Book 02: A Match Made Ch. 04


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Kara was embarrassed by the greeting but nodded and said, "Thank you, JR. I hope you enjoy your presents."

With the girls impending move to their shared apartment, my gift was a gift card to one of the many fine stores in the city to help them furnish it with matching plates, silverware, dishware and the like. They wouldn't pay me to mention who they are so I'm not telling you their name. Yeah I'm giggling.

Destiny opened her present from Kara, closed the paper, and giggled endlessly. Kara was bright red and had a big ole sloppy grin on her face -- the ear-to-ear variety.

Naturally, Honey was the one who chimed in, saying, "For god's sake, Destiny, the suspense is maddening. Show us what it is." That earned her a flick on the arm from Kim, which led to Honey sticking out her tongue.

Destiny opened the paper and held up the present -- a sock in each hand. Reindeers - complete with 'antlers' and bells. How adorable! Destiny pulled the socks right over the nylons she had on. That's right -- she'd taken her shoes off when she and the others came in. She got up and strutted around the living room so everyone could see her treasures. Well, wait a minute. Oh you know what I mean!

Yes, Andi received presents from us. Yes Rach and June received presents from JR & Andi.

Eventually, Shade and I headed to the kitchen to get all the food and fixings ready. A few minutes later Andi wandered in with a bottle she needed to warm in the microwave. While that was happening Shade said, "Andi, I've heard quite a bit about your precious Dylan. How are all of you enjoying your first Christmas together?"

It was all very Shade-like. Andi, clearly startled, said, "It's been very nice, thank you." She looked at me for help; I smiled. "How has yours been?" Very good Andi.

A beaming Shade hooked her arm in Andi's and said, "Christmas is Destiny's thing much more than mine. She brought me breakfast in bed this morning... at 5am." Andi laughed. "She was like a kid opening her presents a little later." The microwave dinged; Andi got her bottle, smiled at both of us, and headed to feed her son. Shade and I high-fived.

Dinner was fabulous if I may say. There were 10 adults and my adorable grandson -- seems I overcooked a wee bit; plus there was the food Shade and Destiny brought. The four 20-somethings eat like birds; Andi's not much better. I guess Kara and I aren't either. No worries; I sent the fab 4 home with leftovers.

After everyone had their turn filling their plates, Shade clicked her water glass with a spoon and said, "May I please have everyone's attention? Before we begin to eat this fabulous feast I have an announcement." In the bustle of the day I'd forgotten what was announced yesterday. I caught Kara's eye; we smiled. Destiny was bright red -- and beaming.

"Ours is a most unusual love story and it's been... fabulous. Destiny Langan, would you please stand?" She did. Shade dropped to a knee in front of her honey. "I would be honored if you would be my wife. I can't even bear the thought of a day without the woman I love so much in my life."

Kara took my hand and nearly broke it she squeezed it so tight. I know I had tears; her smile showed she did as well.

"Yes, honey, of course I'll marry you. I feel like we're already married but..." Awkward felt perfect at that moment.

Shade produced a little box from somewhere, took the ring from it, and put it on her lover's left ring finger. Perfect!! Everyone clapped. Everyone had tears, even Andi. Well, let's be fair -- even JR. Both women made their way around the table to accept kisses, hugs and warm words.

Everyone had finished their dinner. There were groans all around when I mentioned dessert -- until I brought out the baked Alaska. Everyone took a piece and passed the serving dish. And then silliness happened.

Honey and Kim started it all rather innocently by taking turns feeding each other and being ridiculously sappy. Not to be outdone, Rach and June followed suit. Shade started to say something only to have Destiny quiet her with a kiss. Kara looked at me. I took a piece of my dessert, smeared her face with it, and kissed her deeply. She smacked me and giggled. When we pulled away from each other I looked and saw that JR had pulled Andi on to his lap and was kissing her, his hand on her hip. Her arm was around his neck.

Things had calmed down to the point Andi was back in her chair. There was lots of teasing going on around the table. It was light, delightful and wonderfully festive. Andi clicked her wine glass I froze and flicked my eyes in her direction then to JR, who was wide eyed. "First, congratulations are in order for Shade and Destiny." She lifted her glass and said, "Now then, I was an idiot earlier and I'd like to apologize to all of you. I don't know how a human being could watch the beautiful way you all love each other and not feel something. Merry Christmas to you all of you."

You could have heard a pin drop. And just like that, everyone picked up their glasses. "Here, here." "Merry Christmas, Andi." Those and more were said around the table. My son kissed his wife, then looked at me and winked at Kara. Kara squeezed my hand as both of our hands sat on the table. I have no idea what changed Andi's mind. I'm confident it wasn't my dressing down in the powder room or Honey's sass. Well okay, Honey does seem to have a way about her!

There was a familiar gleam in the eyes of the foursome from the city; our goodbyes were cute. Destiny and Kara kissed each other -- yes, on the lips. Shade winked at me to let me know she was totally okay with it; I nodded. My kids and their kids promised they'd all be in touch soon for what I'm sure would be... geez, I don't even want to think about it.

Kara and I talked about the Honey-Andi incident after everyone left.

"My feeling is that Shade was upset because all of them were guests. It could be argued, I suppose, that Andi had it coming, but Shade clearly thought that what was said was out of line."

Kara nodded and replied. "So much was said without a word being spoken." The famous sly smile made a holiday appearance as her arms snaked around my neck. After she'd kissed me breathless, blondie asked, "Ready for bed?"

I laughed. "It's 8:30! Can't we stay upright for a little longer?" She pouted -- you're surprised.


"I have something I wanted to save for last."

Kara laughed and said, "I think that's going to happen upstairs, and it most certainly won't happen when we're upright."

I closed my eyes, shook my head and said, "I'm so glad you're home, Kara." She smiled. "I'll be right back." I headed to my secret squirrel hiding place, took out my special little treasure, and headed back to the couch. "Here, honey. This isn't the biggest deal in the world but it meant a lot to me and I wanted to wait till the end to give it to you." I kissed the woman I love. "Merry Christmas and welcome home, Kara Ann." I handed her the small package.

She ripped the paper off the present, stopped for a second, looked at me, looked at it, and cried.

It was one of those little artistic blocks of wood with a hook on the back for a wall. 'Burned' paper sat on the surface with a winter scene of snow, a cluster of lights in the background to the left and a smattering covering the rest of the back.

"The end is unknown, but I think I'm ready as long as you're with me."

I cried when I found it in the stupid little coffee shop in my building at work. I grabbed it off the shelf as if it was life giving oxygen... add your own whatever. I'm shaking my head as I type tonight. It was one of those perfect little gifts that cost next to nothing that are absolutely priceless because they're perfect for you and the one you love.

Please forgive me if I don't detail the rest of our night. Things are still somewhat 'new' for us and sometimes a bit uneven, even if we know each other... um, inside and out. Goodnight and Merry Christmas!!!

** December 27th **

Thursday and Friday were pretty much ours; I'd taken personal time. I still had to decide if I was going to go to see my family in Minnesota. Note to self: try not to schedule trips in what's pretty much the dead of winter! Dope! We had nothing to do and all kinds of time to do it. You probably know how we spent our time. Ha! I dragged blondie to the club twice a day -- once in the morning and another late in the afternoon. She whined about it until I kissed her quiet. We, um, burned another 450 or so calories doing that thing lovers do. More than once and more than after we had exercised.

We were in the shower after our afternoon workout -- at the gym! Geez!


"Hmm." I was busy washing her back. Did I mention Kara has the cutest dimples low on her back? No? Well I just did.

"I was kinda nervous with everybody here yesterday and the questions. It was all innocent and I know they meant well." I thought I had noticed something was a little off.

"Okay; what are you saying?" She sighed.

"Have you made a decision about going to Jenna's?"

"Well, I'd kinda like to go, lover. Jenna sounded awfully down when she called. God only knows what the weather will be like going up there and coming back. Would you prefer not to go?"

"You were planning on staying with them at the new house, right?" I nodded.

"Yup, I, or we, would stay in the guest room. It's three bedrooms so I'm guessing they're planning on giving Ella a brother or sister some time in the future. Wait -- is that part of the problem? We could get a hotel room somewhere nearby if you wouldn't feel comfy."

As she shook her head Kara said, "I don't want to do that to you or your family."

I stood up, kissed my honey and said, "Do you want to call your sis or should I call Shade?"

Blue eyes got real wide as Kara said, "Really?"

"We won't know for sure until we ask, right?" She nodded and kissed me. I got a little worried about that kiss. It was one of those kisses, the kind that came with Russian hands and Roman fingers. Fingers that could slip-slide their way over wet, familiar terrain, quickly covered in goose bumps even in the steamy shower water.

"I need you, baby." It was said in a dark, throaty growl. I nodded; what else was there to do?

Her mouth feasted on my breasts as her fingers pushed into a very wet kitty. I love it when she takes control of me like this!! I adore being the object of her passion; it's just so basic, so raw, and so impossibly fucking hot. First Sally, then Jesse and back again; my nipples and the rest of their flesh love the way she teases them. She's not always gentle with them either! It give me tingles as I type, remembering the little red bite marks she leaves behind. Mind you -- not all the time. That's part of what the girls enjoy in fact; they never know when they're in for a carnal mauling!!

Kitty? She was busy looking for her goggles AND her lipstick. Mm hmm! She was certain that it was going to be playtime for her and her kitty. I'm going to say there's a high degree of probability that she's right.

My blonde did some serious damage; the best kind of damage a girl can get. The flame that had been lit with that kiss was roaring now as the throttle had been shoved wide open. I felt the burn expand as her mouth continued it's journey south, stopping to kiss, lick and nip on any and all points of interest. Eventually fingers and mouth met at the Y. When she sucked a quivering Ms. P in her mouth I screamed in joy as my body exploded. Kara pushed a shoulder into my thigh in an effort to keep me standing on suddenly unsteady legs. I might have liked to just slide down the shower wall, except that meant Kara losing her 'grip' on my sex.

The best part of lovemaking, I think, it never quite knowing when it is going to start. Some may say the beginning of your orgasm; it would be hard to argue. Do you know what I mean though? Planned has its place; impromptu is just wunnerful. If the beginning it the best, the worst has to be when it ends. Kara put my head on her shoulder as I tried to catch my breath and steady myself as I recovered.

"You okay, baby?" I nodded. "Want more?" I shivered... and nodded. "I thought so. Come on, let's dry off and get to bed." I shook my head. She laughed and said, "You want to go to bed wet like this?"

"We're already wet. You made kitty wet; yours is too." She kept laughing as I talked.

"I can't think of a single reason to argue. Come on."

We had both drip dried to a certain degree, though our hair was still soaked. Another shower was likely later anyway. Arm in arm we headed from the bathroom to bed. After pulling blankets over us we curled into each other and kissed.

Suddenly Kara began to cry. I was shocked and confused; I pulled her a little closer and held her until she got whatever it was out, her face in my neck. What could it be? I was surprised with her comment about Christmas. I did hear several questions but they didn't seem too intrusive nor did there seem to be too many of them. I suppose that's one of those 'walk a mile in my shoes' things. I love her, she loves me, but we're two people. I know her well but I was married to Dylan for over 30 years. There's no comparison.

The crying stopped eventually. I kept quiet for a while and then my curiosity and concern got the best of me.

"Do you want to share what's bothering you?"

"I wanted to be back in the restraints." Oh god! "I want you to do stuff to me. I miss that part of us. And I have no idea if you're ready or if you even want to do that yet... or ever again." I don't either. One thing I know for sure was this: it was way too soon for us, either of us, to go there yet.

"Kara." She lifted her head. "It's too soon for either of us to go back there, honey. At least that's how I'm feeling."

"Yeah, okay, I sort of was thinking that anyway. I think that's part of why I cried. It was never too much of a part of how we loved but I'm pretty sure we both liked it." Damn right, skippy! I smiled as I nodded my agreement.

"The first thing that popped into my head was 'never say never' lover. I think we need to get you quite a bit of distance from those two bitches before we entertain that notion again. And I'm sorry to put the onus for it all on you."

Kara hurried to say, "No, no, I totally understand and agree. I've told you that I wanted that jerk to give me pain." I saw something different in her eyes when she said, "She told me I wasn't worth saving." What? "That the fact no one called or came for me proved that no one cared about me." I was filled with rage. "In the mood I was in, filled with self loathing, I bought it lock, stock and barrel." She shook her head.

"I didn't know where you were. I just took it for granted that you were working and going home. I was miserable and figured you were too. I wanted to call, text, and I..." I needed to stop; I felt a cry coming and didn't want to do that now.

"I know, Lissy, I know. Me too. It was killing me not to hear your voice, be with you. I was living in hell every day. Work sucked. It was eight hours of joyless drudgery. I couldn't go home and hated going to Barb's. Carol hates me, plus I was an interloper. They were lovers and I was alone after wrecking things for my lover and me."

That did it; the tears flowed. She wasn't the only one in this dealio with regrets. We'd talked about it some. We would continue to talk as the hours, days, weeks and months rolled on. We would have to if we wanted to keep us. I hate that it happened and hate my role in it. That Sunday was as much on me as it was on Kara -- if it was on Kara at all, as I'd found out since she'd... no, since we had gotten back together. It takes two to make it and two to break it, right?

I brushed away my tears, sniffled, and said, "You're not alone when it comes to regret and self loathing, Kara. I have my own about that Sunday and the way I reacted -- no, overreacted to what you said. Plus I didn't reach out to you in the months that followed. That's why I feel so strongly we each need to go into therapy." I thought about something and said, "Maybe at some point we can both talk to our shrinks about doing joint work. At the very least you could give yours the info for mine; same for me. Maybe they can talk to each other. Whatever. I love you. This I know."

Blonde and blue nodded as a smile broke out on her beautiful face. "I love you. This I know, Melissa Eileen."

That kissing thing we do happened again. And I'm sure it's no surprise that there was more or that a shower was needed.

** December 28th **

My brat did her best to seduce me when we woke up Saturday morning. I reminded her between kisses and things that she hadn't called her sister with, um, our Friday night.

"Goddammit, why didn't you tell me this last night?"

I couldn't stop laughing. "There was this little detail of our lovemaking. I barely had enough breath for that, let alone remind you to call Destiny." She blushed through my entire speech.

"Okay, okay, why don't you take your shower and let me call Destiny." She looked over her shoulder. "Crap; what time is your flight?" I told her. "Okay, I'll take you to the airport and then head to their condo. Destiny will tell me what to do with my car. That assumes it will be okay for me to stay with them." I saw fear in her eyes. "What if they're busy?"

"Call her and ask. If they are we'll... hell I don't know. We'll figure something out." She nodded.

It all worked out. Destiny was thrilled to have time with Kara. She told Kara to call when she got close so she could get the parking thing worked out. Apparently it was okay with Shade as well. I had to hurry and pack for my lengthy trip. Casual and cold was how I packed. I remember reading a profile on AOL years ago. 'Look famous and travel light.' Winter makes it a challenge to travel light. I suppose my kid isn't going to mind if I'm in the same slacks for more than one day. I managed it all in one suitcase and a carry on for my makeup and... well, you know.

Kara kissed me like I'd be away for years. I giggled when I thought of that and typed it. 'It's been a year since I've seen you.' 'Shut up blondie, ya goof.' Can any of you feel me??

"Have fun, okay, you and your sis. I'll be home Thursday morning." I thought of something and added, "Hey! You're going to be at their condo most likely. You could come downtown and pick me up after work."

"Hey, that's right; I could. Or you could take a cab or something to the condo and we can have dinner at Connie's restaurant."

"I hadn't thought of that! That could work too. We'll figure it all out Wednesday."

"Right; please give Jenna and Ian my love and holiday wishes." The blues teared. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you. I'll call you when I'm in the car with Jenna to let you know I've landed. I better go." Blondie made a face.


Author's Notes:

This chapter, like the others, is a work of fiction. The response to the first three chapters has been overwhelming. Thank you all so much for your votes, comments, and emails.

I've mentioned that a story of this length is likely to have a few words misspelled. I write, I edit, and I have someone very capable proof. And still things get missed. Please make allowances for the human factor.

There was quite a bit of surprise and dismay about the ending of Chapter Six. It was very difficult to write. I understand the hue and cry. As much as anything I'm grateful that my writing can evoke that kind of emotion in my readers. Whether you read, comment and vote anonymously or with a moniker, I appreciate each of you very much. I put a lot of work into my writing and I'm constantly experimenting and trying to grow. Thank you for reading. ~ AVL ~

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I have got to say with sassy people on that Christmas day was totally waiting for someone to make a gay apparel joke because I so would have especially if I was there with my girlfriend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

The power of your words, characters and just the whole damn story will never cease to amaze and encapsulate me.

Much love


fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
Trust has to flow both ways!

The reason I refuse to participate in BDSM activities where I reside. Is the dominant/master types are pretentious bullies and abusers. Who confuse having money with value or having values.

As I see them, they tend to abuse alcohol and drugs and the local prostitutes and the mentally ill. Who in turn are pretending to be submissives/slaves to pay for their drug addictions.

There is suppose to be RACK but I see them all violating those rules? standards? I am of the opinion SSC should be Sober first, then Sane and Consensual. Sober would weed out the abusers, the prostitutes and the mentally ill as they are all dependent on the booze and drugs.

These corybantics are of course infested with virulent diseases and infected injuries.

A brewing Public Health menace that most people try to pretend does not exist.

Now this is occurring in my community. I cannot attest as to how it is where you live but I do not believe we are alone in this medical/mental health disaster.

DocSavage656DocSavage656over 10 years ago

Just really remarkable writing from two amazing writers.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
my comment was jacked


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
rub me down

and smack my ass <3 <3 <3

Best story on Literotica!!! deal fools _I_

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Gorgeous story. Kara's writer is a gem and an amazing partnership. I'm with the other commenters who hold hope that this tale is a reflection (at least in part) of a real love between these women.

DwinohDwinohover 10 years ago
Awesome, incredible!!!!

I am completely in awe of your writing ability. This story is so well written that I can't help but feel it is a true story about real people. I know it probably isn't, but it is so well written that it makes me feel as though it is. What a gift! I hope this isn't the end. I could read about Lissy and Kara forever! Vixen, you are true treasure. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

MzFlyMzFlyover 10 years ago
Falling in love again...

Wonderful, amazing, fantastic! There are not nearly enough adjectives to describe how I feel about this beautifully heart wrenching story. The instant friendship and interaction with Kara and Destiny had me laughing, smiling & crying through the paragraphs.

I love the role Shade has played in getting Lissy's Kara back. Definitely feeling the struggle of Kara's personal journey back to herself and her family. You have really outdone yourself Vixen! I will probs say that on ever chapter. >wink< And it will always be true.

Many thanks to you and the other writer for blessing us with your talents and bringing us fully into this world. Kudos and congrats on another fabulous installment!

Arago007Arago007over 10 years ago

The last chapter allowed me to breathe again, this one actually made me smile, over and over again. Maybe one of the most touching moments for me was Andi's toast at christmas. She has come a long way, it's a beautiful thing to see.

I really am enjoying the friendship between Destiny and Kara. A relationship is never in a bubble, good or bad, so it's good that Lissy and Kara have strong friendships and family in their lives... Especially as they get through this next hurdle.

I know this was in the holiday season, but I was surprised that the Alexis/Becky legal issues weren't addressed at all in this chapter. I am also trying to figure out if Becky's daughter was involved or if that part was done in innocence... Did I miss something there?

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