Cabin in the Woods Ch. 01


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When I gently roused her in the tent, Judy reacted much stronger than I could have anticipated. She looked around, blinking and disoriented for a few seconds and then abruptly jerked away from Kevah. It was not the expected reaction I was hoping for. I thought she'd just giggle or role her eyes. When she told me about the first night, when Kevah had been holding her breast, she had cared so little that she went back to sleep.

The sudden movement caused Kevah to wake up. The intimate moment was over.

I waited till later in the trail to ask her why she had reacted so negatively to an accident. That's when she whispered that she hadn't even noticed his hand groping her, she had reacted to Kevah's morning erection lodged between her buttocks. There had been clothes and a sleeping bag separating them, but there was no mistaking the rock-hard tube pressing against her bum.

"How do you know; the sleeping bags are pretty insulated?" I asked rather foolish.

She blushed.

"Believe me," she said, "he must be really hung." Stressing the word hung.

I pestered her and said it sounded like she wanted to feel his cock again and she slapped my arm playfully telling me to shut up.

Despite not seeming too traumatized by the experience, I could not ignore the tension slowly building in our group. It was clear that Kevah had a thing for my wife. Later that evening, when Judy was changing into her night clothes, Kevah told her to drop the remaining pads as her moon was now over. He smiled, having smelled that her period was over. It was weird knowing Kevah could sense such intimate things about Judy.

It was with a certain apprehension that I crept into the tent that night. But my concern was unnecessary as nothing seemed to happen. We hit the last station late in the afternoon the next day. We had the choice of spending the night there or moving on a bit weather permitting. Kevah definitely wanted to move. Winter would be upon us any day. By now, Kevah was the ultimate authority so we set out. Something about his presence... He was a dominating character, and his role of guide gradually expanded to encompass most decisions we made.

We were a day out from a small cabin that served as pickup point for us. It was the kind of outpost station used by various groups and, according to Kevah, much more comfortable than the stations we had been visiting.

Setting up the tent that night, I felt a wicked sense of excitement pulse through me at the prospects of what I might wake up to. Kevah wasn't even hiding that he was interested in Judy. We understood that, with his background, it did not make any difference to him that Judy was married to me. He had also begun to hint that it was unusual for him to be without a woman for long, and being close to a beautiful woman, like he was now, without sex made him feel awkward.

It was with that admission in mind we settled in for the night. Judy and I were now used to the feeling of sleeping squeezed together. There was a definite sexual tension. Both of us could tell that Kevah was very much affected by having Judy propped up next to him. Judy, no longer feeling as self-conscious around Kevah, stretched out on the same mattress beside him.

I woke up last the following morning. Kevah and Judy didn't say a word as we left the tent, and I sensed something was off. Judy pulled me aside an hour into the hike to tell me what was going on. She had woken up with her head on his shoulder, but this time her arm clung around his chest, holding him. He, in turn, had his arm stuffed down her sleeping bag, ensnaring her around the back. His hand had been forced inside her loose sweatpants cupping her naked ass cheek.

That wasn't all though. His fingers were gently caressing her hair when she'd opened her eyes. Reflexively, instead of pulling away, she had tightened her hold on him and remained still as he touched her. They were both awake, but it felt so nice and tender being embraced, neither minded.

Eventually Kevah began caressing her ass as well, and after weeks of no sex, she couldn't help but melt further into his arms. It had turned her on so much that she was lucky he hadn't gone for her pussy, as he would have found it all wet, puffy and eager for attention. Instead, he had pushed back her head to look at her face. His gaze had been piercingly passionate, and she felt her cheeks turn red. Neither one of them said a word. Kevah leaned forward and kissed her soft, pouty lips. Her pussy tingled as she kissed him back. They kissed for a few minutes, his mouth moving to her cheeks and chin as she shuddered, pupils dilating. The soft, dry kisses reminded her of how large his erection had been the other morning. Then I had coughed and woke up.

It was strange to hear Judy recount what she had been doing with Kevah. I remained silent, but Judy understood I did not disapprove. Kevah was a very intense person, and she had obviously become attracted to him. She could go as far as she wanted. We had a relationship built on trust. Admitting what she'd done with Kevah was just her way of keeping me abreast. It's not like she needed or wanted my approval.

Kevah urged us onward. Bad weather was coming, and we could not delay. When we got to the log cabin, it was lying beautifully on a slope overlooking a small lake surrounded by mountains. It was square, with a flat sloping brown roof, with a large front porch. There was a door and two, heavily paned, windows at the front. One side of the roof extended out to cover what looked to be a tool shed. Wood was piled neatly under the roof between the cabin and the shed.

The cabin was made up of a large common room and two smaller bedrooms at each corner of the back wall, making the common room to be roughly T-shaped. At the front by the windows, there were tables and chairs and a couch, a wooden stove, cupboards with kitchen utensils and plates, glasses, cutleries... Towards the back wall, between the bedrooms, were cupboards stocked with cans and other containers of food. On the other wall was a large fireplace. Everything was neat and tidy, prepared for a long stay. Wood was already stacked in the open fireplace, with a box of matches lying neatly next to it on the hearth. Kevah said the cabin served as a haven for the surrounding area, and that people had come there in much worse shape than we were.

There was a short-wave radio connected to what looked like an exercise bike with a generator. Kevah called up the communications central to tell them we had arrived at the pickup point, while I pedaled the bike. It was too late in the afternoon for a plane to come pick us up, so we had to wait until morning. Kevah seemed concerned by this news and was muttering when he switched off the radio.

It was freezing outside, but with the fire going we soon had it nice and warm in the cabin. There was an ingenious system of air canals built into the walls, so the warm air circulated through the cabin without smoking up the place. Each bedroom was fitted with two bunk beds; the higher one was quite narrow, and the lower bed was just wide enough for two people to sleep very close to one another.

We made a nice dinner and had a rather relaxing evening. Judy and I, though adventurous spirits, were happy the trip was over. It would be nice to get home again. Kevah cautioned us, reminding that we will not have escaped the winter until we were safely flown back to town. He did relax a little. And I could tell he particularly enjoyed seeing my wife without her bulky clothes. She dressed down into her outdoor underwear that fit like a glove since it was made to insulate the body. Kevah was openly gawked at her hourglass frame, the flair of her hips and perfect womanly proportions. Judy coyly smiled, enjoying the response she was getting. She disappeared into our small bedroom and when she came back, we could both tell that she had removed her bra. Her rotund breasts projected outward, outlined perfectly by the elastic material of her clothes, nipples erect. Eventually we headed to bed. Me and Judy in one room, Kevah in the other.

That night came a big storm, and layers of snow packed to the ground. We could hardly see more than ten yards through the windows when light came. Outside, it was like we'd gotten stuck in a snow globe. Kevah did not even ask about the plane when he radioed the communications central. He simply reported that we were OK and would remain in the cabin until the weather improved.

The wind and snow howled around the cabin for days. Even though it was sturdy, the wood would still creek from time to time as it was tested by the winter gods. It was odd to sit trapped in relative comfort in a cozy cabin in the middle of nowhere without any real contact with the outside world. It felt like it was only the three of us left in the whole world. Kevah seemed to be filled with endless stories about life in the wilderness of the north. We listened enraptured by one of the only forms of entertainment around. Every day, we felt a bit more distanced from civilization.

There was a deck of cards... Although there is a limit to how many hours you can play without driving yourself mad.

However, that wasn't the only game being played. The first two days passed without too much trouble, but slowly Kevah was getting more frank in displaying his interest in Judy. By the third day, I had the impression he was itching at the walls to be with a woman. He had an uncanny way of reading me and Judy. He was sure Judy was interested in him, basically stated that they should be having sex several times in my presence.

She and I discussed it during the nights when we were in the privacy of our own room. We had fantasized swinging with other partners in the past, but never took it too seriously. This though, looked to be a golden opportunity. We had the perfect privacy of the cabin and miles of snow between us and civilization. Whatever happened would surely stay between the three of us. Moreover, a one-time opportunity like this wouldn't repeat itself; once we left, we would never meet again so there would not be any complications in that regard. Judy admitted Kevah was not exactly the partner she had imagined when getting to be with another man, but he had grown more attractive in his own rugged way as our trip had progressed. There was a masculine aura around him that was very compelling. She was curious about having sex with him. The only thing holding us back was the knowledge that I was being left out. We'd always pictured her with another man and me with another girl. Since there was no other woman around, we agreed that if she had sex with Kevah we would find a nice girl for me as soon as we got home again.

It was strange, but Judy and I did not have sex a single time while we were alone together in our room. We cuddled and kissed, but it never felt right for some reason. It was like all our attention was focused on Kevah, so we put our relationship on the back burner.

We were bored stiff. We played cards until nightfall, exhausting every topic we could think of as we sat by the table. The wind howling outside and became an irritating reminder of our suffocating circumstance. The sexual undercurrent that had been present for days grew steadily. When Kevah suggested we play strip poker, Judy and I exchanged a quick look. I was down for it, and I could tell that she was desperate for some excitement. The real target of the game was to get my wife naked; that went without saying.

For the first time in days, I felt invigorated as Kevah shuffled and dealt the first round of cards. He said we would play until everyone was naked. I figured we'd team up to get Judy naked, but instead it was actually me who lost my clothes first. I was down to my last sock when Kevah started to lose. His hands got worse as the pile of clothes next to him got taller. Judy and I stared openly as he, without any hint of shame or embarrassment, stood up to peal down his jockeys and show off his fully erect cock. Neither Judy nor I could pull our eyes from the massive organ. Kevah beamed proudly, turning for us to have a better look.

When Judy had told me about feeling Kevah's shaft, I had sort of dismissed how big it could be. My wife is pretty petite, so I figured her proportions would consider most men hung, including me. I should have trusted her when she said he was really hung. The threatening tool was perhaps nine inches long and as thick as a trunk, standing proudly straight out from his body. The girth of it alone stunted my seven-inch penis. I could almost feel my cock shriveling into itself as I gulped. Judy unconsciously licked her lips as she stared at his mighty mushroom head.

Judy lost her panties and bra in the final two rounds. She folded with pocket aces. Taking Kevah's lead, exhibited no embarrassment squirming out of her underwear. Her nipples stood to attention as she sucked in her tummy and thrust out her chest. Her boobs spilled from her bra as she tossed it away. She twisted provocatively left and right so Kevah could get a good look at the heavy mounds. I got a strong whiff of aroused pussy as she wriggled out of her panties. She remained standing, eyes never leaving Kevah. I could have yelled "fire," and no one would have flinched. Her back was straight, and her feet were planted a foot apart. She was gorgeous and not ashamed of it. Kevah's gaze ruminated over her full bust and slender waist, down her flat stomach, wide hips, and long, shapely legs. His smile broadened into a wolfish grin as he drank in her female beauty. He was practically drooling. His large cock jerked, as if calling her hither.

Kevah stood up and grabbed her hand. She did not look back at me as he marched her towards his room. I doubt she even realized I was still there. She had my consent. Kevah closed the door, and it clicked behind them.

It was abnormally quite in the cabin. Even the wind outside seemed to have taken a break. However, after twenty minutes I started making out muffled sounds through the closed door. The distinct sounds of sex. I recognized my wife's whining, she would make these cute, girlish gasps as her face contorted and eyelids fluttered. After a couple minutes, the familiar sounds changed though. The pace was different. The gradual buildup of whimpers and moans suddenly cut off. The noises that came through the door were heated for about five minutes, then it tapered off for five, maybe ten minutes, and then another crescendo of crying gasps, the cycle repeated. It continued like that for I don't know how long time, ebbing and flowing.

The wind howled around the cabin as I sat alone in the main room. Having nothing else to do, I began playing solitaire while I listened to Kevah and my wife had sex.

Eventually, I grew tired and decided to go to bed. It was late, yet there was no indication that Kevah and Judy were done. I could still hear the rickety wooden bed creaking underneath them. Knowing that my wife was in the other room having sex with another man made me lightheaded. I had almost fallen asleep, when I heard the other bedroom door open. They were talking in hushed voices, no doubt thinking I was asleep. I could hear how they took turns on the bedpan we used so we did not have to go out in the night. Then it sounded like they emptied our reserves of melted snow. They must have been parched after the long time in the bedroom.

After a while of silence, I went up nudged open the door. They had surprisingly gone back into Kevah's room. How much stamina did this guy have? I heard muffled noises and jostling furniture and then suppressed giggles from Judy. Putting my ear to their door, I listened to the characteristic grunting sounds, skin slapping against skin, and my wife screaming into a pillow.

I went back to bed. Sometime in the night, I woke to the movement of Judy slipping into bed next to me. She was naked and her skin was all sticky, hot and flushed. She nestled into my arms as I turned towards her. My nose was assaulted by the smell of sex and Kevah. She put her feverish lips against mine in a fiercely passionate kiss. Her lips were soft and open, full of emotion. She muzzled her face into the nape of my neck as I tightened my arms around her. She mumbled into my ear that I was the best husband in the world. Maybe it was her way of saying thank you for letting her fuck with Kevah. I whispered something in reply, but then realized that she was already sleeping.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
My wife

Wow! That was fantastic. Well written and very erotic. It had me wishing it was my wife and I stranded in this cabin with this stud!

gordo12gordo12over 4 years ago
The snowed in theme

It's an uncommon theme, but one I like. I enjoyed the slow build of the story. There are a few things like peal vs peel, creek vs creak and others. They may be autocomplete errors. Hard to tell, but they won't show up as misspelled on spellcheck.

I really feel that your story and writing are underrated from the existing score. It's a shame that the LW genre and so many of the readers here treat good authors like that. Looking forward to reading ch2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Do you know what the divorce rate is among native Alaskins?

Love the portrayal of the stupid white couple falling for the Eskimo Guide seduction ploy. Can't wait till cuck hubby finds out wifey is having the guides baby. White man's burden?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Enjoyed this and the build-up. But

Really enjoyed this, but, please sort out the differences between lay, laying, lying and laid. This seems to be an area that many writers on this site cannot cope with properly.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Cuckolded by an old Eskimo. Finally, something new in the LW cucktale.

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