Blow Your Mind Pt. 01


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Doc and Brandi both laughed hard as they went downstairs. "It's funny though, I pulled out the memories, but when I decided to pull out his, um, skill I guess, it felt a bit different. Still a huge turn on and rush but I feel like I got more than just memories."

"How so?"

"I know. Not just remember his memories for reference, I actually KNOW how to do what he did. What to say, how to read women like a man, how to play with them, how to seduce them, what to look for. It's kinda disgusting actually, I feel like I'm a side of beef who now knows what people think of when they look at sides of beef."

"That is interesting. Were you able to do this via your other methods?"

Brandi thought about it. "No, I don't think so. I didn't quite feel the same connection. Me sucking your cock or eating out Anne is a rush, but sex? Dylan wasn't all that, but it was like I had a direct pull straight into his mind and I could pull anything I wanted out. You know how I say it's like I'm feeding on memories and knowledge? When I was fucking him, it felt like I was a starving woman who just walked into a free all you can eat buffet filled with my favorite foods. I had to concentrate the hardest I ever have in order to control the flow. I think that if I had just ridden it, I might have sucked his mind bare."

"Let's be careful about that then. That could have a lot of possible consequences and most of them bad." Doc said as they walked into the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

Brandi paused and realized she was VERY hungry, so she nodded and Doc started puttering around the kitchen while they talked. "Has your appetite increased any? We need to note any changes no matter how big or small."

"I feel pretty hungry, more than normal. I am guessing my brain is working a lot harder than normal, probably my body too."

Doc nodded and started cooking some eggs and bacon. Brandi wrote some notes while Doc cooked and then she devoured everything he put in front of her. She noted that she put away nearly twice what she normally had for a regular supper.

"Wow, I had better watch myself or I am going to put on weight." She muttered.

"I doubt it. I think your brain and body are working much harder than normal internally and you are burning lots of calories. But we need to take you in and have a CAT scan and bloodwork done. As much as I want to keep this between us, I feel a bit responsible for your condition and I don't want you having health issues over this if we can avoid it. We have to have more information. This isn't just chemistry here, this is very likely genetic as well and while I am a genius, genetic biology is not my strong suite."

Doc sipped his coffee and tapped his finger. "The person we were working this binder for is one of the head professors in the medical department. I trust him enough that he can keep his mouth shut while we dig deeper into this. I will call him later and we can set some tests up."

Brandi nodded, but internally she was not so thrilled. "I don't want to share this thing with anyone. I'm the one who got changed so I am going to damn well make the take on this, not some research doctor."

Brandi paused and then smiled. "Now that I think about it, it won't matter. I can use this guy to help me figure out what was going on, and then a blowjob or two and he won't remember anything except I want him to. And come to think about it, why does this discovery have to have TWO finders?" she thought to herself.

Doc was making notes and didn't notice Brandi's predatory smile that she hid behind her cup as she sipped the last of her juice. He looked up and then started.

"Oh, hello dear."

Brandi's eyes widened and she turned around to see Anne walk in slowly. She was wearing a robe and had a very confused look on her face. "Um, hello. Dear, I am very confused. Last I remember was going too my office after Wednesday's morning class and's all blank. How did I get here? What day is it? And why is your assistant here in some of my clothes."

Doc frowned. "You don't remember? You fainted at work. The Doctor said you had apparently been working too hard and blacked out. You took off the rest of the week and we came up here to the Lake House. Brandi brought by some of my work. I asked her to help me with some things and accidentally knocked over some paint which splattered her clothing. We had to throw it all away. You slept in and then when I got up you moved into the guest bedroom because it's darker."

Doc stood up with a look of concern on his face, went over and took his wife's arm. He led her to the table and sat her down. "You honestly don't remember?"

Anne looked very confused and a bit scared. "No, none of it. In fact, I am having trouble remembering a lot of things. It's like chunks are missing from my mind. Oh Dear! Tom, this is very scary!"

Tom gave his wife a close hug and kissed her on her head. "It's okay Anne, it's okay. You just worked yourself too hard and it caught up is all. I know you will hate me for it, but you are not as young as you used to be. Even though you still are as beautiful as you were."

Anne smiled at that and Brandi smiled as well. The Doc was doing great, and with her new player skills she could tell Anne was eating it up. "She scared, confused, and incredibly vulnerable right now, easy pickings. Doc's got her on the hook."

"The doctor said you may have some issues with this, short term memory loss, confusion and so on. He recommended that you take a leave of absence or a sabbatical and rest a bit. Maybe work on your book? You said you would think about it over this weekend."

Anne snuggled closer to her husband and sighed. "Maybe I will. I just need to sit and think a bit."

Brandi cleared her throat. "Ma'am, Doc, I guess I should be going. Thank you for the lunch Doc, and I will wash your clothes and bring them back later."

Doc blinked and Anne nodded. "Yes, thank you. That would be fine. Thank you for bringing my husband's work out."

Brandi stood up and picked up her notebook. Anne stood up and seemed to be a bit more focused. She walked past Brandi into the kitchen and sniffed. "Mmm, bacon and eggs. That sounds good. I...What is that?"

Brandi and Doc looked up and saw Anne looking into the living room. Brandi moved around beside her and saw a suitcase lying open.

Brandi gaped and then one of Dylan's memories popped into her head. Anne and Dylan liked to get kinky sometimes. And that suitcase was Dylan's kink bag. Brandi could see fuzzy handcuffs, crops and a whip, some restraints, and some leather masks and ball gags. When Dylan had pushed into the house he had brought the bag with him and had apparently dropped it while arguing and they hadn't noticed.

Anne's eyes were bulging as she realized what she saw. Anne turned towards Brandi and Brandi grabbed her and gave her mind-scrambling kiss. Brandi kept at it until she felt Anne go limp. She broke the kiss and Doc grabbed his wife and carried her off to the bedroom.

"Get that bag picked up and out of here! Damn it, I didn't even see that!"

Brandi nodded and ran into the living and shoved everything back into the bag. She was a bit grossed out as she had perfect memories of each item and where it had been, but she stuffed it in and locked the suitcase shut.

Doc came back and said "Okay, we have done enough research and messing around for now. I need to get my wife settled, I'm pretty sure I can convince her that she needs to take some time off."

"It won't be an issue Doc. I can come by every day and give her another kiss and scramble her head. She won't want to go back to school for a while." Brandi said as she moved the bag to the front door.

"Good thinking. Now, let's get that asshole from upstairs loaded into his car."

"I will need to drive it back to town, I drove yours out here so I need a lift."

Doc and Brandi were able to sort of dress and then drag a still unconscious Dylan out to his car, a nice sporty red Porsche convertible. Brandi got his keys and hopped in. Doc leaned down as she started the car.

"Act normal, I am going to call in and make up some excuses and put in for more time off. Expect a call from me later tonight after I have spoken with our counterpart at the Medical lab. I would recommend you stop by the library and get a bunch of books to read, for now that may be your only treatment. If you do anything, be sure to record the effects."

Brandi nodded yes and then drove off. She had some fun driving Dylan's nice car, but remember not to speed too much as she didn't want any trouble with the cops. She drove to Dylan's apartment, a nice upscale gated location between the campus and the renovated downtown with all the trendy eateries and clubs.

"Of course this jerk would have a place here. Perfect hunting grounds." Brandi muttered to herself. Brandi parked, and then had to figure out what to do with Dylan. He lived on the top floor, and was still out cold. He was too big to carry, but after a bit she found a luggage cart and wheeled him up to his apartment. She dumped him on the floor right next to the door and went straight to his computer.

"Time to clean house. Say goodbye to the life Dylan, Brandi is taking her cut."

Brandi logged on and using her newly gained knowledge she quickly accessed his bank accounts and started transferring money. Dylan had several accounts both in the US and overseas, and Brandi cleaned them all out and transferred the money into her own offshore account she set up using his computer. She was somewhat annoyed though, she only ended up with about $50000 all told. "This guy played hard and spent money like it was free." She thought as she closed out his accounts. She left him with just enough for one month and then put a note on his computer that read:

"Hey, I know you are probably wondering what the hell happened. Some of your memories are gone, some of your player skills are gone, and nearly all your money is gone. Well, it's payback asshole. This is what you deserve for wrecking marriages, seducing married women, and then robbing them blind. You can remember you used to be so good at this and now you can't do it anymore. I hope you have some real-world skills, you are going to need them. And you won't even know who, quite literally, fucked you out of this life. Enjoy."

Brandi then searched his computer and deleted anything, pictures, emails and so on, that linked him to Anne in any way, and then deleted her numbers out of his phone. She knew she had everything thanks to his memories and once done she left him lying where she had dumped him.

Brandi then took care of another task. She had swiped Anne's keys and she then went to the Timmons house and proceeded to clean out any items that linked Anne to Dylan. Anne didn't have as much, but Brandi knew exactly where to find her hidden stashes and also deleted emails and the entire email account Anne had used to communicate with Dylan.

Brandi discovered that Dylan was not the first affair Anne had, but she was careful to leave that stuff alone as she had not pulled those memories. After cleaning house so to speak, Brandi then used Anne's computer to undo a lot of the transferals and give Doc back his part of their savings and investments.

"Doc may be a bit of a jerk, but he didn't deserve this." Brandi thought to herself as she worked. She pulled out all the evidence Anne's PI's had on her and Doc and shredded it all. She took the safe deposit box key and then headed out.

After the bank, Brandi stopped by the library and got a bunch of books. She then headed back to her sorority house and up to her room and she started to read. After about an hour her cell rang.

"Brandi, everything okay?"

"Yeah. I dumped our friend back at his place, he was still passed out, so we know that my, um, effect can knock someone out for at least three hours."

"Good. My wife is taking a long bath right now. She is very confused and frightened, and she has put in for two weeks of vacation. From what I can tell, she has no memory of Dylan or anything to do with him."

"I figured as much Doc. I have cleaned out any mention or record of Anne on Dylan's stuff and then did the same at your place. I figured we couldn't leave that to chance, so I grabbed your wife's housekeys and did it after Dylan's place."

"I would have preferred if you had asked, but you are correct in what you did. We still don't know how permanent this is, so acting now when we can is smart. Now, I know tomorrow is Saturday, but I have called Dr. Caines, and he is ready to do some tests on you. He is the gentleman who gave us the material to start with and he is VERY interested in what I have told him so far."

"Which is?"

"You are able to absorb memories and knowledge via close physical contact. I didn't give him full details, I told him it would be better to hear it from you. But he understands the basic idea. Brandi, I get the impression that this effect isn't as much as a surprise to him as it should have been. I think he may not have been entirely truthful with us when we set this up. Talk with him, but I think it would be wise to be sure we know exactly what it was he was working on, why, and who if anyone else knows about this. I think we need to be completely sure in our knowledge, if you follow."

Brandi smiled. "I completely understand Doc."


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sabrinamoanssabrinamoans4 months ago

Love this start! Can't wait to read the rest.

Ravey19Ravey196 months ago

Interesting concept

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Not exactly sure what the result of the experiment that went wrong. Oh, I get that she can "suck" information from her victims but just how long are they really out, and do they really lose their memories forever? Seems really harsh to have some physical contact and then they lose their ability to even remember what happened. Sure the victims will wake up but if they lose their memory how will they even sign on to a computer let alone remember people at all. Many more chapters to read to see where this story goes. Hope that Brandi does not lose her memory as the chemicals fade away from her body. Wonder how long this effect will last?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Science makes a succubus. Look forward to how this develops

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is a amusing and interesting. Great concept. Looking forward to reading the 2nd part.

The most obvious comparison is to a vampire but what Brandi takes is permanently gone while a vampire's victims are can replenish their own blood and be healthy again. Unless there are twists to what Brandi is able to do with her abilties.

TSreaderTSreaderover 3 years ago

Wow! A very yummy start! I'm looking forward to reading more of this story! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What a great start to this story. I think some of the best parts are how you showed every characters greedy and immoral sides. It does manage to put in perspective that pretty much every human can be a piece of crap but it does keep life interesting. Cant wait for more.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 3 years ago

Loved it! Can't wait to see what happens next. Five stars and a favorite point!

SlofredSlofredover 3 years ago

Very nice opening. you have provided so many ways for this story to continue. Thank you for sharing. 5 star

TomPhanTomPhanover 3 years ago
Very nice

Looking forward to the next installment.

LotOfReadingLotOfReadingover 3 years ago
Rolling right along already!

Great framework laid here! Looking forward to more adventures. Your writing is on target to hold my attention.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
You lost me

When you said she had CC boobs

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