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Kat spoke to Tiger in the tone of a confession. "I need to feel the sensation of being helpless. I need to feel helpless and .................punished." Too late to stop now Kat thought to herself.

"Tiger I know this a lot to ask, maybe too much to ask, but I asked Tiger to come with me this weekend in the hope that Tiger could do what I desire. I need to be tied up, unable to resist, helpless to stop whatever may happen to me. Then I need to be punished, punished beyond a spanking or slap on the ass. I need to feel the sting of a whip. I need leather against my skin. I need to feel and see the marks on my skin."

Tiger looked at Kat. He couldn't imagine how hard it had to be to strip away pride, to feel so safe, to be able to say what she had told him. He was also relieved, his greatest fear still was that she wanted another man. He then replied. "Thank you for being so open. I hope we can explore those things you desire. I promise to do my best to satisfy you this weekend in as many ways as possible."

Tiger continued. "Now for some rules for this weekend" She listened intently as he read from a sheet of paper.

Kat will:

  1. Be Nude, the collar and sandals are all she is allowed to wear unless Tiger expressly tells her to wear her blanket. She will not ask for clothing.
  2. The outhouse is off-limits to her. She will relieve herself in the woods.
  3. She will not question or refuse him any action.
  4. Hesitation in any task will be punished.
  5. When told "assume the position" she will turn away from him, drop to her knees. Then press her head and breasts against the floor lifting her ass as high as she can. She will stay there until released.

Tiger asked, "Kat do you understand and agree to these rules."

Kat replied, "Yes, Sir."

They got up together and cleaned the kitchen. Together they walked out the door to go to the bathroom. Tiger went into the outhouse, Kat walked into the woods. Tiger relieved himself and looked at "his" private outhouse. Kat didn't know about the claw foot tub Al had installed during the summer. It would be a nice reward for his Bitch.

As he exited the outhouse he found Kat waiting for him. Kat embarrassedly spoke to him, "Sir, the leaves do not clean me as clean as I think you wish me to be. They walked to the side of the house and as Tiger grabbed the hose told her "Assume the position." Clean, she rose when allowed and told him, "Thank you."

Tiger walked Kat down the driveway. At the end of the driveway he turned to her and said, "We left your butt plug on the tree trunk, please go get it and bring it back. I'll be inside."

Kate turned and started down the road. She quickly reached the trunk going downhill. There was the toy, sitting right on top where they had left it. She wondered if any of the men going up and down the mountain had seen it. She picked it up and started back up the road.

She just then became aware of her surroundings. Was there somewhere she could hide if a truck came? Was she allowed to hide? Tiger hadn't said what she should do. Maybe she should just keep walking if the trucks drove by her. She thought they would be too surprised to stop. But what if they did stop? There was nowhere for her to hide, no way for her to cover herself. Tiger was in the cabin. What if they did stop and grab her? Tiger would never reach her in time. What if they threw her in their truck and took her away? The thought of many men using her scared and aroused her. Had he planned to give her away to a group of men? She reached the driveway and turned to go up to the cabin. She was shaking with emotions she was having a difficult time understanding. She was scared, terrified, aroused, happy she hadn't been seen, maybe disappointed she hadn't been taken.

She slowly walked up the stairs to the cabin and entered. Walking over to a sitting Tiger, she handed him her butt plug, and fainted dead away.

She awoke to Tiger holding her and whispering, "Kat, are you OK?" Kat sat up and took a couple of deep breaths. "Good girl," Tiger said, "I know that was very hard to do in broad daylight."

Kat looked at him and said, "Sir, I did as you commanded, but I was terrified, not just of being seen, but of being taken. If they took me, if they raped me, you would not have been there to save me."

Tiger kissed her forehead as he held her. "Kat," he said, "There is no one to see you, no one to take you. The trucks you saw this morning were the hunters leaving the mountain. This week was the last week of bow season; the season ended yesterday. I went up the mountain this morning. There were five trucks in the camp, and before you went out all five had driven past our cabin. You and I are alone on this mountain until Tuesday."

Kat realized the danger hadn't been real, but the emotions had been. Her Tiger was exposing her to the experience, but still keeping her safe.

They cuddled on the sofa for some time. Kay lay with her head on Tiger's lap. She suddenly felt fatigued, and fell asleep as he combed his fingers through her hair.

Kate awoke later feeling refreshed. Tiger was still sleeping so she gently rose from the sofa and walked into the kitchen. She took a glass from the cabinet and poured herself a glass of cool mountain water.

As quietly as possible she prepared them a large salad for lunch. She felt him come behind her and hold her. He kissed her softly and said, "Mmmm that looks good, and the salad isn't bad either. How can I help?"

"Wine sounds really good." replied Kat.

As they ate Tiger told Kat, "I want a show and tell session this afternoon."

Kat looked at him questionably, "Show and tell?"

"Yes, I want to see the toys you have in your suitcase," Tiger said.

After lunch, they refilled their wine glasses and again retired to the living room. Looking outside Tiger said, "It looks like a storm is coming in. If you want to have your blankets any time this weekend you better go get them."

Kat hurried out the door. Tiger just watched her. His beautiful wife running around outside wearing nothing more than a smile. He placed a couple of logs on the fire. The beautiful Indian summer weather had suddenly changed. Tiger knew it could be a 20 to 30-degree drop in temperatures. This was going to cause a few changes in his plans.

Kat rushed back into the cabin holding all the laundry. She said, "They seem to be dry. I think we got them in just in time." She folded the towels and put them in the hall closet. She walked back into the living room, draping the blankets over a chair, and snuggled up to Tiger.

Tiger asked, "Can we talk?"

Kat smiled and said "Yes, sir. "

Tiger started," I have realized something this weekend."

Kat said, "Just one thing?"

Tiger continued, "While we have learned a lot of things this weekend, one thing I think is odd. Do you realize we have talked more about sex in the past few weeks than we have in our entire marriage?"

Kat thought for a moment. "Yes we have, I guess we were more doers than talkers."

They smiled at each other. Tiger asked, "Can we talk a little more, can I ask you a couple of questions?"

"Sure, no reason to hide anything now." Kate replied.

Tiger spoke, "I know I was the first?" Kat nodded.

"OK," Tiger continued, "But you were twenty when we met. Can you share with me your sexual history before we met?"

Kat smiled and said, "Well there really is no sexual history. I liked boys, but was really shy and never really went boy crazy. Well, at least not until I saw you. I always wondered why my girlfriends seemed to lose their minds over boys. I always loved books, and they were my passions."

Tiger asked, "So if we are talking the baseball analogy, what is the furthest base anyone reached?" Kat laughed, "Well, a couple of boys may have made it to first, and that was it.


Tiger asked, "When did you first masturbate?"

Kat blushed, "I never really masturbated until..."

Tiger pressed, "Until when?"

"The first time I truly masturbated was the night I met you." Kat started to tell Tiger her realization, but decided to wait.

Tiger kissed Kat on the cheek. "OK, I want you to tell me two secrets of your sex life; one from before you met me and one from after."

Kat asked, "Are we playing truth or dare?"

Tiger shook his head, "No, just truth this weekend."

Kat said "OK. But you have to do the same." Tiger nodded and Kat started. "The only real secret from before I met you was... Cindy and I kissed a lot." This news got Tiger's attention. Kat hit him on the shoulder. "All you men are the same."

"When I was a freshman at UVA, I realized I didn't know how to kiss. So I watched movies and made notes. Finally, Cindy and I decided I needed to practice, so we ummm, practiced. One night we tried French kissing and I did like it, liked it a lot. Maybe liked it too much. So we figured we had it down pat and stopped." Kat smiled to herself as she felt Tiger's excitement, 'Men' she thought to herself.

"And after marriage?" Tiger asked.

Kat answered, "Well you know about AOL. The only other thing is I have recently started masturbating. Until a few weeks ago I had not masturbated in almost 20 years."

"And now?" Tiger asked.

Embarrassed Kat stated, "Now it is maybe eight to ten times a week."

"OK, now it's your turn Kat said quickly. "Biggest secret before marriage."

Tiger shyly replied, "Well that would be that I saw Mrs. Henderson naked, several times."

"Your Dad's 'second wife'?" Kat asked.

Tiger nodded, "Yes, that Mrs. Henderson. One day my mom sent me over to her house to return her casserole dishes. I went out our kitchen door into the Henderson's backyard. As I passed her bedroom window I saw her, she must have just come out of the shower. She was scary, and beautiful, all at the same time with large breasts and a big hairy bush. She didn't look anything like the girls my age. I just stood there and stared. After a while, I went around to the front door and knocked. When she came to the door I gave her the dishes."

Kat started her interrogation. "How old were you? Did you ever see her again?

Tiger was now red from embarrassment. "I was eighteen when I first saw her and I did see her a couple more times. Only they weren't accidents. I was a peeping Tom for one summer. I don't think she ever saw me but curtains put an end to my peeping."

Kat said, "I know you told me that Mrs. Henderson was like family to you."

Tiger answered "Yes, after her husband was killed in Vietnam, Mom and Dad kind of took care of her. Dad made all the repairs to the house. Mom babysat her son Tommy so Mrs. Henderson could work. They always made sure she was included in BBQs and other neighborhood get-togethers. My Mom gave her the nickname of the 'second wife'."

Kat asked Tiger, "Do you think your Dad ever helped with more personal duties?"

Tiger laughed "I could almost see my Mother telling him, 'Hon, Mrs. Henderson is horny again, please go over there and take care of her.' But I never saw my parents as sexual beings, just Mom and Dad."

Kat said. "Our kids think we do it all the time. Liza has asked me why we have so much sex when none of her friend's parents ever do it."

Tiger looked at her, "Really?" Kat just smiled. Tiger asked, "Do we embarrass them?"

Kat replied, "No they look at other parents' relationships and then at ours. They see and feel the difference. OK Big guy. Now, after marriage? "

Tiger told her, "Three years ago I went to a strip club. It was during the Atlanta conference. John Adams, Ken Anderson, and a few of the conferees took me to a club called Cheetah's."

"Well, well do tell me more." Kat slyly asked.

Tiger continued, "It was crowded and loud with a lot of beautiful young women dancing and walking around in various stages of undress. Ken talked to one of the girls, and the next thing I knew a young lady was dancing for me."

"So you got a lap dance! Did you enjoy it?" Kat asked.

Tiger continued, "She was pretty but real young, couldn't have been more than 21. Her breasts were large but appeared to be 'enhanced', if you know what I mean."

"But did you enjoy it?" Kat pressed.

Tiger answered, "To be totally honest, no. It was more embarrassing than sexy. I looked around and saw good looking young women in their late teens or early twenties laughing and dancing for a bunch of drunk middle-aged men. It just wasn't real."

Tiger held her closer and said." Now if someone like you had been there, then I could have had some fun."

Kate covered her scar and looked down. She said, "This middle-aged body. Please Tiger, its ok to tell the truth."

Tiger looked offended. He pulled her hand away from her stomach and kissed the scar. "Your body has changed very little in the past 20 years, and in my opinion, the changes have been for the better. If you had come up to me to dance, gave me a smile, and then 'the look'; well, that would have been sexy as hell."

They sat together on the sofa watching the rain fall, and relaxed in the glow of the fireplace. Tiger moved to get up and asked Kat if she needed a refill. She nodded. Tiger grabbed their glasses and told Kat "Ok, its show and tell time. Go get your toy suitcase."

As Tiger walked to the kitchen, Kat skipped up to him. She pressed against his back and whispered to him, "You know, I am really starting to enjoy running around naked. I might just start doing housework this way." As Kat walked away, she wiggled her hips just a little more than normal. Tiger just looked.

Tiger brought the glasses back to the sofa and put them on the end table. He moved the coffee table off to the side.

Kat returned with the suitcase and put it on the floor next to the coffee table.

Tiger told her, "Open it up and show me what you have in there." Kat opened the suitcase and started pulling out the contents.

"Tiger, I think you remember this," as she pulled out the used butt plug. "And these are his friends," she said while pulling out the other plugs. She put them on the table side by side. She next pulled out the two dildos. "This one reminds me of you." she said with a smile. She kissed the object and put it next to the others.

Kat pulled out the vibrators and told Tiger about the special uses for each one. Next came the tubes of lube. Kat told him of the different uses for each. One was edible, one was good for massage, and holding up the KY jelly she said, "You know what this is for." She pulled out the edible panties and broke off a piece of the licorice and gave him a taste.

She then pulled out a string with four balls on it. Tiger looked questioningly at them. Kat told him, "They are called ben wa balls. You are supposed to put them inside me, and at the right moment pull them out." Tiger smiled and wondered to himself when would be the right moment? He figured he would know the time.

Kat pulled out the silk ropes and Bruce's ties.

"Hey," Tiger said, "Those are my ties."

Kat replied, "Yes, but these are your old ones."

Tiger answered, "But I still like to wear one or two of those."

Kat looked at him and smiled, "Yes I know, but you shouldn't be wearing them anymore."

Tiger realized he had solved the mystery of why some of his ties just disappeared from time to time.

Kat paused and then quietly pulled out the handcuffs and then the paddles and whip. Tiger reached out his hand and asked Kat to bring him the paddles and whip. He quietly looked over the two items and took a couple of practice swings. He then brought the paddle down hard on the leather chair next to the sofa. The loud noise vibrated throughout the cabin. Kat looked down and felt the wetness between her legs.

She looked up to Tiger and told him, "That is everything."

Tiger smiled and said, "Impressive, it seems you have come well prepared."

"Thank you, Sir." was Kat's proud reply.

Tiger reached out his hand and helped her up from the floor. He gave her the wine, and she took a big swig, she needed it. Kat started back to the sofa as Tiger inspected the sex toys.

"Wait," he said to her.

Kat stopped and watched him. Tiger had his back to her and told her, "Go kneel on the floor in front of the fireplace."

Kat did as she was told. She watched him inspect each item and then he brought her some of the toys. He lined them up in front of her. First was the trusty butt plug, then the dildo she had told him reminded her of his cock, two of the vibrators, a bottle of one of the lubes, and the KY jelly.

Tiger walked back and sat on the sofa and just looked at her. Kat looked at the toys and her imagination ran wild. It seemed like forever before he spoke again, "I want you to lube up the butt plug and also the dildo."

She took the KY and squirted some onto the plug. Kat then picked up the other lube for the dildo and started to pour but Tiger stopped her, "Don't put the lube on the dildo."

She was confused, "But you told me to Sir."

Tiger looked at her and said, "Kat, do you need the dildo lubed to go inside you? Tell me, aren't you wet enough already?"

Kat knew her body had betrayed her, she felt her juices on her thighs. Kat said, "You are right Sir, I do not need the toy lubed to enter me."

"I thought not." Tiger stated plainly. Tiger came to her with two of his ties in his hands. He walked behind her and pulled her hair tie out. He had her pull back her hair and reset the ponytail. Next, he blindfolded her with the two ties. Tying one and then the other to ensure she couldn't see.

Kat sat on her knees in silence. She could hear the rain falling outside. She could hear the crackle of the fire, but that was all she heard. She jumped as she heard the front door open and close. She sat for several minutes, minutes that felt like hours. She softly called out for Tiger, but there was no reply.

Kat jumped again as she heard the door open. The stomping of boots on the floor and then she heard a "shhhh," and she knew she wasn't alone anymore.

Someone was suddenly next to her. A soft touch on her shoulder as he handed her a bottle. Was this Tiger she wondered?

Tiger began to talk, "Kat, are you ready for the show part of show and tell? Are you ready to put on a show for us?" Kat panicked, "us?"

Tiger smiled at Kat. Damn, she looks sexy he thought to himself. It took all his control no to just go and take her. He looked back to make sure the camcorder was recording all this for posterity. There were other props ready for this moment too.

"Kat," Tiger started, "Are you ready to do as I command you to?"

"Yes, Sir," came her quick, but soft reply.

"Anything I command you to do?" Tiger repeated.

Kat nodded her head.

"Answer me!" Tiger demanded.

"Yes, Sir," was Kat's timid reply.

"Good, "was Tiger's reply.

"Now Kat, since you can't see, I will explain the situation we find ourselves in. The men left the mountain this morning but not before competing in a lottery. The three lucky winners, and a special friend were invited to a show. Are you prepared to give us a show?"

Kat dropped lower onto her knees. Oh God, could she do this? She had said she would obey but this wasn't fantasy, this was real. She started to picture the four men watching, along with her husband. She wondered what they looked like. Were they old or young? Were they fit or obese? What would they do to her? What must they think of her? She felt so ashamed, so humiliated. She replied in a whisper, "Yes, Sir" As soon as she said the words she orgasmed.

"Good Kat." was Tiger's reply.

A voice from her left said, "God, what a slut."

Another voice from the back of the room said, "Remember guys I get to go first."

She heard "I want seconds" coming from her right. The voice was familiar. Oh God, was that Al?

Tiger now said, "Let's start the show, Kat. Turn around and assume the position." She quickly turned and dropped her head and chest to the floor, raising her ass as high as she could. The man next to her took the lube from her hand, and she felt the cool lube being poured on her ass. Then she felt the man step away as she heard Tiger tell her, "Lube your ass for us." Tiger's voice came from the sofa but she knew someone was next to her.
