Caught Smoking


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He forgives Tina. I summon her over to kneel before me and thank me.

"Thank you so much, Ma'am," Tina says to me, the light sobbing still in her voice. "I honestly know that I deserved to be spanked just like I got Chloe spanked, Ma'am. I want you to know that I truly appreciate you making me see that I wanted to be made to accept my punishment, Ma'am. You were right, Ma'am, I do hate myself for being so stupidly irresponsible. At least now I feel that I've gotten what I deserved for it, Ma'am. I know that next time I will remember this spanking, how much it hurt, and how humiliating it was, and it will make me think before I do anything, which I should have done in the first place.

"I... uh... we asked Andrea for help with Chloe, Ma'am... And we don't even know you. I never expected you to even think about me, Ma'am. It was very kind of you. I doubt you can imagine how much it means to me that you were willing to guide me as well as Chloe. I really mean it when I say thank you, Ma'am.

"And I'm very sorry for my potty mouth, Ma'am. I knew better. I just... I didn't expect the spanking to hurt so much, and it kind of shocked me, Ma'am, and I didn't think. I deserve to be punished for that, too, Ma'am... You suggested that we wash Chloe's mouth out if she uses bad words, Ma'am. Will you please wash my mouth out for using a bad word, Ma'am?"

It was exactly the punishment she was going to get. I'm only slightly surprised that Tina has so easily slipped into her place. It's been apparent to me since she saw how well Chloe responded to firm discipline, that Tina deeply respects me as a strong woman. That she considers me to be a better woman than she is. And I can see that she's eager for my approval of her as a mother. Her husband, on the other hand, looks absolutely shocked that Tina asked me for the punishment.

"Yes, because you deserve it, I will wash the filth out of your dirty little potty mouth. Stand up." Tina gets to her feet. She doesn't tremble, but I see the slight edge of nervousness on her face. But I also see a little confidence and a little resignation.

`I take hold of Tina's hand. I still haven't let her pull her pants up. I walk her to the kitchen. She comes along willingly, but also hesitantly. It's as if she accepts that the punishment is for her, and good for her, but she knows it's going to be bad and has to force herself to allow it. I stand her beside the sink, her side to it.

I root around in the cabinet under it. I still don't find what I'm after, so I send Sophie to the bathroom. She returns with a fresh bar of soap as I'd asked. And a toothbrush. I get a bowl of water and soak the bar of soap in it for a few seconds, softening it up.

"Tina, it is impolite to use dirty words. In my realm, ladies, even if they're just the lady of their house, are proper ladies. And ladies are polite. Since your mouth was so filthy, it needs to be washed out. How long has been since your mouth was washed out?"

"I don't think it ever has been, Ma'am."

"Your mother didn't wash it out when it was filthy? No wonder you act so filthy now!"

I get a good, thick, creamy lather on the toothbrush. I take hold of her jaw, pinching its corners to make her open it. "Stand still until I'm done, Tina."

I put the toothbrush into her mouth, starting with it on her teeth. The least unpleasant place for me to put it. I start scrubbing, coating them with a thick, slightly gooey, layer of soap.

Tina immediately cringes hard from the bitter taste. In a fraction of a second, her face has scrunched up into a hard wrinkling. A fraction of a second later, she's gagging and tears are welling up in the corners of her eyes. I know this is far worse than she was expecting it to be, but she still stands there.

"Tina, you know it's important we get all that filthy potty out of your mouth, so I am not going to rush," I tell her, mostly to torment her with the knowledge that this won't be quick. And it's not going to be. I take my time, not stalling, but definitely not hurrying either. I scrub her teeth first. Then her gums. Then the insides of her cheeks.

I finally move to her tongue, scrubbing it as well as its underside and her mouth underneath it. That makes her really taste the acerbic, burning bitterness of the soap. And that makes her start choking on it. I can even see the little ripples of heaves starting at her stomach, telling me that she's starting to get nauseous from it. As if the slightly-green hue of her face doesn't! Finally, I scrub the roof of her mouth.

When I'm done, I'm really done. Every bit of the inside of her mouth is covered with a film of gooey soap, not just lather. And it's been well-scrubbed in. All the way to her hanging tonsils. As far back along with her tongue as the toothbrush would reach. I end by scrubbing her lips with the soap, too.

When I finally set the toothbrush down, I tell Tina, "now your mouth is nice and clean! You will apologize for being such a filthy girl."

"Yes, Ma'am. I am so sorry for being such a filthy girl and using such disgusting potty mouth bad words, Ma'am. Thank you very much for washing my mouth out for me, Ma'am." Tina answers, still gagging, her voice unsteady.

"You may rinse your mouth out now, Tina." I even turn the sink on for her, setting the water cold to break up the suds.

Tina's face about flies under the flowing water. She sucks a deep gulp of it into her mouth and spits it quickly into the sink. Then repeats several times. It does little, judging by the sickly hue on her face. Now she's swishing the water around in her mouth. It has her spitting out mouthfuls of suds water, choking, almost puking them out. It takes her a couple of minutes to rinse. Even then, I'll bet she can still feel, very slightly, the burning tingliness of the soap in her mouth. She'll never rinse that completely from her mouth. But it will fade quickly. I'm just not sure her brain will allow her to realize it's faded!

Once she's done, my firm glare is enough for Tina to straighten up and stand properly. "When Chloe gets potty mouth, I expect her mouth to be washed out exactly like that. It should get good and clean. Got it?"

"Yes, Ma'am... I'll do it exactly like you did mine for me, Ma'am."

"Good girl," I tell her, now letting some sweetness creep into my voice. "I have no doubt that you are Chloe's primary care-giver. Thus I suspect most of the work of monitoring Chloe's grounding will fall on your shoulders. I expect, and demand, that Chloe is supervised very attentively, and very strictly. I know it will be difficult for you to punish her, especially the real punishments, but should Chloe earn it, I expect you to properly take care of her, even when that means turning her over your knees and spanking her bottom red.

"Obviously, since I have some further things to discuss with Chloe, we will be seeing each other again. I'd say in ten days when her grounding is over, but I am rather confident Chloe will manage to add a few penalty days to that grounding.

"Since you willingly agreed to supervise Chloe, I am going to hold you to it. If you fail to punish her when she earns it, or fail to do anything you've agreed to do, and doing it less than fully and attentively will count as failing, I will be over to punish you for your disobedience. You voluntarily agree to supervise her, so you will do it.

"Behave yourself very well, and once Chloe is un-grounded you will be offered a reward. I can allow very sweet rewards. Since you have been such a big girl today by admitting your failures and willingly accepting your punishment, I've decided to you may have a very small reward. That way you will fully understand what lies ahead for you. Pain and humiliation for misbehavior, but also very pleasant rewards should you work hard to please me.

"Would you like me to teach your husband how to give you that tiny reward now?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Tina answer rather eagerly.

"Fine. As you supervise Chloe over the next days, I want you to remember your reward. And remember that the more you please me, the better your rewards will be, the more you displease me, the more your punishment will be. When you send me Chloe's letter each day, you will add an email letter of your own and tell me about your day. I don't want to hear that you went to work. I want to hear the hard stuff, like what you made for supper, that Chloe doesn't like this or that, yet you made her eat, and how you felt making her eat it. Don't be even a tiny bit shy. Just tell me everything. Nothing is private or personal. You'll have to trust me completely.

"Now, take all your clothes off and make a neat pile on the kitchen table. Just like Chloe did. When you are done, and you have absolutely nothing whatsoever, not even a hairpin, left on, you will tell me that you are fully naked. Strip now, Tina."

Tina doesn't hesitate to take her clothes off. She takes care to fold them very neatly, squaring up her pile and smoothing any wrinkles out of everything. And she manages to ignore her husband, now openly gawking at her with utter disbelief on his face. Clearly, he's seeing a side of Tina he never thought might exist.

Tina stands up, her hands behind her back, showing off her body to me. "Ma'am, I am fully naked for you now, Ma'am." She says, her voice eager, by laced with a good bit of shyness that gives her the slightest stutter.

Tina's eyes flick nervously to and from my eyes. It's enough for me to know that she's not nervous about the reward. She's only nervous about showing me her middle-aged body and thus feeling very shy about it.

Tina doesn't have too much to really be shy about. She's not an ugly woman. Nor is she overweight. She's a hair taller than Chloe, I'd guess her to be about 5'7" and maybe 160-165 pounds. She has the same oval face with a rounded chin, only Tina's face is less lean. She even has the same hair as Chloe, except that Tina styles hers, adding a bit of body to it, and a little fluff. It looks pretty good on her.

Her body isn't lean, but it's still proportional. Her sides are almost straight, having only a slight feminine curve to them. Her stomach is mostly flat, but now having a looseness to it that I am certain comes from carrying two girls in it. (Chloe has a 20-year-old sister who is away attending college in Miami.) I can see only very few, and faint, wrinkle lines on across it. Her shoulders have just enough body fat on them that I can't see any of her bones. Her hips are the same. Her arms, however, are slightly leaner.

I suspect a good part of her shyness is over her breasts. She's just as amply-endowed as her daughter. Id' guess she's a 38-D. And like Chloe, there isn't a tan line on Tina's body. But her breasts have a moderate sagginess to them. I kind of expected them too. Pregnancy tends to take its toll on them, all that swelling up with milk and whatnot. They have a look as if they'd be soft and rather spongy in my hand. She has the same light pink shade of nipples, only Tina's nipples are smaller, more like pencil erasers, and they have smaller rings of the same color around them. Her rings are slightly larger than quarters. They point very slightly downward as the hard nub just forward towards me.

Tina has a very dense light brown bush. Hers is even thicker than Chloe's. And it's all-natural. It doesn't even look like she's trimmed it up, but then again I can't picture her in a bikini, either. And I'm sure by now her husband has seen it so much she no longer cares if it looks its best for him, or just looks the way G-d made it for him. She stands with her feet slightly apart, as I taught her to. It's enough for me to see that her mound is slightly puffy with narrow lips. And for me to tell that her inner folds stick out rather prominently even though I can't see them. It's just the way they push her longish, very curly, and it looks like it's very silky, fur aside, matting it a little denser around them.

"You have to be a very good girl for a reward, Tina. Very good." I tell her in a honeyed-sweet voice. Then I reach out, neither fast nor slow but just casually, to her breasts. I take one of her mounds in my hand, hefting it up until it's completely off her chest. I peek at its underside, seeing a few faint stretch marks there, all of which have faded over the years. I give it a very gentle squeeze, feeling how soft it is in my hand. A hair more so than I'd expected, like squeezing an overfilled water balloon. My first thought is how energetically they'll dance around.

Tina must not have expected me to touch her so casually as if it's no different to me to be touching her bare breasts than touching her arm would be. I can feel a very slight quiver run through her body as I touch her mound. Then a slightly sharper one as I stroke my finger tenderly over her nipple, feeling the rocky hardness of her nub. And I hear a deeply muted purr from her at the caress.

Still cupping her loose mound in my hand, I softly tell her in my sweetest voice, "after your reward, you will wait in your room. You will stay fully naked. You will leave the door just as fully open. You will do nothing to cover yourself. You will do nothing but wait. When it's time, your husband will bring you your clothes. He will give them to you. You will thank him. You will dress in front of him. Then he will take you by your hand and lead you out of your room. That will be the end of this for you. Then you may do as you think appropriate. Until he comes for you, you will just wait nude for him. Wait patiently. Whatever happens around the house, in the whole world, your husband is quite capable of handling it for you. You will just wait patiently until he thinks it is time for you to come out. Do you understand that, Tina?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Tina says in her eager voice, still with the tiniest bit of edginess to it. "I promise, Ma'am, no matter what, I will patiently wait for Alex to come get me, Ma'am."

"That's my good girl, Tina," I say happily. I release her mound, casually lowering my hand to Tina's pubes. I gently take a good handful of her hairs. They are as silky as they look. I can see Tina is surprised that I'm touching her there just as casually. "Now come with me and I will show your man how to give you a very tiny reward."

I keep my grip on her bush. This time I don't have to drag her along. She comes eagerly, her stride confident and matching mine. I motion with a crook of my finger for her husband to follow along as I walk Tina into their bedroom.

They were so not expecting company! I can tell. Their bed isn't even made. The room isn't messy, though. It just looks like they didn't expect anyone to see it today. I can see a few of the typical trappings of long married life: there's a glass of tea on a nightstand, and on the other, there's a remote for the TV.

I walk Tina over to the bed. I feel the slightest hesitation in her, just enough to let me know that she feeling a little trace of embarrassment that I'm seeing this room un-made-up. I release my handful of her bush. "Tina, you will get on the bed, across it, not longways, on all fours. Do that now, Tina."

"Yes, Ma'am," Tina answers, a little more eagerness creeping into her voice. But mostly her voice is full of deference, of her demure acceptance that she's going to be obediently following directions that will not be explained to her, not knowing what's going to happen to her body, and whatever it is, she will be submitting to it.

She crawls up on to the bed. Her posture is anything but proper. It's utterly relaxed, casual, and unconcerned about anything. I don't scold her. I haven't taught either of them to get on all four yet. Instead, I adopt the tone of a teacher in a classroom. Maybe a kindergarten teacher instructing a tot in something that would be so simple for a bigger girl.

"Now Tina, you have to kneel like a big girl!" I tell her, "Let's start with those legs. Can you spread your knees really wide for me? Oh, that's such a good girl, now how about we get those feet just the same bit apart!" From there I have her straighten her thighs so that they're straight up and down, even though they're extending out roughly forty-five degrees. Then I have her get her back straight, flat with the bed. And then she obediently brings her hands under her shoulders and locks her elbows with her arms straight up and down. From there I have her move her hands up and out equal amounts so that her back is again flat and straight. Finally, I have her pick her head up so she's looking forward. I tell her to stay just like that for a minute, I want her husband to get a good look at her body.

I see a shy flush bloom over her for just a split second. It's not because he's going to see her nude, or even that he'll see her like this. It's that she knows he's going to have to look at her in detail and see everything fully. Even the parts of her body that have aged along with her. The parts she hates because they're not as firm as they were in her youth. Women can be rather vain. Even on their knees.

I nudge him around to the foot of the bed. "Get a good look. This is a proper posture for a lady to get on all fours. See how I have her arms up and out? This way they don't get in the way of your view of her breasts. See how those breasts just hang down, fully exposed so you can see every bit of them? Even the undersides of them, and who ever looks at that side? Do you get to see her breasts like this often?" He tells me no, that he doesn't really remember how longs it's been since Tina was like this. Sometimes he gets a quick glimpse as she bends over dressing or something, but never such an "open" view of them. I point out her slightly narrow nipples and how in their steely stiffness they poke down proudly. I ask if he "enjoys Tina showing him her breasts like this." He says he does. Tina nipples seem to stiffen just a little more as he says it.

I have him move around to stand behind Tina. It's my first view of her pussy. And like this, it's an excellent, fully unhindered view. It's like her bottom just flows down to become her thighs, which then quickly narrow into fairly-shapely legs that form an upside-down V shape. And at the very apex of the V, her furry mound stands out eagerly, sticking just a little bit past the backs of her thighs and her bottom.

Now I can see her pussy better, although I still don't have a perfect view. Her bush, definitely "Brazilian," is dense enough to hide the details of it from my eyes. I use the back of my fingers to very tenderly brush the mat of her fur aside, baring her slit fully. With even that touch, only to her hairs, I hear Tina purr again.

Now I can see just how narrow her lips are. And how long. I can see the wide gash they leave as they don't come close to meeting. I can see the purple-tinged pinkness of their edges. And there's no way I can miss her purple-pink inner folds as they stand out so far above her lips, wrinkling together into a tight, but large, knot at the top, then sloping into her at the bottom. "Ooh!" I purr sweetly, "can you see how wet Tina's pussy is? Look at all that honey! It's like it's begging for you to slip right into it." It is wet. Her honey is thin and slippery, shining brightly like oil, with only a faint whiteness to it. Tina's scent isn't nearly as strong as Chloe's, but I do get a whiff of her light muskiness.

Her husband tells me he can see all of that. I ask if he thinks her pussy looks eager for his attention, and he tells me that it does.

"Well, let's get an even better look at Tina's pussy." I very gently ease her lips aside and spread her inner folds wide. It bares every speck of Tina's pinkness to us. Inside, everything is covered with a thick layer of honey clinging to her. I can see her tunnel. It's not wide, but its entrance seems to gape open in invitation just a bit. I can even see the very edge of her walls budding slightly outward as if offering up the spongy-meatiness of her plush tunnel. "See there!" I lace a little excited squeal into my voice, "can you see how Tina's clit is just so swollen up and hard! Oh, I'll be that is just throbbing and aching for you to play with it!" He agrees. I know Tina is hearing every word of it. If she wasn't, I wouldn't be pointing it out in such graphic detail to him. I want Tina to hear how she looks to another. And I want her thinking about the blatantly obvious display of her arousal her body is shamelessly making.
