Blood Servant Pt. 03


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Katrina frowned, "Maybe, but it's a different time. They're used to unageing vampires, and they also know it is an illusion of immortality. We live a lot longer before death catches us, but eventually we tire of life and die, or are taken down. Vampires aren't the same shock they were to the ancient clans, and neither are shifters which are an acknowledged and respected race.

"I think those things drove the escalation to war in the past, more than anything else. They thought of vampires and shifters as abominations, almost religiously. The world is different now, and I believe with assurances in place they won't be all that fussed by it. It's also the western philosophy of live and let live. Given today's society of acceptance that will aid us as well."

Those were really good points.

Regina giggled, "Your wisdom is making Greg a hot mess back here."

Well... she wasn't wrong, my Katrina was sexy as hell when she took charge, and she showed her thoughtful and insightful wisdom free of fear. Of course, I was sure she was also building endless contingency plans just in case she was proved wrong, and fear did rule the response of the western and European clans.

Alexa smirked at me over the seat, then nodded at Katrina, "Perhaps, but the bond control thing will scare them."

Katrina said, "Maybe, but they're used to that too, in us."

Alexa sighed, "Fine, maybe I'm just feeling really overprotective of our Greg right now."

Katrina grinned, "Me too, but I've also been putting a lot of thought into it before tonight. Long range plans for acceptance, and us keeping it a secret might just backfire when the truth does come out. They'd suspect something, because we hid it."

Alexa nodded, "One last thing, you may want to talk to Dakota before you risk their secrets. They seem pretty intent on keeping the supernatural world in general in the dark about their body affinity mage elder council of seven."

Katrina replied, "Good point, and I will. I suspect she'll just tell us to not tell their story, but to stick to the facts about Greg. Which will make things harder."

Regina tilted her head, "How so?"

Katrina answered, "Greg will be an unknown quantity of sorts, with a mage affinity that had a dark past. It'd be nice if we could point out the Native Americans, who've had a peaceful and respectful toward nature council of seven for five thousand years. That they also built up two clans of thousands of shifters peacefully over that time. That... says a lot, that the power isn't a problem, it's dark ambition and the human soul that dictates conflict. That his magic isn't intrinsically evil."

Katrina shrugged, "But the other arguments are strong as well, and we'll get it done."

Cassidy changed the subject, "We could get home late this afternoon if I drive, and you all nap. Staying up will also put me back on a normal schedule, and you'd all be back at the club tonight."

Katrina asked, "In a hurry?"

Cassidy shrugged, "I suppose one more day won't hurt, but it's been two weeks since your clan has seen you and your inner circle. That long since I've seen the pack as well. Also, a little safer than spending the day just a two-hour drive away from Song and Miyashita in New York. Sure, they may be too beat up, small, and low on numbers for an attack to be likely, but why risk it."

Regina said, "Miyashita's been pretty quiet since we got them down to ten mages, they haven't done anything the two days we've been in their territory."

Alexa replied, "It's a point, but that might be because they'd hoped Jia would kill us, so they deferred the risk. With Jia's failure I wouldn't put it past Kaori to send one or two more on an assassination mission. They may have been tracking us too and know exactly where we are. It won't do to forget she has two weeks left to hunt us before responding to Dakota's ultimatum and judgement."

Katrina nodded, "Alright, we'll switch spots when we get gas, at least two hours south of New York. Several small reasons, but they all add up, and the clan has been a little nervous with us gone for just over two weeks. Three days on the run, a week at Dakota's, then four days to take down Jia."

Regina giggled, "The only downside to the plan is that one round with Greg for each of us that we won't be getting."

I teased her leg with fingertips. I could always provide a little relief that way.

Chapter Nine

The loud and drumming base went through me at the club later that night. It was maybe ten in the evening and I was relaxing in the VIP section. It was a little weird not having Cassidy near, I'd gotten used to having her presence at my side all the time the last two weeks since we'd gone on the run. Two weeks, it felt a lot longer than that for some reason.

There'd been several nice surprises when we got home earlier that day. The first of course was the custom bed Katrina had ordered, which was a monstrosity about twice as wide as a king-sized bed, to easily accommodate the five of us at once. That would change things, no more splitting off into two rooms, and I'd sleep in the same bed as all my mates every day. Of course, Cassidy would be on opposite shifts again, but nothing was perfect.

When I loved them, I'd always have an audience, though they still planned to have one on one time every morning before sleeping the day, enough time for a private round or two before the other three joined. That was all in their hands though, and not something I even had to worry about.

The second surprise was the shower had been enlarged to easily accommodate us all. The whirlpool tub in the master suite on the fifth floor had already been able to accommodate four or five rather easily if intimately, so hadn't been changed.

The third thing was Alexa's and Regina's old blood servants had already been mind-fucked and released back into the world with a reasonable reason for their extended absence. They'd both had Calina do it apparently, once I'd seduced them into being mine to care for.

Last, but certainly not least, the two rooms that Katrina had left unfinished had become a nursery and playroom for the babies that were coming. It was a sobering thing, that made it even more real to me, and I was looking forward to it. I also suspected Regina's suite would become a part of ours, with her living in our room now, so there'd be places to put in bedrooms when they were older.

It also felt like home to me, like we'd all come home. Not just the room and the mansion, but the club as well.

If anything, Cassidy had underestimated just how much the clan had missed its mistress, second, and third in command. Which was why I was hanging with Brett and Jason, the two guys who were willing blood servants for the next year, as payment for healing and so they'd have a long life.

I wondered if they had any idea of their mistress's true hopes there, that they'd fall in love over that year and wind up staying for that full lifetime, but I was keeping that close to the vest. I had no idea what they knew or not, or if they were perceptive enough to see how they longed for love and how starved of affection their gorgeous and hot vampire mistresses were. Whatever the case, it wasn't my business, and they sure as hell didn't need my help.

Brett had brown hair and hazel eyes, Jason a light blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both in their early twenties and looked fit, with medium toned builds.

Back to the point, before I went off on that tangent. Cassidy had underestimated how much the clan missed my mates, which was why I was hanging with those guys. The three of them were at three different tables, and all of them meeting with two or three of their vampires at once. All of the hot vampires wanted their time with their returning leadership, and given the time spent with each one I suspected my mates would be busy with that for the rest of the night to get through all thirty of them.

Hell, even the six vampires that were off tonight, had come to the club to get in on that.

Not a big deal, and also not much of a surprise. There were always one or two seeking audience with them normally, so it didn't impact the night so greatly. But that night after two weeks I think they all needed time with Katrina, Regina, and Alexa to be reassured things were going well. Things would probably go back to normal tomorrow, and we'd all be sitting together and going out on the dance floor.

But that first night was unique. It also amused me to keep count of how many times my mates' eyes looked for me. In just two hours Alexa had looked twenty times, Regina fourteen, and Katrina thirteen. They were missing me and each other two, I think. Of course, I was no better, I was almost always looking one of their ways, not to mention checking out the hot vampires visiting.

Brett got my attention, "You've been with them how long?"

I looked up in thought, "Almost two months now." Just a few days short of that.

He waved a hand, "Is it always like this?"

I frowned, "Be more specific, is what always like this?"

Brett said, "Umm, cultish?"

I laughed, "No. It's like the vampire version of a welcome home party. They missed their leadership with them being gone for two weeks. It'll go back to normal tomorrow, I'd expect. They usually sit all together, with me, and we dance often. Which ones are yours?"

Brett said, "Marina."

Jason replied, "Darya. Did they save you from an early death?"

I recognized the names, both of them smoking hot medium brunettes, Marina with a slight cast of red in it, and Darya's a slight cast of blonde. They were also both on the lithe and tall side if I remembered right, closer to my Alexa in body type.

I nodded, "Not in the same way as you two, but yes. If Mistress Katrina hadn't taken me then my life would've been forfeit."

Jason asked, "Did you handle the shock well? Sometimes I still think I've slipped into a coma, and Darya is just a figment of my imagination."

I chuckled, "I totally get that, but no. I'm actually a mage, so the supernatural world wasn't a surprise or shock to me. Although, how wonderful Katrina is was somewhat of a very nice surprise. This vampire clan is unique in our world, I think."

Mostly thanks to me killing off the last asshole in charge.

Brett snorted, "Bullshit."

I laughed, and then barked a single word. A string of flames danced subtly across the table, like a slithering snake.

Both of them turned white in the face, which was quite a trick with Brett's darker tanned skin.

"Sorry, didn't mean to shock you. Did you not know about mages and shifters yet?"

Jason barked a belated laugh, "No... it's fine. Just... different when witnessed in person. They told us about the clans and types."

Brett shook his head, "I'll get used to it I suppose. It helps that Marina is pure magic."

I chuckled, and I just bet it did. Sure, it was a bit shallow, but hot nymphomaniac vampires with decades of fucking experience, that demanded sex at least twice a day, and who put most models to shame, could make up for a lot of bullshit.

At least, in the beginning. Like anything else the shallow lust would sour over time, without a deeper love and emotional base to feed and support it. The magic bond would also help with that. Still, it gave me a little more insight into the issues. The two men would need to fully accept the supernatural before real progress could be made in forming true relationships to their vampires, but a year was more than long enough. I suspected Marina and Darya wouldn't have any trouble reeling them in though, when it was all said and done.

If they wanted to, of course.

We talked for a little longer, until their ladies finished the rounds at all three tables, which took almost an hour. Then they were on the dancefloor and I was bored. I paced my drinking to keep an extremely light and relaxed buzz and no more than that. I wasn't upset though, and I understood the need. My ladies were important, and they were my mistresses, the ones I served, and in love with them or not, their mate or not, I had to share them with the clan. I wouldn't and didn't have to be first all the time.

It was probably right around one in the morning when the visiting vampires petered off, and they'd seen all thirty of them including Calina who went last with all of them at the same table. Perhaps for a deeper and more complete report of what went on for the last two weeks while we were gone.

We spent the last hour the club was open on the dance floor.

That night was our first official fivesome as well, as we got home around four in the morning after cleaning up and prepping the club for the next night. I sated Katrina first, while a just woken up Cassidy Jilled herself, and Regina and Alexa sloppily kissed each other and necked while orgasming on each other's furiously fucking fingers, to get each other ready for me.

After that, I had a two-stage threesome to sate Regina and Alexa, then last but not least I possessively ravished and claimed my sexy fox before she went on duty at dawn. My three ladies were asleep, and I found myself at dinner an hour later chatting with Jason and Brett who just might become good friends once their minds caught up to things.

They were really creeped out by the other twenty-eight locked down and silent blood servants, but they knew the score there and that they'd be freed as soon as the rest of them could find men like they were.

Then I went back to bed and fell asleep snuggled up with my three mistresses.

The old daily routine was easy to slip into, when we woke up we were just a foursome and fucked most of the afternoon, save of course my hour with Regina in the dojo as we picked up the training again. Then after nightfall the ladies left me, and after breakfast I took care of my Cassidy one on one before leaving her snoozing in the bed, and I left to join my mates wherever they'd gone. Which of course, started the cycle all over again.

I loved my life.

The third evening after we got home, we didn't go to the club, but instead when I went to rejoin my vampire mates they were in the conference room with three witnesses and an invited guest from the Song Clan. The three witnesses were from the two mage clans Braxton and Silvestri, and a vampire from the Stefano Clan.

I knew Katrina had been trying to arrange this since we got back, and it all came together that night. We also weren't going to be talking to those physically there, but the actual clan heads via video conferencing. The guests were there merely to witness that we spoke the truth, with their magic and noses, to be able to verify to the other leaders we weren't spinning tales or blowing smoke.

The video screen was split into four windows, showing Reginald Braxton, an old distinguished Brit. Bella Silvestri was younger than I expected, and quite exquisite. Her movements were sensual in nature, and it was obvious she used her Italian beauty to put others at ease. She probably wasn't to be trusted though.

Enzo Stefano was in the third window, and he looked young and Italian as well, forever at the age he was turned. Lastly, was the new master vampire of Clan Song, surprisingly enough his name was Jiang, the male version of Jia? I wasn't honestly sure, but the closeness of the names was surprising.

Katrina said with regal confidence, "Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to join me tonight. I've invited all of you not to merely witness, but to become aware of certain truths the Song and Miyashita clan has kept from all of us. Given the importance of your time, I won't belabor things too much, but a little introduction and history is in order."

She took a few minutes to brief everyone on why Miyashita had wanted me dead so badly, and the dark history of what had happened in the past, save of course for the council of seven that had fled to the Americas. Then she turned to Jiang.

"We wish peace with the Song clan. Given this information, it seems beyond absurd to carry on our differences."

Jiang replied, "What do you see, that I do not? Your words have done nothing to change things, he is too dangerous and must be ended."

Katrina shook her head, "Base fear and suspicion support that approach, nothing else. Don't you see through the fear to the truth? The very ancestors of your people's mage clans hunted down the body affinity mages because they created vampires and shifters. They killed them too, you know. Saw them... would see you as unnatural and an abomination. If you are to blindly follow their beliefs, precedents, and your ancient culture, then you must kill yourself. For you are a monster, an aberration."

Katrina waved her hand, "In our world shifters and vampires are respected, are their own races. So what if he can make more? That won't change anything. He also won't make more, he's already a part of and being protected by a clan of thirty-three vampires, and he serves me. He already has a shifter mate, and there is a pack here. Beyond that, he has earned the respect and friendship of the Becenti clan. You all know if he lacked integrity and had plans to dominate other clans, then Dakota would've slit his throat herself.

"To continue this would be madness and allowing fear to guide you. Without his kind, neither of us would exist. I beg you to think clearly, and to give my words and argument weight. Don't give into the same fear and paranoia in the past that led to a horrific war. It takes two to go to war, and his kind were hunted mercilessly. Of course they fought back, as any of you would, as any living creature would when cornered and offered nothing but death.

"He is human, and we all know it is dark human ambition that makes one of our kinds a true danger, not the magic they're born with."

Jiang frowned, "What are your terms?"

Katrina replied, "A return to the agreements of before, we will avoid each other's territories, live and let live. If you cannot do that, you will take the remnants of your clan and return to China, let it be someone else's problem. If you persist, and we have war, I will remove you as I have removed Jia. Then if the next leader doesn't relent then I will end the Song clan. Permanently. That does not sit easily with me, but I can't abide a never-ending threat based on fear and old prejudice, none of us could."

Jiang looked thoughtful for a long time, I was so proud of my mistress I kind of wanted to slither under the table and lick her out. Her arguments were potent, only a man lost in his own delusions could ignore the facts thrown in his face. Of course, the world was full of people like that, ignoring facts that didn't support or undermined their worldview. I hoped he would be smarter.

I wondered if Jia would've bent under the same argument, but we hadn't known what I was at the start of this, so we'd never know.

Jiang said, "I cannot, but I have a fourth option you may acquiesce to."

Katrina tilted her head, "Let's hear it."

Jiang said, "A truce. Call it a ceasefire. I cannot go against my culture to the point of legitimizing his existence, so we will remain at war in name only. My demands are simple, if he ever uses his magic to take over a clan, the ceasefire will end and if necessary, I will sacrifice everything to end him. If he does not, and you and your people never set foot in our territory again, then the ceasefire will endure for as long as I rule Clan Song."

Katrina nodded slowly, "Unexpected, but I can live with that. My only objective is to safeguard my people, and your ceasefire will do that."

Jiang held up a finger warningly, "That includes your clan, Katrina. We will be watching, and if he takes control instead of staying your loyal servant, we will know. Then the war will resume. It also includes any clans you may one day be at odds with, I won't allow you to use him as a weapon to steal a clan's will that stands against you."
