Brian's Loss Pt. 03


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For me, this is a whole lot more. The washroom has a wall size mirror. I get the joy of watching her breasts shoot back and forth with some circling in between. This is a spectacular view. I'm not going to last long.

Natalie had a whole night of watching me and her sister's fuck. I suspect she is horny. I can see the need, and the desire in her face. She is primed and ready to blow. I start my five thrusts of cum, giving me the joy that I love so much.

Natalie goes weird on me; she turns into an Opera singer. She emits a long, soft, drawn out, "Oooooooo," that lasted thirty seconds and hit at least twenty notes.

When we finish, it seems like she wants to say something important. She composes herself and makes sure she calms down, so she is breathing all right.

Only then does she tell me, "We need a wall mirror like this. I could feel your cock surge as my boobs rolled around on my chest. That was fucking hot."

I hear Carrie, Addison, and Faith yell out, "Language, Natalie!"

We both giggle and then go back to bed.


The next morning, we go down for breakfast at 11:30 AM. Mom and dad are waiting for us. They have been waiting a LONG time. We are all tired and ... well, we all look worn out.

Mom is about to verbally abuse us. I can see it in her face. She is annoyed.

Addison jumps on her first, "Brian had a few hard days. We were afraid for his mental state, due to the rejection and Holly's loss. We made sure we aren't losing him. We fucked his brains out."

Mom gets as far as "Lan..." before Addison interjects with fire in her eyes, "Oh stuff it. We are grown ass adults. We are, what we are. Deal with it."

Three more sets of eyes made her shut up. FINALLY! I ordered two breakfasts; I am famished.

Chapter 17 -- The Complaint

Point of view: Linda

My husband Mark says to me, "Linda, why are we here?"

He hates these meetings, "You know damn well why we are here. HR called an emergency meeting. A former employee filed sexual and workplace harassment reports against an employee, dear."

We are in the executive conference room. The HR rep and MaryAnn walk into the room. She worked for us for a few years. She wasn't exceptional or motivated. She was a woman working in a male-dominated company, which made her unusual.

I understand the charges, but I can't believe she is here. This should be rich.

The HR rep, Cindy, did all the talking.

Cindy says, "A complaint has been filed against Brian for workplace and sexual harassment. Several examples have been provided."

Mark asks, "Who witnessed these incidents."

Cindy looks uncomfortable, "Well, nobody. It seems Brian took her to an unused conference room."

I ask, "Cindy, when are our conference rooms ever unused? Even we, the owners, must wait for a room to free up."

The best Cindy can do is shrug her shoulders.

I continue, this is fun, "What have you been doing with your life for the last, what, year?"

Happy that the subject changed, MaryAnn says, "Brian hired me to watch his children. He had pictures of me and threatened to show the company if I didn't work for almost nothing. He is such a terrible person. Since his slut of a wife died, he has been abusing his children."

I almost reached across the table and killed her on the spot. How dare she call my baby a slut. My husband distracted me enough by text messaging someone on his phone. No more than a minute later, I hear three soft double knocks on the door. I love my husband; that is a signal from security that they are here, and the police have been called. MaryAnn may yet live this day out.

She knows she has irked me and is defensive now.

I ask, "Have you seen him abuse his children?"

MaryAnn is confident now, "Oh yes, they have bruises all over their bodies, hidden by their clothes."

With a shocked look on my face, "How often does he abuse those children?"

MaryAnn is all too happy to talk, now that I seem interested.

MaryAnn, smugly and with a smile on her face, says, "It varied, but at least once a week. As a single man, he just isn't equipped to deal with babies. I am no longer employed by him; but, I fear for those children."

How stupid is this woman?

I reply, "Yes, I was there Saturday. I saw the whole ugly scene. You missed a fantastic dinner and party afterward."

Clueless, MaryAnn continues, less sure of herself, "I thought you looked familiar."

Mark is next to talk, "Did you know that some hard-ass District Attorneys and judges don't look very favorably upon false accusations? They call that slander. From what I know, I haven't heard one true statement come out of your mouth. We all know those children were not abused, zero percent accuracy there."

MaryAnn is defensive and looks ill, "Oh no, you weren't there. You didn't see their frail little bruised bodies."

I cackle like a mad hyena, "Oh no, honey, that never happened. We see them no less than every other week."

Her jaw drops to the floor, "Who the fuck are you, people?"

With the biggest grin on my face, I answer with an amused voice, "We are Holly's parents, dear ... you know ... the one you called a slut. You are right about Brian; he will own this place soon. He's a fantastic man. But, that phone call outside was your downfall."

In a quick dash, MaryAnn stands up and runs to the door. She flings it open, only to be face to face with the largest security officer in the world. He smiles down on her, and MaryAnn has the world's best reply for the situation, "Oh fuck."

I nearly lost it laughing.

MaryAnn sat down, and together, we waited for the police to show up.

When Al showed up, I request, "Can you take her out in handcuffs? I would love to film that for my son-in-law."

Al laughs and says, "Sure, we can do that. Come around, and you can watch me cuff her."

MaryAnn laughs, "I will be out in an hour."

I laugh, "Do you think your mother has any money? With the argument your family had after you left, I doubt she can fill her car with gas.

"Have a nice life, kid. If I, or anyone from Brian's family, ever sees you again, you will get to see my mean side."


Point of view: Brian

My doorbell rings. I answer the door, and Linda is standing outside my house with her cell phone and a massive smile on her face. She uses her palm to push me inside of my house.

When I object, she puts a finger on my lips. Then, she closes the door, asks about the babies; I tell her they just laid down for a nap.

She pushes me down on the couch and sits close to me. She unlocks her phone, presses play, and then hands me her phone.

I see the inside of the executive conference room at work. Mark, Linda, and MaryAnn are all seated. I watch and listen to every detail. Linda ceases to exist. For almost thirty minutes, I watch until MaryAnn is taken away by a police officer in handcuffs. The video stops.

I look at Linda with my mouth open, unable to process what I just saw.

Linda uses her typical in charge voice, "She was trying to get you fired. The bitch didn't even remember seeing us at your almost wedding. By the way, I loved the ending, especially the way MaryAnn's mother and stepfather screamed at each other. Only having both families come to blows would have been better. I think it's obvious from the video, she had no idea we were Holly's parents." She has tears in her eyes at mentioning Holly. "I nearly killed the bitch when she called my baby a whore. I doubt any charges stick. No way she spends time in jail.

"Having a record will hurt her job prospects; that's the actual damage. I didn't know about the neighbor hearing the phone call. However, I wish your sisters would have told you."

I cut her off; she hates that, "No. That would have failed. My sisters have tried to manipulate my relationships over the years. Holly was good enough; I had no problem with her and my sisters. They killed many relationships. I would have rebelled and ignored them; they did it right. In the end, maybe it had to work out this way. On the positive side, I am much closer to my sisters, and you get me back again."

Linda blushes, "The first time I met you, I fell in love with you. I would have dropped my husband and Holly to be with you. You, though, you were head over heels in love with Holly; I had no chance. I thought it was ingenious at the time, hiring you to do some work around the house.

"When Mark found out, I told him I was testing out a prospective employee, Holly's boyfriend. Anything for his Holly, and Mark was all for it. She had him wrapped around her finger.

"You didn't start out great in bed. You cared, though. You wanted to be great. You learned quickly, and you listened. It's funny; those were the same virtues I told Mark about when we hired you. It's only when Holly got suspicious that I stopped asking you to come by."

I laugh, "Yes, that led to our first fight. Holly asked me if I was fucking you. I admitted that I was. She finally asked me why after crying for thirty minutes. I explained that I had almost no experience. As far as I could tell, Holly was the most perfect person in the world. So, who better to teach me about sex than her mother?" Linda screams, "WHAT!?" "Yeah. You think I would lie to Holly? I told her I would never lie to her, and that's why I told her.

"Then things got weird when she asked if there were others. There were seventeen before we were married and zero after. I assume you spread the word. I was working twelve and fourteen-hour days until you hired me; those cougars wore me out."

Linda laughs, "My, oh my. You would not believe the phone calls I got after you worked for a friend. At first, they're like, hey, you own a construction company, why do YOU need a carpenter? Then I tell them that you like cougars, and immediately, they understood. You made many women happy."

The look on Linda's face changes; she looks somber now, "I am positive Mark knows about us. He suspected you at first, and every mention of your name made him mad. You, just being you, solved the problem. He couldn't stay mad at you; he likes you too much. You learned quickly and were fantastic with the customers and the crews.

I worry about you long-term. I fear you won't replace Holly now. Life must be more than your three babies."

I chuckle, "They're growing up so fast, they're young ladies now. No, nobody will ever fill Holly's shoes. MaryAnn has messed me up; I will never marry again." Tears are falling down Linda's face.

"There is hope for me. My sisters have all stepped up and are helping me cope with life."

Linda chuckles now, "Yeah, but they can't help with everything you need."

I give her a sly smile, "They're still female ..."

Linda's eyes go wide; she inhales deep and holds her breath.

She exhales, saying, "You can't do that."

I quip, "Did it. Did it. E-pic-al-ly, did it. And you forgot my mother; she was first."

Linda slugs me in the arm, "You son of a bitch! So here I am worried about your sex life, and you have a fucking harem!"

I am outraged at her behavior. I stand up, pick Linda up, and throw her over my shoulder.

Linda screams at me, "Oh no, you mother fucker. NO. No. You can't do this to me."

As I walk with purpose to my bedroom, I say, "I think I can, and I think I just did."

I stand her up at the edge of my bed.

As she quickly undresses, she scolds me, "What, you think you can just grab me and have sex with me any time you want? I am a lady, I decide. I am not one of your whores."

I scream at her, "Kelly was no whore!"

I am undressing.

Linda likes role play.

This is her favorite. She is Kelly King, a divorced woman with strong needs.

We both get mad, and then the sex is terrific. However, Holly was far different in bed. She was slow and gentle, with far more emotion, while Linda likes a quick pace.

Linda screams at me, "You almost married a gold-digger! Wake up, Brian, you were played!"

I scream back, "I was in a rebound. I had no clue."

Animated, but not screaming, "You were in a rebound for a full year? Please! I wasn't born yesterday. She spread her legs, and you jumped at the whore."

She slaps me, that's new, "I was here all along! You didn't need that tramp. I would have retired to watch my granddaughters!"

I am still in a rage, "Oh no, you don't! You raised a wonderful woman. Your life is winding down. Your job is to spoil my angels rotten."

I push Linda down unto the bed. She rolls out of bed and comes around to me. This is new. She

tries to push me into bed, but that failed as she isn't strong enough. I grab her, throw her down on the bed, use a hand to hold her wriggling body in place.

Each hand grabs an ankle and pushes up and back almost to her head. While I push back, I'm also spreading her legs, so I have a magnificent view of her full-length pussy slit and lips. The mileage shows.

I take a quick look. Her nipples want to explode. They're protruding, standing stiffly at attention. Her pussy is glistening; she is ready. My first insertion is slow and gentle.

Linda screams at me, "You fuck like a pussy, fuck like a real man, yeah, pretend."

I knew that line was coming; it's her trademark line for me to pick up the speed.

The first few times, I moved to my fastest speed. That's when my training began. I learned to slow down. She likes it faster than each of my sisters, but it's far from my fastest. It won't be long, and I will use my fastest gear.

Linda is a lot like Holly; something about them feels special. They look similar other than age, and Linda has a larger chest. They both fit just right; they have a fantastic feeling as my cock moves in their pussies. No other woman gives me that feeling. I am quickly thrusting and removing my cock from Linda's heavenly pussy. Her juices are flowing, we are sweating, and it feels incredible.

Linda has impressive breath control; she never turns red and rarely turns pink. She is a true freak of nature. I can see the deep breaths she is taking. Our eyes are always locked on one another. I don't love this woman; but I do love having sex with her.

She has repeatedly told me the same.

Linda controls her family. Mark is the male figurehead that appears to be in charge. Linda has the brain and tenacity to do what she needs to do. However, she also stretches her marriage limits to her liking. I doubt Mark has the balls to cheat on Linda. He loves her, but I think there is also a bit of fear there. It's amazing how different our marriages were.

I never have figured it out, but somehow, I know when to move this along and move to a much faster pace.

No word is spoken, nor hand signal given, yet I know she needs more. She is getting closer. I always leave a bit for the end.

I remind Linda, "Remember, you need permission to cum."

Linda smiles at me but screams, "You filthy maggot! I NEED to cum!"

Almost laughing, I whisper, "That was pathetic. I should get MaryAnn back here. She knew how to beg."

Linda screams, "Fuck you, that whore is shacked up with a street bum right now. Let me cum!"

I move to my fastest fucking. Linda moans a low primal groan; that's new. I am slamming as hard as I have ever slammed my body into a woman. I see she is turning a light pink. That might be a problem at home. My legs go straight; I am above Linda now. Her eyes are bugging out of her head. I have never done this, and the visual to her must be striking with how she is reacting. This allows me to swing my body harder.

Linda's voice changes, it's soft and frail, she is short of breath, "I NEED to cum."

She isn't as loud as before, but the intensity reverberates through my body.

As I let my orgasm release, I whisper to Linda, "Cum for me."

I let her legs down, they are bent now; her body shudders, and then she is calm. A few seconds later, it shudders again and then is calm. She repeats this for thirty seconds. I have never seen this before. She hasn't passed out; likewise, she isn't placing her dinner order, either.

She is staring at me with a tear in her eye.

Linda explains, "My baby missed out on so much life has to offer." I hold her in my arms, and we both cry.


An hour later, Linda has showered, dressed, and stands by the door in my arms. She kisses like the good friends we are.

Linda breaks from the kiss. She looks at me.

Linda smiles as she says, "Typically, when guys have amazing and beautiful sisters like you do, they never get married. They can't find a woman better than their sisters. You found a woman you thought was better than your sisters. The same is true for women, and they never found a man better than you. We will work out the rotation; you need not worry about anything. I had them sleep with you."

That floored me; I sat straight down in a nearby chair. Did I hear that right? As I was going down, Linda directed me to the chair, otherwise, I would be on the floor.

She takes a knee in front of me and looks up at me.

With a shy smile on her face, Linda says, "Yes, it was me that talked them into it. Your mom suggested it. I had a long talk with each one of them. It wasn't that hard; they love you very much. Tomorrow, I am retiring. I will be here, five days a week. I will hire some part-time assistants. Your sisters will be frequent assistants. From time to time, I will be leaving you with role-play assignments. That will keep things interesting around here."

Ding dong!

Linda helps me up, "Let Carrie in. She is first."

I open the door and am attacked by Carrie. She jumps on me and hangs her arms around my neck with her legs around my body. I bring her inside. She is kissing all over my face as I try to get away. I can't.

Linda heads to the door, then says commandingly, "Brian!" I look. "You two have been happily married for ten years; tonight is your anniversary. Go up to your bedroom and show this woman how you treat the love of your life using romance. GO! I will let myself out."

I quickly hold on to Carrie, grab her better, and run up the steps to my bedroom.

Chapter 18 -- Reward

Point of view: Janet Fellows

I don't make much money.

I have a small apartment out in the suburbs close to the train station. I don't own a car, otherwise, I could avoid the train ride downtown and the two buses to work. The train isn't bad; it's on the bus where guys stare and say suggestive or vulgar things at me. I love my job, but I do hate my life.

Today, I was lucky.

When a man tried to grab me, two other men defended me. Trust me, those days are rare. At work, I change into my company-provided uniform, a short skirt, and a tight blouse.

I am already good-looking with a healthy chest, so this outfit makes me look amazing. However, customers come on to me and treat me like crap.

As soon as I leave the locker room, my boss is standing, waiting for me. He hands me a stack of towels and instructs me to deliver them to room 3516. I object; others do that work. Finally, he insists; they asked for me by name.

I am on full alert; this sounds like a setup. I am trembling as I go up to the room. I knock on the door, and a beautiful young woman answers the door in a long evening dress. I see two other women in the room. They stand up as I enter the room.

The two women standing up distracted me. The girl that opened the door is behind me, closing the door, then she puts a cloth over my mouth. I struggle with her to get free, but the other two assist and I pass out.


I wake up naked in bed.

My hands and feet are tied to the bed corners. They are going to rape me; a dozen guys might take turns. I can't scream. There's a ball-gag in my mouth. I am crying hard. I can't believe this is happening to me.

"My name is Carrie. The position you're in, does that look familiar? We choose not to pee on you," says the woman.

I whimper, "Oh yes, I do remember that man and the terrible things that were done to him. What did I do wrong?"
