Caught By Mom

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Shana's shocked to discover the whole family is doing it.
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Shana couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt like something was wrong as she woke up at 2 a.m. to discover she was alone in bed. It shouldn't have been so unusual for a woman to wake up and find that her husband of twenty-two years couldn't sleep and got up for whatever odd reason, but Shana felt like something was off. Call it women's intuition. She got out of bed and decided to see where Ben, her husband, had gone.

At forty-two, the beautiful, blonde Shana cut a strikingly hot figure in the boy-short style panties and loose fitting crop top she wore to sleep in. Through careful diet and exercise, her body was nearly as tight and firm as the fitness models whose workout routines she followed faithfully. Her weighty, D cup sized tits were still as firm and shapely as her nineteen year old daughter's. Trusting that her daughter, Lauren, and son, Rick, were fast asleep, she tip-toed out of the room without worrying about the way she was dressed. Or rather, not dressed, since her panties revealed the delectable shape of her camel toe and her top wasn't thick enough to conceal the round, russet shadows of her areolas.

Leaving the marital bedroom, she discovered that Ben had left the door slightly ajar. As she entered the hallway on the upper floor of the large house, everything was perfectly quiet. It was dark, but for the dim light of a full moon coming from the window at the end of the long hallway. Shana stood still and listened. She felt her nipples grow thick and hard, not from arousal, but from the tingling sense that this was no ordinary night. If anything, the house was too quiet to satisfy her curiosity. Her feminine instincts were now on high alert.

Standing in the carpeted hallway, the blonde wife and mother of two kept as still as a statue and listened. After a few moments, she discovered the house was not quite as silent as she first thought. There was the slightest murmur of voices coming from the other end of the hallway where her daughter's bedroom door was. Ben must have discovered Lauren awake at the same time and gone for a late night talk with their daughter. It made sense. Lauren had always been such a daddy's girl, and over the past couple of months, the two had been spending more time together than ever before.

It was no surprise for Shana to see her husband and daughter growing even closer. For nearly a year now, she and Ben barely spoke to each other. There was nothing in particular that came between them, only that they had drifted apart emotionally. Their long talks into the night where they confided in one another were now a thing of the distant past. And not so long after their emotional distance came the sexual one. It had been almost a year since Ben had touched his wife in any kind of erotic way. Shana found herself both frustrated and relieved by this. She'd always been a very highly sexed woman, but she had never been interested in sex with strangers, and that's exactly what she and Ben had become to each other.

The sounds from Lauren's room were muted but growing clearer as Shana walked as softly as she dared toward her daughter's bedroom door. She wondered if those late night talks Ben once had with her were now reserved for their daughter. She was a young adult now, though still technically a teenager, and considering how close they'd always been it wouldn't surprise Shana if Ben had turned to Lauren for the emotional companionship she had once provided. She supposed that was probably a good thing. It would be better than discovering her husband was cheating. She didn't bear ill feelings toward Ben. She simply felt the same kind of nothing for him that he seemed to feel toward her. Yet she wasn't such a cold person as to begrudge him someone to talk to.

However, as much as she loved her daughter, Shana had a hard time seeing Lauren as being anyone's confidante. She was a good listener sometimes, but she hardly had the intellectual prowess to offer much in the way of normal conversation. The girl was a classic, blonde airhead, her mother had no choice to admit. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing to be. It just wasn't the sort of quality that helped the girl offer much in the way of emotional or mental companionship. Even so, the girl's father adored her and she was a much better choice for Ben to turn to than some other woman who would end up seducing him.

Lauren was a reasonable facsimile of her mother at that age, an incredibly fit yet still curvy blonde. Her tits were a slightly smaller, C cup version of her mother's, with the firm, upturned perkiness of a nineteen year old. She also had the good looks of a bikini model, like her mother still did, except for the beginning signs of her maturity. Shana understood her daughter, even if the girl was much closer to her father. But Lauren was so much like her mother at that age, much more concerned with clothing and makeup than anything complicated.

Still, Shana loved her daughter and felt proud that she produced a girl as hot and beautiful as she was herself. Fortunately, Shana had Rick, her twenty-one year old son. He was her moral and emotional support since the young man's father and sister were off in a world unto themselves. Little did Shana know what kind of world that was, until she drew closer to Lauren's bedroom and heard the types of sounds that were muffled behind her door. They were her husband's and daughter's voices alright, but it was not the sound of a typical, family conversation.

As the blonde mother drew up to her daughter's door, she could clearly hear Lauren moan with pleasure. It was unmistakable. She practically sounded like her mother in the same situation. And after all these years, Shana knew her husband's sexual sounds as well as she knew anything.

"Daddy, yes, ohhhh yes, it's so good," Lauren's voice came through. The sound was faint through the door but otherwise clear as a bell. "Yes, yes, fuck me, Daddy. Never stop. Baby girl needs that hard fucking cock."

Shana was paralyzed with shock. She could hear her husband grunting and straining in between her daughter's whorish pleas to her own father to be fucked.

"Ohhhh, baby girl, that pussy is so fucking tight," the man growled. "Daddy will never get enough of that perfect little girl hole."

"It's all yours, Daddy. All the time. Use it, Daddy. Fuck it!" Lauren was trying to keep her voice low, but not doing a very good job.

Shana's heart stopped, and then started pounding like she'd just finished running a marathon. The filthy, twisted gutter talk between father and daughter went on as she stood there, rooted to the spot and listening through Lauren's bedroom door. The things they were saying to each other were just disgustingly perverse, not to mention the incestuous behavior they were obviously engaged in. Ben was working as hard as his daughter at keeping his voice low, but there was only so much they could do considering the height of twisted excitement they were reaching.

Shana didn't know what to do. Part of her wanted to barge in and slap them both across the face, then scream at them to get the hell out of the house if they wanted to flaunt the laws of nature like a pair of filthy animals. In that moment, she hated her husband and daughter. To her they were even lower than animals, more primitive and less civilized. On top of that, she now blamed her daughter as much as the girl's father for the distance between them...and for monopolizing the cock that should've belonged only to the man's wife. It was inconceivable to think that cock was now plowing her teenaged daughter's fertile, young pussy.

As if it were the only way to confirm the reality of what she was hearing, Shana took hold of the door knob and turned it ever so carefully. Her motions were painfully slow and cautious to keep from making a sound, but she finally turned the knob and opened her daughter's door the mere inch and a half she needed to peer in with a view on Lauren's bed.

Shana fought to contain the shriek of horror at what she saw. There was her naked husband, his big, sweating body straining between the wide open legs of his own daughter. He was pinning himself upright and slamming his hips into hers. From her vantage point, Shana could see her husband's balls swinging as he thrust as well as his huge cock shaft ramming the girl's wet hole, glistening in the moonlight with her juice. Lauren was mewling like a feline in heat, lifting her ass all the way off her mattress to meet her father's cock thrusts, giving him as good as she was getting.

The rhythmic shlick shlick shlick of their desperately incestuous fucking fell on Shana's ears as sharply as a slap in the face. It only served to highlight how obscenely wet and slippery her daughter's fuckhole was while she took the rabid thrusts of her own father's swollen prick.

It was the most disgusting spectacle Shana had ever seen. She knew she would never be able to look at her husband or daughter without contempt for as long as she lived. She was already imagining the fight they would have in the morning. If Ben and Shana refused to leave the house then she would be the one to leave. But why should she leave her son behind when they were the ones breaking every law of nature? Not to even mention the laws of the very state they lived in.

Despite everything going through her muddled mind, Shana couldn't bring herself to move or make the slightest sound to let them know they'd been caught. If she were in full possession of her mental faculties she would have stopped them immediately. She would have stormed up to her cheating, perverted husband and ripped him away from their young daughter by the hair, but her eyes were glued to the fat, thrusting cock steadily pumping into Lauren's hot, younger pussy. Having been without it for so long, it was hard for Shana not to think about how she much missed getting fucked by that long, thick rod that Lauren was now enjoying every inch of.

As much as Shana now despised her hedonistic husband, he did have one of the biggest, hardest cocks she'd ever enjoyed, and if the blonde enjoyed anything it was a big, hard, pussy pleasing cock. Lauren was obviously much more like her mother than Shana realized. Her attitude toward her daughter softened just then as she understood how good her father's cock could make a girl feel. There were so few like him. It wasn't like the girl's mother didn't remember a time when Ben still fucked her the way he was now fucking their little girl. But seeing the way Lauren's firm, round tits were wildly bouncing to the force of her father's cock thrusts forced her mother to admit the girl wasn't so little anymore.

"Fuck, Daddy, that huge dick feels better than anything!" the girl cried.

Lauren's outburst only caused the lips of her mother's pussy to quiver and heat up while the older woman knew just what the girl was feeling. Her father was now going back and forth sucking on the girl's up-thrust nipples.

"Daddy, Daddy, oohhhh fuck, you're gonna make me cum," Lauren hissed through her teeth. "Cum in me, Daddy. Fill me up like you always do."

The way Ben started pounding his huge dick into his daughter's pussy let Shana know he was about to give the girl what she wanted. Lauren was cumming so hard her body was shaking. Her mother was stunned to see how much she loved being pounded and filled with her father's cum.

The woman could hardly breathe. Her husband was pumping his own teenaged daughter's pussy full of sperm! The very same sperm that made her! Just when Shana thought it couldn't be any more shocking. And Lauren was cooing was so happily, grinding onto her father's still thrusting rod like she was on a mission to milk every drop of seed out of his man flesh.

The blonde wife and mother was just as shocked to feel the aching throb of desire in her hard nipples and dew drizzling pussy. Watching Lauren get fucked had given her a striking glimpse into her own past, revealing a vivid image of what she herself looked like while being fucked when she had been the same age. Mother and daughter bore a slight resemblance in their features, but it was mostly that they were the same type, both being fit, very well stacked blondes. And if Shana were being honest with herself, she'd spent most of her life being so eager for cock that she probably would have fucked her own father, too.

Shana finally closed Lauren's bedroom door as quietly as she opened it. Her hands were shaking so badly she didn't know how she managed to get the door closed without making a racket. After being reminded in the worst possible way how long it had been since she'd had her husband's cock, there was a now a wet slick in her panties that wouldn't go away. It wouldn't be long before Ben was sneaking out of his daughter's room to go back to theirs, and it was the last place Shana wanted to be. There was only one place she could feel at peace enough to ignore the unwanted ache between her thighs and get some sleep before waking up to a whole new reality in the morning.

Rick's room.


As she wandered through the hall to the other side of the huge house, making her way to her son's room, Shana felt like Rick was the only ally she had left in the family. She was still thinking over what to say to Ben and their daughter, if anything, but there was no way she could bring herself to get back into bed with that soulless deviant of a husband minutes after watching him fuck Lauren. It wasn't simply that he'd fucked the girl, but it was also the way he'd fucked her. He hadn't fucked his wife with that much need and desire in years. She wondered how many times he must have snuck back into their bed with his cock still wet from their daughter's welcoming pussy hole.

Shana was a mess by the time she reached Rick's room. She decided there was no ruder awakening for any married woman than discovering her husband was not only cheating, but cheating with their daughter. As she opened Rick's door and stepped inside, tears were rolling down her cheeks along with the flow of fuck honey into her panties she couldn't control.

Somehow, she felt safer and more content in spite of everything the moment she closed herself into Rick's room. She walked quietly toward his bed. Her son was sound asleep, lying on his back with the sheets kicked into a tangle at his feet. In nothing but his clinging boxer briefs, his body looked so virile and muscular. He looked so much like his father at that age, except a couple of inches taller and more muscular.

Rick was also more handsome than his father, as far as Shana was concerned. But then again she had always doted on him. As much as his sister was a daddy's girl, Rick was definitely a mama's boy, which his father had often teased him about. But Rick was every bit as manly and virile as his father had ever dreamed of being.

Shana had to stop in her tracks when she noticed the massive erection bulging within her son's briefs. He was easily as big as his father, if not a little bigger overall, being noticeably longer and thicker. His mother knew perfectly well how all males got frequent erections in their sleep, but she couldn't believe how Rick's organ could get that big and hard and still stay inside his tight underwear. For that matter, she was still amazed how a guy could manage to keep sleeping with a cock that big and hard. She smiled to herself and nearly forgot the repulsive display she'd just witnessed in her daughter's room as she wondered what kind of naughty dreams her beautiful son must be having.

There was something so wrong about expecting to sleep in her son's bed when his cock was pulsing with need, but that seemed like such a silly thing to worry about knowing her husband's dick was still wet from their daughter's pussy. Shana got into Rick's bed as carefully as she could, doing her best to keep from waking him. Gently rolling to her side, she snuggled up against her son's big, hard body, placing a hand on his chest and resting her thigh across his legs, taking special care to keep her leg well clear of his bulging cock. She was here for love and comfort, and hopefully some sleep, not to indulge base, forbidden desires the way the rest of the family seemed perfectly at ease with.

Rick sighed and moaned softly in response to a warm, female body crawling into his bed, but he didn't wake up. His mother felt instantly calmer as she embraced the one member of her family she knew she could trust completely. Telling herself she only wanted to calm her nerves enough to sleep, Shana couldn't stop looking at the massive bulge in her son's briefs. She pressed her warm, full tits up against the much larger body of her slumbering son. The pressure of his warm body against her melons felt comforting. After the shock of what she just saw her husband and daughter doing, she felt perfectly safe and loved, even if Rick was asleep.

He made a sleepy moaning sound and squirmed his nearly naked body even closer to his mother. She knew he was completely unaware of anything he was doing, but Shana loved the feel of a hot, young man squeezing up against her body in bed. For her, it was all about the love and comfort it made her feel, not about the raging hardness in her son's fully stretched briefs. In his state of unconsciousness, he had no idea his dreamy arousal was so visible to his mother. Yet Shana couldn't help being fascinated by the impressive vision of her son's enormous erection. Her motherly heart filled with pride over the gorgeous man he'd grown up to be.

Shana became so fascinated by the view of Rick's cock that she almost forgot that the moist ache in her pussy started when she was still spying on Ben and Lauren. Overcome with maternal curiosity, she reached very carefully for the waistband of her son's briefs and slowly lifted it up just high enough to take a brief look at the naked flesh of that cock underneath.

"Ohhh, baby, it's magnificent," she barely dared to breathe. She allowed herself just one, long moment to savor the sight of Rick's fully engorged cock before finally lowering his waistband back to its normal place.

Now the blonde snuggled tightly to her half naked son's big, solid body, sliding her thigh a little bit higher across his legs but still not daring to come into contact with his cock. Rick groaned in his sleep.

Shana knew it was perfectly outrageous to be sneaking a peek at her own son's sex tool while he slept, but she couldn't help it. Would he really have minded if he knew? Probably not, but it was just as well to avoid the embarrassment they would both feel. But of course she would never be sneaking peeks at her son's cock if he were awake. Yet it gave her a delicious thrill to think of the naughty little secret she now held in her mind of the rock-solid, well-hung man her precious son was. She couldn't help wondering how many girls and women had also beheld that beautiful cock.

After a while, the blonde decided she was just being silly. She needed to sleep, if possible, and nestled her face against the side of Rick's bare chest. She spent some time with her eyes closed, hoping to fall asleep, but it never lasted more than a minute or two before she found herself looking at Rick's huge bulge again. With a cautiously shallow sigh, Shana gently brought her hand onto her son's cock and lightly traced the shape of it through the material of his briefs. Her heart was nearly exploding as she touched his cock, feeling the marble solid mass under its covering of thin cloth.

It was nothing but a light, brief, experimental touch, she rationalized. It wasn't even in the same league as what she caught her husband and daughter doing. Besides, Rick would never even know. But as the loving mother gracefully ran her fingertips along her son's cock shaft, she couldn't help realizing that the sight of her husband fucking Lauren had given her a striking idea of what Rick and she would look like in the same position. The sudden image in her mind made her pussy quiver with heat before she knew what was happening.