the pain in her nipples as they touched the cool tile floor. The coolness of the KY jelly alerted her to the next act to be performed on her. She recognized the lubed butt plug as it was rubbed up against her. He teased her for several minutes, partially inserting and removing. He then pushed the full length inside her and she felt herself expand and then clamp down.

Tiger told her to get on all fours and she obeyed. She felt him holding the leash and pulling her. She walked on all fours for several feet and then he stopped. He told her to get up, but she needed him to help her.