Arabian Nights Ch. 01


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Lucy didn't even let him finish. She jumped on him with a need that Rob had never seen before. She had never felt so aroused and her vagina had never been so slick with juices. She took Rob's penis inside herself with zero friction and rode him energetically and aggressively, making him groan and cum inside her mere seconds later. As she dismounted, his words were full of uttered apologies and she felt totally dissatisfied. To make matters worse, on the other side of the wall, Mary seemed to be getting satisfied again and again and again.

Rob turned away from her, embarrassed, trying to sleep, whilst Lucy remained wide awake, her mind full of imaginings of Shahrazad making love with Mary. She was ashamed of herself, but she stayed like that until almost dawn, listening to the noises of wild abandon and explicit pleasure next door. She was incredulous that two people could go on for hours having sex... her intercourse with Rob lasted a maximum of ten minutes, including foreplay.

Not being able to see them only heightened her curiosity, leaving room for her thoughts to run wild. Imagining Mary's fingers massaging Shahrazad's breasts, the way her own had so nearly done in Shahrazad's garden the other day excited her terribly, and unwilling to wake Rob only to be disappointed once more, she did something she hadn't done for years... with one hand she slowly began to caress and rub her erect clitoris. Soon she was panting heavily, in unison with Mary's cries in the other room, and as her mind imagined for the first time ever the taste of another woman, Lucy's orgasm exploded with a violence she had never before experienced, leaving her drained, dazed and confused.



Lucy arrived at the arranged meeting place with a mixture of trepidation and excitement gripping her belly. She was excited to have some fun with other women and to see the legendary Red Hot Chili Peppers playing live, but she was nervous to be without Rob, in the company of Shahrazad and Mary, especially since her mind had frequently revisited the events of that night over the past few days.

She really liked them both and had been totally at ease in their company at dinner, but knowing that they were a couple troubled her. She didn't fully understand why because she held no prejudice against lesbians, but it was partly due to the significance of their age difference. Shahrazad was a mature lady, and Mary was so young and seemed so pure... so similar to herself. Might Shahrazad find her as appealing as she evidently found Mary? There was also the memory of Mary's screams that she couldn't get out of her mind. They were screams of such pure, unfiltered pleasure, of the type she had never experienced with Rob. What was Shahrazad doing to Mary to make her scream like this? When she imagined Mary's slim and delicate body intertwined with Shahrazad's full and curvy one, a strange shiver shook her... She could not suppress her curiosity. Shahrazad was so sensual, who knows how she made love...

When she heard her name called from the left, she turned and saw Shahrazad leaning against a parked car, alone. She wore a tight black tank top, with the word 'HOT' written in red, flaming letters across her bust, the slender straps struggling to constrain the weight within.

"H-hi, Shahrazad... Are you well? Where is Mary?"

"Oh yes, I'm great thanks, but unfortunately Mary is unwell and can't come... it's such a pity, but don't worry, we'll have fun anyway, you'll see!" And so saying, Shahrazad embraced Lucy, enveloping her in the rich, intoxicating perfume she liked to wear. Then she added, looking at her from top to bottom: "Wow, Lucy, you really are a beauty!"

Lucy blushed under Shahrazad's gaze, feeling flattered. She had thought for a long time about what to wear and had ended up choosing tight jeans, which flattered her slender legs and a simple white sleeveless t-shirt.

"T-thanks... you're not bad either..." she said without thinking, not knowing how to reply, but immediately regretting her words.

Shahrazad glowed with appreciation, "Oh thank you darling, how sweet you are! Do you really like the look of me?" She asked with flirtatious intonation, shrugging her shoulders like a schoolgirl, hands behind her back.

Lucy could only nod shyly. Shahrazad looked very pretty indeed, with her long black hair held back by two braids, and a crown of flowers on her head. For the first time Lucy noticed a few silver hairs amongst the dominant jet black, but they didn't detract from the fact Shahrazad was wearing an outfit suited to a girl ten years her junior, and making it look spectacularly sexy.

"Come on, let's have fun!" Said Shahrazad as she took Lucy by the hand, intertwining their fingers and pulling her towards the crowd and the concert.

The stage was built towards the top of the beach, so that the public could occupy the large expanse of sand in front of it. When they arrived there was already a large gathered crowd, and Lucy was resigned to viewing the concert from afar, but Shahrazad, still holding her hand, slithered amongst the cheering spectators; pushing, asking, and smiling whenever necessary until, incredibly, they were no more than ten meters from the stage. "Well, here seems fine to me!"

Lucy was stunned at the audacity of Shahrazad, but she was also immensely grateful and impressed by her confidence and ability to sweet talk strangers. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined she would be watching her favorite band from such a perfect vantage point.

Whilst they watched the warm-up act, waiting for the main event to begin, Shahrazad socialized with the guys and girls around them. They were all quite young, but Shahrazad's sunny, carefree disposition seemed perfectly at ease, and somehow she found herself in possession of a bottle of tequila that had obviously been smuggled through security. Having taken a long drink, she passed it to Lucy, and with a little encouragement, she too raised the bottle to her lips and felt the fiery liquid quench her empty stomach.

Around them the guys laughed and joked, dancing to the rhythm of the group that preceded the Red Hot. Lucy also began to slowly relax, and to get carried away by the festive mood of all those people around her that just wanted to have fun. Sometime later, Shahrazad and Lucy were dancing side-by-side, barefoot on the sand, surrounded by boys who were cheering them with cries of appreciation. God, how much fun she was having! Lucy had never felt so free and light before. It was wonderful to be free from Rob's lack of enthusiasm for a short while! Shahrazad passed her the now half-empty bottle of tequila and Lucy took another long drink, feeling the warmth inflame her throat and stomach. Shahrazad was dancing very close to her, practically rubbing up against her as the thickening crowd pressed around them on all sides. Lucy could feel those big breasts, bumping and pressing against her arm and upper back. They seemed so luxuriously soft against the skin but unnaturally firm at the same time. In a moment of daring Lucy pressed her arm back into the breasts for a short moment and promptly felt a stiff peak grow that could only be an erect, and very large, nipple. Instinctively, she pulled her arm away, whirling her head to look towards Shahrazad, and found that beautiful exotic face smiling warmly at her, before it winked, blew her a kiss and spun away to dance in the other direction.

Lucy tried to stop paying too much attention to Shahrazad's breasts, but no matter which way she turned, that prominent chest soon appeared before her eyes. The way they swayed and bounced along to the rhythm of the music was almost hypnotic, and on more than one occasion Lucy found her vision fixed upon the prominent curves contained beneath the revealingly tight top.

When the show reached an intermission as the technicians changed the instruments on the stage, Lucy found herself face to face with Shahrazad. She felt flush, sweaty and out of breath, but buoyed by the tequila in her system, Lucy screwed her courage and asked the question that she had been wanting to know since that evening in the restaurant, "So tell me about you and Mary please Shahrazad, are you engaged too?"

Shahrazad looked amused for a moment, before lowering her gaze to look intently into Lucy's eyes, replying in a voice dripping with sensuality: "Oh no, she's just a girl I have fun with every now and then... she's still married to her husband, but he doesn't make her cum the way I do!"

That revelation hit Lucy like a fist to her stomach, and she was so stunned that it took her a moment to comprehend all the implications that this entailed. Mary had a husband that she was cheating on with Shahrazad. They were having an affair, and that Mary preferred Shahrazad to her husband. Also that Shahrazad didn't seem to have any moral objection to stealing a woman away from her man.

Lucy's mind was too pure and innocent to consider betrayal as being anything other than deeply wrong and immoral. She struggled to understand how a married woman could jeopardize her sacred vows, her security, her love, to go to bed with another woman, even one as beautiful and charming as Shahrazad. The hairs on the nape of her neck stood erect, alerting Lucy to her proximity to Shahrazad, their sweaty bodies pressed against each other, Shahrazad's eyes fixed deeply upon her own, that confident smile on those red lips, those beautiful plump red lips, getting closer and closer...

Suddenly and providentially, because Lucy wouldn't really had know what to answer to that embarrassing revelation, the roar of the Red Hot music exploded at full volume. The band had finally taken the stage, starting to play "Can't stop" and the distinctive rhythm was so overwhelming that it managed to break Lucy from her trance. Both women turned towards the stage, and after a few moments they were dancing with their arms aloft, screaming and singing at the top of their voices. Lucy's mind had compartmentalized the shocking revelation, storing it away to analyze and sift through at a later, more appropriate moment.

One of their fellow revelers came close and passed Shahrazad a joint, which she laughingly took to her lips before passing it to Lucy. Lucy had never smoked before, but intoxicated by the highs of the night, she accepted it and took a shy drag. A cough wracked her delicate body, causing her to nearly drop the joint, and Shahrazad took it from her fingers, grinning.

Unable to speak above the volume of the music Shahrazad captured Lucy's attention, and inhaled deeply from the joint, holding the smoke in her mouth. Lucy watched as the pursed lips came close to her own, before they parted and Shahrazad gently blew the warm smoke out over Lucy's face. Breathing in, the smoke entered her lungs, and this time, she managed to hold back the urge to cough, her head momentarily feeling very light.

Shahrazad again inhaled deeply from the joint, and as Lucy watched, expecting the same action as before, Shahrazad caught her completely off guard, by putting her full, soft lips against Lucy's, and blowing the smoke directly into her mouth. Lucy was dumbfounded, and when her head stopped spinning she leaned towards Shahrazad's ear and bellowed, "What the hell...! Are you crazy! What you are doing? You kissed me!"

"Oh darling, take it easy, it wasn't a real kiss, it was just a technique to get used to the smoke. But even if I had kissed you, what would have been so wrong with that? Wasn't it nice?" Shahrazad asked, her dark eyes alight with smoldering intent, her face still very close to Lucy's.

Dazed, Lucy barely managed to stammer, "What are you saying? I wouldn't say it was nice. You're crazy. Don't do it again, not even for fun."

"You're really sure about that? You know, I'd love to kiss you so much. Everything is so beautiful tonight; the beach, the concert. You are so gorgeous. It would be so beautiful, and I want to kiss you, for real this time."

A remote part of Lucy's brain, unconsciously noticed the irony that the band had started playing the song, "Suck My Kiss":

Hit me, you can't hurt me

Suck my kiss

Kiss me, please pervert me

Stick with this

Is she talking dirty?

Give to me sweet sacred bliss

Your mouth was made to suck my kiss

Lucy felt lightheaded and intoxicated, as if she were swaying on a boat. Everything was turning and rotating around Shahrazad's penetrating eyes, around her red lips, around her mischievous smile. Before she knew what was happening, Shahrazad was kissing her again, only this time it wasn't for fun, and those wicked, plump lips were trying to part her own, trying to open them and allow access to her devilishly long and talented tongue, which was waiting in ambush.

Look at me, can't you see

All I really want to be

Is free from a world

That hurts me

I need relief

Do you want me, girl?

To be your thief

Lucy tried to pull away, but Shahrazad's hands were behind her head, long fingers buried within her hair, preventing her from moving. Lucy felt so weak and Shahrazad was so beautiful, and her mouth so sensual.

"Come on Lucy honey, open your lips for me... It's just a kiss and I'm dying to kiss you properly... You are so beautiful and I know we both feel this is right... You feel it too, don't you? Come on, kiss me..."

Hit me, you can't hurt me

Suck my kiss

Kiss me, please pervert me

Stick with this

Is she gonna curtsy?

Give to me sweet sacred bliss

That mouth was made to suck my kiss

Unable to think rationally, and intoxicated by the scent of Shahrazad's perfume and sweat, Lucy slowly parted her lips. Shahrazad's warm and sinuous tongue invaded her mouth, and intertwined with her own in a sweet embrace, starting to carry her away in a sensual dance that became more and more passionate. Lucy remained passive, at the mercy of Shahrazad's kiss, who kissed her more and more deeply.

Lucy's mind flashed back to that night when she had heard Mary screaming the words, "Eat me. Please eat me", through the adjoining bedroom wall. With Shahrazad's long and powerful tongue deep inside her mouth Lucy had a startlingly clear mental image of Mary laying on her back, slender legs spread wide, with the skillful tongue plunging deeper and deeper inside her blonde-haired vagina, her wedding ring sparkling in the dim light.

Lucy had never been kissed like this before, Rob's tongue wasn't nearly so sweet... Oh God, poor Rob! Suddenly, Lucy became aware of what was happening, and as if coming out of a trance, she jerked away from the kiss. Shahrazad let her go, slowly separating her lips from Lucy's, a small thread of saliva connecting their mouths. She stared at Lucy for a few moments with a smile full of lust, before turning back to the stage and starting to dance and scream again as if nothing had happened.

Lucy was dazed for a few seconds, staring blindly into space. What had she done? She had kissed Shahrazad! It was terrible! She had cheated on Rob! She could not understand why she had done it. She had never felt attracted to other women before, but she felt strange now and thinking about the kiss made her head spin and chills run down her spine, and an unusual heat flare up in her lower abdomen. Had that kiss aroused her?

There were too many unanswered questions and Lucy didn't trust her instincts. She silently prayed that the concert would end soon and she found that she couldn't rouse herself to get back into the spirit of the music. She wanted nothing more than to go home, away from the noise and confusion, to find clarity and security in the arms of her fiancé, the man she loved. Instead the Red Hot Chili Peppers played for another hour, and when the concert finally ended it was almost morning.

Like a receding tide, the crowd slowly began to ebb and disperse, and ushered Shahrazad and Lucy along with them. Lucy walked in silence, very slowly, falling behind the crowd and keeping her eyes cast down. After a while, she felt Shahrazad gently place a hand on her shoulder, coaxing her to turn and raise her gaze. They were alone now, abandoned by the departing crowd.

"Lucy, honey, what's wrong, you have a sad look on your face... It's because of the kiss, isn't it?"

"W-well, y-yes... I mean... I don't really know what happened, what got into me... but you shouldn't have..."

"Lucy, darling. How sweet you are. I'm sorry I've upset you, but there's no reason for that worried face. Please, look at me..."

Lucy, trembling, looked up at Shahrazad, who was gazing at her tenderly.

"Come on honey, let's sit here for a moment. I think talking about this would be good. You can't go home like this. Lets just sit."

Shahrazad sat on the warm sand, atop a large pale dune. In front of them the ocean waves crashed serenely against the beach, and in the distance the sky was beginning to brighten with the soft, delicate light of dawn. The blissful tranquility calmed Lucy's fraught nerves, and she lowered herself next to Shahrazad, who reached to Lucy and began to gently stroke her hair, humming quietly.

"Look at the sea Lucy. How can you stress when we're surrounded by so much beauty? Why do you overthink things? Please try to disconnect and enjoy these sensations you're feeling. If they're this beautiful they can't be wrong. Kissing me was nice, wasn't it?"

"No!... I mean, yes... It was nice, but it was still wrong, Shahrazad! Why can't you understand? I'm getting married, I love Rob, and he's at home waiting for me! I'm not like Mary."

"Shhhhhhh, Lucy, don't think about him now, he's not here. It's just you and me. You've never kissed another woman before, have you?"

"N-no, of course not!"

"Not even at college?"

"No! I like boys!"

"Ok, ok. It's normal to feel confused at first, but there's nothing to be ashamed of. Kissing another woman is not too different from kissing a man, only so much more beautiful. We're delicate and sweet, in a way no man can ever be. There's no scratchy beard, or bad breath. You know, Mary had never kissed another girl before either, and now she only wants me, not her pathetic husband. You loved my lips on you, didn't you Lucy?"

"Y-yes, ok I did, but..."

"But nothing, it was beautiful and there's a special energy between us. I felt it from the moment I met you, and when we kissed, I knew it for certain. Why do you want to torment yourself with guilt and ruin this moment when we should be enjoying it fully? I don't want to go home yet. Look, the sun is being born and it's so beautiful, just like you. Oh dear Lucy, I want to kiss you again..."

Lucy's eyes met Shahrazad's, so deep and bewitching. Those lips were so red and so soft. "Oh god... yes, I think yes... it has been kind of beautiful, but..."

Lucy stopped talking as Shahrazad leaned slowly towards her, the lips already parted. Just before they made contact with her own, she heard a whisper, so quiet she might have imagined it.

"I want you, not Mary..."

This time Lucy savored the kiss, abandoning herself to sensuality. Shahrazad's tongue was warm and wet, playing with a unique skill, giving her thrills of pleasure she had never felt before. It still felt strange to her kissing another woman, but she had to admit it was beautiful, Shahrazad was beautiful and so sexually intoxicating... and unconsciously thinking about her body, so full and curvaceous, and so close to hers, gave her a strange feeling of warm between her thighs...

They kissed for a long time, and when they eventually left the beach, walking hand in hand, it was full daylight. As they reached Lucy's car, Shahrazad turned and offered her mouth once more. Unable to resist, Lucy planted a quick kiss on her lips, before climbing into her vehicle and driving home, back to her fiancé and the inevitable guilt that awaited her.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Nothing, it's very sweet... but tell me... does he do the same for you? Does Rob wash the dishes, iron clothes, do the laundry, vacuum?"

Does Lucy rotate the tires of the car in the middle of the summer? - Does she unclog the toilet? - Does she go under the house to retrieve the dead possum stinking up the house? - Does she fight that which goes bump in the night? - Does she volunteer to be rescued last in an emergency? Does she know that she will outlive her husband by about 5 years and wonder why?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"What a fool you are! You think having big boobs is enough to be attractive! You guys are all the same; you see a pair of nice tits and you don't see anything else, you should be ashamed!"

And Lesbians Don't? Quit with the divisive stereotypes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

the stories are excellent but too much time passes between one and the other, people lose interest

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

exciting the narrative plots between your women

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What if one of your diabolical seductresses, working in a prestigious educational institution, finds herself running into the gorgeous single mother of a rebellious schoolboy? Wouldn't becoming his stepmother be a great opportunity to take some of the arrogance out of the young bully? that annoying rich kid, too caught up in his status as a local community star, will end up realizing what's going to rain on him too late. When she realizes the true nature of her mother's distracted behavior, finding her hopelessly bent to the desires of that seductive and hostile teacher, she will already be part of a new dysfunctional family ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

seductive tale, I can't imagine Sherazade different to Persia Monir

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I already know it's bullshit, but if Shahrazad was studying in Tehran it's Persian nights ..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

you introduced me to another RHCP song. Pay attention to the tags you put in the description, I think you could be much more successful with the words lesbian, strap on, straight, lesbian seduction

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

we need more adventures of these seductresses: Ava, Shahrazad, Kavita and Jasmine are definitely my favorites. I don't know if the copyright permits it but I would recommend you to carry on BlueMuffin's "My Sister and a Thug" series or develop a similar story, you have the necessary talent to do that. Good job ;)

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