Armitage Family Loving Ch. 01


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"We've not finished yet Bella my love. Turn over and show me your pussy again. You should get that shaved, all the modern girls do. Now, just take my spunk off my cock and see if you can get me ready again. Why hasn't your husband tried for your arse?"

"Well Frank, he always was very old fashioned and he is twenty years older than me. He is seventy-five years old now and I don't think he can get it up any more. It's over five years since he last poked me!"

Frank laughed. "You'll have to come over to Bledworth and meet my dad. He says he can still do it and he's seventy-eight! He's always on the lookout for a bit. How about it? Oh yes Bella, that's just right; now see how much you can get inside that mouth of yours."

Bella couldn't answer Frank's question. Her mouth was full of his cock. As he watched more of his nine and a half inches was taken in. He felt what must be Bella's throat muscles around his knob end. As she squeezed him rhythmically he groaned and felt his sap rising!

His spunk left his cock for the second time in less than an hour. Bella swallowed and then allowed his cock to rest in her mouth as he pumped out the rest of his offering.

Eventually a spent Frank withdrew his soft cock from Bella's mouth. She smiled, opened wide to show him his offering and then swallowed.

"That was always my party piece," she giggled like a young girl. "I was known as the best cock sucker at Oxford. One weekend I sucked off the whole rugger fifteen plus reserves and then the next day I had the rowing eight. I let the little cox fuck me! For a little guy he had a huge cock!"

Frank got off the bed and picked up the telephone.

"Room service please. Oh hello. This is room 202. Please send up two bottles of your best Champagne!"

As he put the phone down he suddenly thought of Caroline and Champagne. His cock twitched with new life as he turned back to Bella.

She was flat on her back with her legs wide open. She was rubbing his cum from her arsehole on to her cunt. Frank's cock lifted a little and she smiled.

"Ready?" she laughed.

Frank awoke the next morning with a thick head and a soft slightly sore cock. He was naked but alone. There was a note on the bedside table. 'Sorry I had to run but I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast. Love Bella. P.S. My bum hole is sore!'

Frank groaned and phoned room service for breakfast.

They did meet downstairs as the first session convened. Bella was very correct but rude as she greeted him.

"Hello Mr Armitage, are you enjoying the convention? I hope that this guy knows what he's talking about or it will be as boring as shit!"

They went in and sat together very decorously. Frank began to relax a little and he thought that his cock felt a little less sore.

Halfway through the presentation Bella leaned over to him and whispered: - "I'm going to be free after coffee Frank. Would you like your cock sucked?"

Frank whispered back, "only after a brandy or two in the bar after coffee!"

Bella squeezed his thigh briefly in acknowledgment. An hour later Frank was laid back on her bed with his cock deep inside her mouth again. All memories of soreness had left him. Bella was naked with her pussy stroking over Frank's mouth as she deep throated him. Frank knew he was close to coming so he concentrated on frigging her cunt and arsehole. He managed to distract her slightly. She lifted her head from his groin and then her cunt from his mouth.

"OK Frank, you win! Fuck my arse again you horny man you!"

She turned and presented her holes to his hard shaft. She rubbed her cunt along his shaft, spreading her juice along it. This lubricated her arsehole and she moved back slightly. Frank pulled her arsehole open with his thumbs and fingers. Bella fitted his cock to her hole with her free hand. She lowered herself slowly until she was totally embedded.

"This was Abby's favourite position, wasn't it Frank? She told me. You deep in her arse and grasping her tits as she went up and down! Like this!"

Bella gripped Frank's cock tightly again with her sphincter muscle as she played with his cock. He grabbed at her little tits and pulled hard on her nipples. That attracted her attention!

"Owwww! Ohhhh yessss Frank! Hurt my tits; pull on my nips! You're making me come!"

Bella did come, expelling her love juice on to Frank's belly. As she did so her sphincter gripped Frank's cock even more tightly, stopping his ejaculation. She wound down from her orgasm, ceasing all movement and finally easing the pressure on his cock. He lifted her off his tool by using his hands under her armpits and then carefully lowered her cunt back on to his upright shaft. The hot wet tunnel of her cunt almost soothed him as he began to fuck her.

"Ohhhhh Frank, that's lovely!" she gasped. "Keep on doing that darling. Go on, fill me with your spunk!"

Frank duly obliged and indeed managed to satisfy Bella three more times before he left her later that evening. He was knackered! They had missed dinner but she said that his sperm would be enough for her.

Next morning Frank staggered out of bed and ordered breakfast from room service again. He studied the day's programme. Yes he had remembered correctly, the last session that he was interested in was at two thirty that afternoon.

He dressed quickly and packed. He left the room and went downstairs and out to his car. He moved it to a space he found in an adjacent street and walked back to the hotel. He went to the desk and paid his bill, wincing at the cost of Champagne. He went into the hotel lounge and wrote a note to Bella.

'Sorry Bella darling', he wrote, 'but I've got to go. The family need me; it's some sort of crisis. If you want to have a crack at Fred, my dad, give me a call. Many thanks for the last two nights. It was great! Frank'.

Family crisis indeed! The only crisis as far Frank was concerned was if he had to perform for Bella again tonight he would be in no fit state to make love to Caro tomorrow!

He managed to avoid Bella all morning. Fortunately she was not going to attend his last session, having said that she would be going shopping. He made it back to his car around three-thirty without being seen and breathed a sigh of relief as he turned on the ignition. As he drove past the hotel entrance he spotted Bella mounting the steps. She would soon be reading his note.

Frank drove a leisurely way home, stopping at a small country hotel in Worcestershire overnight. He felt much more relaxed in the morning and drove back to Bledworth in time to catch Rob at the factory just before lunch. Helen blushed as he sat in her office waiting. Fortunately her workstation bleeped quickly and he winked at her as he went in to see his son.

"Hi Dad, How did you get on? Not too boring, I hope."

Frank faithfully reported what he had seen and learned. Rob took his notes from him and called Helen in to the room.

"Helen my dear," he said. "These are my dad's notes from the convention. Type them out please and store them with the other similar files."

"Yes Mr, er, Rob," she said, smiling at Frank again as she turned to leave.

"Wait Helen," said Frank. "Here's my mobile number if you get stuck with any of my handwriting. My writing was never very clear." He handed her his personal card. His mobile number was on it; he rarely gave anyone his mobile number.

"Personal mobile number eh," laughed Rob when they were alone. "Not many people have that. Anything else to report?"

"Yes, I met one of your mum's old friends at the conference, Arabella Fitzroy. Have you ever met her?"

"I don't think so," replied Rob. "Was she at Mum's funeral? How did you get on with her? Did she fancy you?"

"She couldn't get to the funeral; she was in Malaysia on business. Yes, you could say that she fancied me and came on to me."


Frank smiled at his son. "It seems that your mother had confided to Bella about some of our love making activities. She wanted to try them out. You could say that we exchanged bodily fluids in great quantities! Very enjoyable but very tiring; she's very demanding, is Bella. I escaped early yesterday afternoon and spent the night in Worcestershire. I was knackered!"

Rob laughed. "Go home and get some more rest Dad. Take it easy."

"I intend to. I'm having dinner with Caro tonight"

Rob smiled again and raised his eyebrows but said nothing. "Have a nice meal", he said as his father left his office.

Outside, Helen got up from her desk and approached Frank.

"I can read your notes fine, Mr Frank. Here's your card."

"Keep it Helen, keep it. You never know when you might feel like talking to me. The mobile number is private though, so keep it in your purse and don't let anyone else see that number unless you call me first."

"Oh thank you, er, Frank. I'll keep it safe."

Frank put a finger under her pretty soft chin and gazed into Helen's cleavage for a second or two.

"I know you will sweetheart," he said quietly. He left just as quietly and went home.

After a long hot shower and a couple of shots of brandy Frank pressed the button for Caro's apartment on the intercom that connected all the family apartments. She answered almost at once.

"Hello daddy darling," she positively sang. "How did it go?"

"I'll tell you later," said Frank. "How's dinner coming along?"

"It'll be ready soon enough after you get here," she chuckled. "So will I be, ready I mean."

"Twenty minutes," said Frank and hung up.

He dressed carefully in his best dark blue slacks and white shirt. He thought about it but in the end decided to wear some pants. He chose a pair of blue ones. He went to his personal safe and twirled the combination through the correct sequence. The door opened and he took out Caro's present.

Soon he rang her doorbell. She opened the door and kissed him openly. Only the family lived in the building.

"Come in darling," she said breathlessly. "Abby's inside. She turned up about fifteen minutes ago."

In Caroline's sitting room his younger daughter stood to greet him. She crossed the room and kissed him on both cheeks. Then she pressed her lips gently to his.

Frank held her at arms length. She was beautiful, just like her sister. She almost took his breath away every time he looked at her.

Abby stood five feet six, just a little shorter than her sister. Her body was perfect with her long light brown hair shining as her head moved as she spoke. Her full breasts were round and firm, her nipples just showing through her top. She was wearing an evening top, all silky white with small diamante decorations along the edges; her bra was obviously very fragile, but adequate to hold her treasures. Frank's cock twitched in his slacks.

"Abby my darling, you're so beautiful. I love you both so much. I'm so lucky to have two beautiful daughters to keep me company in my old age! Who's the lucky guy tonight? He'll not be able to keep his hands off you!"

Abby looked at Caro and she looked back with a little nod. Caro moved closer to them and took Franks arm. It was no accident that she rubbed the back of her hand against his growing bulge.

"Daddy," began Caroline. "Abby and I were talking just before you arrived. I didn't mean to say anything tonight but it just slipped out as we were talking about you, and Mummy of course."

Frank looked at them both, his heart beginning to pound.

"I, I told Abby about us the other night. I told her that you were coming to see me again tonight. I told her how much I love you! She kissed me and told me some things too. Some of them I suspected but I didn't know. I now know why my beautiful sister has never got married. Tell daddy Abby; tell him what you told me. It's alright, he'll understand; I know he will!"

Abby was breathing hard, her beautiful breasts heaving. She put her arm around Caro for support.

"Daddy, Caro has told me that you have been speaking to Rob and her about what we used to get up to together as kids. Well, a bit older than that, wasn't it? We were teenagers. We did attack Rob that first time and he did come all over our hands and his tummy. He said it was because he saw my pussy without any hair that he shot his load."

Frank now held Abby closely.

"You don't have to say another word my darling," he said as he kissed her. "We all love each other and that's fine. It's all in the family."

"Yes Daddy," said Abby as she kissed him back. "I know but I want to tell you this so that you will understand a little better. You see I used to go into Rob's bedroom even when Caro was not there. I used to get into bed with him and play with his cock. I called it his willy then! I'd show him my naked pussy and he would come all over my tummy."

"It's alright Abby darling, I do understand!"

"I know that now daddy, Caro has explained it all to me. But you see, I still do it. I love Rob and can't seem to get strong enough feelings for any other man. Oh, I've had sex with any number of handsome hunks; a girl like me knows that she can take her pick. None have really matched up to Rob so we still meet up about two or three times a week; in bed of course!"

"Where are you going tonight darling?"

"I was going out with the gang but I've lost heart a bit now. Now that I've spoken to Caro and confessed to you I want to talk to Rob."

Frank picked up Caro's internal phone and handed it to Abby. Words were not needed. She pressed Rob's number. He answered.

"No Rob darling, it's not Caro. It's me! Can I come up to see you? Dad's here and he and Caro know everything, well almost everything, about you and me. I need to be with you tonight. Can I please?"

She listened for a moment and then chuckled. "You know that I do it every Friday morning for you. It's all ready darling. Oh I do love you so!"

"Yes darling, they both know. I'll be up in a few minutes. Don't start without me!"

Abby hung up and kissed Caroline and then her father. She kissed them both on the lips with her tongue seeking their acceptance. As her tongue entered his mouth Frank felt his cock rise firmly. Abby felt it too and ground her mound on to his cock.

"I just love you guys to bits," she giggled. "That feels so good Daddy; maybe I'll have to take a look at it too. Do you come at the sight of a naked cunt?"

"No he doesn't," laughed Caro. "He waits until he gets it all the way up my cunny and then he fucks me before he lets fly! Anyway, what was all that about 'doing something every Friday morning for Rob'. Do tell!"

Abby laughed now, her confidence high.

"I shave my pussy every Friday morning for him. He doesn't shoot off straight away any more of course but he does love it! His tongue will be in there as soon as he's poured me my drink. I drink my red wine while I watch him tonguing me. Afterwards I dunk his cock in my glass and suck him until he's ready!"

Caro and Frank laughed and then they both kissed Abby again as she prepared to leave. Abby stuck her tongue in her father's mouth again and rubbed her palm across his shaft.

"Gosh that's big!" she giggled. "Caro darling, will you share Daddy with me. I think that I might need a bit extra now and again!"

"Of course you can! Maybe I'll ask Rob if he wants to see my shaved pussy too! Maybe we can share him both at the same time again! It will really be like old times for Rob won't it?"

Abby left happily and Caro immediately stuck herself to her father's body, grinding her mound against his. They kissed long and hard before Caro broke away.

"God, dinner will be ruined at this rate! Let's eat and you can tell me all about the women you fucked in Liverpool."

Caro was a great cook with steaks her speciality. Frank commented that he needed building up and told her about Bella.

"I remember her," said Caroline. "Mummy took me with her once when she went to see her. Her husband kept on pinching my bottom! I was only eleven! He was a lot older than her too."

"He's seventy eight now and can't get it up any more," grinned Frank. "I told her to come over here and try your grandfather. He says he can still do it!"

"I know," laughed Caro. "He was ushering a woman into his apartment last night as I got home. He didn't act embarrassed at all!"

"I wonder if he fucked her," said Frank.

They talked a lot about Abby and Rob and of their love for each other. They talked about their own feelings and about the whole family's sexual urges for each other.

"I don't think it's a problem Daddy," said Caroline, laying a hand on Frank's. "As long as it's all between us and we keep it private we can do what we like with each other. We're all consenting adults, aren't we?"

"My cock has been hard ever since I entered this room," moaned Frank. "I need to do something about it darling!"

"Abby noticed it too! She'll be down for a look at it before the weekend is over; you mark my words. In the meantime, take it out for me darling. I want to see what I'm going to get!"

Frank unzipped his slacks and in a flash Caro had his cock out and her hands wrapped around it. The internal phone rang.

"Hello. Oh hi Abby darling, how are you getting on? Oh, twice already eh!" She winked at Frank as she frigged him gently. "OK, I'll tell anyone who asks. What's that? Oh no darling, I'm just about to see how much of it I can swallow! Enjoy the rest of the night!"

"He's fucked her twice already! She's staying in his bed all night. I'm to tell anyone who asks that she's away for the week-end."

Caroline swallowed most of her father's cock!

Frank sat back in his daughter's recliner as she sucked his cock. Bella was the last one to suck him and he idly compared his feelings. Bella was good, of course, with all her experience but he decided he preferred Caro.

She handled him beautifully as she sucked up and down his whole shaft. She was much more gentle with her mouth and her tongue was a delight. She could lick him from tip to root without any hard movement. She held his balls in her spare hand, softly squeezing them but occasionally swallowing one whole and lashing her tongue all around it.

Frank was ready to come and gasped a warning.

"I'm ready," said Caro and swallowed him again, sucking his knob into her throat.

Frank's balls flexed and his cock swelled. His spunk shot up his tube and squirted deep into her throat. Caro gulped as she swallowed it and then pulled back to receive the rest of Frank's sperm in her mouth.

Frank felt so relaxed as he pumped. He felt that he could come forever! Caro's mouth felt so wonderful, loving his cock totally. He could feel her tongue still caressing his fat tool, a little softer now but still very big.

Finally he stopped spurting and Caro stopped sucking. She smiled at Frank and opened her mouth to show him his spend. She carefully and deliberately swallowed. Frank distinctly felt a little twitch in his groin. Now was the time.

He reached out and picked up the gift-wrapped package off the little table by the side of the armchair. He handed it to Caroline.

"Here you are darling. A little gift for you."

Caro stood up and turned the package over in her hands. She leaned down and kissed her father.

"Thank you daddy; I do love you so. Hmn, it's too heavy for panties so I'll guess that it must be some sort of sex toy. It's not a dildo, is it?"

"It's for you to find out," grinned Frank wickedly.

"You really want me to be naked except for this? Are you going to fuck me while I'm wearing it? This could be fun!"

"Go and prepare yourself my darling."

Caro went off to her bedroom, clutching her present. Frank remained at ease in the recliner, idly stroking his soft fat tool. Then he slowly undressed and watched contentedly as his prick began to grow and stiffen again.

Caro returned and Frank gasped. She was wearing her see through robe again but this time her nipples and pussy were clearly visible. She was holding the neck of the gown tightly around her, presumably to hide the choker.