Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 04-05: Sarah & Wedding


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"Good for you. If that... never mind. I'll talk to John on our honeymoon. In the meantime, why don't you go dance with him? And press your pussy against his cock, hard. Then whisper in his ear you want to fuck him. He'll probably cum in his pants," I said giggling.

"You are a dirty girl," Jen replied giggling.

"As dirty as they cum. Hey, would you like to fuck Jimmy too?" I asked out of the blue.

"Oh god," Jen groaned dropping her head, chin to her chest.

"I'll take that as a yes. Never had a chance at him when you were younger?" I asked.

"Had a chance? Sure. Did I take that chance? No," she replied.

"Well, that shows me you can be loyal to John. Okay, go, find him, asked him to dance," I said standing.

Jen stood with me, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed my cheek. I kissed hers and squeezed her tight. She pushed away and headed out on her mission. I just hope John didn't reject her.

Chapter 31 - John

I was standing talking with Jimmy when Jen appeared beside me. I had seen her talking with Sarah, yet didn't have any qualms about what they were talking about.

"Hi, Jimmy," Jen said, pulling him into her arms and kissing his cheek.

"Hey, Jenny, how have you been?" asked Jimmy hugging her back.

"Fine, in fact, better than fine. I'm good, real good. You?"

"I'm good, real good," said Jimmy smiling widely.

"He just got married... what, three weeks ago?" I asked.

"Yep, three wonderful weeks ago."

"Oh damn, then I guess I don't have a shot at you now," said Jen winking at him and giggling.

I shook my head to clear it. She was acting as she had back when we first got married. She was flirting with my best friend right in front of me. Yes, we weren't married anymore but Jimmy was and he was my best friend.

"Oh, I don't know. Sometimes Sally lets me stray..."

"James!" There came a shout from behind him.

Jimmy just broke out in laughter as Sally grabbed his arm staring holes into Jenny.

"Who's she?" Sally asked still glaring at Jen.

"I am John's ex-wife, Sally. I'm very pleased to meet you, dear," Jen said offering Sally her hand.

Jimmy was still laughing. I was chuckling at Sally as Jen had handled her just perfectly.

"Oh," squeaked Sally stepping forward and pulling Jen into her arms.

Jen was a bit shocked, especially when Sally pressed her lips to hers. Jen didn't jump away she actually, kissed Sally back with passion. Parting, Jen looked at John.

"I need to pull you away for a dance, dear," Jen said.

"Sure, honey," I said taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor.

The band was playing a slow set and Jenny flowed into my arms. She pressed her body against mine bringing back memories of long ago. My cock was getting hard as she presses her vulva against me. I didn't object. It felt really good to have her in my arms. I squeezed her to let her know I was good with what she was doing. She sighed into my ear.

"I want to fuck you. I want you to fuck the shit out of me," Jen whispered in my ear.

I shook hard as I came in my pants. I danced shivering like a young colt in the starting gate ready to sprint down the track. I kissed Jen on her neck right where I knew it would make her cum. She shivered in my arms.

"Oh fuck, you always knew what made me cum hard," she whispered.

"When?" I asked.

"Oh! Well, before you leave on your honeymoon."

"What about Sarah?" I asked.

"She's welcome to be there, in fact, I want to fuck her too," said Jen softly.

"Oh god," I said shaking again, yet I didn't come this time. "She will love that. Anything, anyone, else."

"No, that will about do it for tonight. When... er... what time?" asked Jen.

"As soon as this party breaks up. In about an hour. If you're tired or need to freshen up, I can have someone show you to my quarters here," I said.

"You live here, in this mansion?"

"So, does Sarah. We have an apartment back in the new wing that was built over the last year."

"How does one get that?" asked Jen still pressing her pussy to my cock.

"It doesn't matter right now. The only thing that matters is getting my cock into your body. I have missed you so much."

"I have missed you too. I hope I won't be breaking you and Sarah up," said asked real concern in her voice.

"Not a chance. Just like anyone you decided to fuck while were married wouldn't have broken us up."

"You would have let me..."

"Yes, as many as you liked. Then your sex drive seemed to disappear."

"It did and I didn't know why. I knew in the back of my mind that I wasn't tired of you. I loved the way you made love to me or fucked me. I loved the way you fucked me. But the desire just flowed out of me for what seemed forever. That is until Susan prescribed the pills I now take. It's back with a vengeance."

"Do you have someone who satisfies you?" I asked really wanting to know.

"I do. He's a little younger than me, just like Sarah is to you. I do hope you two have a long and happy life together."

"I hope you and your guy do too. You do know I still love you?" I asked.

"I do. Sarah told me. You have a wonderful woman there. I also still love you. And yes, he knows. He has someone he still loves. Why do people think that love just shuts off when you leave someone?"

"I haven't the faintest idea. I still love everyone I have loved in the past. Unless of course, they have done something to kill that love," I said as we danced.

Jen nodded as we danced. We were into our third song together. I could see other women waiting for me to finish with Jen. The first two were Jane and Nancy. I smiled.

"What's the smile about?" Jen asked.

"Jane and Nancy are here, waiting to dance with me."

"Oh. I guess we should... I should let you get on with..."

"They'll wait."

"No. I'll go talk to Sarah or Susan."

"Hmm... you do know that Susan and Michelle are members."

"Really? Have you..."

"Yes. I have fucked and made love to both. Their husbands have fucked and made love to Sarah."

"Shit! I guess I have some words I need to have with Susan for not prescribing those pills to me sooner."

"They may not have been available until now," I said.

"You may be right. I'll go. Kiss me," said Jen.

I kissed her and hugged her.

Chapter 32 - John

Then she was gone. Nancy and Jane raced toward me. Jane won. She wrapped me in her arms as Nancy swore walking away.

"Hello, little darling," I said.

"When do you leave on your honeymoon?" asked Jane.

"Tomorrow morning. Why?"

"I need you in my body," she said boldly.

"Sorry, my card is full tonight with Sarah," I said.

"Damn!" said Jane giggling. "I knew that, but no harm in asking, is there?"

"Nope. You can always ask as long as you can put up with what might be a rejection."

"Ah... yes, rejection," she said giggling again.

"Besides there are any number of men here that would be willing to join you and Bill in bed tonight."

"I have three other offers and now that you have... well maybe I'll need all three plus Bill to console me tonight."

I laughed at what Jane said, then hugged her tightly. She sighed as the song ended and Nancy tapped her sister on the shoulder. Jane kissed my cheek and backed away. Nancy pressed herself against me and kissed me hard. I just kissed her back. Then she was whispering in my ear.

"I need you tonight. I need you real bad..."

"Sorry, booked up. It is my wedding night."

"Crap," she said rubbing her crotch against mine.

"I told Jane the same thing."

"Good. I hope you and Sarah have a wonderful night."

"Oh we will," I said kissing her hard.

Nancy sighed as I pulled my lips from hers. We danced until the end of the song, just pressing against each other. For the next hour, I was dancing with member's wives. And Sarah was dancing with members. I saw Mark dancing with Jen and smiled. Susan was dancing with someone I had to assume was Sarah's relative, as I didn't know him. Then Sarah's mother was in my arms again. I saw that Sarah was in her father's arms. Her mother giggled as she pressed her vulva against my hard cock.

"How long has that been hard?" she asked.

"It always gets hard when I dance with a beautiful lady such as you," I replied.

She giggled like a schoolgirl and pressed against me harder. I tried to ignore what she was doing but couldn't and sighed in her ear. She sighed back as we continued to dance. I then moved my cock so the head was flipping against her clit. She groaned, as she shook with what I assumed was an orgasm.

"You liked that, didn't you," I whispered in her ear, giving it a little kiss.

"I sure did. What I would really like is having you in my body for a night or two."

I was shocked but didn't show it as I sighed. She was a very beautiful woman. I shook my head, yet the image of her under me flashed into my mind over and over. I would have to have a talk with Sarah about her horny mother. Then the speaker squawked with feedback.

"Will the Bride and Groom come to the dance floor together for the last dance of the day."

I spotted Sarah walking toward me. I started toward her. We met in the middle of the dance floor. I took her in my arms, kissing her passionately. She kissed me back. When the music started, we broke and started dancing.

"What brought that on?" she asked.

"Your mother," I said.

Sarah's eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open. Reaching up I pushed her mouth closed.

"You shouldn't leave that open like that, you never know when a cock my fly in there," I said chuckling at her.

"Did she proposition you?" she asked giggling.

"Kind of. She was rubbing against me and I moved my cock so it was like this," I said moving my cock as I had with Sarah's mom. "She groaned loudly, I asked if she liked that. She said she would like my cock in her body more."

"That slut!" Sarah exclaimed softly, laughing.

I just shook my head.

"We'll talk later. It seems my parents are... just like us," she said.

I was surprised again. Then the dance was over. Grabbing Sarah's hand, I pulled her to the front door to say goodbye to our guests.

Chapter 33 - John

After everyone, except those who were staying at the lodge, had left, Sarah and I headed back to our seats to get Jen. She was sitting there sipping a glass of champagne and smiling. I just shook my head as I realized I was in for a very rough night with two women to please.

"Don't worry, honey, I will only help you with Jen. We will have a whole two weeks to enjoy each other and maybe some other men will be willing to help you keep me satisfied," she said as we walked.

I just groaned at what she said. I was smiling, but I groaned again just thinking about her getting the shit fucked out of her by any number of strangers. Of course, they would have to use condoms. Then we were at our table.

"Are you ready?" Sarah asked Jen.

I just squeezed my eyes shut. Jen laughed at me.

"What?" asked Sarah.

"He always looks like this when he is going to do something he enjoys yet portends he doesn't want to do," said Jen smiling at me as she rose out of the chair where she was sitting.

"I do want to do this. I actually can't wait to see you naked waiting for me with your legs spread wide for me too..."

"All right, that's enough. Let's go upstairs where it's a little more private," Sarah said.

Jen just groaned as we walked to the staircase. The Major Domo was waiting with the key to my place.

"Congratulations sir, Madam," he said to Sarah and me. "And welcome to our humble abode," he said to Jen. "I haven't seen you here before. Enjoy your stay."

"I intend too and thank you..."

"Gerry, ma'am," he said bowing.

"Jennifer or Jen, Gerry," Jen said leaning in and kissing him on the cheek.

Gerry's eyes opened wide as Jen kissed his cheek. He cut his eyes over at me. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know anything about Gerry's personal life. I didn't know if he was gay or not. I didn't know if he was married or not. He just nodded at me as we walked up the stairs to my quarters. They had cut a hole through the back wall to make the connection to the addition. It made one of the conference rooms a little smaller, but hardly anyone used that one. When we got to my room... er... apartment, I unlocked the door opening it so the women could enter first. Sarah led the way in as Jen saw the place she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Wow! Holy shit! Oh my god," she yelled.

I squeezed by her and just went to my closet and started to undress. Sarah was doing the same. Jen just looked around until she saw we were almost naked. Turning, she closed the door and went to Sarah's closet. She disrobed, hanging her things on the door hook. Sarah just watched. I on the other hand was at the wet bar fixing Sarah and me drinks.

"What would you like to drink Jen?" I asked.

"My usual."

"Okay, one bourbon on the rocks coming up," I said.

Sarah took Jen by the hand a guided her over to the bed. Sarah sat pulling Jen down beside her. Jen was shivering now. I could see her shake as I brought the drinks to them. I handed one to Sarah, then to Jen, and stood there sipping mine as I watched Jen. Sarah still held her hand gently squeezing it to reassure her. Jen looked into Sarah's eyes nodding her thanks. When she was finished with her drink, I took the empty from her and placed it on the nightstand. I also took Sarah's from her too. Sarah slowly backed up the bed until she was in the middle. She still held Jen's hand and pulled gently. Jen took a deep breath and move to where Sarah was. Sarah slowly lay down, pulling Jen with her.

"Oh god," Jen said lying down next to Sarah.

"Nothing to fear here. You don't want something done to you, just say no and it will stop. Okay?"

"Okay," she said looking up at me as I crawled toward them. "Oh god."

I smiled at her as we came face to face. Leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips. Jen moaned as I press my lips to hers. Sarah sighed as she watched. I pulled back from Jen's lips and lay beside her.

"So you're going to stay and watch?" she asked not looking at Sarah.

"You bet. I find that when he is having sex with another woman it is the sexiest thing I have ever seen."

Jen shivered as she pulled my lips to hers. We kissed for a long time. I didn't place my hands on her at all. Just my lips. She finally pulled back and looked at me like I was nuts. I smiled at her.

"Well, aren't you going to touch me? That's all you wanted to do when we were married," she said softly, yet I could tell she was a little angry.

"I was just waiting for you to let me know. I didn't want to assume anything and then have you angry at me like you are now," I replied.

Jen grabbed my right hand and placed it on her breast. She groaned at my touch.

"Plain enough?" she asked.

"Yes, dear," I said squeezing her flesh in my hand.

Jen's eyes rolled up in her head as her head pushed back onto the mattress. Sarah sighed. Leaning in again, I kiss her lips gently. She made some noises, yet wasn't saying anything as I kissed her and squeezed her breast. I then moved my hand around to a different place on her body. She was now breathing so hard, I pulled my lips from hers to let her breathe better. Her eyes flew open and she stared at me with lust and love in her eyes.

"Please fuck me," she said between breaths.

Nodding, I moved between her spread legs. Her pussy still looked just as beautiful as it did the last time I saw it. I was looking down at her pussy thinking should give her a little oral pleasure.

"No. Fuck me, please. You can eat me later. Please. I need you inside me, now," Jen said softly looking up a Sarah who smiled and nodded down at her.

"Fuck her you, idiot!" Sarah said slapping me in the back of the head.

I moved up her body stopping to lick and nibble at her nipples. She screamed in pleasure as I did. I move up so I was looking into her eyes.

"Well, put me in," I said winking at her.

Nodding, she reached down and lined me up with her opening.

"Shove it in there," Jen said.

She gasped as I slipped right into her to the hilt. I didn't move as she came back to reality.

"Oh my god, I have missed that. I was a fool a real fool," she said arms around my neck looking up at me with lust on her face. "Now fuck me as hard as you used to if you're able. Please?"

Chapter 34 - Sarah

John was now inside his ex-wife making her scream with pleasure. I was so happy for him and her. I have known for a long time he still loved her, just as he loved all the other women in his past and current life. I knew I was at the top of the list now, and the others were mere dalliances. But his ex held a very special place in his heart. And here he was fucking the crap out of her. She was fucking him back just as hard. They were in love, yet didn't really want to make love right now. That would come later tonight. Did I mind? Hell, no. I had others I knew were in love with me from the way they made love to me at gathers. Mark, George, and Jimmy were three of them.

For the next half an hour, John fucked his lovely ex-wife. I loved watching him have sex with others. He loved watching me have sex with others. Yes, we were a little on the kinky side, but so was the rest of the Brotherhood. I was happy for him and Jen. I loved them both and would do anything they asked of me.

~~~~ John

It felt so good to be inside Jen again. I loved her dearly, even as we were going through our divorce. I was ecstatic as I slammed into her body. She was nodding at me to continue even as she was screaming. I looked over at my new wife, Sarah. She was smiling and nodding at me. Her hand was on my ass, pushing it hard. Jen was smiling up at Sarah as my dick was ravaging her pussy.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm coming. I'm coming so, good," Jen shouted.

"I'm almost there, honey," I said.

We both stared into each other's eyes as I slammed into her. I was just about there, when Jen, squeezed my cock with her vagina.

"Oh, god, you do that so good," I shouted, slamming down into her one last time. "I'm coming, dear. Oh god, I'm coming."

Jen groaned as my cock pulsed inside her body.

"Oh, oh, oh, I can feel your cum splashing inside me," said Jen eyes wide with surprise.

I finally finished filling her with my semen. I could feel it running out around my cock. Then Sarah was there pushing me out of the way. She looked down at Jen, then almost slammed her face into Jen's crotch. Jen jerked her head up in surprise.

"Oh fuck," yelled Jen watching Sarah suck my cum from her body.

I moved up next to Jen, watching Sarah eat her pussy.

"She is good at that," Jen said with a sigh of pleasure.

"She's had a lot of practice, dear."

"Oh god, I'm coming."

Jen slammed her head back down on the bed as Sarah sucking on her sex making her come. Leaning down I kissed Jen's lips gently. She kissed me back. I jerked a little when Sarah started to suck my cock clean. Then she was up with Jen and me. Pulling my lips from Jen's, I leaned over her and kissed Sarah softly. She kissed me back. When we parted, Sarah leaned down looking into Jen's eyes. Moving slowly, she was getting closer to Jen's lips.

"You can kiss me. I haven't really ever made out with other women, but you are so beautiful, I would like to try with you," said Jen softly.

Nodding, Sarah gently kissed Jen. Both women moaned with pleasure as their lips touched. Jen was the first to reach out to touch Sarah. When Jen's hand touch Sarah's breast, Sarah groaned. Then she was squeezing Jen's breast gently. Frantically, the two women started to devourer each other. When Sarah moved her pussy up over Jen's face, Jen looked surprised, but pulled Sarah down so she could lick and suck on the pussy above her. She looked like she knew what she was doing. I looked down at Jen with questions in my eyes. Glancing up at me she just nodded and for an instant pulled her mouth from Sarah.