Aurora, Wayward Pt. 02


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This was an armistice site to have peace talks with our own military after they had literally destroyed all other major sentient races in a coveted run for power. That was our homeworld and the sneak attack they started ended in less than 3 hours with the world destroyed and over a trillion of our people dead.

Our outer colonies had to deal with the cleanup of this mess. Nobody won that day and one of the weapons on one of the Justice's ships ensured there would be peace, one way or the other. When the red blades came in with the addition of white ships; ships resistant to some of our most effective weapons at that time.

He set off the device after two and a half hours of continuous bloodshed and the destruction of our Homeworld by the aggressors. It was a genocide weapon that affected everything still living in that galaxy.

The reds had already set off the bomb on the planet. Jack would have and did compare it to the Hades bomb he had designed but never wanted to build. The bomb he did build and destroyed when he took his own life. Their council of 6 was down to 1 and it recovered. That 1 never saw this file. Most races have no Justices.

We found some in other races after we saw what he did differently. We went to the Frenor system. We sought the red blades from Frenor who aided in the Samar attack; there 2 council members who still sought to seek out this system to expand their warfighting capability.

Like many of you. We are exterminating the Scrill because they have failed for over 10,000 years to become a civilized race. Their hybrids failed at their token efforts. The Drakor of today don't all have blades. Only a small fraction of them do these days.

Entrance into the Council is a highly sought-after goal for many. Less than one percent. One-thousandth of one percent, hold a blade at any given time. Purple blades make less than a tenth of our order. They are truly rare. Humans are 15.8% of their hybrids.

We thought of adopting the other Drakor's test into our process but we saw the horrible after-effects it had on Jack. We could not fix those and to literally break a great leader to prove they are worthy seemed like a counterproductive goal. His situation was different because of the time travel aspects surrounding him.

We literally had no choice but to let them test him as they wished to test him. What you see as Drakor is the culmination of Drakor science; we are Drakor but we are hybrids of the Drakor. Ones designed for this galaxy. The ones genetically modified to ensure our bodies would interact, aid, and help your hybrids to form.

Not all races would accept this function or function as intended. The Caldar, for example, found the process explosively toxic. We hunt them down when we find them but they are evasive and work in small groups in areas with no Drakor presence.

They hear of our arrival and they will take action to try and stop hybrids from getting in as many of you have witnessed firsthand. They are hidden parasites. The group I am with; the Drakor as you know us. We work to keep the peace in our people and to atone for the butchery of the past.

We have spent over 100 millennia working to help other races avoid that same trap. The trap that destroyed all races in an area; except maybe one if they got lucky and did not turn on themselves. We have operated in this sector of space for just over 10 millennia. We have other sectors that have graduated as you have and learned from this mistake.

We have had systems that self-destructed as we did. Most had no survivors in them. Those that did not perish and thought they won suddenly found out the losers had set mutually assured self-destruction packages. Like our Justice did in our home Galaxy. They varied but most were effective to leave entire galaxies without life. *

He pointed at the screen, * Including that one. The outer colonies were in other galaxies. They found out what happened by looking at the computer logs from the various ships recorded by the leaders. They ensured a balance would be maintained; especially with these blades and they were all to be treated as equals.

That one test we wanted from Jack's seven years of torture is the one you faced for just a few days. The Scrill will still be hunted. The Frenor race needs to start again. But the rest of you, and I know who had their hands up and voted to see this. Those were the brave races who would risk death even against the Drakor in order to keep chaos at bay.

You did not want to see the chaos you and the non-allied races were causing. We came in and gave you a bigger chaotic problem to try and resolve; us. Only by standing together. Only be living by the hybrid code did your races get here. This is a destination. You must understand what hybrids do is a constant journey.

As the human ambassador did now. As the Jantor ambassador did with his leader's speech. As Jack did back then against the other Drakor. He stood up to the Drakor and fought them out of his mind to end his 'years' of torture. He was hell-bent and furious to ensure THAT future never occurred. *

He pointed at the image again. * To keep THAT from happening here! Hand of Justice was right, we would have destroyed his ship to kill those Scrill. We wanted him there to understand just how bad things were going. We wanted him to record what was going on with the Freenor.

We asked for the two rouge red leaders. They refused which was unexpected and regrettable. Then they attacked. We did not destroy them but they are essentially starting over in proving themselves to be ready to sit here again.

The one human who facilitated the jump to that system; was also a red blade. He had family in dire straits and the money they offered him would set his family up for several lifetimes. He just traded his own life for their lives. The Jantor Ambassador does not need to withdraw from this body. That was you taking the stand that Jack took all those years ago.

We are stepping away from this problem and this body as my Ambassadorship has proven its point. Not to repeat the mistakes of the past. To set an example to a weak link and they refused to back down for those that jeopardized there species very survival.

They would still be members if they had turned over the two hybrids we had asked for. Instead of us having to destroy 170 of there hybrids and thousands of their non-hybrids when they attacked us instead. In their case, they stood up for the wrong reasons. They stood up to defend rogue hybrids. You all stood up to get the answers of 'why the threats now?

Why join the council now? What is it about this system and this race that makes it so important now?' They all had the same answer; the same answer Hand of Justice came to when Astra showed their council Jack's last message. We are not repeating the mistakes of the past if we can help it. This will not be our future.

Now it is up to the Alien Alliance, your member nations, and to your hybrids to ensure the mistakes of the past do not occur. We will still be around and still working to get other races in this sector to the right level of civilization. Our offer to the Penas to review and translate all of those contracts still stand. Our time working with this body directly is at an end. We will still be in contact with your hybrids from time to time. Especially those with no Justices. *

He went to leave and Brenda called out, "Before you go. You kept calling Jack as Jack and not as Dispenser of Justice. Was there a reason behind that?"

He stopped and looked back, * Yes. In order to ensure that Justice Incarnate accepted his self-judgment, he made one proclamation. I quit. He stopped being Dispenser of Justice and ended his life in accordance with the hybrid code. As Jack Travus, as his last act, he Dispensed the Justice upon himself.

A selfless act after everything he gave to save humanity. One worthy of remembering the man and not just his sword name; which he set aside by his declaration. There are many hybrids who have died of similar circumstances. We honor our records by calling them by their name with the race and sword name if they fell in service.

For our recorded history it has both but shows he died as the Terran Jack Travus, the first hybrid Justice. As many of your eternal council have done over the years since then. The ones who go rogue usually only have their race and sword name without their birth name recorded. The majority of those who do go rogue, are red Blades. That is across all species. *

The Drakor Ambassador left the council chamber with his two bodyguards. They boarded his shuttle and left Mixtios.


Astra sent the exchange from the council chamber to Aurora. Aurora needed Rocan to see and understand what was going on.

Aurora got him into his office and sealed the doors. She then played the entire exchange for him. He sighed, "The Drakor is leaving it in the Alien Alliances hands. They will still help with contracts but their direct involvement is over. They had their reasons for being involved. They needed all Hybrid races to understand that reason."

She nodded, "Yes. It still leaves the fate of the Penan people as an unknown but from what I gathered the Alien Alliance was shaken to the core on this matter. The fact that the current Terran Hybrid Eternal Council never saw that file and yet their race was the only one who attempted to travel to the Drakor Home World.

That they jumped just not systems but to another far-off galaxy! There was more about Drakor history; the sheer numbers they must have. Referring to galaxies as sectors of space means they are effecting change in multiple corners of known space and beyond. Their population must be massive to have so many blades in each galaxy while still being a fraction of 1% of their people."

Rocan nodded, "Store this for now. The Governors do not need to be made aware by us until we return. If it becomes important then Astra is near that area and can address the situation as they guard the Pena system. We have a mission to complete here first."

She nodded as he worked his telekinesis in frustration. It was working; he was just frustrated about the uncertainty surrounding his people.


Johnathan was as the Terra Capital and had just walked into a meeting with the President and her Cabinet.

She looked at him, "I have to say those Drakor have a flair for the dramatic to get their point across. I have had to relieve my Secretary of Defense and head of our military in the last hour since seeing this. Both of their reactions were inflammatory and counterproductive to resolving the larger issue."

She pointed over. "Andria Travus, a human of course, and my new Attorney General acting anyway, until confirmed. She is sending the motion to strip the treaty from the ruling. We had already gotten assurances from the court that it would happen."

He nodded, "Now I need your authorization for Astra to do a security sweep of those you relieved and their connection to multiple weapon and AI manufactures. Also, to those still within your military who would turn upon you for your support of the Pena system and for being barred because of our Home Guard controls.

Those who want military and AI forces capable of unchecked military expansion. I sent word to every Hybrid counterpart directly after this occurred. Requesting they try and do the same thing and report back; those within the Alien Alliance.

That will let us know which races are cooperating in this and which ones we will have to try and keep a closer eye upon. The unaligned races and those that have not graduated yet. They have been made aware of what transpired and are looking at this information I am sure.

They have it but we are barred from helping them. We just happened to broadcast it on an open frequency that is monitored across the entire galaxy. It will take time for it to reach all the corners of this galaxy, even with our satellites in place.

It could take months or years to hit some species. That also means every news outlet has this story. We, the Hybrid Council, are also asking Astra to give us a listing of all files locked to only the council's review based upon so many approvals.

She assured me that there was nothing that explosive in the histories to come out. She also said there were just over 10,000 files locked that way for one reason or another. The council has given Brenda the task of reviewing all 10,000 plus files as we gave a unanimous vote to her to display them for review and she would bring those that are truly important to the council as a whole when we are in session together."

The President nodded, "Thank you. I was going to ask about your own council history files and I understood Jack's perception. He thought all races were tested the same way. To the same level of detail. When in fact he was the only one pushed to seek out that answer for himself. Also, for humanity. I would have liked to have met him."

Johnathan nodded, "Some of his journal entries make more sense now. Now that we know what was done to him that cracked his foundation as it were. Now we have all had a small, just days, test of what he went through over 7 years in his mind."

The President shuttered, "That man must have been exceptionally strong-willed. Yet he soldiered on for centuries until fate put him back in that same situation. Walking the road with no human or hybrid wives. I know he had Astra and he started and ended with her in his own way.

I will get my attorney general to issue out the orders to the World Court that for the integrity of human society in these troubled times you have permission to do these scans.

I do request that anything found is brought before me, at a minimum, and the court if possible before an action takes place. Unless action is required to stop something eminent from happening that would be detrimental to humanity's safety."

Johnathan nodded to her, "I promise you we will work within those constraints and not go on a witch hunt. Only trace the leads we find. Astra will filter out anything irrelevant to this level of the investigation."

The President walked over and shook his hand, "God's speed in your efforts."

He simply nodded to her. He knew she was a great believer in a higher power. He often wondered if it were true if it would just be another alien race that created them.

He went back to his ship and put Lastra and the other back-up in the vault aboard his ship to work. That would take a while.


Jassin and Gia came on the bridge for the second night of Rocan's initiation of the women wanted to take place. Gia looked over at Rocan, "We are requesting to take one of the Battleships that is coming out of dry dock for repairs and go to the second planet in the system. The primary capable of supporting life.

We want to start scans from space on everything from geology, xenobiology, meteorology, and just about anything else your sensors will tell us about that planet until you join us in a few days for a crew rotation or to exchange ideas. Maybe more rest and relaxation."

He looked over, "Alright we should get the surveying back on track and the two primary planets for that, planet 2 and 3 will have to be done in detail. Smart idea to start on that early. Send any information along to the other ladies as Parsa is our geology expert on board."

Parsa smiled, "I will request the next battleship to go to the third starting tomorrow with Hira. Then You and Freia are set to bounce from location to location in the system. Working some of these other planets and overseeing the ship being built.

Slightly larger than a Terran battleship as we added 12 fighter drone bays to the design. Ten really as two are set up for those of you with fighter pilot training if you wish to keep your skills up to date."

Aurora looked over, "They could all be used by Penan's we are just starting with drone fighters because of our numbers in the system. Same ship design; the ten are just manned by AI pilots. Jassin gave me updated plans.

The launch tubes for those fighters are interconnected into the shuttle bay for when they return to be repaired if needed. This helps with not having to depressurize a large section of the ship.

That gives us more time in space before we need to concern ourselves with atmospheric life support equipment repairs or replacements. It also adds more room to add in power cores for the additional weapon systems being put on board. It should be completed in 7 to 8 weeks. Some AI units are bringing others online to speed the work along. Given recent events, I would like it operational sooner."

He nodded, "Understood. We will have close to full crews on all of the AI ships and this new ship?"

She nodded, "Yes, in numbers, while leaving some behind to continue construction efforts with the MIDGE's and the other AI battleships. To build another centipede to aid in construction. Then to build a Colossus style Base to add to this ship. That will take several months more to accomplish. Also, our own fleet of colony ships to deploy to your survey sites while you are gone.

The Base can then patrol this system on your behalf with the AI battleships we leave behind. While we have a few of the AI battleships return with your new one. To demonstrate what the Pena Home Guard can do to help them with the problems they are facing. I also chose a name for the ship; as you have shown no interest in names for the other AI units or the ships."

Rocan chuckled, "What name?"

She looked over, "The Spartan."

She sent them the history of the Spartan warriors of being a small group fighting insurmountable odds. Elite warriors and all. He looked at her, "Not to warlike?"

She shook her head, "In the end, they lost because they were overwhelmed. We are trying not to repeat history while being protectors of the Penan people. We are outnumbered and outgunned and this makes no pretense about the fact we know we are on the losing end of a battle to hold that system. But we will fight proudly to defend the Penan people."

He sighed and nodded, "Approved."

He had two ladies coaxing him out of his seat for yet another wild night of fun. Parsa whispered to him, "I get to go first. Aurora took us, the three remaining, aside the other day and gave us instruction on sucking your cock. Using the strap-on's she made for us. She said your oral skills need practice. We are going to see you get some of that tonight."

He chuckled as he walked into the room and was stripped by both ladies who took turns sucking his cock and balls. They appeared to be at the head of the class as he warned them, "I am about to cum."

Parsa took him into her mouth swallowed rapidly and passed it over to Hira to finish him off. The ladies smiled, as they pushed him back on the bed and got undressed. Parsa swung her legs over and sat on his face while Hira worked his cock hard again. She gave excellent direction on what worked for her including pressing against her sphincter at just the right moment to set her off.

She slid down and slid his length slowly into her warm folds. She looked at him. "I was told at least, 4 boys. I want 6. Just in case I only ever have one set of children for some reason I can say I fulfilled that social checkbox. All males."