Blow Your Mind Pt. 10


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Brandi carefully probed Danni's mind and saw she had full access. Even better, her memories had that same malleable feeling Diane's had. But she felt even more. She was seeing new areas on the desk, ones that she had not noticed before and ones that had been the "other" desk, the DNA files.

"Fuck! I've got full access!" Brandi thought.

"This is amazing!"

Brandi started and then thought "Kory! What the hell did you do?"

"The pleasure! Holy fuck! I've NEVER had feelings like that before! My God! My mind nearly shut down, the pulsing or waves or whatever, they were just burying me! I heard you in my head, I heard you trying to focus and telling me to focus. I did, and suddenly it was like I was synched. The waves stopped blasting me, I can still feel, oh MAN! I can still feel the pleasure, but its controllable. Fuck! What is this? I can see, a link? Are we linked?"

"KORY! Knock it off and listen! THIS is where we can really fuck shit up! Not just in her, but for us! Don't do anything, just listen!"

Brandi felt the excitement in the linkage calm a bit. Brandi pushed a bit down the connection but got pushed back.

"Hey! Keep the fuck out! My mind! Not yours!" Kory snarled.

"Okay, okay. That is good to know. Try to push into mine, slowly."

Brandi watched the connection and after a moment the whiter light started to push up the bluer one. Brandi immediately felt pressure, like someone was trying to force something into her head. She didn't do anything for a moment but the light stopped. Brandi focused and pushed and the light jerked back.

"What happened?"

"Ok Kory, looks like we have détente. I can't push down your connection and you can't push down mine, but when we link, we completely overpower anyone we have a physical link to. I have the sensation I did during a threesome and it boosted my abilities. You mind and mine together are providing a TON of brain power and poor little Danni's brain is completely helpless against us."

Brandi felt some glee and excitement through the connection. "Kory, what do you feel from me?"

"I can tell you are nervous and wary, but also really excited and turned on. I can get your emotions clearly when linked. I...shit, I just babbled that out. Fuck! This connection is just turning my mind into happy mush!" Kory moaned again as the next wave rolled over them.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Brandi replied she let out a low moan as another wave hit her. "I can't keep this up, my body doesn't have the energy. Kory, we need to do what I have to do. I am going to do two things. One, I am dumping some trash in this girl's head, ahhhhhhh fuck, and once that is done I am going to activate the change. It is likely going to knock me out."

"Shit! What will that do the, oooooooo, sssssss, connection?"

"I don't know. I am hoping we can keep it intact, but for fuck's sake don't messssssssssssss, ughhhhhh, with anything while I am doing this. The results can be bad. Can you see the desk in Danni's head? Can you follow what I am doing?"

Brandi felt Kory focus and then felt like she had a shadow in her mind, like someone peeking over her shoulder into Danni's mind.

"Yes! I, wow! Yes, I see a desk! And files! All sorts of shit! What the fuck is this stuff? I, oooooooaaahhhhhh."

"Her mind's contents. Don't touch anything! First, time to dump! Kory, focus with me, just focus, OH GOD, on the link and pushing your will through it."

Brandi felt the connect amp up a bit more. Brandi looked on her own desk and saw she had everything setup. Her ability to look into her own mind was solid, in fact probably better than she had ever had. Brandi easily pulled out several files from her head and dumped them on Danni's desk. Brandi felt Kory's emotions change to surprise and puzzlement.

"Hold on, are those files..."

"Not now! Hang on Kory, we are changing, right, NOW!"

Brandi dove into her mind riding the stimulus and activated her folder.

"OHHHHHHH MMYYYYYYYYY GGGGOOOOODDDDDD!" Brandi and Kory both screamed as the activation hit and the blast caused Brandi's body to heave and jerk up and back, breaking the connection. Brandi spun around, tried to catch herself on the bed and tumbled off onto the floor as the last waves of pleasure contorted her body. She was looking at the ceiling and heard Kory moaning in her head when things went dark.

"Brandi? Brandi? Are you awake?"

Brandi moaned and tried to roll over. She tangled up in a comforter and fumbled a bit until she pushed her head out and looked around.

"Uhhhh, fuck."

"Oh, thank God! I was worried for a second!" Kory's voice echoed in her head.

"Yeah, shit that takes a lot out of you."

"You ain't lying. It felt like someone swatted me with a wall. I feel hungry, sore and tired. And fucking nasty."

Brandi looked at her body. She was covered in cum and sexual juices and she reeked. And it appeared that Kory's linkage was upping her senses a bit because she could really smell herself. "Woof, yeah, shower is high on the list. How long have you been up?"

"Same as you. I woke up and felt, uh, well, I felt your body, and your emotions? Yeah, I guess emotions. You were tired but nervous, I kinda felt like you were awake or nearly so, so I called out and you woke up when I called out."

"You couldn't move the body while I was out?"

"I don't think so, I didn't really try to, I felt you and called out."

"Okay, that's good, looks like my connection to my body is dominant even if I'm out." Brandi thought with some relief. "Shit, better be careful, Kory can sense emotions from me."

"Brandi? Is it like that every time? When you change?"

"Yes. It can be a real fun time unless you are in a hurry. Normally I take some pep pills and energy drinks and some medical stuff so my body can take the change. Like right now I'm dehydrated as hell, hungry and low on energy, and beat up. This change over burns so many calories it's not funny. We need room service and double quick."

Kory was silent and her emotions were mostly of weariness and various emotions that switched around fast. Brandi got the impression she was thinking things through, so she got up, checked on Danni (absolutely out cold with a smile of rapture on her face), and then showered.

"Oh, that feels good." Kory replied as the hot water washed the soap off. Brandi slowly stretched and could tell Kory was feeling the stretch too. "I know this isn't my body, but it still feels really good to do that."

Brandi nodded and then got out of the shower and put on a robe. She looked in the mirror.

"So, this is you?"


"Nice face, hmmm, nice body overall, but I like my tits a bit bigger. Pretty eyes, you have a powerful look."

"Thank you. Not to be mean, but you were really hot yourself."

"I was, but not like you. I was fuckable hot. You are fun hot." Kory giggled. "That's how we used to call it in the club, a stripper was fuckable hot. Someone you looked at and only thought about how much fun it would be to fuck or to be fucked by them. Fun hot was someone who was pretty, someone who you would love to have sex with too but didn't drip sex or lust. Someone you wanted to talk to first."

Brandi giggled. "I follow. Trust me, I can be fuckable hot when I want, but it's not my, I guess you would say "Default" setting."

They both laughed at that. After a bit Kory sighed. "Christ. That was amazing sex. I am someone who knows about sex, and I LOVE sex. One of the reasons I'm, well, was a stripper was so I could get sex easily. I was diagnosed as a borderline nymphomaniac several years ago, and I think I crossed the border a while back."

Brandi could feel Kory's satisfaction and pleasure. She was fully relaxed and happy as hell, contented like a cat with a bowl of cream.

"That was the most incredible feeling I have ever had. It was mind-blowing, God! Just thinking about it is getting me worked up! And you do this daily? Shit! Any chance you can show me how to do this when I get back into another body?"

"I don't know. Maybe, but I kinda doubt it. Glad you enjoyed it though. Your linking to me made it easier to do what I had to do, which was good. And I wasn't out as long, only about an hour. Usually it is at least two hours IF I prepare ahead of time or four if not."

"You said you used coke back in Chicago. That kept you awake during the change. You can do that again right?"

Brandi felt curiosity through the link and something else she couldn't place. Brandi suddenly felt a bit off, like she was really wanting something, but couldn't figure out what it was. She shook her head and replied.

"I could, but I'm not sure how that is going to work with you in my head. And I'm not into the hard stuff. I'll do some weed, maybe some X, but I avoid anything harder."

"Too bad. Coke is a nice pick-me-up. But I get your point, it can be very addictive. I used it on some of the uppity strippers in my club to keep them in line. I use it sometimes myself. It's hard running a criminal empire and stripping full time."

Brandi snickered and she felt some humor and some sense of loss from Kory. Kory said "Well, I guess being careful is smart. The last time we used it, look what happened."

"Yeah. I need to do some research on this and figure out our next move. Good thing I absorbed a brilliant doctor and genetic specialists mind back when I started, don't need to ask around too much."

"No kidding? Wow. Shit, you must have tons of skills."

"I do, all kinds of useful stuff. Hell, I could probably help you with your chemical enhanced coke considering I was chemistry major in college."

Kory snorted. "I figured you for a college girl, but I thought you would be more of a party girl. Chemistry? That's not an easy subject."

"Eh, I was good at it and I liked it. But I partied too, had lots of boys willing to do the less important work for me."

"Ha! I knew it! Did you seduce any of your professors?"

Brandi felt some humor but also some rather clinical interest in the link. "Hmmm, Kory's scoping me out. I had better be careful."

"Let's get some food."

Kory was silent for a bit. "Okay, but you know I can sense you are suspicious about my questions."

"Yes, and you know I can tell when your questions start having reasons that are not just for conversation. Look Kory, we don't trust each other, we both get that and understand that. But we need to work together on this, so let's keep this focused and professional."

"Fair enough, but you need to keep me in the loop. You understand what's going on, I don't and I won't lie it's scary for me. I was able to take over and rule my High School when I was a junior, and I mean RULE it. I've killed people, seduced them, drugged them, blackmailed them, dominated them, broken them, turned them into drug addled, sex-addicted, spineless shells. I've never felt fear even when confronting some of the most dangerous people in the Windy City. But this has me scared Brandi, and I am asking you to help me understand it so I can control my fear."

Brandi could tell Kory wasn't lying. She was afraid and she was really nervous. "This really is hard on her. Well, that is good for me because it gives me power over her. But I need to balance this. Fear can led to panic, panic can lead to her doing something stupid."

"Okay. I will keep you in the loop on what we will do and what you will experience. As best I can anyway, some of this may be new territory. But you need to listen and do what I say. I can't say it enough, you mess around when we are doing things especially when we are in someone's head and you might end up in a guy's body or cut off or have part of you in me and part of you in someone else. I don't think "You" could survive that."

Kory pulsed some real fear on that. "Could that happen?"

"I don't know, so let's not try and find out the hard way."

"Deal. Okay, fuck this talk, let's eat."

Brandi ordered a huge meal from room service and munched on the snacks in the mini bar while they waited. Kory seemed lost in thought and that was fine by Brandi for a bit. She checked on Danni and she was still out.

The food arrived, enough for four people and Brandi sat down and dug in as soon as she locked the door. Brandi felt Kory taking some interest as she put the food down.

"Wow. You are going to eat ALL of this?"

"Yep. Every bite. My body will burn it off fast, especially since we just did a transformation."

"Mmmm, tastes good. I'm feeling better as you eat."

"You were feeling hungry right?"

"Yeah, I was, really hungry."

"Funny how you can feel how my body feels."

"Yeah. Um, how is our link? How does it feel to you?"

Brandi paused a bit and thought. "Feels pretty strong, almost balanced I'd say. Why?"

"Remember how I had that disconnect? That feeling that I was feeling or seeing things one step removed? I don't feel that anymore. I feel like it's normal. I can feel the heat of the coffee cup and taste the food."

That caused Brandi to stop eating. "Wait, you feel everything?"


Brandi focused a bit and realized that feeling of someone peeking over her shoulder was almost gone. Brandi put her fork down and swallowed.

"Uh oh. Kory, hold on for a second."

Brandi took a breath. She could feel Kory getting nervous, and she let out the breath. Brandi tried to cut the connection and nothing happened. She took a breath and focused hard and she felt like she was trying to plug a hole in a submarine with her bare hands.

"What are you doing?! STOP!"

Brandi growled and concentrated and for a split second she felt the connection block. The second she let up it popped back on.

"DON'T!! Wha? FUCK! Don't do that! Why did you do that?!?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Kory screamed in her head.

"KORY! We have a problem!"

"No shit! You tried to cut me off! What the hell for?"

"Kory! Listen! This is important! I think we made the link stronger!"

"We what?"

"Kory, you can feel everything I can without any issues right? I tried to disconnect but I couldn't! I wanted to see if we had done something to the connection and strengthened it somehow or changed it. We did! Kory, I can't disconnect us!"

Kory was silent for a minute and Brandi felt her rage and terror subside into fear but also curiosity and some relief.

"You can't turn me off?"

"No. Good for you because that means you don't have to worry about being cut off when I'm asleep or knocked out. But this could make putting you into another body a LOT tougher."

Kory was silent for a bit. "Shit."

"Yeah, shit."

Brandi sat there for a bit and then started eating again. She was still hungry and she could think just as well while eating. Kory's mind was swirling. She was relieved, scared, afraid, curious, and just plain confused. After a bit it seemed to come down to mostly curious and resigned.

"Brandi, when we were in Danni's head, I saw you shove some files into her mind. They had labels on them."

"Yes, they did. Kory, just ask and let's get this over with."

Kory was silent for a second and then sighed. "I saw files for two of my men, and Megan. They seemed big. Did you hurt them? Did you copy them?"

"I made sure they were not a threat to me. I call it ripping. When I am in a rush or when I want to make sure that the person cannot hurt me or be a threat to me I can rip out their minds. Not like you obviously, but I can take all of their memories and skills and leave them empty. A veggie, mindless, well, more like a newborn, innocent, no knowledge, no understanding, no memory of anything. I can be selective about it, I can take only a skill or a memory. Or I can copy it. But I have used this skill to eliminate two threats prior to meeting you, I lobotomized a doctor who was partially responsible for giving me this power. He was going to experiment on me in some unpleasant ways. And I mind wiped a rival spy. Removed her entire memory of ever being a spy and all her spy related skills. And then I let her take the fall for something and she got killed by some guys looking for revenge for something I did."

Brandi could feel Kory was fascinated, angry, and excited by this. "Hmm, an odd mix. She doesn't seem too mad about what I did to her men."

"So, you did this because you were rushed? If you had time, you might have done something different?"

"Maybe. I can't say. I would have made sure that no one involved with me would have been any threat to me. How I would have done that? Eh, don't know and don't care, I did what I did and that is that."

"Yes, you did the right thing. I feel a bit bad for Megan, she was fun and she was my sub and I tried to take care of her, but if push came to shove, better her than me. And I get that I was on your hit list. Brandi, you and I are not too far off in how we think. When it comes to self-preservation, we are both ruthless and no one comes first but us. I can respect that and I certainly understand that. Those guys were just thugs, and easy to replace. Megan was a much more valuable pawn to my operation, but still a pawn. You did what you had to do."

Brandi kept eating and noted that Kory wasn't lying. She felt a bit impressed and respectful, like she was talking to an equal.

"So, what happens now? To them?"

"They wake up tied up, blindfolded, and gagged and unable to do anything about it as they are essentially helpless infants in adult bodies. Someone finds them and cuts them loose and then they wind up in an institution somewhere never to remember what they were or what happened."

"I have a crew come by once every three days to sweep for bugs, they probably have already been found."

"Well, there you go. As for Danni, she wakes up with her's and three other people's memories in her head along with some bits from others. She will probably have some real issues, she may seek help, or more likely will start self-medicating with drugs or booze or both. Not my problem."

"That's a bit cold."

"Says the woman who was going to have me cut up and disappeared. I didn't hear you voice any issues when we were talking about having to blank out another woman so you could have your own body. Like you said earlier, when it comes to us surviving, we are ruthless. Danni is some stripper who thought she could use her body to have an easy life and got involved with the wrong people. Us."

Kory was silent for a bit as Brandi finished up the food.

"So now what?" Kory asked.

"We pack up, I make a couple of phone calls and we get the fuck out of here. I scrambled Danni's brains around and even if she did have any memory it would be of Megan. We lose your car, get another one, and we head back to my home base."

"Any chance I can check in on my mob?"

"None. Sorry Kory, but you are out of the Chicago Mob business. At least for a while."

"How about I make it worth your while? I know some of my offshore accounts, I've got some rainy-day money I could cut you into."

"More than $25 million?"

Kory paused at that. "Kory, you may not understand how good I am at spying. I do only a few jobs a year because my going rate is in the millions per job. I just earned $25 million on this one alone. Now, it is on the high end of the scale, but since I started the least amount I have made was $5 million a job. Money is not something that will peak my interest much."

Brandi could tell Kory was VERY interested in what she had just heard. In fact, it felt like it was more than just curiosity interest, more like "This might be worth checking out" interest.

"Tell me more..." Kory said as Brandi headed towards the bathroom.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Ravey19Ravey195 months ago

Excellent. Maybe a little bloodthirsty and callous but, unfortunately, necessary.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Nice, looking forward to your email reply.

MoosetalesMoosetalesalmost 3 years agoAuthor

No. I should have a new email later this coming week.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Do you have social media author accounts?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That would be so nice. Can't wait to tell you how incredible your stories are.

MoosetalesMoosetalesalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Sorry, need to set up a new account, I will let you know here when its up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

My all time favorite Author, have sent you several emails / messages, but no reply yet. How about setting up your own discord server with so many fans?

MoosetalesMoosetalesalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Sorry, had to drop that email and I've been lazy in getting another one. Please keep checking and I will try to get a new one shortly. Thank you for the message though, I really do need to get one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Why is your email not valid? Really want to talk with you and support you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another well written chapter. It was obviously well thought out since you had to come up with everything for this symbiotic relationship to work as long as it has to. I personally don’t understand how Brandi can even speak with Kory like she does considering all Kory is doing his biding her time and picking up any info (which is one of her most obvious and important traits) that she can use to take over or get out and get revenge. I would have thought Brandi was smarter than that as well as to not keep telling her everything that is going on like how the link is stronger, big mistake in my thinking. It makes for an interesting story plot point but it makes the story feel uncomfortable.

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