Cat's In The Cradle


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A two-lane road went over the new dam, and I noticed two large signs by the road that were covered with tarps. And then we were swamped by people coming up to greet us. Over time, we (meaning me and my family and friends) were ushered to the VIP seats near the podium.

I noticed that Tasha was suddenly quiet and reserved, and she was clinging to either me or Carole as she constantly looked around warily. Carole seemed to understand, and kept Tasha close to her, often holding her hand. Jim and Ross stayed close to her, also. It warmed my heart to see them taking care of their little sister, but I was concerned over Tasha's... not fear, but seeming worry...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The County Council (or whatever they call it) member for Providence Springs was speaking, and I heard him say "... and so I am proud to announce that henceforth, this dam shall be known as the Junior Biggs Dam! Accepting the commemorative plaque on Junior's behalf is his son, Deputy Sheriff Tyrone Biggs!"

The audience roared its approval as the sign was unveiled and Deputy Biggs came up. He was invited to speak for a moment, and it was with tears flowing down his eyes that he spoke of how his father was a good man and had instilled good values in his son, and had bravely guided his people through tough times that were thankfully over.

"And now," said the Mayor of Apple Grove, "it is time to unveil the name of our new Reservoir. We are naming it after the man who has made this day possible, who made it possible to honor Junior Biggs, and made it possible for his son to be a Deputy Sheriff. He grew up here, and I'd like to think his heart never left as he has cleaned up corruption in many places, not only here, but other States and even our Nation. Without further ado, this reservoir will now and forever be known... as James Donald Troy Reservoir!"


I was speechless, in total shock. They had named this lake for me? I thought to myself. The second sign was now revealed to show the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers name and insignia, and beneath that the sign read 'James Donald Troy Reservoir', and underneath that '(Lake Donald Troy)'. Wow. Just wow.

"Come on, Daddy, get up and make your speech!" Carole said. She and Tasha pretty much pulled me off of my seat and to my feet, and I felt like I was stumbling in a daze as I reached the podium and shook all the officials's hands, including the Army Officers there. I was then guided to the podium to speak.

As it quieted down, Cindy Ross (of course) called out loudly "We got you, didn't we?" The crowd burst into laughter, then applause.

"You got me." I admitted. "You totally got me. I had no idea." That gave me the time to settle in, and I began speaking: "I am truly humbled by this incredible honor. I've always been proud of my small part in the great team effort to rid Apple Grove and Fillmore County of the corruption that was eating its soul. And that was truly a team effort. So many of you here, and some that aren't here with us, contributed to making Apple Grove and Fillmore County the vibrant, growing, loving places they are today."

The audience applauded, and then I said "As you come to picnic here, or fish in the lake, or swim upstream, or just look over the lake and contemplate things great and small, let this lake remind you that the battle against corruption is never over, and that we all must remain constantly vigilant to prevent corrupt forces from destroying all the good that Apple Grove and Fillmore County have achieved these last few years. And with the example of Deputy Tyrone Biggs and many other good people, I know you will rise to the challenge and keep your county the great place it has become. I thank you for this incredible honor, and may God bless all of you."

The Fillmore County Band began playing as everyone roared in applause. Many people came up to me and I shook a lot of hands. We were guided to a large feast that had been set out on the picnic tables of the park, and I was 'instructed' to go first. I said "I better go before Tyrone, or there won't be any food left." Tyrone laughed, and darn near made that come true as he went in line after me.

We sat and ate, Tasha sitting between me and Carole. "You okay, Tasha?" I asked.

"I'm okay, Daddy." said Tasha.

"Daddy, Tasha's worried," said Carole, "because something doesn't feel right, and she thinks it's because she's black."

"What's that got to do with anything?" I asked, though a creeping foreboding started trying to get into my soul.

"White people didn't like black people here for a long time." Carole said. "I told Tasha it's better now."

"Yes, it is." I said "Well, don't worry about it, Tasha, but stay close to Carole anyway, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy." said Tasha.

Just then, Carole turned around and said "Hell-o Cap-tnn Leanne." as Captain Leanne Wisocky came up, wearing her semi-formal uniform.

"Hey Carole!" Leanne said. "You remember me?"

"Yes ma'am." Carole said politely. "You gave me my cer-tifff-icate when I was here before."

"That's right, I did." said Leanne.

"This is my sister Tasha." Carole said, making a point to introduce Tasha.

"Oh!" gasped Leanne for a second. Then she recovered and said "You're Carole's sister? Are you going to be a great Detective like she's going to be?"

"No ma'am." said Tasha, though shyly. "I'm going to be a great singer, like my Uncle T-Square."

"Ohhhh, T-Square is your uncle?" Leanne said, even more surprised. Carole and I were nodding vigorously in response. Then I introduced Leanne to everyone else. "Oh, you're Chief Evans's sister, aren't you?" Leanne said to Cindy. "I've heard so much about you, I feel like I know you." she said as they shook hands.

"Only believe the good parts." Cindy said.

"And you're P. Harvey Eckhart's daughter, aren't you?" Leanne asked. Cindy looked up at her, stunned. Leanne said "We should talk. I've heard some stories about him from the time he grew up just north of here."

"Oh, I'd love to hear those stories." Cindy said...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As things wound down, the EAD came up and sat down beside me. "So... this is Apple Grove. Where it all started." he said.

"Yes sir." I said. "Typical small-town Americana, good and bad."

"We'll talk about this a lot more later." said the EAD. "I'll just tell you now that we're really watching MegaTech Industries here, and BigAgraFoods, too. I don't know what it is, but they seem to think Apple Grove is the ideal place to try to set up their own little fiefdom."

"Yes sir." I said. "They tried it before. But we'll be watching..."

Part 7 - Origins of The Iron Crowbar

2:00pm, Monday, September 2nd. The family tour of Apple Grove began at the cemetery, where the kids were shown the site where their grandfather, and in some cases great-grandfather, was entombed. Everyone was respectful, but to my surprise it was Tasha that seemed the most interested. And she would never forget this visit to her grandfather's resting place.

Sheriff Griswold was also contemplative. "I never knew the man." he said. "But he raised his son to be a great man. That's all I need to know." I had to fight to not get emotional on the spot.

After a tour of the town and the schools where I went, we went to the new place where my mom was going to be living. It was still under construction, but we were able to walk around the building and to the lake in back.

Then everyone went to my mom's cottage. While there, I asked Cindy, Teresa, and Sheriff Griswold to come with me, and we brought Carole. I drove to Fillmore Middle School, once Apple Grove High School. The school colors were still the same, blue and yellow (not gold, but just plain ugly yellow). I led the way to the old gym building, and using a key I'd borrowed from the AGPD, opened a door and we went inside.

We went down a back hallway and down some stairs, then along a hallway towards doors that contained closets for keeping sports equipment. As we neared a spot where a narrow slit window let light through to illuminate a spot, I stopped.

"This is where it awllll started, isn't it Daddy?" Carole said.

"Yes, Fussbudget." I said, my voice a whisper. "This is the place." Time slowed down, and I was reliving it all, in a strange bluish light, detached from reality.

I told the story, which I sum up here: I was a Junior in High School. One day while at football practice, one of our new coaches, a mean man that in hindsight reminded me of Sheriff Spaulding, told me to go get some equipment out of a basement room and bring it back. It wasn't football related, but in those days we were taught to say 'Yes sir' and move out smartly.

As I went down the hall, two boys suddenly appeared in front of me. I didn't really know them, but I knew they were the 'wrong crowd', tough boys that preferred fighting to talking.

"Your father has not been following orders." said one of the toughs, the leader. "So we're going to send him an unforgettable lesson...through you, punk. I'm gonna make you suck my dick, and then I'm gonna fuck you in the ass, Troy." (I might not have mentioned those exact words to those who were with me, seeing that a six-year-old was present).

I turned to go back the way I came, only to see two more boys blocking my way. I was trapped, and surrounded by four mean boys with the purpose and intent of hurting me very badly. "Get him! Rip his redheaded ass apart!" growled the leader.

I looked past the first two boys, and saw some tools lying on the floor near a pipe junction. And one of the tools... was a blue crowbar.

Realizing that if I could get to it, I could fight my way out of this mess, I turned as if to run back the way I came in. The two boys in the way got ready to stop me. The other two began chasing me... and overcommitted.

I suddenly turned, and with the basic Aikido skills my parents had insisted I learn, I managed to push them on by me and into the other two boys. As they sorted themselves out, I made a dash down the hallway, seemingly where there was no exit. I was going for that crowbar. And I made it. I picked up the crowbar and turned to face them.

The rest was easy.

They attacked, and I countered. I fought savagely, using my Aikido skills but adding solid whacks with the crowbar. They had threatened to fuck me; instead, I fucked them up. Very badly.

I went for joints, and may have separated a few. I swung for the fences with the crowbar, and while they were lucky I didn't get them in their heads, I did land several blows to their backs, their ribcages, their forearms, and their hips. I went for kicks to their knees, making their knees go in directions that knees weren't meant to.

"Let's get out of here." the leader finally gasped. They limped off. I held onto the crowbar, thinking they might try to jump me again. I carried the crowbar with me as I walked out of there. I carried it with me all the way home.

That evening, I told my parents at the dinner table what had happened. I saw them glance at each other. My father merely said fighting wasn't a good answer if it could be avoided. My mother said I did very well to fight my way out of the trap. They said no more, and neither did I. I didn't ask my father why they said they were attacking me to get at him.

When does a boy become a man? Some say when he has sex the first time. Some say when he harvests his first game on a hunt. Some say when he stands up for himself. I think that was the day I grew up, when I trusted my Aikido training and defeated four young thugs in personal combat. And I became more.

Apple Grove High School lost a crowbar that day They never got it back, and they never would. I kept that blue crowbar at home, then had it with me next to my toolbox when I lived in Midtown. I got it out when I needed it to let a Chechnyan thug know that attempting to bribe a Police Officer was a 'wrong answer', and I solidly beat down Sergei Molotov with it. (Author's note: 'Russian Roulette', Ch. 02.)

I carried it with me until I relinquished it to Cindy Ross, who gave me the red one in return, which is now the 'Crowbar Katana'. And that blue crowbar now hangs in the office of the Town & County Police Captain of Detectives, to be passed down from Captain of Detectives to Captain of Detectives for all time.

And now you know... the rest of the story.

Part 8 - In the Here and Now

After changing clothes, everyone else left for home, including Todd, and with my luggage. I told him that I'd be staying overnight, and that I'd find my way back home. He dropped me off downtown and drove off. I was wearing all black, with a dark blue and gray sportscoat over it.

I went to the Apple Grove Ford dealership, having called the owner. We didn't do much haggling, and I ended up with a dark red Ford F-350 truck, a powerful machine ready to do powerful work. I paid cash on the barrelhead for it, and in doing so pretty much got to name my massive discount price.

I drove my new truck north and west, through Providence Springs, and north to Springer. It did seem like I cut through a pass to get to the flat farmlands north.

As I drove into the town, I drove by the baseball and softball fields. There was huge crowd there, relatively speaking, watching the adult men play softball and the boys play Little League baseball. I observed the cars that were parked there: nearly every one of them was at least ten years old, many of the much older. There were even cars from the 1960s and 70s, all in good condition, but old. Collectors would have a field day here.

As I went on past towards the town, a Springer Police car came up behind me, then lit up his lightbar. I pulled to the side and he pulled in behind me.

"May I see your license and registration, please?" the Officer said.

"Sure." I said. "I just bought the car, here's the bill of sale that will qualify as registration until I get a car tag."

"You quoting the law to me, boy?" the Officer said, his voice and manner unfriendly. I slowly reached into my sportscoat inner pocket and took out my TCPD badge and ID.

"Yes I am, Officer." I said. "I'm a Police Officer myself."

"Troy.." he said, his voice a gasp. "The Troy? The one they just named the Reservoir after?"

"One and the same, and it was a shock to me that they did that." I said.

"What are you doing up here in Springer?" the Officer said.

"Sightseeing." I said. "It's been a long, long time since I've lived in Apple Grove, and I was just seeing what it looks like up here."

"Well," said the Officer, "people up here like to be left alone. So you might want to be on your way back to Apple Grove before it gets dark."

"Sure." I said agreeably. "So how is Springer doing, business-wise?"

"Same as ever." said the Officer. "Okay, Commander Troy, it was nice meeting you, but you should be on your way." It was clear he wanted me to leave.

"Okay, thanks." I said. I pocketed my IDs and pulled on out. Driving north through the town, with the Officer following at a distance, I marveled at how Springer seemed to be no different than photos I'd seen of towns in the 1960s. Even the railroad crossing signals were of a past era. It was like the town was trapped in a time bubble.

I drove on into the county to the north, then turned onto a farm road that was barely more than dirt, and headed east, getting my new truck all dusty. Getting a vibe, I pulled out my 'thick' iPhone, which had a lot of the same electronics that the Black Beauty had. The screen showed that a Police vehicle had been moving south to intercept me, and I wondered if that Springer Policeman had notified them about me.

Taking backroads, I got back into Fillmore County, then took side roads to get to the radio tower on top of the highest hill, which was north of Apple Grove. I parked in a copse of trees and settled in to get some sleep...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4:30am, Tuesday, September 3d. I made my way with lights off into Apple Grove from the northeast, heading to Inman Park. I drove to the back end of the park, then backed up to the back fence. My tailgate door was down, and I stopped when it touched the back fence... right at the gap in the bushes where the cemetery mausoleum was, on the other side. Yeah, I had been scouting this spot when I was at the cemetery with Deputy Biggs.

Grabbing my crowbar, I moved quickly. I had a tall stepladder that served as steps over the fence. Once on the cemetery side, I went up and began prying at the sandstone tiles. The 4x1 tiles came off easily enough, and they were not particularly heavy. I saw granite bricks behind them, part of the original wall. I loaded the tiles onto the truck, then went for the 4x4 tiles. I began probing and prying at the top-left one...


The tile came off and the Law of Gravity was proved as it fell right to the ground and embedded in the soft dirt. I started to pick it up, but found the tile to be heavy. I wrestled it to the fence and was trying to figure out how to lift it to the fence and push it over into the truck, when I heard a sound. I stopped moving, and peered over to the west side of the mausoleum.

With a shock, I realized that someone was moving towards me...

To be continued.

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chytownchytown7 months ago

*****That was a interesting opening chapter. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Loved the story of the blue crowbar. Something bad happening in Apple Grove again or are they looking for the Materials still.

More I'm reading the more I'm getting concerned for Don and Laura's relationship / marriage. We've never been given any reason for Melina's behaviour during marriage to Don, and I feel,Laura may be doing the same. Still suspect she was in on his second torture session as only her would know all the details of his life and twist them into his dream state. The other I suspect is a Nash, but not sure which.

pitbull_1973pitbull_1973about 4 years ago
Paul Harvey

“And now you know...the rest of the story”.

Nice little subtle nod here to Paul Harvey

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Interesting read so far...

The naming of the lake after Troy,was a shock

I didn't c that coming...

Stories surrounding Apple Grove are always fascinating...

My heckles are up on this one

Keep them coming


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Yeah, but...

can’t detail the threesomes?!?!?!...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A heavy tile...

The Iron Crowbar has found some of Westboro's gold if that heavy tile is any indication. Loved the origin story and the use of Harry's wonderful song. Please keep the stories coming.

An Undertaker.

666iceman666icemanabout 4 years ago
Laura and comments regarding her and the IC

If I get this right my mind tells me that Laura and Martin Nash's Uncle are the ones who kidnapped the IC and took him below the hospital, so if your loving wife did that to you to try and get some old boys secret papers would you turn to her for support when Griz's wife passed away and why he is determined to ensure he has a say in his daughters upbringing. That is one reason that Cindy is having trouble with, as her loyalty to the IC is above her loyalty to anyone else. The IC stopped her from telling him as he knows but don't know and if anyone told him it was Laura then he as she stated herself her life would be worse than a living hell. Since that day when he was put under the hospital his time and love for Laura has dropped to almost zero. So Malina and Laura are made from the same tree and have shown him the same type of respect and that is none. This is a five star start to what looks like a good tale about good old Apple Grove, almost like where I grew up. 5* Iceman

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanabout 4 years agoAuthor
Comment on the comment

The truce over Carole will last for ten (10) years, not 16. And no, no divorce or anything like that is imminent. I'm unable to detail every time Don and Laura have sex (and every time Don, Laura, and Paulina have threesomes when they are at The Cabin overnight).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Comment on the comment and more

There was a line in the last stoey that Don and alaura came to a truce regarding dealing with Carole that would last 16 years, so I suspect there's no divorce on the horizon for them.

Back to this story, I'm guessing either Leann or his mother is the person approaching Don.

razarocinanterazarocinanteabout 4 years ago

I dont't know, if I interpret to much into the interactions between don and laura. Or better the lack of them. He doesn't turn to laura, after the emotional moments (death of ms grizz and the reveal of the name). No sex no nothing.

Feels like a big blow up is comming and a real possible, that they divorce.

This is very well written. Just cought up at the worst timing for a cliffhanger like that ;)

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanabout 4 years agoAuthor
Next chapter submitted

The next (and final) chapter of this story is submitted, and hopefully will be published soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Melding of minds

Incredible....the the minds of my two favorite story tellers, Harry Chapin and WifeWatchman melding together..Storytelling get no better than these two!

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 4 years ago

that's a strange thing to do.

RegnzRegnzabout 4 years ago
The Origin of the Blue Crowbar

Absolutely loved the origin story of the Original Crowbar and knowing what it has gone on to represent

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