Cathy and Karate - Championship Fuck

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The tournament was much, much better than either had hoped.
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Ahh, Summer Lovin 2022... This is a follow up to one of my early stories submitted for the 2019 comp - 'Cathy and Karate: The Beginning'.

It's not essential to read that first, but probably a good idea to have a read when you get a chance. There's also references to other stories involving Tom's niece, Sammy. They're a bit of fun, but not a lot of romance.


Cathy sidled up and sharply elbowed me in the upper arm. "So, you going to the tournament?"

I smiled and bumped my hip against hers. "Yep, definitely. Sempai's guilted me into going into the full contact fight, as well as the non-contact and kata. That's going to be a big day."

Cath laughed. "Conned me as well. State Karate Championships - three events. Full-on all right." She leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I'm going to be rooted at the end of the day."

I smirked. Cathy had become a much happier, and a much naughtier woman since we had a very personal discussion about her first time fuck. Discussion is probably not the right word. She had just let her story roll, and I pretty much just listened. So much hate towards one particularly nasty individual and so much guilt over how things worked out had been festering in her tall but solid body over the last seven years. It had mentally reduced her to a mouse - hiding in a dark corner and afraid of the world. I don't know why she trusted me with her story, but I was happy she did. It helped her a lot, and well, it did a lot for me. The dark clouds had blown away from her, and it was like she was making up for the years lost due to intense swimming training and Zac, her son, coming along unexpectedly.

We walked to the change room at the rear of the Dojo. A couple of others were changing out of their sweaty gi tops and heading home. Training before a tournament was always intense, but it was almost unbearable on a hot, humid summer night. We exchanged the usual remarks about the heat and training with the others, and they left for somewhere cooler.

I peeled off my jacket and wiped myself down with a towel. "Bloody hell, that was a workout. I hate these nights." I quickly looked around. No one else was heading our way. "So, little Miss Sunshine, who's rooting you? Have you got a sexy secret guy you haven't told me about keeping you occupied?"

Cath blushed and giggled. She blushed so easily, and it was fun setting her off. I don't think she realised she went red right down to her toes. Watching it happen when she was naked was an experience I don't think I'd ever forget.

"No, I'm not having sex with anyone. Give me a chance. I haven't been out much yet." She guiltily looked around. "You're still the only guy that's seen me naked in nearly eight years." She undid her gi jacket and tossed it on a bench. "Can I borrow your towel, please? I forgot to bring one, and I really don't want to stick to the car seat."

"Sure. As long as you don't mind it being a bit sweaty." I said as I tossed my towel across to her, standing in her white sports bra and karate gi pants.

"Thanks." She quickly wiped her top half dryish, then snuck another quick look outside the room. Not seeing anyone she quickly removed her sports bra and dried her chest. "Sweaty boobs. Blah!" Cath pulled a crop top out of her bag and slipped it on, then pulled her yellow summer dress over her head. She then undid her pants and took them off. "Yuck."

I just watched, bemused. I wasn't expecting a boobie flash. Her tits weren't large, but they were nicely proportioned with tasty looking brown nipples. And they were boobs. I tried to give her my best sarcastic scowl. "Really Cath? You trying to give this old bloke a heart attack?"

She grinned. "If tonight didn't kill you, another look at my boobs shouldn't hurt." Cath then made a long, slow spectacle of wiping down her lower half under the dress, paying particular attention to her crotch. After she'd finished drying herself, she tossed the sweaty towel back to me. "That's for enjoying my underwear!" she giggled.

I caught the towel and held it to my nose. Inhaling deeply, I replied "Mmmm. Sweaty pussy towel..." and quickly moved as Cath tried to hit me. Laughing, I finished changing and left. "Catch you tomorrow for coffee?"

Cath poked her tongue out at me. "Of course. See you then."


I met Cath at our usual cafe for what's become our weekly ritual. We hugged, then took our drinks to the park next door. It was another hot day, so I pointed out a seat under a tree. I asked Cath, "So, what's new with you?"

Cathy sipped her coffee, looking off into the distance. "Nothing much. Got a couple of online assignments for work. Looks like one paper may take me on full time. That'd be nice."

"Local?" I asked.

"Yep. Don't really want to move." Cathy replied. She turned towards me. "I was wondering. Can Zac and I get a ride to the comp with you and Bec? My car is slowly dying and I don't want to push it too hard now because I'll need it for this job if it comes off."

I nodded. "Not a problem. Umm, we were going to stay overnight with the others in that holiday house. I don't know if you had planned to hang around, but if you wanted to get Zac home early, we'll head back after it's over."

Cathy gave me her huge smile."Thanks. We were planning to stay as well. Zac thinks we're camping. I've tried to tell him it's just a house, but he's convinced it's a tent. I don't know why."

I shrugged. "Is it his first time away?"

Cath nodded.

"Just call it camping. I can toss a tent and some other things into the boot. Have a think, and let me know." I looked at the time on my phone. "Sorry, gotta go. I'll call you later and organise the details."

Cathy stood up and kissed me on my cheek. "Ok, thanks. See you later. Don't work too hard."

I grinned back "I try not to, but they make me do things. See ya. Oh, by the way. You look great with contacts. The glasses really didn't do anything for you."

She beamed and skipped away.


A couple of weeks of normality went by. Eat, sleep, work, karate - repeat. And coffee. Always coffee.

Bec walked in one night after work, looking dejected. "Hey Tom. Umm. I can't go to the tournament with you. Work wants me to hang around that weekend to get ready for an audit."

I looked up from grating cheese. "Seriously? That's not fair. They've had a year to figure out a day, and they picked then?" I sighed and shrugged. "I suppose you can't get out of it? Zac will be very disappointed. He was going to hunt for Pokemon with you afterwards."

Bec snorted "No. I can't, and I'm hurt that my husband won't miss me watching him get beaten up for the first time."

I wiped my hands and hugged her. "Of course I'll miss my cheer squad. It won't be the same without you. The tournament's going to be live-streamed, so at least you can see the fight."

"Not the same, though. I was also looking forward to some post-fight hanky panky. You know, get the last of the adrenaline out of your system." She fluttered her eyelashes and ran her hand down from my chest to my shorts.

I kissed her forehead. "To be honest, I think I'm going to be fucked and in no condition to fuck. It's bad enough just doing non-contact and kata, but adding full contact into the day? I dunno. Anyway, we're in a five bedroom holiday house with people sleeping everywhere. Not a lot of privacy for some shenanigans I would imagine." I gave her boob a gentle squeeze.

She giggled and playfully slapped my hand away. "Stop that, you lecherous old bastard! Ok, well you'd better be in a fit state when you get home."

I just smiled and went back to making lasagne.


"Oh, hi Cath. What's up?" I heard Bec say on the phone a few days later. "Ewww, that's not good... I hope he gets over it. I guess he's not competing... Are you? Fair enough. Your mum's looking after him, I suppose? Nothing like being spoiled by Grandma when you're sick. Ok, have fun. I'll see you later."

Bec hung up and turned to me. "Zac's sick and can't compete. Looks like just you two in the car tomorrow."

I looked up from studying my last fight. I really didn't know why I was watching it. Everything went right out of my head once I got onto the mat. "That's a shame. He was looking forward to it. What's wrong?"

"Some stomach bug. He's throwing up everything, and in no state to go. Cathy's mum is going to look after him." Bec came over and sat beside me. "And something else. You'll need to drive Christine. It looks like your car has another flat and no, you can't take mine. I told you to get that puncture repaired last week. It's too late to book it in now to be fixed."

"Yes dear," I replied meekly. "I'll arrange a bank loan for the fuel." Christine is my 1964 Plymouth Fury convertible. She's a great car for highway cruising, but drinks like a fish.

The following morning at 6.00 am I pulled up outside Cath's Edwardian house, Christine loudly grumbling about being fired up so early. Cathy bounced out of the house and stopped, her jaw dropping at what I was driving.

"Wow." She slowly walked up to Christine and lightly ran her fingers over the deep metallic blue front guard. "The photos didn't do her justice. Wow, she's beautiful."

With that, Christine immediately stopped grumbling and settled to a contented V8 burble. I chuckled. "She likes you."

Logically, I knew that the automatic choke had eased off, but just at that moment? I was sure Christine had a soul, like most old cars. I was happy that she wasn't like her movie namesake. Temperamental was one thing, totally evil was another.

I got out of the car and looked admiringly at Cath. She had her brown hair down and was wearing a bright red spaghetti string summer dress. "Toss your bags in the boot. Did you happen to bring a hat? You'll need it."

I grabbed the keys and we both walked to the boot where she tossed her bags into the cavern. "That's huge. I'll have to nip back inside and grab a hat and some sunscreen. Can you help?"

"Certainly," I said and followed her back inside.

I waited in her front room while she rummaged around looking for the cream.

"I knew I had some in a drawer. Here," she said, handing me a large tube. Cathy removed her dress so I could rub the cream on. She wasn't wearing anything under it besides that bloody red thong from our last illicit encounter.

I squirted some cream on my hand and started on her shoulders and back. "That thong is going to haunt me, isn't it?"

She laughed, "It's my favourite now. Mmmm, that feels good. Don't forget my front and legs. I hate to get burnt knees."

I finished slapping cream on her back and patted her bum, "Ok, turn around."

She turned and put her hands behind her head, thrusting her boobs forward. "How's that?"

"You really have become incorrigible, you know?" I gently started rubbing the sunscreen over her front, paying special attention to her cute girls. "Can't have these getting burnt," I murmured.

She sighed appreciatively "As much as I like what you're doing, you'd better do my legs. I don't fight with my boobies. Sunburnt legs though..."

"Fair point. We'd better get a move on anyway." I reluctantly finished up top and knelt to do her legs. I was looking eye to lace at the thin red material barely covering Cathy's perfectly shaven labia. That underwear had taunted me since our first, well, socialising I guess you would call it. I inhaled her natural perfume, sighed, and got on with creaming her without me creaming myself first.

"Ok, done. Grab your hat and let's go." I stood up and watched her disappear down the hall, thinking 'This might be an interesting weekend in more ways than one.'

She came back wearing a broad brim black cowboy hat. "I thought this would be good in the car. What do you think?"

"Looking good pardner. Wagons ho!"

We jumped in the car, and I put on a Fedora. "Not as stylish as yours, but I like it. Drive-through coffee?"

"Suits you and the car. Old fashioned, and drive-through coffee will be fine."

I glanced over at Cath who had leaned comfortably back in the front seat, one arm hanging over the door. Bec liked the car, but Cathy just suited it. I started Christine and rumbled off to Macca's.

I placed the order and drove to the first window to pay. Dylan, one of my workmate's sons, was ready to take my money, but he had a bit of a deflated look when he saw the two of us.

"Hi Dyl, what's up?"

"Hi Tom. Oh umm, I thought Sam might be with you. Is she coming back?" he asked hopefully.

"Maybe next summer. Depends if her mum lets her back. Oh, Cathy, this is Dylan. I work with his dad. Dylan, Cathy. We do karate together."

Cathy doffed her hat, nodded, and we drove to the next window to pick up our coffee.

"What was that about?" asked Cathy as I drove out.

"Oh, the last time I was here with Christine, Sam had a chat with Dylan. He likes her."

"Hmm, was that the day Officer Lacey took a photo of you standing on the side of the road and then texted it to the karate group? And you and your niece were naked, I believe?"

I turned red, and it wasn't because of the sun. "Yeah. That's the day. How'd you find out?"

She leaned back and tilted her hat forward. "No wonder he likes her then. I'm a journalist in a small town. Everyone knows, though..."

I just sipped my coffee, turned up the radio and headed east. I had noticed a change in some people around that time. Some better, some worse.

We made some small conversation along the way, but it was seriously too early for both of us. That's one good thing about working in a smallish town - the ten-minute commutes to work. This early start was a killer.

After about a half-hour, Cathy sat up and stretched. "I'd forgotten until now. You owe me a story."

I looked over at her with a blank look.

"You know, you said you'd tell me something very personal. Something even Bec doesn't know about."

"Right. Yeah, I did say that didn't I?" I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. I have a hard time remembering what I had for breakfast, but the women in my life seemed to be able to recall things in minute detail from ages ago. Geez, it's annoying at times...

The coffee had long gone, and the sun was starting to bite. "I'll pull over at the next stop to get rid of the cups and put up the roof. I think we'll bake, and the wind noise is a bit much."

"Great!" Cath said, "I need to pee."

I pulled into yet another McDonald's and we went off on our tasks. Cathy came back with more coffee and a reasonable facsimile of food.

"I'm getting peckish, so I thought you might want something as well," she explained as she slipped into the front seat. "Bloody hell!" Cath exclaimed as the freezing gale from the modern air conditioner hit her.

I chuckled as her nipples instantly tried to escape. "Thanks. Aircon works well, doesn't it?"

She rubbed her tits hard, trying to warm things up. "You could have warned me. Ok, so let me have it."

I pulled out onto the road and continued east. "Right. So I don't need to ask that you keep this to yourself. Obviously for other reasons."

I looked off into the distance. "This was something that happened between me and a good friend. If things were slightly different, I probably wouldn't be sitting here next to you. So, I started work in head office. I went from there to the eastern state office for about six years, then bounced around for a few years till I turned up here. I've been in this office for about eight years."

"So where did you meet Rebecca?" asked Cathy.

"Patience, young one. Who's telling this story? Once upon a time, many long years ago, I met Bec at a friend of a friend's wedding. We were both coming off the rebound, and I thought she had a nice smile. I made her laugh. She caught a taxi with me back to my place where we had inebriated sex. I was terrible, but she didn't care. We saw each other on and off for about a year. Just some fun, some sex, but I didn't see it as a long term relationship. Neither did she."

I chuckled. "She has a terrible temper at times, and I really couldn't deal with that. Or so I thought. Strange how things turn out. Anyway, I got this frantic phone call one morning from her. I was busy getting things sorted for my move to a new job in about a week. Bec wasn't coming. She had her work, and we had planned to do the occasional catch-up. No different to what we had been doing, just more travel."


The desk phone rang. "Tom speaking. How can I help you?" I answered.

It was Rebecca, and she was hysterical. "Come to my flat now! Please. Now. Hurry. I've been robbed! And it's trashed!"

She threw that at me in about two seconds, and I had to ask her to repeat it. She'd left my house earlier that morning aiming to get changed and go to work. It was all pretty normal. Bec wasn't happy I was leaving, but she didn't want to move with me either. And to be honest with myself, I was pretty happy to be leaving town and her behind. It was fun, but I didn't think we had much in common. We were both getting over fairly long relationships, but I kept seeing the ex everywhere with her new fuck toy and hanging around with everyone we both knew. It was driving me nuts. I had to move for my sanity.

"Ok, I'm on my way. Have you called the Police?" I asked once I got the story out of her. She said they were on the way. It sounded serious, so I borrowed a work car and headed out to Bec's flat. She lived in a nice area close to the city. Personally, I wasn't a fan of living so close to my neighbours, but you couldn't beat the location.

I got there in about fifteen minutes, and surprisingly just as the Police were getting out of their car. That worried me. They wouldn't normally come so quickly for a simple break and enter. I introduced myself and led them around to Bec's place. It didn't look good. She lived on the ground floor of an apartment block, and I could see her windows had been smashed. Everything in her tiny, but tidy front yard had been turned over. Bec was pacing back and forth, wringing her hands and sobbing.

I ran up and held her tightly. She collapsed against me and just sobbed "I can't stay. I can't stay here. I'm coming with you. Please let me come with you."

The two officers looked at me, and I just nodded my head towards the door. They took the hint and went inside to look around. I led Bec to a chair outside and sat her down.

"What happened? Are you ok?" I asked as I knelt beside her.

She shook her head but then nodded "Yes. No. Not really. They fucked my home Tom! They destroyed it. I can't live here anymore." She burst into tears again.

An elderly lady who had been attracted by the uniforms came over to see what was happening. I asked her to stay with Rebecca while I went inside her flat.

The flat had been trashed. Everything had been pulled out of the fridge and cupboards and was strewn over the floor. The wall-mounted tv had a large crack where someone had hit it with a pot. One of the officers came out of her bedroom and cleared her throat. "Sir, can you please have a look at this?"

I followed her and was hit by the stink of shit. I had sort of noticed a smell but this was rank. Then I saw why.




Someone had used their shit to paint the question on the wall. I turned and looked at the officer, who pointed at the bed. That was where the painting material had come from. A big, stinking pile of crap right in the middle of Rebecca's favourite doona cover.

The other officer coughed to get my attention "Sir, and over here." He pointed at a pile of clothes that had been ripped out of the wardrobe and her dresser.