Back to the Bed


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"Oh Dex, oh baby," she moaned into my ear. "God, you're going to make me cum baby. Fuck I want to cum for you."

"Oh Brie, I love you so much," I moaned back at her.

"Yes Dex, keep making love to me, I'm so close for you baby. I want us to cum together!" she told me, her voice picking up volume.

"I'm about to pop babe!" I grunted at her pounding her small body with mine.

"Oh cum Dex, I want to feel you inside me!" she called out as our orgasm hit both of us at the same time. I pumped my cum into her hot, wet cunt in full force, shooting my seed deep in her. Brie shuddered against me as she wailed out incoherently, moaning loudly in the throes of lust and love. I gave several more hard thrusts before I finished, collapsing on top of her, breathing heavily as Brie withered and moaned some under me. "Goddamn, you always make me cum hard," Brie whispered to me as she sucked my ear lobe. We laid together, enjoying a postcoital bliss, our hands running over one another.

"We should get moving," I told her as I shut off the alarm.

Brie groaned and stretched in bed. "Yea I know," she told me quietly. We showered together, doing our normal fondling while we washed each other. Sadly we had to get out, dry ourselves off, and get dressed. I could tell Brie was sad as we walked down to the garage where a large hard case was waiting for me.

"Christ," I complained as I lifted the case. "What the hell is in here?" It had to weigh thirty pounds or so.

"It's a surprise dummy," she teased me.

"I only need to bring two changes of clothes, they give me everything else when I get there.

"Well, it also has some toiletries, with a few odds and ends they recommended you have with you," Brie explained, as I hauled the suitcase into the truck. We both climbed in the cab and pulled up directions. The Rehab Center was over two hours away so we got a good start. Stopping for a quick breakfast before we continued, driving through the countryside and over the mountains.

Red Sunrise Rehab Center was set between the mountains in the valley below. A large area was walled off past the main building. We parked and hauled the case to the front door, stopping at reception to get checked in.

"I'll need to check that bag," an orderly told me.

I was about to hand it over when Brie shouted. "NO!" Everyone shot her a look. "I mean, there wasn't anything on the website about checking bags," she continued, trying to ignore the outburst.

"Sorry, it's a new policy, we had a few people sneak in substances so now we have to check," he told us.

"Shit, look can't we skip it this once? I assure you it's nothing like that in there," Brie pleaded with the man.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If a doctor signed off on it, we could skip it."

"That's it!" Brie exclaimed happily looking around. Luckily a doctor was just walking by. She was a blonde with wavy, long hair, a good figure, wearing a tight dress and nylons with sensible heels. "Excuse me, doctor! Can I have a word?" Brie shouted out to her.

"Sure how can I help?" she asked in a lovely voice as she approached us.

"So I packed my man's bag and I'd rather no one go through it," Brie explained to her looking at her name tag. "Ah, Doctor Nora."

Doctor Nora gave her a puzzled look. "Well if it's nothing bad why would you mind if we search it?" Brie blushed a little before waving her over, they took a few steps away. Brie explained something to her quietly, Doctor Nora giving her a puzzled and confessed look. "Seriously? How much did that-." she started before Brie shushed her. Brie continued to talk quietly to her, then looked over at me, then at her. "He's a little old for you, don't you think?"

"Don't care, I love him just the same," Brie told her with a caring smile.

Doctor Nora made a thinking face as she took a deep breath. "And you promise me that's all that's in there?"

Brie nodded her head at her. "I promise. If it's not you can come and get me yourself," she replied positively about whatever they were talking about.

Doctor Nora raised an eyebrow as she took another deep breath, before shrugging at her. "Alright that's fine," she spoke finally.

"YES!" Brie jumped up happily before rushing over to me, giving me a hard hug.

"Alright Chuck, I'll sign off on not needing to search his bag," Doctor Nora told him. Papers were signed between the doctor, myself, and Brie before I had to say goodbye to her and hand over my effects. I handed them my phone, which they turned off before putting it in a bag with my wallet. I took the chain with the wedding ring off from around my neck, I turned and put it around Brie's neck. She knew what it meant to me, but they wouldn't let me keep it while I was there. She gripped it and smiled sadly at me, understanding that she needed to keep it safe.

Brie was on the verge of tears but held it together for me, I hugged her tightly, picking her up slightly. Brie turned and we kissed deeply in front of everyone. "It's just a few weeks," she whispered more to herself than me but I nodded into her neck. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Brie, my Brie. I'll see you on the other side," I whispered back sharing another kiss with her before we parted ways. The next few hours went by in a flash. I was shown my room, where I dropped off my bag, changed into the clothes they gave me, sat in a group therapy session with Doctor Nora before she took me to a one-on-one session.

Her office was nice, there was the classic lounger chair, but also two armchairs that could be facing each other or the lounger. She had a good-sized desk with several diplomas on the walls.

"Where should I sit?" I asked entering the office.

"Where do you want to sit, we can do the traditional thing or face to face," she told me, sitting in one of the armchairs.

I shrugged and sat down opposite of her in the armchair. "So how does this work?" I inquired looking around.

"Well tell me about yourself and why you drink," Doctor Nora stated as she had a pen and a notepad. I sighed and started to explain what had happened to me, being an orphan, meeting Lisa, her death. "That's horrible, I'm so sorry," Nora told me sincerely.

"Thank you, even though it was years ago it still hurts," I told her shaking my head.

"Losing a loved one, at all, is hard. Whether it takes years or seconds, no one is blaming you for that," she explained to me writing things down.

"I know, or maybe I don't. I was just so lost without her, she like saved me, you know?"

Nora nodded before looking into my eyes. "Well it looks like you've found someone new," she stated with a smile.

"Well, to be fair we've known each other for a long time, she came out here to save me from myself," I explained to her, wondering how much I could tell her.

"Wow, that's surprising. She looks very young," Nora commented, giving me a look. I just shrugged at her. "Alright, we can talk about something else for right now. I take it that she is a positive in your life and we'll leave it that for the moment." Nora and I continued to talk for a while. I was warned about what was going to happen to me while I detoxed. Nora introduced me to the physician on call, an older man by the name of Walter. He was nice and stayed on the property, on-call all the time except for when he golfs on Wednesdays.

They suggested I take my dinner in my room before meeting everyone else here currently. There was a laptop, bolted to the desk, in my room. I had some internet access mainly for news and email. I sent Brie an email saying I got settled in and had my first session. I got an immediate response.

God, I miss you already- There was a teary-eyed Brie attached to the email. It broke my heart a little but it continued.

Even though I'm sad I know this for the best. Focus on getting better and enjoy your surprise. ;p Love you, see you in a few weeks.

Under her sign-off was a topless picture of her and I felt my loins stir looking at her. Fuck I missed her already and I went to open the suitcase but a nurse came by with my dinner. I forgot about it for a while as I ate. Nora suggested keeping a journal while I was here, thoughts, ideas, whatever was on my mind. I started writing random things, my thoughts on life, on Brie, why I drink. I didn't realize how late it had gotten, I left the plate outside my door and remembered the suitcase.

I hauled the heavy-ass thing onto the bed and opened it. One side had clothes with the odds and ends Brie had packed for me. The other side was zipped up, a note taped on it.

Read me! I'm cute!

Was on the outside, I chuckled before grabbed it and opened it.

Hey, sexy,

So I was thinking about you being here and missing me and my pussy. So I got you this! Open it now, before continuing!

What had she done, I wondered as I unzipped the side. Packed in foam was a sex doll, well most of one I guess. It was the torso of a doll, no arms, part of a neck, but two large fake breasts, part of the legs, down to mid-thigh, and what looked like a full pussy with the little heart on the mound. I was floored as even the nipples of the doll were pierced with barbells with hearts on the ends of them.

As you can see it looks a lot like me, right? I'm hot aren't I? Lol. But you don't have to wonder, it is me. This doll was specially made for you. The day I was out with Alex was the day they cast this for me. They made this for you at a bit of a discount as I allowed them to make some more for special edition dolls. I left the care instructions with it and a large bottle of the lube you'll need to enjoy it. It's heavy because it's quality made, and there's a working cunt and asshole for your pleasure.

"Fucking hell," I said aloud as I looked the doll over. I couldn't help myself as I reached out and grabbed one of the tits and squeezed it. It was soft and felt good, but it just wasn't right, not bad just different. There was more on the note.

I also snuck you in a digital camera, so I want some pics and a video of you enjoying yourself. ;p I hope this keeps you occupied while I can't be there. Love you!

PS Alex wants to make a doll for you too and watch you fuck it.

I couldn't help but laugh loudly as I finished the note. Goddamn, she went and had this made for me, Brie was incredible. I pulled the doll out of the foam, it was heavy but soft. I found the instructions which included the care details as well. I could be rough, but no fire or biting the doll, keep it out of direct sunlight, wash with soap and hot water. I was suddenly grateful that I had a private room and bathroom attached. I could only use water-based lube products, which Brie supplied me the biggest bottle I had seen at the bottom. In a plastic bag was the camera, it was decent but had a huge SD card in it.

I took a picture of me making a face at the lens. I took a couple more pictures of the doll on the bed, me squeezing the tits and one with my finger up the pussy. It had ridges and bumps, probably to stimulate my cock. That was intriguing, I put the camera off to the side as my curiosity got the better of me. I took the lube out, skirting some on/in the doll's pussy, I stripped down before putting some lube on my cock. Stroking myself to get hard, I thought about Brie's naked body. Needless to say, I got hard in no time at all.

I ignored the silliness but took a deep breath as I shoved my cock into the fake cunt. It was different, that was for sure but still felt good. I pressed fully inside, feeling the fake breasts press into my chest. I imagined it was Brie under me as I started to pump my cock in and out of the fake pussy. The lube started to heat up with my effort, and it was rather exciting. I pumped the pussy, starting to breathe heavily with effort as I fucked the doll.

Oh, Daddy! I heard Brie's voice in my head. Oh, give me that cock Daddy!

"Fuck," I whispered as I was getting into this. I grunted as I started to fuck my Brie doll hard. I can't believe she did this, and that I was so hard for the fake doll. I got an idea and pulled out, flipping the doll around so I was fucking it from behind. I leaned it down so I didn't have to hold it up too much. I got so excited with the doll that I slapped the soft ass cheek. Gripping and squeezing the cheek before I started to cum unexpectedly. My orgasm hit me out of nowhere and I shooting my seed into the fake cunt forcefully. Draining my balls in the doll before I stopped.

Flopping down on the bed, the doll discarded next to me. It wasn't the same as being with Brie, but not a bad second. I rested, enjoying the bliss for a bit, before getting up to clean the mess I'd made. Once everything was cleaned up, set the doll back in the case and went to bed. I would have to thank Brie properly when I get home.

It was the next few days that were rough for me as I started to detox. Shaking, sweating, irritable, so on. The doctors had to keep an eye on me, but I recovered, even though going cold turkey sucked ass. Once I was better Doctor Nora pulled me into another session.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me, this time I was laying down as my head still hurt.

"Rough but better," I told her.

"Well congratulations, this is the first day of the rest of your life," she told me with a nice smile. "So I want to go back and talk about Brie."

I sighed, I knew this was going to happen. "So you can't tell anyone else what I am about to tell you right? Confidentiality and whatnot, right?" I asked, looking over to her.

Doctor Nora nodded her head. "Of course, only if you told me you were planning on hurting yourself or someone else. Even then I could only tell them that you were planning to harm them. So whatever you have to say will stay between us," she finished explaining.

I took a deep breath before nodding to her. "So, I guess I should tell you when it all started," I explained to Doctor Nora all about Brie and Lisa, our time together, the hospital, everything. Nora was surprised, to say the least, she wrote down everything as I spilled about our relationship.

"Wow," Doctor Nora stated when I finished telling her the story.

"So how fucked am I?" I asked her trying to sound joking but not really.

Nora reviewed her notes and thought for a few minutes before speaking again. "Well, she's a positive in your life. She doesn't make you want to abuse alcohol, correct?"

"Yes, actually the opposite in fact," I replied. "She makes me want to be better."

Nora tapped the notepad with her pen a few times. "I suppose it's not the worst thing," she stated finally. "It's not exactly proper, but we are moving forward as a society. If two people love and care for each other, who am I to judge?"

"Isn't that like your whole job to judge people?" I asked chuckling.

"Spoken like someone who's never been to counseling before," she shot back with a chuckle. We spent the rest of the session talking about what might be my plans for the future. After that, I sort of got into a pattern while I was there. I attended the group and one-on-one therapy, opening up more about what led me to drink. I'd work out after lunch, hang out with the others around and after dinner, and fuck my Brie doll at night. I recorded a couple of videos for Brie, but I didn't want to send them, I was worried that they might be motoring the laptops. A few dirty pictures of Brie were the last thing I was worried about.

The first two or three weeks were long, Brie and I spoke briefly over the phone. She was busy with classes and figuring out school, plus meeting new friends and studying. It was the fourth week when we could finally chat for a bit. I waited with the phone in my room for seven to roll around. I was writing in the journal still when it rang, I scrambled to get the phone, I almost threw it on the floor.

"Hey, hello?" I asked after answering the call.

"Hey babe," Brie called out excitedly. "How are you doing?"

"I'm getting better, just missing you," I told her.

"Aww I miss you too babe, it's lonely in bed without you," Brie told me her voice getting husky. "I mean vibes only get you so far."

"Well, your surprise has been keeping me entertained at night," I told her with a chuckle.

Brie giggled with me. "Well I was hoping we could talk through it tonight," she told me. "I'm wearing just a t-shirt and my hand is creeping up my stomach. God, I wish it was your hand," she told me with a little moan.

I felt my cock grow in my sweat pants. "I wish it was too, I want to feel your breasts in my hands."

"Yes," she hissed. "I'm getting wet just thinking about you baby," she moaned to me.

"Well, I'm getting hard talking about it."

"Mmmm, grab your cock," she told me.

I slipped my hand down the sweat pants and took a hold of my cock. "Get me hard Brie," I whispered into the phone.

"Aww does Daddy miss me, does he miss me sucking his big fat cock?" she moaned to me.

"God yes," I started rubbing my cock.

"Daddy do you miss my sweet pussy, because I miss you licking and sucking it." I groaned as she kept talking. "Your tongue running all over my silt, teasing my clit, oh Daddy I have a hand on my cunt for you."

"Oh Brie, I want to lick your pussy again so badly," I told her starting to stroke my cock more.

"Fuck Daddy, I want that too," Brie whispered. "Wait let me find a good toy." I heard her rummage around for a minute. "Ok, here we go," there was buzzing in the background. "Oh!" She yelped before growling lowly. "That's better," she moaned to me.

"What do you have?" I asked, slowing down a little.

"A pocket rocket, it's a buzzing little vibe I put on my clit," she told me, her excitement flooding her voice.

"Sounds fun," I told her speeding back up.

"Oh, it is, but not as good as your cock Daddy, oh god." She took a deep breath. "Fuck I miss your cock. We won't leave the parking lot without you fucking me."

I was stroking faster now, her voice was getting me. "Fuck Brie, I'm going to cum soon if you keep that up."

"Oh yes Daddy, I want to hear you cum. Do you want to hear me cum, because I'm so close Daddy?"

I started to pant as the pleasure was reaching its peak. "Brie."

"Yes, Daddy?"

"Cum for me," I growled at her.

"OH YES, DADDY!" She cried out as her orgasm hit her hard. I grunted as I started to cum in my pants. Firing several blasts of my seed into the underwear, like our first time again. We both moaned and groaned together, phone sex was an interesting high to achieve. Brie and I were quiet as we both recovered over the phone. "Mmmm that was what I needed Daddy," she told me finally.

"Me too Brie, I love you," I replied to her.

"I love you too Dex, I'll see you soon." She ended the call, I'm guessing she was going to nap. I needed to clean up my mess anyway. Thankfully we do our own laundry while I was here. I went to bed not too long after that, not needing my Brie doll tonight as I had already cum.

The next two weeks passed by at either a slow crawl or a furious pace. At the end of the week, I got my thirty-day chip as AA sponsors were here with the meetings. Doctor Nora helped me realize that losing Lisa wasn't my fault and that I deserved to be happy. She still wasn't thrilled about my relationship with Brie, but I assured her that it was for the best. I got a clean bill of health from Doctor Walter and Nora was happy with my progress.

The day came when it was time to go home. Brie was early and waiting for me at reception as I carried my stuff up to the front. She wore a light sundress with a short skirt, it was dark red with white hearts across it, white nylons on her legs, and flats on her feet. Once she saw me, she ran up to me and gave me a huge hug, she was crying a little, her purse swung around on her shoulder.