Brainstormed Ch. 02


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"Promise me, take no actions, make no decisions until I get back, can you do that for me? This is very important."

"Alright, I'll lay low, for you, for now."


Veronica called Alex Vanderhorn's office, and was immediately put through to Alex, "Hello again, this is Dr. Veronica Talbert."

"Dr. Talbert, good to hear from you, how is Nate?"

"Nate is at a critical cross roads, that's why I'm calling. I would like to speak to Rebecca, but I didn't want to ambush her. I was hoping that you would reach out and see if she would be willing to sit down with me and talk."

"I would be happy to do that Dr. Talbert, my wife is the best choice for arranging that, she and Becca have become very close. I'll call her right now. I know exactly what Becca will say, she'll jump at any chance to get back with Nate. Why don't you book a flight, and my wife Melissa will pick you up and take you to Becca."

"Alright, if you are certain Rebecca will be accepting of the idea, and please call me Veronica."

"Veronica, I am certain. Please get here ASAP, I desperately want to get them reunited, they belong together, this all went sideways because of the greed of that fucking TRPB Corp."

Veronica was picked up by Melissa and on the drive to Rebecca's house Veronica probed Melissa discreetly for details. Melissa's legal training caused her to recognize the effort, and spelled it out for Veronica, "Look Ronnie, I'm not going to divulge anything, Rebecca is our client and friend. I do believe that you are here to help, but only Becca gets to decide what you will be told."

"Fair enough. You have no reason to take my word, but I am here to help, but helping Nate is my first priority," responded Veronica.

After arriving, Melissa made the introductions, "Rebecca, this is Dr. Veronica Talbert, Dr. Talbert, Rebecca Wells."

"Dr. Talbert, it is good to meet you. How is Nate? When can I see him? I miss him so bad, what can I do to help him?" Becca fired out questions before Veronica was even inside the door, then apologized and ushered the two women to join her in the family room. Social offers of coffee, and a bite to eat were made, but only the coffee was accepted. Becca, had a glass of wine.

Veronica began, "I propose that we drop the formal names, I'm Veronica or when people get comfortable with me, Ronnie. May I call you Rebecca?"

"Actually, please call me Becca, all of my friends do and I'm hoping that you are going to be a friend."

"Alright Becca, as you know, your husband has been talking to me in a effort to come to grips with the recent past. In order to provide the best guidance, I feel that I need to better understand you. May we talk? And I'm sorry, Melissa, I really feel that this needs to be private, no legal issues, I assure you."

"I don't have any secrets from Melissa," Becca said.

"No, Veronica is right. I don't want you to withhold even the smallest thing because of me. There are some things I need, I'll head to town for a couple of hours, let you two get acquainted. Be back at 4," Melissa said, then left.

"Becca, I'll take the first step toward absolute full disclosure. During my talks with Nate, I found the subject of recording a person's mind, their experiences and then play them back in another's mind incredible. What a perfect tool that could be used by people in my profession, however I doubted that it actually existed. I assumed it was more of a virtual reality thing, but Nate challenged me to go to Vegas and check it out. I took the same 'ride' as he did to better grasp what he's dealing with."

"Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed. You actually know what a slut I am," Becca was mortified.

"You are not a slut. Yes, the experience was something that I was not ready for, and frankly I understand why so much money is being made with it. But, my objective here is to understand your ability to do what no one else can, and help Nate move forward."

Becca asked, "Does Nate know that I only did it because I could see no other way to keep him from prison?"

"Yes my dear, he does. If that were all there was to it, I think he would come around."

"What do you mean, 'if that was all'? I've never done anything, with anyone, other than those recordings to get the money to free Nate!" Becca protested.

"We'll get to that, but first please tell me about 'Jess'," asked Veronica.

"Jess? That's just the made-up name I used. She doesn't exist," Becca asserted.

"Oh, but I think she does exist. This is crucial Becca, tell me about her. When was the first time that you used her?"

"Before Nate and I were married, as a treat for him, I became this character, Jessica. Jess was very sexually charged, willing to do anything for her partner. I became Jess a couple of times while we were having sex, but Nate didn't react with enthusiasm. He noticed that I, Becca, wasn't present, and seemed disappointed that I wasn't engaged in the 'love part', when we were making love, while I was being Jess.

Jess was just full of lust, no love. He wanted lust also but with love. I stopped becoming Jess, neither of us missed her," Becca confessed.

"Becca, that was not the first time you became 'Jess' ... was it?"


"Come on Becca, trust me, get this out, you need to face this. When was the first appearance of Jess?"


Author's note - Chapter 1 and chapter 2 of this story got rejected due to underage content, and I had to re-write, then re-submit them.

I do wish to comply with Literotica's rules for stories.

Therefore readers, draw your own conclusion as to why Becca created an alternate personality named "Jessica" at age ten. At Veronica's urging Becca revealed all to her. I will say no more.


"I'm sorry that happened to you Becca, Nate had told me how much you loved your father, it must have been awful."

"I do love my dad. Mom's marriage to my first step-dad, Ralph, only lasted two years, then she divorced him. He wasn't my real dad anyway, my birth dad died in a car wreck when I was a baby. I never knew him, but mom says that he was a really good man and she thought that she would never find love again.

A year after the divorce, she met Steven. Before another year passed, they married, he was so wonderful to us, I've always considered him as my father. Mom admitted to me that her marriage to Ralph, was one more of convenience, believing that I needed a father, and Ralph seemed OK. With Steven, she said that she had found love again, I am sure she's right.

He treats me as if I were his very own daughter, and I love him as a father, he is my father. There was no need for Jess anymore, she remained dormant until I met Nate."

Veronica asked, "So, Jess was created and now you are able to become her at will?"

"Yes, I can become Jess anytime I want. I guess that's how I knew that I could actually make the kind of recordings that they wanted. You know, the woman has to WANT to be having the SEX, otherwise the person experiencing the recording would feel all of the guilt and regret. That wouldn't sell. They wanted recordings that allowed someone to live out a fantasy, not be all bummed out. It was agreed that I would do four recordings, I was guaranteed $200,000, if I agreed to try to make the kind that they wanted, a woman enjoying doing it. It would be easy to verify, all Dr. Jones had to do was put the headset on and run the recording, she would know if Jess was holding back or feeling remorse.

As long as even one of the recordings turned out to be good, I'd receive the full $400,000. That would fund Nate's defense."

"Becca, I understand so much better now. I'm not sure I can improve Nate's perception though.

I had already tried comparing what you did to a wife placed into an impossible position: Thieves break into a house, the husband is threatened with harm unless he opens the safe. He resists briefly, but when the threat of death is made, he relents.

To emphasize their displeasure with the husband, a gun is pointed at his head. The wife pleads for her husband, to which the thieves ask just what she would be willing to do. She of course says, 'anything' and her husband protests, but then he is gagged. She is then given a chance to save him, by agreeing to submit to them, doing every conceivable sexual act for an hour, right in front of her husband's crying eyes. When it was over, she thought that her husband would despise her. He told her that he loved her and would spend his life trying to be worthy of her.

She did what was necessary to save her husband. Becca, you did what was necessary to save Nate.

The difficulty with this explanation for Nate is, having taken the 'ride' at the casino himself, he is well aware of how much Jess enjoyed it. Unlike the wife in my story that did it, but detested doing so.

I will attempt to get Nate to understand that while Jess was able to give TRPB Corp. what they wanted, you were devastated. If I can get him to see the distinction, maybe he'll be able to separate Jess's actions from you and realize that you did not enjoy what you felt you had to do," Veronica promised.

"There are other things that I want you to tell Nate. Please make him understand that while Jess did what she did, as soon as I returned to being Becca, I felt so awful, so ashamed, literality sick to my stomach that I threw-up on the street.

Melissa had challenged me just before the first shoot and asked me, 'If you had the chance, right now to make the deal: You make the recordings, Nate goes free, but divorces you and then falls for another woman and they marry - Would you still do this, do you love him enough?

It caused me to feel as depressed as I've ever felt, but my answer was: 'Since there is no guarantee that his innocence would prevail, even with the money, I would say yes, I would do it, it would break my heart forever, but I would make that deal.'

One other thing that I want you to make sure Nate knows, Alex and Melissa Vanderhorn wouldn't take a dime of that money. What got used was spent strictly on the people they hired to hack, bribe and ferret out the truth. They only charged us for their normal attorney services, not even taking any money for the assistance in developing a contract that guaranteed me enough money to give Nate a chance, but also protect me from TRPB Corp. revealing my identity.

Veronica, do you think there is a chance he can get past this?" asked a desperate Becca.

"I don't really know. He's not trained as a Phycologist, so his being able to accept that what 'Jess' did wasn't something that 'Becca' could do, is uncertain. I promise you that I will relate all that you have told me and try to make him understand what an awful spot that you were in.

Even if he does try, even if he can bring himself to come back to you and attempt to get your marriage back, there is a lot of pain ahead for you both. There may be many times when he'll relapse, maybe after a dream. You are also suffering, he may not be able to understand that. Are you ready for those possibilities?"

"Ronnie, I love him more than I can say. If he won't take me back, I'd rather just die."

"Do something for me," and Ronnie held up her phone, its camera video recording. "Send Jess away for good, if he does consider returning to you, the possible appearance of Jess, may ruin it. Let Nate see how hurt Becca is, that Becca did not and does not want any other men."

"Nate," Becca said, speaking to the camera, "What I conjured up Jess to do had only one purpose, to save you from prison. I couldn't bear the thought of you being innocent and forced into such a life. When I found out that you had been set up because of me I knew I made the correct choice, even if you can't forgive me. I would rather you live a life as a free man with another woman than behind bars for a crime that you didn't commit.

Nate, Jess is gone, I won't allow her to return. Please come back to me, I'll never stop loving you for as long as I live."


Veronica had Nate come in as soon as she got back to Denver. She worked hard to convince Nate that Jess was created by Becca long ago to survive, and used that ability to get the cash needed to save him. She also pressed Nate to answer honestly how far he would have gone to save Becca from an unjust sentence to prison. He had to admit that he would have been willing to do anything for her, even kill another human being to save her.

Accepting that Jess's enjoyment of the recordings was not shared by Becca was a difficult sell, but with time he began to relent. At a moment picked by Ronnie, she played the video made by Becca. Nate wept; he had never stopped loving her.

Ronnie handed Nate her phone, when he dialed Becca's number she answered thinking that it was Ronnie, "Hello Ronnie, is Nate OK, could you convince him how much I love him? Does he still have any feelings for me?"

"Becca, it's me..." was all he could get out for a few moments, then, "I do love you, can I come home? I need you."

"Yes, please come to me Nate. I love you so, I was so afraid that this day would never come. I can't wait to hold you again, please hurry."

There was an abundance of tears to go around. Nate, Becca and Ronnie used all of the tissues at their disposal, her love was going home.



Nate and Becca's reuniting was difficult for both of them. They decided to relocate to Denver and start over there. Money now, was the least of their troubles as at the recommendation of Alex Vanderhorn they successfully sued TRPB Corp. for ten million dollars and gained possession of all of the recordings made by Jess. The recordings were destroyed.

Unfortunately, the FBI was never able to prove that the Big Dream Casino owners were the ones that perpetrated the fraud against Nate, and Nate's company. Becca and Nate would have to accept the financial destruction of TRPB Corp. and the bankruptcy of the casino as receiving their "pound of flesh."

Both relived the past occasionally and needed support, sometimes from Ronnie.

Oh, and by the way, Nate's friend Sarge began dating Ronnie, he said he fired her as a therapist. He looked pretty good, all cleaned up and sober. The future looked promising for them.

Two years after all was settled, a baby boy was born, Nate and Becca named him Steve after her father. The baby tightened their bond and their passion for each other even increased beyond an already high level. A brother or sister for young Steve within a short time was a good bet.

Though the terrible memories returned from time to time, Nate and Becca would combat that by holding each other, wept and professed their love for each other, until the moment passed, per instruction by Ronnie. Time has a way of healing heart ache, especially when an overabundance of love exists on both sides of the equation and the need for support, dwindled in severity and frequency with each passing year.

Jess never returned; she was never needed again.

The End.

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enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 months ago

rofl these are some really bad doctors. i thought maybe u had 2 cat here lw and scifi but we need to add humor/satire to it. this was a funny one thanks for the laughs :)

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So creative. Thank you! Although I have to admit I suspected Nate's being setup was caused by the recording company when Nate came under suspicion for fraud . (Probably a result of reading too many stories on this website) :o) 5 stars

HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

A simpler version would’ve been more effective in my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Nate's way too passive and wussy, but then that's pretty much par for the fucking course on LW.

He should have gone after them himself. Frankly, he should also have given that lawyer a beating.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING STORY. Excellent and intimately woven sub plot. The sex issue is a reasonable tool. You had a few hoke, legal mostly-the video cameras and ALL the footage woukd have quickly shown him to not be present during the commission of the crime. That's an easy pass. Also, the companies entire file system would have been subpoenaed. BUT, again, a useful tool and worth overlooking.

Damned good read!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This is an age old story on a couple of fronts-

#1. Naive girl gets her head turned, by how she is going to be a “ star” The porn business sucks her in, then spits her out.

#2. Woman resorts to sex, to save her husband’s

A. Job

B. Health

C. Life

D. Family

The one thing that rings true in my first comment, is her desire to do something “ big” with her life, and become a star. This split personality thing, really wasn’t developed enough. Or even, if it was true. All women rationalize their behavior. Men do as well. I believe she convinced herself that “ Jess” was doing it, when reality she was seduced by the money. I am not so sure, she wouldn’t be open to doing this again, some day in the future...4stars.

Ocker53Ocker53about 1 year ago

Sorry not my sort of story⭐️⭐️⭐️

AardieAardieover 1 year ago

Ten million dollars would not bankrupt a casino. I would put a hit out on the guys that did that to me if I had his resources. Still, five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Creative story. I don't understand the commenters who blame Becca for her sacrifice. The author presented a story where a predatory corporation got their hooks into the marriage and gave her no recourse to keep Nate out of jail except to have her do the recordings. In reality, selling their house, borrowing from family, etc might have got the same money as they were fairly affluent. But that isn't the author's story. It was set up that her only recourse was to do the four recordings and she used her "Jess" personality that she developed as a self defense mechanism based on her childhood trauma to get through the ordeal. Now if you don't like the Jess/Becca dynamic as a reader that is your call. It is clear that the recordings show zero guilt/remorse and only lust and pleasure by 'Jess'. Meanwhile we know afterwards Becca feels sorrow, guilt, disgust, nausea, and only wants her husband to be kept out of jail. So as a reader it is your call whether you accept that explanation between the slut wife persona of Jess and the loving, guilt ridden wife of Becca. But saying she is selfish or that Jess was just a lie or a cover is moronic as that means just rejecting what the author wrote and projecting the reader's own plot elements. That being said, while I can appreciate a good reconciliation story, I don't see how it would work here. First the story is too focused on the sex acts and too little on how a reconciliation would actually occur. The intervention by Veronica is almost laughably quick and successful. Too much happens on the last page of chapter 2 and it has a deus ex machina feel to it. Anyways while Becca probably "deserves" a reconciliation for her sacrifice and love for Nate, I don't see how it is possible in our universe. Though he may not have sampled them, Nate will know about the other "rides" with the triple penetration and the massive cock black experience (usual laughable LW trope btw which flies in the face of actual penis length statistics, of 5.5" (all) vs 6.5" (black) average length), not to mention her first lesbian experience. Having felt and experienced what his wife felt in terms of lust, desire, and pleasure during his "ride" (her first b/g scene), I don’t see a way that their marriage can be healed. While I feel sorry for the exploitation of Becca, I don't see any other way except divorce. It isn't just what she did and the sex acts it is him experiencing one of them for himself and feeling what she feels and seeing no fear, no remorse, no guilt, no hesitation just all in with the most mind blowing sex that he will never have with Becca (worse with the 2nd day scenes I would wager). No man could ever get past that because Becca cannot soften any of it with lies. In reality poor Becca was unknowingly raped. Just like she was before her marriage to Nate. Hence Jess comes out to survive. Why rape? She gave consent, yes? But under crazy failed pretenses. This was akin to a burglar raping a wife to protect her husband from being shot. The company orchestrated the frame on the husband, their lives would be ruined, she did not know they were involved, and she was forced into sexual prostitution / pornography to save him, knowing if he found out that he would leave her. But it was effectively an extortion / blackmail scheme, she just didn't know who the criminal masterminds were. I feel awful for Becca. But the problem is how the husband finds out about it. He lives the experience of the actual sex. He doesn't live the before and after. He feels everything she is feeling and they become part of his memories. I don't see how anyone can possibly get past that no matter how much counseling. I wish it could be otherwise but it doesn't seem possible. In fact a better way to possibly fix it would have been to FORCE the company to record Becca's feeling about her husband so he could experience her love. Heck even force them to record her having sex with Nate. Then have him take that "ride". Have him feel her live for him. Her undying devotion. While then pleasure and desire will be less crazy, he can see everything else, including any guilt and sorrow before they make love. That and probably only that could save the marriage. On a separate note, perhaps a different version of the story would be to drop thr entire Jess/Becca dynamic and just have Becca be unwittingly extorted into having sex multiple times. Part of the cheating wife experience would be guilt and sadness mixed with pleasure and desire. Have those be recorded. Now when he takes the "ride" he can see things that other people might miss. Now it is a gray area. She has second thoughts, doubts, guilt, especially before and after but she also has big orgasms and throws herself into it because otherwise the company won't pay her. That would pose a much more nuanced dilemma with a more reasonable yet hard path to reconciliation, with a more direct analogy to the burglar-wife-rape-murder hypothetical, without the violence and the intense disgust at being actively forced. Again Becca made a huge sacrifice and was raped four times, and unwittingly her special ability (probably because she had developed the Jess persona that could be toggled on-off with ease) is what put her marriage into the crosshairs. But while a disturbing yet creative plot, I don't see how they recover beyond Nate being a Saint, without changing the plot: either (a) they do recording afterwards of her showing her love / emotions for Nate which Nate "lives" or (b) there is no Jess and she is conflicted but has great sex as she saves her husband from prison. Still provocative. 5* for the disturbing idea. Will be tough in the future when technology like this, or variations of it, become available. Haubting thought.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well she is like most women selfish and immature, not really a woman you want to be married to

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianalmost 2 years ago

What a terrible thing to do to a young couple. Thankfully, it was only a story but a great story. It was well written and the grammar and spelling were very good. Keep up the good work. MtM

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyabout 2 years ago

Wow! …a great but disturbing story! I enjoyed it and hated it in reference only to the people behind the set up. Thank-you it was a very good read!

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 2 years ago

‘Jess’ wasn’t another personality, she was just a cover so that Becca could feel free to play the slut. The whole story hinges on the fact that whatever she wants overrides anything he wants. She is a manipulative bitch not a victim.

not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestalmost 3 years ago

Hm, in this case the only acceptable outcome IMO would have been if she went and murdered everyone at the company and the killed herself.

fritz51fritz51about 3 years agoAuthor

Several readers have brought up the inclusion of "Marcus" in this story. First I wish to emphatically state that I am not a racist... nor were my characters written to be labeled that way. We all have bias based on where and how we grew up, and I am not without my own, but I do strive to a better person and not let misguided teachings dictate my actions.

That being said, some readers seem to miss that fact that my heroine did not request Marcus. She was being coerced by a money hungry porn industry who had selected topics based on "What Sells"...

Without getting into the right / wrong of the BBC concept, I'm only suggesting that the people behind her husband's made-up legal trouble made that choice, she was only trying to do what was necessary to free her husband, consequences of his rejecting her later be damned. Whether or not she did a scene with a black man, I don't believed mattered to her husband, nor entered into his decision to reconcile.

Now, some of you may think my comment sounds stilted, I told y'all: it's how I talk.

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