Back Home for the Holidays Ch. 01


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"Are you okay?" Jenny asked. There was a tremble in her voice.

I looked at her as if she were crazy. We had just shared one of the most intense experiences of my life and I felt fantastic. There were tears running down her cheeks. I sat up and said, "Of course I am. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Jenny looked shocked at me, "Oh god, no! You were wonderful," she said. Then she leaned forward and kissed me. I knew she could taste her brother's cum off my lips. Then she pulled back and said, "I know this was my fantasy. And, thanks to you, it played out exactly as I hoped it would."

"Then what's wrong?" I asked again.

"I guess I just didn't expect it to be so..." she trailed off, looking for the right words.

"Intense?" I asked.

Jenny nodded. "I got so caught up in the fantasy of it I feel like I lost control of myself a little bit. When I think about some of things I said to you-"

"Hey," I said, interrupting her. "Stop that. You didn't do anything wrong. This was awesome. I had a great time."

The relief washed across her and her smile returned. Then she got really serious again and said, "Thank you."

I smiled at her. "It was my pleasure. No, really, it was my pleasure."

Jenny smiled and laughed.


John and I walked through the forest back to the SUV. He carried his shirt but had put his cargo pants and tennis shoes back on. My skirt had dropped back into place and I had put my shoes back on, but my top was still pealed down to my waist, my tits standing firm and proud in the night air. John carried the blanket while I shown the way with one of the flashlights. We had left Jenny still putting the lanterns in the duffle bag.

It all happened so quickly. We came around a tree, I saw red and blue lights flashing off the trees on front of us, and then a flashlight was in my face. "Stop right there," came a very commanding manly voice from behind the flashlight.

We both froze right where we were. I was a little confused for a moment, not putting the simplest pieces of the puzzle together. My mind was still a little foggy from my orgasms.

"Drop the blanket. Let me see your hands. Both of you," the voice commanded again.

A second flashlight appeared beside the first. There were at least two people out there. Like a slow-motion clock the pieces fell into place. I dropped the flashlight and raised my hands. John dropped the blanket and raised his own.

It was at that moment that the fog really lifted and then my mind started racing. Cops! They definitely had me for indecent exposure; my hands were up and my top was down. How much did they know? Incest is a crime, isn't it? If we get arrested, who will bail us out? If John's parents found out about the three of us fucking in the forest... Oh, shit! I had to take action before it got even more out of hand.

"Is there a problem, officers?" I shouted at them as loudly as I could, hoping beyond hope that Jenny could hear us and would not just come strolling up behind me with her big plastic dick still strapped to her hips.

The flashlights approached and then I could see that they were Sheriff Deputies, a man and a woman. A wicked thought ran through my head that I could seduce them both but I scolded myself that this was real life not some erotic novel or porn movie. Trying to seduce them would definitely get us thrown in jail.

"What were you two doing back there?" the female Deputy asked us.

I held a straight face. My mind raced for all the different things I could say but I smelled like pussy juice and cum, my top was down, and I wore no panties under my skirt. "Fucking, ma'am," I said as politely as possible.

"You do know it's against the law to have sex in public," the male Deputy told me.

Did I know that? I supposed I did. "Yes, sir. I just didn't think the forest qualified. Nobody was anywhere around."

"Are you sure that's all you were doing back there?" the female Sheriff asked, shinning her flashlight deeper into the forest.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. I was pleased that everything I had said so far had been true. Not the whole truth, but still true. "Why?"

"The family in the house at the end of this road called to report that they heard a woman screaming in the forest like she was being murdered," the male Sheriff told me.

The female deputy didn't look too pleased at her partner for telling me all of that up front.

"That was me," I said quickly with a smile and a fake embarrassed laugh. I didn't want them to investigate the clearing and find Jenny. "Sorry."

"That loud?" she asked incredulously.

"Yeah," said, averting my eyes from her as if I were embarrassed. "I didn't think anyone could hear us."

She sighed and said, "Well, pull your top up and get on out of here."

"Really?" John asked at exactly the wrong time.

She shrugged and said, "It's Christmas. You two head on home and don't let us catch you doing anything like this again."

"Yes, ma'am," I said as I pulled my top up and retrieved the flashlight. "Sorry to get you out here."

She nodded and sighed. They had been worked up and ready from some sort of foul play. To find out that the screams of bloody murder were mine as I got fucked seemed to have put them in a good mood. I wasn't about to push it.

The Deputies led us out of the forest. They had parked behind the SUV. The red and blue lights atop their car spun continuously, lighting up the forest.

Jenny had given me the keys to the SUV so I hopped into the driver's seat while John walked around and clambered into the passenger seat, opening the door as wide as the trees would let him and squeezing himself inside. Usually I let John drive but I was the one with the keys and I could see that he was shaking with adrenaline from the encounter. I spotted Jenny's cell phone in the center console. Damn.

I started up the vehicle and drove down the road to the house and boat dock at the end of it. I pulled into the driveway and turned around. The patrol car followed us down the road and turned around after us.

As I passed the spot where we had parked John asked, "What are you doing?"

"Getting us out of here," I told him as I drove back up the road the patrol car right behind us.

"What about Jenny?" he asked.

"What about her?"

"We can't just leave her."

"We can come back for her," I told him as I reached the start of the road. I considered turning right but I didn't know where the road led. There was a good chance it didn't go too far and if the Sheriffs knew that then they would be suspicious of us all over again. I had to turn left and head back the way we came.

"But-" he began.

"Look," I barked, cutting him off as I turned left onto the road. My fiery redhead temper flared up and I yelled at him, "Do you want the fucking Sheriff to find Jenny out there in the woods with a damn cock strapped to her hips? Do you want them to put two and two together and figure out that the three of us were fucking the shit out of each other? Do you want your pretty little ass thrown in jail for fucking your own sister? I assume incest is actually illegal in this fucking state! How about your mom? Do you want your mother to find out that you've been fucking your sister every chance you get? No? Well then shut the fuck up and let me get away from these motherfuckers!"

John didn't say anything.

I knew I had hurt him pretty badly but I didn't care. I was too mad. The stress had gotten to me and I couldn't control myself.

The patrol car followed us all the way back into town. When I turned right onto Country Club Road, they followed us. When I turned left onto Nelson Road, they went straight.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I pulled over into a little shopping center and parked. I was shaking and the tears began to flow.

"Robin?" John asked. It was the first thing he had said to me since I yelled at him.

I looked at him. He looked like a little puppy dog I had kicked. "Do you know how to get back to that forest?" I asked.

He nodded.

"You drive," I said as I got out of the SUV.

I walked to the passenger side. My legs were shaky but I managed. John took the other way around the SUV and got into the driver's seat. I didn't blame him for steering clear of me.

As I climbed into the passenger seat I realized that my pussy was getting cold. I had planned on putting my panties back on at some point. My juices and his cum were on the back of my skirt and covering my crotch.

I sat there thinking about everything that had happened that night. I had been fucked senseless by Jenny and John. He had been wonderful and his only crime, other than the obvious, was caring about his sister.

John waited for me to realize I hadn't put on my seatbelt. Again, I didn't blame him for not telling me to put it on. I was an unpredictable monster that could bite his head off at any time.

John pulled back onto the road and headed back toward the forest clearing where we had left his sister. I thought of Jenny, all alone in the forest, not knowing if we were coming back. I hoped she trusted us and didn't do anything stupid.

"Sorry I yelled at you," I said.

"I know," he replied. "Better now?"

"Yeah," I said with a sigh. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad about having sex with your sister. You know I think that's hot." I hate when I get like that and John knows it. I try to surround myself with positive emotions. Negative emotions like jealousy, hate, shame, and fear just bring out the very worst in me. I try to control myself but I'm not always successful. "Why do you put up with it?" I asked him softly.

"Put up with what?" John asked.

He was going to make me say it. "My moods," I told him. "I yell at you and you're like 'Better now?' You are way too nice for me. Surely you must resent being yelled at."

John chuckled and said, "Well, I'm not going to yell back. I've tried that before. Big mistake!"

That did make me smile. I can be a real bitch once I get going. He had tried yelling back at me a couple times when I got like that and he quickly figured out that it only fed the flames. I still wanted to know why he put up with it, though.

When he saw that I was still waiting for a response he said, "Look Robin, I know you. When you get like that you always regret it afterward. You end up punishing yourself worse than anything I might do or say."

That was true. I was feeling it at that moment. I felt like shit. I had an awesome time until the cops showed up and my temper only made it worse.

"Besides," he added, "you always make it up to me."

I nodded and sighed. "I do owe you one. Sorry. I love you."

"I love you too, babe," he said, flashing me a smile.

"You are too good for me," I told him honestly.

"Good? I don't know. You're right. I've had sex with my sister. If those cops found out they'd through me under the jail," he told me.

I shook my head, "I had no right to say those things. I think it's awesome and I just don't know why I said that. I live in a glass house and I should keep my stones to myself."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Oh shit! I hadn't planned on telling him anything this soon. Of course, we were about to fly to Miami to meet my mom and it would be out in the open then. "Well... let's just say that my mother and I..." I couldn't say it.

"You've had sex with your mom?" John asked, surprised.

"Yeah," I said quietly. There was so much more to it and I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. I knew I should. I didn't want to wait until the last minute, but I just couldn't say it. I was afraid he'd break up with me if I told him all at once. The fact that he fucked his sister helped but it's different when the secrets are your own. Of course, the big secret behind all of my little ones I never planned on letting get out. My mother and Angela had been sworn to secrecy long ago.

"And you talk about me and my sister like it's this horrible thing," he said.

He was still upset about what I had said. "I know. I'm sorry. Maybe I feel guilty or something, I don't know. Just please forget what I said. By the time this trip is over you may never want to see me again." I couldn't believe I had said that. The can was really open; worms were everywhere.

"Oh?" he asked. "Why?"

He didn't say something reassuring; he left it open. That scared the shit out of me. So much had happened and I loved him so much. I didn't want to lose him. "Because, once you find out everything I've done..."

"Past is past," he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I've led a much different life than you. Once you find out everything, you may never look at me the same." Tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't want them to, but there they were. In the back of my mind I knew that he would never understand my big secret, but the ones I couldn't hide in Florida would be big enough.

"Hey," he said, soothingly, talking really nice to me for the first time since I yelled at him. "It's the differences that make you special. Knowing where you come from will just make me love you more."

I sniffled back the tears and said, "I'll hold you to that." I reasoned with myself that, in light of what he did with his sister, the things that happened with my mother might not make him turn away from me, but I knew, beyond all doubt, that if he ever found out why I left Boston, he'd never speak to me again. He could never find out about that.

"You do that," John told me, reassuringly, as he turned right onto that dirt road in the forest. He parked in the same spot Jenny had parked the SUV previously. There was no sign of Jenny.

"Oh shit! Where's Jenny?" I groaned.

"Grab a flashlight and let's go," John instructed.

We worked our way slowly into the forest. The moon was really high now and we could see pretty well even without the flashlights. We called her name softly, not wanting to draw attention from anyone but her.

We made it to the clearing and looked around. There was no sign of Jenny, the lanterns, or the duffle bag. Where had she gone?

John said, "We were gone for forty-five minutes. Would she have given up on us coming back for her?"

I thought about that. She didn't have a phone. She would have to borrow someone else's or walk. "No, she's got to be around here somewhere. Let's call a little louder for her."

John agreed and we began shouting her name. Not the blood-curdling screams I had produced that had almost sent us to jail but loud enough to fill the forest. I was nearly in a panic while John, who had been keeping his cool, was starting to panic as well.

"John?" came the faint voice of Jenny in the distance.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Over here Jenny!" I shouted.

When Jenny stepped into the clearing I was so relieved I almost fainted. John dropped his flashlight, ran up to his sister, and hugged her tightly to him. She hugged him back and I heard her say, "I waited for you."

"Let's get out of here," I urged.

We made it back to the SUV and headed back to John and Jenny's parents' house.

Jenny had heard me announce the cops were there and so had hidden in the forest. We told her our story and we all shared a good laugh. It was quite an adventure we all agreed.

We managed to make it back into the house and into our beds without much ado. We explained that we saw a lot of Christmas lights and that was that. We were all relieved to have no more drama for the evening.

The rest of the visit in Louisiana, Thursday being Christmas Eve and Friday being Christmas Day, involved various get-togethers with members of John's family. Afterward, Jenny returned home, promising to keep in touch. She and I agreed that John and I needed to make regular visits to Philly and that she needed to visit Denver just as often.

Christmas was successful. I bonded a bit with John's parents and everyone liked the gifts I had picked for them. We ate a lot and talked a lot. I pushed Miami to the back of my mind for as long as possible. We flew to Miami on Saturday; the day after Christmas.

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Angus_of_AngushireAngus_of_Angushire9 months ago

I still have part two to read, and very much looking forward to it.

I can see a storyline where Uncle Frank and Mrs. Parker had incest of their own in the past, and it's being the explanation as to why when Jenny hit puberty, the brother and sister were kept far away from each other.

What's going to happen with Robin's mother should be exciting, the only question I have would be if Angela is going to show up there as well.

Also quite curious to know why robin left Boston to begin with. That should be one hell of a story.

Excellently written. A steadily progressing storyline with good descriptions of both the people and the action.


dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

long but kept my attention although I did "speed read" thru some of the "boring" parts. Mentioned early that Jenny used to play dress up with John but ever mentioned it again. ???? Police scene did nothing for the story. I would have had John cum in 1 or the girls and the other "forced" to clean the incestuous cum out.

JS_PhotoJS_Photoover 4 years ago
One of the greatest!

I read the earlier chapters and loved them. I wondered how this one could be better. It was fantastic! Loved the interplay between all three of them, Jenny taking control and Robin playing the submissive. Looking forward to learning what went on between Robin and her mother in the next installment. I sense another two-girl-one-guy threesome coming on. Great writing, great characters, great plot! All around fantastic!

linnearlinnearabout 5 years ago
Hottest Story EVER!

That was simply amazing. When Jenny went down on Robin for the first time it blew my mind. I would love to read more about Jenny, your writing is unbelievably good.

k9curiousguyk9curiousguyover 7 years ago
wow, that was so hot, i just could not put it down, awesome, just awesome

wow, that was so hot, i just could not put it down, awesome, just awesome

ES003ES003almost 8 years ago
Loved it

4 years and no comments? That was great. I'm roll playing about the same story now, but was doing it before I read this. Gave me great ideas.

RigatonyRigatonyover 11 years ago

I am speechless, this is hands down (my pants) the best story I have ever read, bar none. I love being able to read something here that is actually more then a half page submission. Your writing is beautiful, your character development, your ability to put us right in the middle of it, and your depth of characters. You are truly gifted as a story teller. I am so looking forward to the next installment (please tell me you will give us the tale of their visit to her mothers) I won't be able to sleep until I read it

hejohejoover 11 years ago

I usually don't read long stories like this because most writers can;t carry a story this far but you did it without filling it full of sex over and over again. You have enough sex to make it hot but all the rest was written in a way to make it real. Especialy the mother.

wiz666wiz666almost 12 years ago

Is there anything you haven't covered in this story? It was just so hot! Please continue this tale!

ChasBChasBalmost 12 years ago

One tremendous tale (tail)!!!

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