Care Package


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A letter where I apologised, promised to hear her out, and even accept some kind of punishment for overreacting.

Instead of Violet taking me up on any of that, another Friday passed without hearing from her at all.

Another week of my health slowly spiralling as my mental health decayed. I didn't have a goal to work towards. Walking was as much as I could physically expect, no greater improvement. I couldn't work, either.

Strong suggestions by my doctor to consider moving away from anything that might be stressing me out.


A week of worrying non-stop about Violet.

I wanted to talk to Meghan, so I could bug her about Vi's state. That one, though, would probably just try and convince me to fuck my little sister. To help us both get over it.

Little bit too liberal a thought process.

I put together another care package that Monday. A couple games I bought from the store, mostly shooters I hoped she didn't own yet. Tossed in some beer and meals, and then had it hand delivered to her place by courier.

I couldn't keep this up forever, but for now, this was what I could try and do for my sister, so it was what I was going to do.


A frantic doorbell woke me up.

I fell off the couch where I'd fallen asleep, and stumbled over to the door before realising not only was it dark out, it was really dark out.

I flicked on the porchlight to reveal Violet, and opened the door quickly, "Hey."

"Shut the fuck up." She said and shoved passed me.

As I watched in confusion and awe, Violet paced back and forth, "I know it's four in the morning, and you probably hate me, and I... I need to talk to you. So you're going to listen to me."

"Want to sit down?"

"No!" She shouted, and then pulled at her hair, and resumed pacing. "What I really want, is to not be here. Or something. I want something, but I can't have something. So I want to not be here. But I'm going to talk. And you're going to listen."

I pulled up a chair, "I'm going to listen."

"Good. Shut up." She said, clearly in a crazed state. "You ruined it. Ruined everything. I wasn't... I wasn't just manipulating you, Eric. That wasn't the... Point. I just wanted you to be able to understand. I didn't... Think anything would happen. I just wanted it."

I nodded silently.

Violet's hands pulled at her hair again, her stress overwhelming her, "You weren't supposed to notice! I just wanted... You to stop and notice me. I've always noticed you. It wasn't fair."

"I've noticed you. You're amazing."

"Shut. Up!" Violet shouted angrily, and then took a deep breath, "No, you didn't. You noticed me like a guy would. A hot girl across the room. I dreamed about... Fucking marrying you. Worlds where I could. That was the point of the games! They have happily-ever-afters! Shit that can't happen in this world."

She wanted the game I made her to be a vicarious way of living out her dreams. That made sense, in a tragic sort of way.

She clenched her fists, "We're never honest with each other. Not completely. So we're going to be. No more jokes to cover things up. No more holding anything back. We're going to have a conversation."


Violet took a deep breath and then pointed at the couch, "Move."

I did as I was told, and she thrust a remote into my hands, before sitting down gingerly and awkwardly.

I cocked my head in confusion, looking at what seemed to be... Some kind of volume control?

I turned it over in my hands, "What... Am I supposed to do with this?"

"If you think I'm lying, turn it on." Violet swallowed nervously, "Punishment. Best I could come up with, without hurting either of us! Okay!"

"This is going to punish you?"

Violet blushed, "Yes? Please don't abuse it. I'm still... Sensitive. First time I've used one."

I swallowed nervously, "Well. That's terrifying. What's my punishment?"

"Don't lie, don't find out." Violet said firmly.

I took a deep breath, "Well. I guess we should start with me apologising. I was a right dick. You were barely awake before I was screaming at you."

"I was a right bitch. Sneaking into your bed." Violet said, and swallowed nervously, "Um... That wasn't... The complete truth. Something you will probably want to punish me for. And you're allowed to. It wasn't the first time."

"Come again?"

She swallowed, staring at the remote, "First time I slept over. You got up at some point and went to bed. I woke up... And I followed you. Waited for you to fall asleep, and then... I stripped off and climbed in."

I felt like pressing the button, but resisted. "What do you mean stripped off? Like I found you the last time? Or actually naked?"

"No. Actually naked." Violet stated.

She yelped in surprise as I heard a tiny brief buzz. Her face flushed red and she stared at me. "I deserved that."

Meghan's reference to Violet wanting me to do something beyond the average reoccurred in my mind, and I realised I had control of a vibrating buttplug.

I shook my head, "Vi. Why the hell did you get into my bed, completely naked, after waiting for me to fall asleep?"

"You already punished me." Violet cringed.

I frowned, "I will try and resist. Watching you jump isn't that fun. What did you do?"

"Fuck." She swore and dropped her head, "I did something that was a crazy breach of trust and you deserve to hate me for it."

"Vi...?" I asked, with as much kindness as I could muster.

She sniffled and shrugged her shoulders, "I... Did it every time. It's why I wanted to sleep over. Meghan even found me in your bed one time. I... I was naked, because... Because... I wanted to pretend I was yours. Wife. Girlfriend. Something."

I pushed the remote away from myself, "Well. Don't trust myself with that thing right now. Did you... Masturbate? Or was it innocent?"

"You know the answer." She said guiltily, "Like when I had to change your sheets, because I made a mess of them."

She reached for the remote to punish herself, but I knocked her hand aside. I'd already figured that one out, though I hadn't wanted to believe it.

She glared at me, "I deserve to be punished. I did something... So far wrong. Kept doing it."

"Well, fuck." I took a deep breath, "It almost makes me feel justified losing my temper at you."

"Only almost?" Vi asked timidly.

I nodded and reached out, taking her hands in mine. "You're still my sister. I didn't know this, and I was a jerk to you. I might not understand why you like me, but I didn't stop to listen. It was a violation... But I... Think I can understand why you did it."

She sniffled, "I hid it. Because you deserve better. I did use you. Punish me, please? I deserve it. Deserve to be hurt."

"No. I'm not using you." I turned her down. "Speaking of punishment... What exactly was mine? Considering I screamed at you and scared you bad enough to leave the house?"

"You're not ready for it." Violet shook her head, "And don't deserve it. I do."

"Stand up." I ordered.

She meekly obeyed, and this time I understood why she was moving so gingerly, and trying not to sit.

I reached up under my sister's dress, causing her to gasp and freeze up, before dragging down her soft briefs to her knees. I stood up as she stared at me in terror.

"Bend over the couch."

"E-eric?" She choked as she did as she was told.

I gently but firmly took hold of the platform and slowly eased the plug free, whilst she gasped and twitched. The chrome head slowly pulled out of her asshole.

"Eugh!" She grunted, her head dropping and thighs shaking.

The head of the plug was shaped like a love heart.

Every single aspect of Violet in all of this had been about love. I had failed to grasp that. It was the reason I had decided to try and solve it the way I was about to.

But... Seeing her in this vulnerable position. The hints of pleasure and pain on her face. It made me realise what I had planned... Was not enough.

I put the plug aside aside, sitting upright on the coffee table, and collapsed onto the couch again, "I don't want to punish you, Vi. You can pull them up, now."

My sister leaned her head into the couch, her face bright red and flushed, breathing hard. Her knees were practically knocking together. "That... Was sensitive."


She reached for her briefs with shaking hands and pulled them back up. She sat down even more delicately than before, "I deserve to be punished."

"Can you stop saying that?" I asked, brushing her red cheek, "I don't hate you, Vi. I don't want to hurt you. Hell, I blamed myself for you hiding this. Still do, a bit."

She dropped her head. "I came so close to doing so much worse."

"You were frustrated with emotions you can't control. Literally, can't control." I said quietly, "All you want in the world is sitting in front of you, and you can't touch it. Can't tell them. The frustration would build. And then, I didn't listen. Didn't hear you, when you told me that you loved me."

"Don't make excuses for me. It was wrong."

I nodded, "It absolutely was. And I was angry about it. And you have been punished for it. This is the part where I forgive you, and we try and move on."

"I... Can't." Violet clenched her fists, "I can't move on from you. And I can't forgive myself."

I sighed, "Well, then. This is where we continue our honest conversation, then. I find you crazy sexy. The things you wore... I looked. And I fantasised."


I nodded, "What you were trying. It was working. I am attracted to you. But... It wouldn't end well. We can't have a happily ever after."

Violet scratched at her leg, "I should be punished."

"Stop that!" I snapped, grabbing her hand, "I have no idea what you see in someone who can barely bloody walk. I don't understand your attraction to me, even if I wasn't your brother. So don't hurt yourself. I'm not worth that."

"I... I really want to kiss you. But you're right. It's wrong." Violet's bottom lip trembled.

"Meghan's different, isn't she? She kept suggesting we should sleep together. Has no problem with the incest."

Violet swallowed and shrugged, "Meghan doesn't have a problem with... Anything. She's had conversations with me about assignments whilst a guy was eating her out. Even tried to tell me about fucking you. She... Our movie night? She fucked you to get you horny, and didn't finish you, so that I could tease you."

That, I had begun to suspect in the last few days when no one was talking to me. "She said something about... Anal."

Violet smiled sheepishly, "Nobody has ever had it. My first kiss. My virginity. Those, I gave away to guys who proved to be... Well, dicks. I like the stories where a girl offers it. But, the plug was my first and... That was sensitive. Very sensitive. I don't know if I'd be that brave, even if you didn't hate me."

"I don't hate you." I tried to get it through to her. "Eugh. Look... I don't understand you. But I want to."

Violet shrugged, "I'm messed up. What's there to understand?"

"I want to kiss you."

She stopped sniffling and looked up at me in shock, "What?"

"Look, if my choices are between losing my favourite little sister, or trying to understand why she wants to bang me, I'll take the second." I said seriously.

"I'm... Not going to make you do anything."

I shrugged, "But I'll end up losing you. Slowly. Piece by piece. I won't have that smiling girl anymore. The one I love."

Violet wiped her tears away, "What?"

"You'd hate yourself. Day after day. If we just tried to pretend that none of this had happened." I replied, "So... We'll set some ground rules. And I'll let you try and convince me. But without the manipulative crap. The secrets."

"That sounds like... Dating."

I shrugged, "It is. With extra rules."

Her purple eyes widened in shock and fear, "Don't. Don't you dare be lying to me right now. I couldn't take that."

"First rule, you have to ask before kissing. This isn't going to be like Meghan. You can't just jump me and expect me to go along with it."

Violet swallowed nervously, "Are you sure about this?"

"Second rule, you can stay over one night of the week. Even in my bed, because that was actually really... Nice. But you can't take advantage of that privilege. Have to tell me if you do."

"I won't!" She said quickly, "I know it was wrong. I've hated myself for it. So much. I didn't know I could... Be that wrong."

"Have you got any rules for me?"

Violet looked terrified and apprehensive, but she bit her lip, "Um... No removing sex toys without asking."

"I made you... You know... Didn't I?"

She flushed and gave a half smile, "My brother made me cum. Holy shit. I didn't even stop to... I guess you don't understand how much that means to me. How much I want it again. But... Romantic."

"I understand you want it, again." I smiled at her, "But... We're going to take some time before we get there."

"Not if you let me kiss you." Violet shook her head. "I... I think I might. Even just from a kiss."

I shrugged my sore and stressed shoulders, "Okay."


"You can kiss me, Vi, on the condition it's our kiss goodnight for the night." I offered her.

She grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the bedroom quickly. She helped me onto the bed and then stood in front and smiled coyly, "Do you mind if I... Dress down?"

"If you don't mind me... Well, reacting." I said nervously, knowing I had taken things too far in my attempt to fix things. Knowing I wasn't about to back down, either.

Violet slipped her dress off quickly, and then she paused and posed. I couldn't help but run my eyes over her. Her smooth legs running up to her soaked briefs. Her matching satin bra.

My cock stirred in my pants, hungry at the sight.

She knelt down in front of me, and smiled up at me innocently, "Can I help you get changed for bed?"

"That seems a bad idea." I hesitated, and then saw the disappointment in her eyes. The hurt.

I popped off my belt, and slid down my pants, revealing the tent in my own briefs. I patted the bed, "But, you can sleep beside me. Be held."

"I don't want to wear my bra." Violet said cautiously.

"That just makes sense. Underwire." I nodded, giving permission, and crawled under the blanket, leaning over to put my phone on the charger. "Hit the lights?"

A moment later I felt the warmth and softness against my back as Violet snuggled in against me. Her breathing was almost frantic, still scared about what was happening.

I rolled over to face her in the dark, seeing just the barest shine of her purple eyes. I stroked her cheek, tucking her hair back behind her ears. "Goodnight, Vi."

"Goodnight." She said hoarsely.

I waited.

She continued to stare at me.

I smiled at her, "I said you could kiss me goodnight. Just the once."

Tentative soft lips met mine, briefly, before she rolled over and began to cry. For her, this was a dream come true. And she was probably convinced that this was as good as it was ever going to get.

My arms encircled her, pulling her close to me. I felt my hard-on riding up her crack, and one of my hands resting between her breasts. She was so small, so gentle. So precious.

A tiny little package.

A care package, for her ungrateful and blind brother.

"I expected a proper kiss." I whispered behind her.

She shrugged, "I... Didn't want to push my luck."

"I changed my mind, earlier. I was going to date you, slowly, to try and understand." I whispered, "Right up until I pulled that love heart out of your asshole."

"Oh god." She whispered, shivering at the memory.

I reached down tentatively, feeling the top edge of her briefs, "I saw your face, when you came. It was... Beautiful."

"Oh, fuck. What are you... Saying to me?" Violet asked with a shudder.

What was I saying? I knew I wasn't just rambling. That when I had decided to try and get over her violations, all her violations, and really understand her, I hadn't expected to go down this route.

"I want a real kiss." I admitted, more to myself than to her.

She hesitated, so I leaned up on the bed, causing her to fall onto her back, staring up at me. Resting with one of my arms beside her.

I straddled her, leaning down until our stomachs were touching.

Forehead pressed against forehead, my breath against her face.

"Vi? It's a rule. Can I kiss you?"

Her voice wavered, "Please."

It half felt like I was trying to catch up to her.

Her complete softness, complete willingness, to give herself to me.

My tongue touched hers, and she became less gentle. She pressed into my mouth frantically, her hands clawing at my back. She pushed her hips upwards, rubbing herself against my cock as we made out in the dark.

This wasn't a girl that wanted to be made love to. This was a girl desperate to be fucked. She wanted me to be inside her, going to town as hard as I could.

Right now, she wasn't my sister.

She was a crazy hot girl in my bed that I wanted to fuck. Screw the rules and taking it slowly.

I slipped a hand down, fingers quickly moving inside the satin underwear and causing her to gasp as I found her dripping entrance. I kissed at her neck, and pushed my middle finger inside her.

"Oh god, what are you...?" She gasped out before I began to gently fingerfuck her.

I kissed at her neck roughly, "Tell me to stop."

"Oh, oh shit." Violet gasped, "If you keep that up... I'm gonna... Cum!"

I felt her thighs twitching and pressing together. My finger continued to curl and quickly move in and out of her flowing pussy. "Then do it. Cum for me."

"Oh, god! Yes!" She grunted, as her pussy clamped down on my hand.

I kissed at her ear, "Such a naughty little cunt. Always getting off for your brother."

"Yes. Punish that bad little pussy." Violet moaned, "So bad."

She finally came, her insides rolling gently as she jerked beneath me, gasping and grunting violently.

Violet breathed through her nose, and managed to regain some sort of sense. "We shouldn't be doing this."

"No. We shouldn't." I agreed, and rolled her onto her stomach, leaning down against her. The head of my cock escaping from my underwear and running up and down her crack. "But I want to. Is this what you want?"

"Oh shit." Violet said loudly, "Eh... Not yet. Lube, lube. Don't you dare try and bareback that. Not dry."

I kissed at her neck with a laugh, "I was actually thinking of taking something else. Something a little wetter, and more south. But... Well, if it's on offer... It is fucking sexy."

"You have lube?" Violet asked urgently.


She looked back at me over her shoulder, eyes shining in the dark, "I want that to be our first. My last first, just for you. You can't have my pussy. Not until you have my ass."

I fumbled frantically with my bedside drawer, finding what Meghan had left behind and we had never used. Violet gasped as the cold liquid touched her hot little ring. I gently spread it around and pushed it inside her. "Tell me you want this."

"Please." She shuddered, "So. Fucking. Much. Please."

I continued to massage the area gently, feeling her asshole responding to me, opening and contracting. "I need more than that."

"Fuck my ass, brother. Please. Put your hard cock inside my ass. Take it. Make it yours. Fuck me!" Violet said desperately.

This had started off with my guilt, forcing me to try and see things from her perspective.

Now... Now all I wanted was to get cum inside her ass.

Make her mine.

I pulled off my underwear, lubricated myself quickly, and then rubbed more into her, as she moaned at the touch.

I rubbed the head of my cock against her starfish, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Please!" Violet begged. "I don't want anything else. I don't want you to touch anything else, yet. Please. Take my ass, make it yours. I don't want you in my pussy. Not until you've taken my last first."

"It'll hurt, at first." I warned her.
