Can You Cheat in an Open Marrriage? Pt. 02


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I got back to the motel at 3:30am, I'd have just enough time to take a shower and get a couple hours of shuteye. When I got up Saturday, I had some breakfast, got in the car and drove over to the Seven Eleven, dumped the clothes, gloves and bat in their dumpster and went to meet the realtor. He was a nice guy and had lined up just what I was looking for, two bedrooms, two baths and furnished.

I signed the lease to move in on Friday, my new life was now underway. When I got back to the Motel, I went and turned in the rental. I know that everyone who reads this will say, the police will know it's me because of the rental. Well I used some real good fake I/D so it wasn't in my name anyway. They did show up on Tuesday at the office, but the cameras in the motel parking lot showed my car never leaving its spot.

With no evidence, they ruled me out, at this time. I had turned my cell phone off so I never got any calls from Heide. It was four months to the day; she too showed up at my office, she looked like hell.

"Come in Heide, what can I do for you?"


"Why what?"

"Why did you leave me?"

"To be honest with you, I think you left me long before I left you."

"How do you figure that?"

"Well, the pictures, the text's, the working at the strip club four nights a week, no sex for me but plenty for your john's. Do you need anymore reasons? Hell the only thing I was guilty of was being a stupid cuckold. Do you have any idea of how it would feel to have one of your friends, someone who came to my home, tell me how great 'Flaming Red' was?

"How about going through old newspapers and seeing your wife on the arms of celebrities in town and never knowing about it. How about how your wife chasing after two black robbers from the Rye Balled? What did they do fuck you and Meredith and then skip out?"

She didn't say anything so I added, "Heide, how low can you get? So you know, I went down and had an STD test done after we had sex before I left, can't be too safe now can you?"

The tears were starting to flow good now so I asked again, "So Heide, like I said before, why are you here?"

"Because I love you and I miss you."

"You had a strange way of showing your love. Before you say another word, I want you to think how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot. How would have you handled finding out I had a secret life that took time from you. That I spent hundreds of days fucking other people and in that same time span I only fucked you less than 100. We haven't talked about hiding money from the IRS.

"From your reputation, in that time, you must have had sex with maybe 1000 people counting the repeaters. Now do you still want me to believe that you love me? What can you do to make it back up? You can't say that I can fuck 1000 women; I'd probably die from it. Well the ball is in your court, what's the remedy?"

"We had an open marriage; you could have been having sex all along."

"Just how was that supposed to happen, you know I never went out at night, hell the only times we were apart were the few conventions I went to. What once or twice a year compared to four nights a week, what kind of open marriage is that?"

"Merl, it wasn't like that."

"So your on-going affair with Spence and Rudy weren't cheating? How are they doing now days anyway?"

"You already no the answer to that, you caused it all."

"Just what are you getting at Heide, I haven't followed any news from Cedar Rapids since I left, except the one time the police came and talked to me about some fire at Rye Balled."

"You really didn't do all that?"

"It might help if I knew what 'All That' was. Listen, after I found out about you, I gave you what I thought were ample hints that I knew about your 'career'and wasn't happy about it. I found your stash of pictures and recites for your big purchases, remind me to give those back to you. More than once in the last few weeks before I left I asked you not to go. I know Spencer talked to you because I read the texts.

"I know he told you that I knew about you and Rudolf Burns, because that was mentioned also. You know I saw the articles in the paper because I just told you, but if you Google a persons name, if they have done something important, it comes up for free. I didn't need a PI, because it was alright there for easy pickens. Once I knew all I need to know, I plotted my escape."

"Why haven't you filed for divorce?"

"Logically, why give you any more than I have? I left you the house, which is paid off. I didn't take your precious mementos and I left you 30% of our other assets. If what the guy at the gold and coin shop told me is true, you have about a million dollars worth of stuff in just those two items. The house is worth $350,000.00 and I left you $8,000.00 in the savings and $1,000.00 in the checking.

"If you sold the house, and cashed back in your mementos, moved into a reasonable apartment you should be able to live pretty good for quite some time. Besides which, you still have your dance and extra things at Rye Balled to keep you going."

"No I don't."

"No you don't what?"

"Have my extra things at Rye Balled."


"The fire caused extensive damage to the club. Twenty people were injured and the law suites are going to be through the roof. Rudy was one of the people injured and his wife filed for divorce the following Monday. On Tuesday she started a 'Recall Rudy' movement and last month he was removed from office and she was put in as Mayor.

"The first thing she did was have the city planers put a halt to the rebuild and reopen of Rye Balled. Every other strip club was put on notice that if there was found out that there was sex on the premise, they to would be shut down. No one wants to hire me or Meredith for fear of a possible scandal. If I wanted to dance anymore, I would have to move some place else."

"So what about all the other players in you sick game?"

"Like who?"

"Meredith, Greg, Spencer and Gail, you know those other players."

"Meredith and Greg will be alright, she had been giving him a cut of the money she was making. Spencer and Gail are headed for divorce, when she found out he was having an affair with me. Spencer was attacked in his garage, if you can believe that, the same night as the fire. He laid out in the garage for over two hours before Gail found him.

"He received two broken hips; his home owners insurance won't cover it because it wasn't an accident. He is still too young for Medicare as he isn't over 65. His cock and balls took a beating and will never work again, that's why we thought it was you. Now that I've started to heal up I just sit around that big old lonely house and look at what all I lost."

"If it will make you feel better Heide, I don't do much better."

"Why don't we sell the house and you let me move back in with you?"

"Well for starters, I have nothing to do with that house. You haven't given me any answers on how you are going to make this all up to me, and I've grown comfortable being alone. Now what did you have to heal up from?"

"The fire at Rye Balled stayed low to the ground, so the sprinklers didn't come on right away. When Rudy pulled the door open the flames shot in and caught the bed on fire real fast. We didn't have time to grab our clothes when we went out into the hallway.

"The only way we had to get out was the upstairs fire escape. Rudy, Meredith, the guy she was with and me all headed for it. All four of us were standing on the landing fighting to be the first down the ladder, when it broke away from the wall. We all fell, a story and a half to the ground. Some how the guys had managed to have us land under them. Meredith and I ended up with scrapes and cuts on our backs, arms and legs. We also got concussions.

"The guy's ended up with minor cuts, but Rudy ended up with a broken knee. My hair had caught on fire as we went out of the door and with the scrapes to my head, they had to shave it all off. It's just now started to grow back out and every now and then the itching drives me insane."

"Just answer me one question, was it all worth it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Was the fame of being on the mayor's arm worth all that you have lost? Was the opportunity to fuck all those different guys worth all you have lost? Was carrying on an affair with one of our friends behind my back worth it? Was the loss of me worth it?"

"That's more than one question."

"I only asked one question 'Was it all worth it'. You had a life where you didn't have to work. I'm going to show my stupidity and assume (bad word) that you fucked countless numbers of guys through out the first 14 years of our marriage with out my knowledge. You still weren't happy, why didn't you just let me go way back then?"

"Merl, I loved you, I couldn't let you go."

"So instead you made me your personal cuckold. How many of our friends knew and laughed behind my back? Now, you are the one they are laughing at. So answer the question, 'Was it worth it'?

"Short answer, 'No'."

I looked at the clock and saw that she had been there talking forever, and it was time to get off.

"Heide, are you planning on driving back tonight or staying in town for the night?"

"Why do you care?"

"I was going to offer to take you to dinner and then let you use my spare room for the night, but if that's your attitude, to hell with it."

"I'm sorry Merl; I had so much on my mind I wasn't listening very well, I would love to take you up on your offer, it will give me more time to be with you and talk."

I took her to Denny's; neither of us was dressed up enough to go some place fancy. We talked a little about nothing, avoiding airing our dirty laundry in public.

When we got to my condo, I showed her the spare room, and she said, "Are you sure you don't want to have a go in bed again for old times sake?"

"Heide, I go to bed each night and think about what we once had, what we could have, but then I see the line of men standing at the door waiting their turn. Would you be willing to go back to that if the roles were reversed? Could you throw away your pride, your ego just for a romp in the hay?

"When we got together and then married, I was still seeing Cindy. We had sex just one week after the wedding. She was still a great fuck, but it felt cheap so I ended it. That was my dip into the open marriage, short and sweet. You decided to swim an ocean instead, never telling me you were doing it, yet never denying it either.

"Do you remember what you said to me the one time I ever asked?"

"I guess not, seeing as I don't remember you ever saying anything."

"Well, I said to you did your love life suffer in my absence, you replied, 'Well, the gals and I did go out to 'Rye Balled' up north of town on Thursday'. Not an admission, but I did wonder why a strip joint for men. I said to you, 'I hope you didn't ball every guy in the club', to which you replied, 'No, silly, just a few of the guys and none of them were even worth the bother'.

"I thought you were just sparring with me, but now I know you were being honest if that is what you want to call it. I hope you can now see why I can't trust you anymore. Not only did you cheat, you put your life and my life in danger each time you fucked one of your guys. Don't try and tell me, 'They were all clean', did you sleep with everyone that they slept with including the women?

"Heide, I don't know if you have ever been tested for STD's, but like I told you I did after that last time we did it. You gave me Chlamydia, if you haven't been tested you really should. The longer it goes untreated the worse it can get. If you knew you had it before we had sex, you should have owned it, and told me. I'm really tired now so I'm going to bed; when you get up in the morning just make sure you lock the door on the way out."

I turned and walked away before she could say anything. I had a restless night because I could hear her crying all night. When I got up Saturday morning, she was in the kitchen making pancakes.

"Good morning Love, I was going to feed you breakfast in bed."


"Because, I can't start to prove my love for you, if I don't start somewhere."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I won't knock the author who put in effort and made a decent story. Might be decent story developed as stand alone or going with other setup.

I don't however buy that this is possibly the same Merl as original story ... must be an alternate universe or he was hit with the mythical Martian Alpha Rambo Ray. Also pretty shitty that because of his buyer's remorse over his fist bump non monogamous marriage deal (so he could fuck Cindy) and his never communicating and renegotiating the marriage (he expects because it didn't work out for him Heide should come around to being a "proper" faithful wife) he then goes out years later and does significant property damage with a fire that even worse injured 20 people and severely attacks former coworker for having affair with his open marriage wife ... call the was waaaaambulance I'm throwing an alpha tantrum my feelings are hurt so everyone must pay! Lol

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 months ago

not bad... some good revenge but there was nothing good about the wife to be worthy of redeeming, so that hint towards redemption seemed pointless.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ugh you should change your username yo dragoncuckk72, considering this story it suits you so much better.

Also, before you leave your house you should consider checking yourself in the mirror to make sure you don't have dried cum at the edges of your mouth, because your writing makes it seem you drink your wifes bulls' cum like others drink water.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Isn't a cuckold a man who approves, or at least doesn't make a fuss, when his wife has sex or affairs with others? So, why do these idiot writers and the even dumber commenters on this site obsess with ANY man whose wife has committed adultery being a 'cuckold?' How stupid is that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hardly the ending the original warranted.

BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 year ago

Comment about getting tested or not

ColonelinguistColonelinguistover 1 year ago

Until a few days ago the ‘loving wife’ category - which is obviously very popular - was one that I hadn’t read before. But I recently read 3 and I won’t be reading anymore.

You get 3 stars for your effort dragonmann72.

The way I see it, there common thread is that all of these stories are soap operas for guys, who have at one time or other been cheated on by Their wives. Well IMO there a good chance that’ll happen to most men; the only question is, how you going to you handle it?

When you’re learning how to ride a bike, you’re gonna fall; a lot. When we get married for the first time, we say it’s because You were in love, but the reality is that you may have thought you were, but in fact you were only in LUST.

We selfishly think we just purchased our very own pussy, and that we’ve taken that particular pussy off the market. But seven month, or seven year down the line you find out that you never owned her in the first place, and you fall down just the little kid trying to learn how to ride that bike. So do you lay there crying about it or do you brush yourself off and get back on that bike?

It’s part of growing up isn’t it? Truth is, you got married for the wrong reasons son, so don’t go blaming the girl because that’s BS. That’s why more than half of marriages end in divorce. But you know the old saying ‘if You fool me once shame on you, if you fool me twice, shame on me’. So just get your ass back on that bike and try to do it right this time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She is still a disgusting low life of a human being

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

I thought this was going to be an ending for the story, but no it left the ending up in the air. Come on dragonmann72 finish the dam story and not leave it incomplete as it is now, you just wrote one more chapter without finishing. 2 stars for an incomplete story, if it was completed, I could give it a 5 but not until then.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

2 stars for incomplete work.

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