Casino Plot Ch. 08


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"So General, where do we go from here?"

"Hmmmm. Good question. So Ruth has been stealing from me all these years. I owe her for that. But I certainly don't want to mess up your little game. Tell you what. How about this?..."

Dwight spelled out his idea over the next few minutes. Tony loved it. The two men went upstairs and had a couple of drinks in the bar. When Dwight left a couple of hours later, Tony called Jim Wright to tell him about their conversation. Before Jim could panic, Tony assured him there was no problem. And when he explained the rest of Dwight's proposal, Jim suggested that he and the ladies meet with Tony the next day and toast their success. Things just kept getting better and better.

Wednesday, Tony, Jim, Janice, and Connie met in the casino office. They all discussed General Cutter's proposal and none of them could find any problems with it. Tony also congratulated Janice on Monday's golf game. It had been a tremendous success. Janice just grinned and promised that next Monday would be good, too. Everything was on track, and all the equipment she would need would be ready in plenty of time.

With that settled, Tony called Dwight Cutter and told him that everyone was in agreement and that they accepted his offer. If it was all right with him, Tony would call Ruth and have her and her associates meet everyone in his office on Friday morning to discuss the situation. Dwight said that was fine and that he would see everyone Friday.

"Well that's settled." Tony sounded very satisfied as he relaxed and lounged down on the sofa in his office. "Hey Jim, the ballgame starts in about 10 minutes. You want to hang out here and watch it." Jim said sure, it sounded like a plan to him.

Janice and Connie got up to leave. Tony asked why they were going, and Janice just laughed and said that neither she nor Connie were sports fans. They'd see the guys later.

"Nonsense, hon. Come over her ladies. We'll give you something to do while we watch. Janice, come over here and suck me honey. Connie you can certainly do the same for Jim."

Janice did as she was told. She unzipped Tony's slacks. Then she pulled out his dick and began to suck it. Connie had done the same thing for Jim and she was already sucking away on his rod.

"Very nice ladies. I tell you what. You just keep that up while the game is on, and each time we cum you can switch guys."

Janice and Connie just nodded as they continued to suck. Apparently they were going to have a long afternoon, swallowing an awful lot of cum. But neither one had any intention of refusing. About ten minutes later, the girls were both swallowing their first loads. Then they changed places and Connie began sucking Tony while Janice's mouth began its work on Jim. The game lasted about 2 hours and both Tony and Jim couldn't believe how wonderfully relaxing it was to watch a game like that.

Tony waited until Thursday afternoon to call Ruth. He didn't want her to have too much time to think about her situation. Around 2:00 he saw Ruth alone in her office on his monitor. Tony picked up the phone and dialed. Ruth answered on the second ring.

"Hello Ruth, Tony Vineti, General we have a problem."

"Wh-What kind of problem? We've done every disgusting thing you've made us do. What can be wrong now?"

"Apparently, General, either you or one of your associates can't keep her mouth shut and word of your little arrangement has gotten out."

"OH MY GOD!!!!!"

"Yes Ruth, and we need to deal with this quickly. I need to see you and all of the other ladies in my office at 9:00 tomorrow morning. I think we can salvage this situation, but if you ladies want to stay out of prison you'd better be here on time."

"Y-y-yes s-sir. We'll be th-there."

And with that Tony hung up. He couldn't believe the look on Ruth's face. She was horrified. He watched as the general tried to call her friends. Her hands were shaking so badly that it took her three tries before she was able to complete the first call.

Ruth called all of the others. She started with Sue Lynn and worked her way through the list. Each reaction was the same. Who could have possible said anything and what did they say? And dear GOD! Who else knew about this? Ruth just kept answering that she didn't know but that they all better be on time at Tony's office tomorrow. After those conversations, Ruth didn't even bother to go home. She was shaking too badly to try to drive. She just sacked out in her office and slept restlessly all night. Not that any of the others slept any better. So it was five frightened and exhausted women who showed up at the casino the next morning.

General Simpson met the others in the parking lot. When they were all there, they made their way as a group into the casino. They all knew the way by now, so they quickly walked to Tony Vineti's office. The receptionist passed them through and the five shaking women went inside.

There were five people in the room. Ruth recognized Tony, Jim, Connie, and Janice. But for a moment she didn't recognize the other man. He was a little older than her and dressed in a tan suit. Ruth knew he was familiar but she couldn't place him. Oh GOD!!!! Then she recognized him. Ruth had never seen him out of uniform but it was definitely General Dwight Cutter. And from the shrieks coming from the other women, Ruth knew that the others had recognized General Cutter as well. OH GOD!!!! They were all going to jail. There was no way out of this now.

The five people were sitting on the sofa in the back of Tony's office. There were 5 chairs set up in front of it. Ruth didn't wait to be asked to sit. She was way too shaky. The general quickly sat down in one of the chairs before she fainted and fell down. How had General Cutter found out about this? And what was going to happen now? Dear Lord Please HELP ME!!!! I can't survive prison I just CAN'T. Ruth's last thought was literally a prayer. The general tried to relax and breathe. She was still feeling faint, and passing out in front of all these people would not make things any better. She had to get control of herself.

"Ladies, I suspect you are surprised to see me here. Well, I assure you that I am just as shocked to see the five of you." Dwight Cutter stared at Ruth and the others with a look of total disdain. "I hope to God that you ladies were better at keeping military secrets than you were at keeping this one. Did you think that I wouldn't notice the nonsense at our last meeting? The way Lee dashed out of the room and the way neither Ruth nor any of you others reacted. Something had to be going on that the five of you were in on."

Ruth was shaking even harder now. She had been sure that Tony had told her boss about what was happening and that it was part of the same game. But now, she realized that it was HER fault. SHE had been the one who had let General Cutter in on the situation. GOD!! What would happen now?

Meanwhile, Dwight continued speaking. "Ruth, if I hadn't already been suspicious, the idea that a C.I.D. officer was on the base without my knowledge really got me wondering. At that point, I knew that you had to be in on something you really didn't want me to know about. So I made it a point to follow you for a few days. One of those days was Monday, and I saw the amazing golf game you ladies were part of..."

Lee was the one trying not to faint now. GENERAL CUTTER had seen her on that golf course. He had seen those golfers putt the balls INTO HER CUNT!!! OH GOD!!!! How could she ever face him again? The army had been her whole life. What would she do now? How could she continue her career? And the general was still speaking. Lee struggled to breathe normally and concentrate on what he was saying.

"So, at that point I knew the casino had to be involved. That, of course, led me to Mr. Vineti here. Since he had knowledge of a felony, he had no choice but to tell me the entire story. Now, I think I'm up to date on everything, but I just have a few questions for you ladies. General Simpson, since you are the ranking officer here I will let you speak for the group."

Ruth gulped and nodded. She was in so much trouble. How could she have been STUPID enough to let General Cutter catch on to what was happening? Would everything they had already gone through be for nothing?

"First General, are all the army accounts currently up to date?"

"Yes sir." Ruth was glad to be able to give that answer. At least they had put all the money they had stolen back. "All the base accounts are current and all the money they are supposed to have is there."

"Well, ladies, you can thank your lucky stars for that. If there was any money missing, this conversation would be ending now and in a very unpleasant manner. Do you UNDERSTAND?"

"YES SIR" Ruth replied quickly. With what the general had just said, maybe there was still a way out. Oh please God, OH PLEASE!! Don't let me go to prison.

"However," Dwight was continuing to speak, and Ruth forced herself to stand up, come to attention, and listen. "The five of you defrauded these two ladies out of a stock contract they intended to purchase. The fact that your actions actually saved them a million dollars is beside the point. You certainly did not have their well-being at heart. Secondly, not only did you borrow a great deal of money from Mr. Vineti here, but you tried to do so with fraudulent collateral, and you still have not paid him back. Is that all true?"

"Yes sir." Ruth couldn't help hanging her head. "It is true."

"General, that is hardly conduct befitting an office, or any soldier for that matter is it?" Dwight was glaring straight at Ruth now.

"No sir general. There is no excuse for such conduct sir." Ruth continued to look at the ground. She couldn't help admitting to herself that what she had just said was absolutely true. There was no justification for the things she had done. They violated the army's code of honor and every oath she had taken as an officer.

"Very well then, at least you understand how wrong what you did was. That at least is something. Now before we return to that issue, I want to discuss something else Tony told me. General, Mr. Vineti informed me that he has taught you and your associates a few new drilling commands. General would you please tell me what those commands are?"

OH NOOOO!!!! Please GOD!!! Ruth didn't want to explain the new commands to her boss. The one good piece of news was that Dwight had not already had them all arrested, so maybe they could still avoid prison. But those hideous commands. Ruth shivered just thinking about them. Well, on the other hand, General Cutter had not asked for an explanation, only a list. Maybe that would be enough.

"Sir, the commands we were taught were tits in, tits out, flaps up, flaps down, as well as new versions of attention and forward march."

"Very interesting, general, explain what 'tits out' means."

No, not that, please. But from the look on General Cutter's face, Ruth knew he expected an explanation and he expected it quickly.

"Sir, tits out meant that we were to pull our bras down so that our tits came out for everyone to see."

"Interesting, Ruth, so I suppose that tits in meant that you were supposed to pack your boobs back into your bras?"

"Yes, sir, that would be correct sir." Ruth could feel herself beginning to flush as she explained these awful commands to her commander.

"Ok, Ruth, that's self-explanatory then, but what does flaps up mean?"

GOD!!!! Now there was a command Ruth hated even thinking about much less trying to explain. But it wasn't like she had much of a choice.

"Sir, that means we are to pull our flaps up out of the way so that everything can be seen?"

"I'm sorry, general, but I'm not following. What are your flaps and what is it we are supposed to see? Be very specific Ruth."

How much worse could this get? Ruth took a very deep breath. She had to keep her composure through this.

"Well, sir. This command is given when we are seated with our pants off and our legs spread so that our vaginas are easily visible. Janice informed us that our vaginal lips are very fleshy, as we are somewhat older women. Those lips look like fleshy flaps, and when we spread our legs they fold in and close our vaginas. When the command flaps up is given, we are to grab those flaps and pull then up and apart so that our clits are clearly visible and so our holes open up so that everyone can easily see inside our vaginas."

"Ok, I understand now. And Ruth, the command flaps down then means that you are supposed to put your flaps back where they were and close your pussies back up?"

"Yes sir, that is correct sir." Ruth tried not to react to the general referring to her pussy. She had a feeling that that might be the least of her worries.

"And you other ladies, you agree with those explanations." Dwight looked around the room, and the other women just nodded sadly.

"Very good then. Sue Lynn, please demonstrate the tits out command for me."

"WHAT!!!!??" This last scream came from Colonel Fairchild. She couldn't help it. The question came out before she could even think.

"I'm sorry, Colonel, do you not know how to follow orders? I want you to demonstrate how the 'Tits Out' command is obeyed, and I expect you to do it RIGHT NOW!!!"

"But SIR!! To do that, I'd have to be in only my braaaaa" Sue Lynn's last word was more of a whine than anything else.

"Well then, Colonel, I expect you had better remove your shirt, so get to it."

"Y-y-yes s-sir." Poor Sue Lynn realized she was going to have to do exactly that. She began unbuttoning her top. Her hands were shaking so badly, that it took a while to undo all the buttons. But finally, she managed to get them all unfastened. The country girl looked up at General Cutter, hoping against hope that she wouldn't have to do this, but he was just looking at her with an icy glare. Sue Lynn gave one last shudder and removed her shirt. Then she dropped her hands to her side and tried not to look at all the people looking at her huge chest.

"Very nice, Colonel, I must say that is one of the most incredible pairs of tits I've ever seen. So Miss Fairchild, if you would kindly demonstrate and explain the 'Tits Out' command."

"Yes sir. The command is fulfilled by grabbing one's bra at the center in the front, between the cups. Then you pull the bra down until both tits are free like th-this." There was no choice. Sue Lynn grabbed her bra in the front, and struggling to control the nausea she was feeling, she pulled the front down until her enormous tits spilled out for everyone to see.

"Very nicely done, Colonel." Dwight couldn't help smiling as he enjoyed the sight of those humongous boobs. Sue Lynn thanked him and began to tuck her breasts back into their cups.

"Whoa Colonel. No one told you put those away. You can leave those out while we continue the demonstrations. Ruth, I'll have you demonstrate the flaps up command I think."

Sue Lynn looked at General Cutter in disbelief. She was supposed to just stand there with her tits hanging out? But from the one glance the general gave her, Colonel Fairchild knew that that was exactly what she was supposed to do. So she just put her hands down to her side again and tried not to think about what was happening. Besides, however bad she felt, the look of horror on Ruth Simpson's face was even worse.

For a second Ruth was sure she hadn't heard correctly. But then she realized she had. She was to demonstrate that horrible command in front of everyone. But she couldn't move. Ruth really didn't want to refuse, it was just that her nerves had her frozen in place.

"Is there a problem, General? Is there something you need to perform this command?"

"No, sir, no prob-b-blem, sir. I-I-I just need a chair, and I will need to remove my pants and panties... Oh PLEASE, do I have to do this SIR!!??"

"Yes Ruth, I expect you to obey orders. And look, Janice is being nice enough to bring a chair over to you. So now I expect a complete demonstration of the 'Flaps Up' command general, complete with a very detailed explanation of everything you do. IS THAT CLEAR?"

Dwight's last question was given loudly and sternly, and Ruth knew better than to even think of disobeying.

"Yes Sir. First, I must remove my pants and panties." With that Ruth kicked her shoes off and then unfastened her pants. She dropped her pants and panties down and stepped out of them. Dear GOD! She was standing bottomless, with her vagina completely exposed, in front of her commanding officer. Actually, her vagina wasn't completely exposed yet. In a few moments it was going to be a LOT more exposed. Oh DEAR LORD!!

"Ok, now that I have my pants off, I need to sit down." Ruth did that, and took a seat in the chair that Janice had provided. "And now, I need to get my legs up and over the arms of the chair so that my vagina is clearly visible to everyone."

"Very nice, Ruth. You do have a lovely little pussy. And by the way, General, please call it that. A lady may refer to it as her vagina, but a stealing slut like you has a pussy."

"Yes sir." Ruth was really shaking now. That may have been the most degrading thing that Dwight had said. The worst thing about it was that it was true. She was a thief, and after all the things she had done for Janice and Billy, and everyone else for that matter, she really was a slut, too.

"Now, in this position you can see that the flaps of my pussy fold in and cover my hole and my clit."

"Yes, I do see that Ruth. I also see that you have most of the hair trimmed off. Do you always keep it that way?"

"No-No Sir. Janice requires that our pussies be completely shaved for the games. The only hair is what has grown back since Monday, and of course I will shave it all off again Sunday evening."

"Very interesting, anyway Ruth, now you may demonstrate the 'Flaps Up' command for me."

"Yes Sir. Now that everything is spread out, I reach down and grab my pussyflaps. They are rather large and fleshy, so they are easy to hold. When I have a good grip, they must be pulled up and out as far as they can possibly go. Proper execution of the command requires that the pussy be stretched out far enough that the clit is clearly visible and that the hole is stretched open so that it can be seen clearly." There was no way to delay it, so Ruth did exactly what she had said. She got a good grip on her flaps and stretched them out. Now she was sitting in front of her boss, holding her pussy open as far as she could so that he could look right up her hole. How would he ever take her seriously again?

"Very well done, General. Your little clit is clearly visible and I can see right up your tight little hole. I commend you on your ability. Now you can just hold that open until I get back to you."

OH GOD!!! She had been so hoping to be able to close up her vagina. But Dwight wasn't going to let her. So while she waited to see what he would do next, Ruth just sat there holding her pussy open as wide as she could for everyone to see in.

"Colonel Kwan, is Ruth demonstrating the 'Flaps Up' command correctly?"

That last question jolted Lee back to reality. She had kind of zoned out and was just waiting for the ordeal to be over.

"What? -- Uhh, Yes Sir, Uhh She appears to be doing it correctly, sir."

"Are you sure, Colonel? Is her form absolutely perfect?"

Lee looked down at Ruth. The general had her pussy peeled open and was holding it apart. What did General Cutter want? "Sir, it looks okay to me. I don't know if it's perfect or not."

Ruth also was confused. Dwight had Lee staring at her pussy and analyzing her position. Ruth wanted to complain, but if no one started talking to her, Ruth didn't want to draw any more attention to herself.

Meanwhile, Dwight was continuing his conversation with Lee Kwan. "Well, Colonel, Is her pussy absolutely perfectly displayed or not?"
