Body Swap Therapy - Entry 02


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"Huh." I said, thinking of the number of times Hardy has pushed his stiff cock against me over the years while I'd been doing dishes.

"I think it's one of the perks of swapping like this." Adina said. "We get to experience sex from their perspective, but we get to feel those primal instincts, and we can feed them."

"Feed them?" I asked.

"In that male body you will notice breasts in a new way." She answered. "You're sexually drawn to women as well as men, just like I am. But in that body, you'll feel a sexual draw to them. Allow me to demonstrate."

Adina stood up and pulled her top up over her breasts, and even though I'd seen them as recently as last night I suddenly had the sensation of seeing them for the first time.

I noticed the milky white skin.

I noticed the way her breasts seemed to push away from her body and stretch the skin tightly around them.

I noticed the brown shade of the areolas, and the way they drew my eye across her flesh to nipples.

And I noticed how stiff each nipple was.

I had an animal like impression somewhere in the back of my brain that her nipples looked delicious.

I felt my cock twitch and I had an urge to lunge forward and take one of her nipples into my mouth.

"Whoa." I said.

"See?" she asked. "That's because that body is amplifying your attraction to me. Even though you're still Mariella and all of your wants and needs are still dominant, they're happening in a new way."

I couldn't explain it, but she was right.

I was definitely drawn to those breasts in both a sexual and a visual way.

That was something I'd never experienced before.

I certainly noticed when women had nice figures, or if they were pretty. And I was well aware of the pleasure I could give by licking and kissing and caressing and sucking on another woman's breasts.

But I suddenly felt an urgent need to touch and taste those breasts for my own satisfaction in addition to hers.

"Jesus you were right." I said. "I never would have believed this. Any of it. I'd have considered you insane. This is wild."

"It is." She agreed. "You'll get used to the physical reactions, but they'll keep happening."

She pulled her top down over her breasts, and I tried not to stare at the indentations her nipples made in the soft fabric.

"Like getting hard?" I asked.

"Exactly." She said. "You'll get hard and want to ejaculate. Of course, it's more complicated than that, especially since you've never ejaculated, but you get what I mean."

"You could do this to Hardy to?" I asked. "Put him in a female body."

"Oh fuck yes!" she exclaimed. "He'll learn so much by being on the inside. Just like you will. Your blow job game is about to get so much better simply because now you'll understand."

"Understand what?" I asked with a laugh.

"I can't explain it." She said. "Which is sort of the point of this. Some things in life you have to experience in order to know."

"You mean he can get better at making me orgasm?" I asked. "That's fucking hot."

"I'm sure he will." Said Adina. "When my husband and I traded bodies, he gave me a blowjob to teach me what it felt like. It was an amazing experience, in so many ways."

"That makes me want to try it." I said softly.

"Which part?" she asked with a smile.

"All of it." I said.

"I can help you, Mariella." Adina said. "That's why I did this to you. Because right now you're in the room with someone who is not only willing to help you, but eager to."

I felt the cock twitch again and looked down at it.

It hadn't gotten any harder, but it was definitely tingling in a way that was demanding my attention.

"Does it need some attention?" she asked me with a grin, as if reading my mind.

"I don't know." I said. "I mean I want to, I'm not sure. This is sort of a lot to take in."

"I can leave you alone if you'd like to spend some time exploring solo." Adina said.

"Solo?" I asked.

"Sure." She said with a grin. "Most men experience their first orgasm with their own hand. It wouldn't be unusual at all for you to give it a try that way."

I hadn't even thought of masturbating. But I'd always been curious about what a male orgasm might feel like. And as strange as this all was, here was my opportunity.

"Or I could guide you." She offered.

"Could you?" I asked softly.

"Why don't we start slow, with a handjob." She suggested.

"A handjob?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Oh hell yes." She grinned. "I will remember my first ejaculatory orgasm forever and ever. It was from being stroked, and it was just enough stimulation to make me cum, but not too much, so I could concentrate on how it all felt."

"What should I do?" I asked, curious lust making my chest tight.

"Just relax and let it happen." She answered, standing up. "At this point things are best learned by sensation, rather than explanation."

"How do we start?" I asked, my voice suddenly hoarse.

"Get on the bed." She said. "I don't want you to lose your balance."

"My balance?" I asked dumbly, sliding up towards the headboard.

"Mariella," Adina said softly, "feeling a load of hot, sticky cum building in those balls and building and building and building until it comes exploding out will be something you remember for the rest of your life."

She pulled her top off and dropped it on the floor, and then unzipped her pants and let them fall to the floor.

"But it's going to be overwhelming." She continued. "You don't need to worry about falling down while you're enjoying it."

I was aware of a sudden sensitivity as I felt the balls between my legs tighten as I stared at her.

The urge to touch myself was nearly overwhelming.

The sexual tension that had been building in this body was definitely noticeable, and there was no denying that after what Adina and I had done together last night I'd have been aroused for most of the day today no matter what.

"Should we, I mean, should I touch it?" I asked. "While you tell me what to do? Or will it be better know...with help?"

Adina took her panties off and dropped them onto the pile of clothes on the floor. She came to the bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard next to me.

"With help." She said. "That way you can just close your eyes and concentrate on the sensations."

I slid closer to her, unsure of what to do next or even how to start. She put her head on my shoulder.

"Any questions?" she whispered.

"I don't know. What do you recommend doing?" I asked.

"Just sit back and feel yourself get hard. Try not to move too much. Just concentrate on how it feels." She replied.

She reached over and put her hand on my inner thigh. The feel of her soft hand on my skin caused me to shudder. She began to rub in a slow circular pattern and took her other hand and used her fingers to tickle my testicles.

"Holy fuck!" I said, sitting up at the sensation of warmth down there.

I hadn't realized they would be so sensitive.

She put her finger to her mouth and licked her fingers, and then reached for my testicles again and wrapped her fingers around them. She pulled them gently and I felt a pulse of heat flow through me and down towards my groin.

My cock was resting against my leg, and it suddenly felt hotter and thicker on my thigh.

I closed my eyes as Adina began to gently knead my balls, and the cock felt like a muscle stretching and flexing.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," I whimpered, sliding down the bed and trying to keep track of the sensations in the testicles and the feeling of the cock itself.

It had sprung to full hardness and was pointing straight up in the air.

It felt like it needed to be touched so badly.

I wanted something to touch it gently, and I wanted something to grab it and pull it roughly at the same time.

It reminded me of the way my clit felt after Hardy had been sucking, kissing, licking, and fingering my pussy for forty minutes.

"That quick." I moaned. "How did it get like this that quick?"

"Men are very very different from us Mariella," whispered Adina, "and you're learning exactly how magical those differences can be."

My body craved more. The hard cock pulsing between my legs craved more. But I didn't know what to ask for. And I didn't want this to end.

My hips pushed up off the bed.

I had a strange urge to take that cock and slap it against something.

I flashed to Hardy taking his hard cock and slapping it against my thigh before fucking me.

"Oh god, I want more." I begged.

"Just a bit longer and I'll help you." Adina purred in my ear. "You'll be leaking soon."

She hadn't touched my cock yet, but it moved back and forth slowly as she played with the testicles. The sensations were almost overpowering my ability to think or speak.

"Leaking?" I forced the question out.

"Pre-cum Mariella." Adina told me. "Your new cock is feeling so good that pretty soon it's going to start drooling as it gets itself ready to spill all of its slippery cum."

I forced my eyes open so I could watch. I tried to sit back up but settled for letting my head rest at an angle on the pillow. Adina was sitting right next to me, leaning against me protectively as she guided me through this new experience.

Suddenly I became aware of a cool and wet sensation on the tip of my cock. I'd expected to feel it come out, and instead it was just there, like sensory proof of the feeling coursing through me.

Adina took her index finger and bent the cock up towards my face, and the simple straining pressure felt so good I involuntarily gasped.

She kept the pressure up, and I wanted to close my eyes and ride it, but I also wanted to see what she was doing.

She used her other hand to keep her fingers gently kneading the balls, and I soon realized what she'd been doing.

A glob of pre cum rolled from the opening in the tip of the cock down the head, and broke free in a string of shiny clear fluid that drooled down to the hairy stomach underneath.

She flicked her finger up the length of my cock and over the head, causing me to gasp again, before taking her finger and tracing it through the slick fluid on my stomach.

"You're going to enjoy this." She whispered. "This cock always shoots a lot of cum. Just like Hardy. Does your husband still have thick loads Mariella?"

"Oh fuck yes." I whimpered. "He cums a lot."

"I remember the night before your wedding." She whispered. "I couldn't swallow all he had, and he kept cumming and cumming."

"It was the hottest thing I'd ever watched." I moaned.

"After the reception, when you went to your hotel room, I was so fucking jealous." She said. "Knowing that he was flooding your pretty little hole with a flood of that delicious sperm."

"Oh fuck." I gasped, the memory and the present stimulation overwhelming me.

"So how do you want it to shoot?" Adina asked. "How do you want it to happen? How do you want to experience your first male orgasm?"

"Fuck. It feels so good." I said. "I don't know."

I honestly didn't know how to answer her, since I wanted to experience everything in that moment.

I could hear the animal like growl of need in my own voice, and realized it was something I had no control over.

I thought about begging her to kiss the cock while it came.

Or begging her to suck it and lick it.

Or even begging her to slide it inside her pussy so I could let it happen that way.

But even as I wrestled with these unfamiliar tensions that were growing in these new-to-me nerve endings I knew that my orgasm was too close for me to really enjoy anything that required any real movement.

I'd explode before I could even appreciate the feeling of a tongue or vagina.

Besides, deep down I wanted to watch the cum spurt out of me.

"Oh shit," I struggled to speak, "is it always this close to cumming without being touched?"

"Not always." She said softly, reaching out and wrapping her fingers around the cock. "But once it gets to the edge, it's a whole new level of sensation."

I grabbed the mattress in both fists and felt my entire body clench at her contact.

"You learn control as you spend more time being hard." She said.

She started stroking up and down agonizingly slow.

"It's your first time so you're on sensory overload." She continued. "Let me relieve some of that pressure and you'll be able to think more clearly next time."

She leaned over and spit on the head of the cock, and it felt hot and slick, and a second later she used her hand to rub it into the head and then began to glide her hand up and down.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" I screamed, unable to say anything else or even think.

I felt like sparks were going off all along the inside of the cock and it felt hotter and heavier and even more sensitive with each passing second.

I fought to keep my eyes open.

I have always enjoyed watching a man cum, loving that moment when the tip would open and the white globs of sperm would spurt out.

And I was about the experience a male orgasm from a whole new perspective. I was suddenly more interested in watching this load of cum explode than in any orgasm I'd ever been a part of.

"UCK! UCK! GUDUCK!" I couldn't even make real words come out of my mouth, and I didn't care.

Adina suddenly gripped the cock even tighter and began to stroke it faster and faster, and I knew that this was it.

I was going to cum.

It was going to explode, and I was going to see it loose control and spill.

And for the very first time I was going to feel the explosion happen from the inside.

"Nownownownownow!" the words came out surprisingly low and I pushed my hips up and then it was there.

The cock began to throw huge drops of white sticky liquid into the air.

The sparks inside the cock gave way to a feeling of speed and want and quick craving for more as I felt the balls tighten and pump and all the nerve endings flex and then the cock head began to throb.

In rhythm with that throbbing, I felt the actual liquid explosion of semen splash out of my cock, one hot load for each throb and I felt delirious with joyful release.

I saw geyser after geyser spurt out.

And out.

And out.

I felt hot liquid land on my legs, my chest, my stomach, my face, and saw it go over my head and out of the corner of my eye I saw a thick wad of it land on Adina's breast and drip over her nipple.

It kept going and going and going and I closed my eyes and felt like I wanted to run and cheer and scream as the throbbing reached a crescendo, and then I melted against the bed as all my energy dissipated.

"Oh shit." I groaned, and then I giggled like a fool.

My eyes were closed, and I felt like I was covered with cum. I felt Adina's fingers around the cock. It was just as hard as it had been seconds before, but at the same time it felt deflated and numb.

"Oh shit." I said again, too tired to open my eyes.

Adina leaned over and put her face against my neck.

"Understand the power we have as women now?" she asked softly. "Some women think it's our cunts or breasts or our shape or our willingness to fuck or even our own orgasms. But you now know what I know. Our true power comes from their very own cocks."

"Oh shit." I said, trying to nod my head. "I had no idea."

"I know exactly what you mean." She giggled. "I still think that we're capable of having better orgasms, but for complete and sheer exhaustible enjoyment the men are walking around with the right equipment."

"It was like I wasn't even in control. Not even a little bit." I told her. "Once it got hard it was only a matter of time until it happened. Is it always like that for men? Once it starts the orgasm is inevitable?"

"It's always like that for me." She said. "Every time I'm in a male body that's the way I experience it. I think some of it is their physiology, and some is my own level of arousal and need."

She reached out and ran her fingers through the hairy chest I now had. I was kind of surprised that it didn't feel more erotic from inside the male body. As a woman I have always loved running my fingers through the hair on a man's chest.

"How did you do this?" I asked.

"With my hand Mariella." She giggled. "Although this cock did most of the work."

"Not that." I panted. "Get me into this body? How the hell am I here right now?"

"I told you last night it's magic." She said. "I will explain it all later. There is so much for you to learn this week."

I brought my own hands up to my chest. "I'm a mess." I mumbled as I felt the cooling puddles of cum, slippery against my skin.

"So am I," she giggled, "we really got that cock to go off."

She tightened her fingers around the cock and squeezed from bottom to top, and I felt a glob of cum ooze out of the tip and join the slippery coating on my softening cock.

"Is it wrong that I can't wait to feel it again?" I asked with a grin.

"Maybe next time we can share something less vanilla than just a handjob." She grinned.

To Be Cuntinued:


PSA: As far as I know, body swapping is not possible, even with magic. But just in case, remember to always use sex magic responsibly.

Thank you for sticking with this all the way to this point. I appreciate everyone who reads the things that arouse me when I write about them!

There's obviously more to this story, so keep checking back!

Just like Entry One, this is fairly tame as our character begins to explore.

But kink is coming!

Send me your suggestions about what you'd like to Mariella experience with her new male body!

I love your messages and comments!


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cmj711cmj711over 1 year ago

Your imagination is mind blowing!

Bravo Isabella!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Makes me think the male orgasm as a very intense and explosive experience per this interesting and erotic description. Interesting how it reveals that our female orgasms are better- I speculate because they are not as intensely concentrated in one area, or they are much, much longer in duration or the fact they can be multiple, not just one short one, but truly would like to experience the described male orgasm, as it sounds like a different sort of thrill, so urgent vs. the alleged better ones we feel as females.

dirtyparisiandirtyparisianover 1 year ago

Delicious. Seeing and reading how you want to enjoy the intense pleasures as experienced by both the woman and the man, and the woman being a man while still being a woman. I am thinking not only what you've described in the story and what that did for me as the reader. But what it did for you as the writer, conjuring all this up and managing to capture so vividly in words, and perhaps even enjoying what it might do for your readers. Mmmmmmmmmm

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Incredible descriptions. The guy that got her body seems to be getting a pretty bad deal though....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I love the body swap genre but I've always felt that the female to male swap has been neglected. Thanks for filling this void. And when the neglected swap is written so well, that's an extra bonus. Hope this series runs to double numbers and examines all possibilities on the way

gforce746gforce746almost 2 years ago

This is crazy good, great, spectacular, and amazing all at the same time!

Makes perfect sense starting slow for Mariella experiencing new male sensations for the first time. Building to more and more kink. So much to explore as this epic body swap journey continues, for both the male and female characters. Anxious to find out how the guy in the next room deals with his sensory over load having Mariella's female body. Can't wait for Body Swap Therapy-Entry 3!

Chr0nicBi0hazardChr0nicBi0hazardalmost 2 years ago

This is great! Your writing of the male orgasm is pretty spot-on. Though, in my experience, a we get older there's less of a mess to clean up.

DeLord12804DeLord12804almost 2 years ago

I'm in this for the long haul.

You started out with a common storyline and gave it a twist and a yank, and now I'm hooked. Very nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story. You have such a wonderfull style and your imagination is amazing. Looking forward to reading more about Mariella's story. I don't think I could offer you anything on where to go with this as you are such a prolific writer and I am sure Mariella will experience lots of amazing erotic adventures. Beautiful work.

whacky76whacky76almost 2 years ago

You described a male orgasm pretty well.

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