Black Screen Pt. 03


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God, why did I have to make so much fucking noise!

The door handle never looked more tempting and the road never looked like a softer place to fall on. Anne felt like she could just jump out and roll to her death and be better off for it.

Was this what all her car journeys were going to be like now?

"Not that I'm complaining about my own sex life of course." Liza continued. "Let me just tell you, your step brother..." She hissed through her teeth, like she had just burned herself. "Damn that boy knows how tofuck!"

Liza laughed while ignoring Anne sinking even deeper into her seat. She didn't want to hear this at all.

"So I meet him at the party and he comes up to me all like,'Hey, you doing anything after this?' so I say,'No, you?' and then he, like, shrugs and goes,'Me? Yeah sure why not, I'll get my coat.' and I just start pissing myself laughing!" The blonde giggled as if to recall the laughter. "Do you get it? Because it sounded like I was asking him if I could do him afterwards."

Of course I fucking get it.

Anne could barely hold back her cringe at the awful line her step brother had used. What was he even planning to do if she had just answered with anything else? Walk away awkwardly?

She continued.

"So he grabs his coat and I grab mine and we go back to his place... Or your place I guess! I've always thought he was kind of cute but I'd been dating Freddie until a few months ago, do you know Freddie? Good, it's best not to know him, he's an asshole. He cheated on me with that slut Emma so fuck him and fuck her. But anyway, yeah I thought Brad was kind of cute but I never really talked to him before so I never really, like, thought much of it until I saw him at that party. I didn't know he was coming but I spotted him over by the drinks and me and my friend Christine started fawning over how hot he was because you know he's really hot but yeah eventually we had to go to dance so I didn't see him for a while and I went to talk to other people anyway so it didn't go anywhere and I don't think he saw me anyway. So yeah, the party was pretty shit and Emma showed up and me and her hate each other since she fucked Freddie so I kind of like wanted to get out of there and Brad kept giving me the eye all night. You know the eye? The look you give someone when you want to fuck you know what I mean? Yeah well he was giving me the eye and I was like slyly smiling at him every now and then but trying to play it like I was interested in Michael Reeds, the guy with the beard you know? He's kind of cute but I was just more interested in your brother so I was trying to bait him into coming over; crossing my legs, pushing out my cleavage, you know girl tactics! So eventually he comes over and drops that line and I'm like super happy and just eager to get the fuck out of there because it was a bit dead anyway. So we get in the taxi and go back to yours, did I tell you that you guys have a beautiful house by the way? Absolutely gorgeous! I love it! So we get in the taxi and make out on the way to yours, it was quite far so the taxi driver got a good earful of us, like, full on making out in the back of his car! I had to leave him a big tip because I feltso bad but he probably sees worse than that all the time right? Anyway I didn't feel too bad because I was SO horny and I just needed to get up to your brother's room and FUCK you know? So I don't even know how much I ended up paying him before we went inside."

Kill me.

It had been a long day for Anne; she had been humiliated by her step brother, forced to do shameful things in the toilets, nearly caught acting like a slut in class, and it all felt like just the tip of the iceberg. All signs suggested that it was just the beginning of the worst month of her life and all she could think was one thing over and over...

There was no way it can get worse than listening to this shit.

"So the two of us FINALLY get in his house and he doesn't even wait for the door to close he just starts ripping off my clothes like an animal."

Oh no, don't make me hear this.

"He's, like, pulling down my skirt, yanking at my top, grabbing my skin so tight you could see his hand prints; it was hot! He undid my bra in one move you know? Normally guys struggle, he did that swift little flick that they always attempt to do. I was well impressed!"

Adam always struggled with her bra strap now she thought about it, but it was still hardly impressive to do it with hand; her boyfriend was just clumsy.

"Anyway, he drags me up the stairs and hurls me onto his bed. I've alwaysloved it when a man takes charge and throws me around in the bedroom, just acting a bit rough, you know? So I'm on the bed all flustered and loving it and Brad starts taking off his own clothes in front of me-"

Please stop...

"He pulls off his top and I can't stop looking at his abs! His abs are ridiculous I swear, I was in awe!"


"Then he drops his pants and his cock just fucking jumps out, no word of a lie!"

For fuck sake, stop!

"And I'm not even joking, my jaw dropped! He. Is. HUGE!"

Anne whined into her gag. If there was the one thing she didn't need to know today it was how big Brad's dick was.

Liza looked over at her, seemingly realising that she was talking about her passenger's step brother.

"Oh sorry! Guess you probably don't want to hear about all this huh?"

Anne shook her head. She definitely did not.

"Then I'll say no more! I just leave it with one thing. We went 4 times! There, that's it! I won't say another word!"

Anne rolled her eyes in disgust. It would be a miracle if Liza truly didn't say another word, but she wasn't that lucky.

She gazed out at the passing world, afternoon life fleeting past her window as the car whizzed by. They were nearly there, Anne would be out of this hell car soon, then she'd have to face whatever torture her blackmailer had in store for her and ride the night out until bed.

Anne shivered. She was just trading one hell for another.

Was there going to be an end? Was there going to be any escape?

Her blackmailer must have other commitments. Whatever torment he put her through this month it wouldn't be consistent, there would be gaps where she could have a breather and pull herself back together. Just a few hours a day would do to keep her sanity.

She desperately needed the gaps, because with every task she could sense her mind unravelling, almost losing touch with reality.

Her blackmailer was slowly normalising this lifestyle and she could feel it in her head. Right now she was gagged with thong while in a car with another person and she was getting used to it! It didn't even feel wrong anymore!

Anne was terrified. She didn't know what was happening to her and she didn't know how to stop it; she was losing control.

Some part of her, some small, slight, tiny, little crevice in her brain was hungry for more. It wanted her to get home, it wanted her to be given more tasks, itwanted to see how far she could be pushed. It was the little black demon in her soul and Anne could barely quiet its voice anymore, screaming for the nightmare to continue.

The nightmare would continue regardless, but she was ashamed. Ashamed that any part of her could consent in any way to this torment and ashamed that it would ask for seconds.

Anne was disgusted with herself. She was weak. She was weak and twisted and sick in the head and maybe she deserved all of this. Maybe she deserved everything she was getting.

Maybe she should just-

"Would you ever get your nipples pierced?"

The question came out of nowhere and took Anne completely off guard. It dragged her thoughts away from her dark shame and washed her mind with confusion.

It took a few moments for Anne to even understand what she was being asked.

Liza was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer. She almost forgot she couldn't speak.

Anne shook her head.

"No? Yeah fair enough, I don't blame you. Katy just got hers done and I think they look really cute that's all. I've been considering getting mine pierced."

A memory came to her of the video she watched last night, just before her life was changed forever. The submissive girl in the sex scene she was watching, she had her nipples pierced.

Anne supposed they looked somewhat pretty, but it wasn't something she could get her head around someone doing to themselves. To her it just seemed like a perversion of the female body, an alteration to something that shouldn't be altered.

She definitely would never consider such a thing.

Liza continued.

"Honestly though, I think piercings look better on smaller boobs. I think mine might be a bit too big, you know?"

The blonde's breasts weren't huge but they were sizable. Anne reckoned Liza was at least a cup size larger than she was, probably size D at the smallest, but her skinny waist made them seem much more impressive in proportion to her figure. To Anne, Liza's body was perfect.

How could any guy resist someone like her?

"I think yours would be perfect for them actually." The blonde blurted out. "How big are you? 32C?"


Liza interrupted her before she could even respond.

"No wait! Don't tell me! I have a talent for always knowing someone's bra size from a quick feel."

Anne frowned. What did she mean by-

Before she could respond, Liza reached over and grabbed her tit, keeping one hand on the wheel.

Anne froze.

She was being groped!

Liza gave her breast a quick squeeze and grinned. "Hey you're not wearing a bra!"

Oh god no not this!

With all the drama the day had brought, Anne had completely forgotten she had been forbidden a bra. This was not how she wanted to be reminded of that fact.

The blonde gave her another squeeze and giggled. "I never would have expected you were walking around school without a bra! Do you do that often?"

With the gag in her mouth she had no option to come up with any excuse. All she could do was shake her head and pray for this to stop.

Anne tried to grab Liza's wrist and pull her hand away but her molester swatted her hand away.

"Hold on, I'm just trying to quickly guess what size you are." Liza kneaded Anne's breasts, almost sensually. She was now red from head to toe. "Let's see... 30 C?"

Anne quickly nodded. That was correct.

Liza let go of her tit and Anne breathed a sigh of relief. She felt violated.

What made this bitch think it was okay to just start groping her?!

"I wish I could not wear a bra to school sometimes." Her driver was thankfully paying attention to the road now instead of her, though she kept talking anyway. "But I always worry that it will be really obvious and people will think I'm a slut. I guess that doesn't bother you though."

The idea hadn't even crossed Anne's mind. A slut? Plenty of girls preferred not to wear bras, it was hardly groundbreaking.

I mean sure, if a girl with bigger boobs walks around with no bra sometimes I get quite judgemental and assume they are looking for attention but me? I'm not exactly drawing attention to them.

Was it that big a deal not to wear a bra?

"I guess it's not really that important." Liza added, as if reading her mind. "I'm probably just too self-conscious about it and I'm projecting onto you. I think you look great!"

Anne was feeling much more self-conscious herself now. She began to wonder how obvious her state of undress was, did people notice her tits bouncing under her jumper?

No, there was no way. The layers were thick and she dressed very carefully this morning to avoid this exact problem. No one would notice unless they felt for it.

Which someone had.

The car turned the corner; they were finally on her road.

"Wow, so no bra? I never would have guessed." Liza giggled, now looking at her intently. "Who knows what else you're hiding! Maybe I should check to see if you're wearing any panties."

Anne squirmed. The rough material of her jeans was still having an uncomfortable effect on her bare pussy.

Come on! Nearly home!

"I'm starting to think you're more of a bad girl than I originally thought."

Just because I'm not wearing a bra!?

Anne could see her house.

"You should definitely come out with me and the girls one night! That would be so fun!"

She smiled politely in response, unable to voice any immediate excuse.

"Oooh! How about this weekend!"

Oh no.

Anne shook her head, frantically. There was nothing in this world she would rather do less.

"Oh come on, you can use a small break Miss Workaholic! No shaking your head, I'm not taking no for an answer!"

No! Take no for an answer damn it!

All Anne could think about was how she was going to get out of this as the car pulled up outside her house. There was no way she was going out with fucking Liza and her "girls"! No way in hell!

"I'll let you know when and where later in the week." The blonde chirped on, oblivious. "But I'm sure everyone will be down so pick out something nice to wear! We're going to have a blast!"

No we will not!

The car came to a stop and Anne practically leapt out the door. She was home! She was finally home!

She turned back to Liza to thank her for the lift but found herself unable. How do you thank someone without speaking?

Anne smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

Oh Jesus, this looks awkward!

"Hey, how come you haven't been speaking at all?" Liza finally asked.

Anne cursed. She had made it so far, to fall now at the final hurdle was cruel.

At the beginning it seemed nearly impossible that she was going to survive this journey without being put in a position where she had to speak. It was almost too good to be true that Liza hadn't asked a single thing that couldn't be answered with gestures alone... until now.

What was she going to do? Should she run away and just be rude?

She looked down at her driver, noticing the worried frown on her perfect face. Was she actually concerned?

Anne covered her mouth with her hand and spoke.

Her voice was ridiculous.

"Yeah, sowwy I jast cut ma tongue in lessan and put ah plaster on it so speakin' is hard."

Liza raised her eyebrows, confused. "I never saw you go to the bathroom during lesson. When did this happen?"

She wasn't buying it. Anne started to panic. What if she told everyone about this!

"Near da end. You must 'av missed me."

Liza eyed her up for a moment, contemplating how believable this story was. Anne could feel herself sweating again.

Please let it go! Please let it go! Please, please, please!

Eventually the blonde shrugged, accepting it without further question.

"Aww! Well I hope you get better soon! I'll see you tomorrow honey!"

Oh thank god!

Anne waved back at her as the pink monstrosity pulled away and drove off into the distance.

She didn't feel safe to drop her arm until it vanished round the bend and off to wherever people like her go on Monday afternoons.

Anne slumped her shoulders and felt all the tension leave her body.

It was over.

It had been a horrible trip, but considering the circumstances this might have been the best possible outcome, groping and all.

She turned to the looming presence of the building she used to think of as home.

What awaits me in there...

The sudden buzz of her phone didn't even surprise her, it was expected now.

Anne sighed. What did he want now? Couldn't he even wait for her to get to her room?

She was already heading towards the house as she opened her messages.

It was from him. Of course it was. There was another text from Adam asking where she was but she ignored it and clicked on her master's chat.

Master:I assume you made it home safely. Don't be so quick to get inside though. None of your clothes are going to go past your doorstep.

Wait, what?

Strip outside and leave everything there, you won't need them for the next few hours.

Don't be slow. I'll know if you're stalling.

Finishing the message, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Anne was exhausted.

Completely and utterly exhausted.

She had already been on the verge of exposure so much today and the hits just kept coming, it was draining her completely.

First it was the outfit.

Then it was the whole saga in the toilets.

Andthen it was taking off her damn thong mid-lesson.

Was this ever going to stop? Was she ever going to get a break? She had barely escaped the gagged car ride with Liza and she didn't even have 10 seconds before something worse came along.

There was barely any fight left in her, Anne already knew she had no chance in escaping this.

Oh my god! It's fucking daylight! Anyone can see me!

She typed out her response as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Yes sir.

Just one more task. She can do it... Just one more...

Anne wiped away the tear as she pressed send and kept walking.

Just one more.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Unless the writer changes it after reading this comment everything points to Liza.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Fantastic ideas ...

make for a really exciting emotional roller coaster.

My odds for Black Screen persons are: 60c on Mr Dickinson (math teacher, has a motivation to spy on both Anne, to prove his cheating suspicion, and his teacher college Owen, might have a crush on her or suspect her to have helped Anne) 20c on Liz (girls competition, to get Brad, help him in revenge on his step sister, make him rich by getting her disinherited; revenge on teacher that doesn't like her) and for the generic, thus unlikely candidates 15c on Brad and 5c on the creepy, slimy neighbor across the street) - no motive for spying on Ms Owens; though maybe future chapters might offer one for Brad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Anyone wanna have a crack at writing chapter 4 of this. Need to hear more of this story and it looks like the original author has abandoned it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Very good start

I definitely would like to read more on what happens to her like the leading up to the teacher desk are maybe both teachers desk i can picture the start under his desk and under the lady's desk to and i also would like to know who is in charge of this i think its the brother and his girlfriend working together!

superangel101superangel101about 5 years ago
We need an update... it's been almost a year!!

This story isn't over.... let's get it done. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
New chapter please!!

I check this story every week to see if there's been an update and nothing. It was so good! Please post again!

FudgeBunnyFudgeBunnyover 5 years ago
New chapter?

When will the new chapter be out? It’s been months!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story

Really like it when you chance POV - especially Mr Wheelers description of Annes naked and handcuffed treasury hunt :)

Hope we get have more of that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Please more.

Please continue this wonderful story. One of the best all time in this category! I will beg if i have to!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
There must be more....amazing!

This is fantastic.....get back to work....your fans need you!

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