Centaur Love Ch. 12


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Mathew thought she wanted to stop, but she kept grinding her ass against him and twisting her hips in a way that rubbed his cock sideways in a new sensation. He grabbed her a little tighter and pulled, Rebecca pushed herself against him, moaning, "No please Master."

Mathew started thrusting into her at a slow pace, Rebecca responded by thrusting back into him, and still protesting. Mathew smacked her ass, "quiet slave, you know you like it, and want it."

Rebecca moaned as she fell into the fantasy and twisted her hip and mock fought Mathew in trying to get away. His one hand slipped off of her haunch, but he grabbed the base of her tail. Felicia had told her what to expect when he grabbed her there, but she wasn't ready for the feedback. All the nerve endings at the base of her tail fired, sending millions of electrical pulses to her brain. It was twice as bad as when he was rubbing her clitoris.

Rebecca thrashed around as Mathew sped up, thrusting into her. She was pleading with him to stop and leave her alone, but she met each of his thrusts into her with her own. He was on the edge of his orgasm as he chanted the last strike spell, disconnecting his mental connections with his body. He sped up his pace as Rebecca screamed out her third orgasm, as his body released his first. Rebecca's front legs gave out, but Mathew held up her rear with just one hand. The new angle had him rubbing her clitoris as they kept up the frantic pace.

Rebecca screamed as she felt her clitoris take the brunt of his assault in this position. With the added pressure of him teasing her tails base, she felt another orgasm hit. She could feel Mathew filling her with his orgasms just as fast as hers hit her. She couldn't hold herself up and her rear legs gave out. But somehow Mathew was holding her hind end up and still thrusting into her. Her little mini orgasms started building into a big one. She could no longer offer her fake pleas, as her body betrayed her wanting more of Mathew's abuse. Then the orgasm dam broke and the big one hit her. Her body froze, she couldn't breathe, then she felt her vagina clench up as the massive wave hit her mind taking her into orgasm bliss and darkness.

Mathew felt her freeze up and whimper, then her orgasm hit. Her vagina gripped his dick, taking him over for the last time. His strength waned as he lowered her rear into the water, Just then his last strike spell failed and his legs and arms gave out. Mathew dropped on Rebecca's dock and struggle to keep from falling off into the water. Felicia was next to him and turned him to lie across her own back. She was slightly higher in the water since she was kneeling.

Felicia rubbed Mathew's shoulders as he lay across her back next to her withers. "Damn it, that was so hot, love. I hurt too much, but I want you so bad."

Mathew laughed, "You are going to have to give me a few moments, then I can give you some relief."

Felicia patted his shoulder, "Maybe tonight you can treat me to a little tongue action, but right now I am a little too sore. I suspect Becca is too."

Both Mathew and Felicia heard Rebecca mumble, "Yup."

Mathew laughed, "Well, if you girls wouldn't egg me on."

Felicia ran her fingers through his hair, "Cant help it love, your so damn sexy."

"Yup!" Mathew reached over and rubbed Rebecca's dock.

"No please, not the tail right now lover. I am really too sensitive back there!"

Mathew patted Rebecca's upper thigh, "Sorry."

"Don't be, I asked for it."

Felicia giggled, "Are you sorry you asked me how Becca?"

In a soft voice she replied, "No."

Mathew rolled off of Felicia's back and sank under the water. Sitting up and floating over to Rebecca, he kneeled in in front of her and kissed her. Then dove back under and half floated, half swam over to Felicia and did the same.

"Show off," Felicia said.

Mathew just laughed.

Mathew floated around while the girls soaked until they heard hoofbeats of two centaurs trotting down to the river. Mathew frowned and turned to look at the sun. It was a finger above the rim of the world. He didn't realize that his spell failed at sunrise while he was sharing a moment with Rebecca.

Felicia looked up and waved as Johnathon and Perth came trotting down to the shoreline. "Mom, Dad, Hello!"

"Felicia, Rebecca, and Mathew hello and well met." Perth called out. Mathew smiled and waved, Perth was smiling, but Johnathon had a slight frown that he quickly hid. Mathew patted Rebecca's rump, then Felecia's as he stood up. He helped both girls to stand and walked out of the water. Drying off quickly, he picked up a small rock and cast a spell on it. As the girls dried off, he walked over to Perth and handed her the rock, whispering to her the instructions.

Once the girls were dry they said their goodbyes, Mathew cast a levitate spell and allowed them to pull him towards the long houses. He watched Perth walk up to Johnathon and say something and showed him the rock. He took her hand and led her to the deep pool. He lost sight of them and laughed to himself.

Once at the bunkhouse, Mathew lit the stove for Felicia telling her to save her klatha for later this morning. As the stove heated up, he changed, then pulled out the trainer box. Having Felicia watch him, he transferred the four klatha, or put a point of klatha into the trainer. "Only put one in. The chip isn't strong enough to hold any more. So if you over drive it, it will shatter and we will have to buy another."

Felicia nodded yes.

He gave the trainer to Rebecca. He went over how to use it and what she was looking for with it. After showing her how to call the little ball, he held it up so she could touch it and feeling it. She tried it. As expected, she could not feel it nor command it. She frowned, so he encouraged her to keep on trying it. He was going to explain it again when Felicia pushed him away. "Go make tea and breakfast love, I got this."

Mathew grumbled as he walked to the stove saying, "She is my apprentice, you know!"

"So am I," Felicia called back.

Mathew cooked six cups of five-grain and a half-cup of porridge for himself, and a large pot of tea. After breakfast, they headed over to the barn. Tarn and Eric had loaded a dozen portable picnic tables so everyone could use them to write on them.

Cherill and Beatrice were the last to make it to the barn as they were finishing hooking up Mathews cart pony to the wagon. As Tarn led the pony down the road, Mathew sat on the tailgate talking to the ladies and Shawn and Michael as Tarn and Eric led the group. When they turned on Causeway Road, Felicia gasped. Mathew turned to look. He was predicting, maybe, a couple hundred people would show up with their colts to be tested. There were nearly five times that already there waiting, and they were nearly an hour early to set up. As they trotted up Alex Dustin was on the front porch looking over the crowd.

"Thank god you here Herd Master, Master Mage Lindrose. People started showing up before sunrise, knocking on the door, asking if this is where they get tested."

Mathew grinned, "Sorry Master Dustin, I didn't expect such a large crowd."

"No, no, that's fine I was up, just been tellin the folk's yes this is the place."

Just then, a large thunderclap sounded just down the street. Mathew turned to see a large group of elves teleported in. Master Sexitorius led the group as they started their way. Mathew nodded to Tarn, "I didn't expect such a large group, but we can't block Causeway road like this. Why don't we have the people line up ten wide going this way?" Mathew motioned eastward along the street.

Tarn nodded and started relaying instructions to the three other stallions. Master Sexitorius walked up, "Quite the crowd you got their Master Lindrose."

Mathew turned, "Thank you Master Sexitorius and 'Thank you' Master Mages, for helping. I think I bit off more than I can chew."

"I say you did," one shouted out. "Ok Masters, we need any of your journeyman current and former."

Mathew turned and handed Cherill ten gold. "We need paper and charcoal sticks." Cherill nodded and grabbed Bea and trotted over to the general store.

Felicia introduced Rebecca to Master Sexitorius, then explained what they had in mind. More mages started arriving along with Zane, Torrance and Mikala. Then they got to work, setting up tables for the testers and name takers. Cherill and Bea returned and started handing out notebooks and charcoal sticks. Once everyone got organized, all the mages lined up at their large oversized tables and complained, jokingly this will not do. Several got together and shrunk them with 'reduction in size' spells.

"Hey!" Mathew yelled at them, "I am responsible to return them back full size!"

"You got the power to restore them several shouted back."

Mathew laughed as he cast the same spell on the table he and Felicia were going to share. Beatrice, Cherill, Doreen, and Mark Dustin, Alex's son who came out to help, Mathew suspected to be near Doreen. They set up their tables west of the apothecary, while the mages were across the storefront and east alley. As soon as they got set up, the name takers started directing people into lines in front of the mages. A lot of the people came through with full and three quarters full size sons and daughters. Each came up to Mathew with hope in their young eyes that they would have the potential.

Mathew talked to each family before calling the first, calling ball of klatha. The little eww's and ahh's could be heard up and down the line as each mage pulled the tested colts klatha. Then carefully recorded the amount next to the number they were given. Mathew lost track of time as he checked colt after colt. Until someone placed a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see an Elven Mage he didn't know.

"Sorry Master Lindrose, I am Master Agrippa, I wrote to you about expanding your grove?"

Mathew smiled, "Yes, Master Agrippa. Master Sexitorius gave me your newest book and letter. Thank you, I was going to have the dwarves build the water shed and gates as soon as possible to expand the grove."

"Good, CV me if you have questions or such, but I need you to talk to a family. I just tested a young male centaur with HGDM, he is seriously weak, I have the family and Journeyman Copperroot inside the apothecary. I think you should talk to the family and assure them that Journeyman Copperroot is the best alchemist Woodshome has."

Mathew lifted an eyebrow.

"I believe the young male centaur has a serious vitamin, mineral deficiency do to his disease."

Mathew nodded yes. Master Agrippa smiled and turned to help the next person in Mathew's line. Mathew walked into Dustin's shop to see a young centaur couple holding a small, young stallion. Mathew could tell something was wrong. The young stallion's human skin was yellowish and a bit transparent. He walked up to the couple, "Oh! Herd Master Mage Lindrose!"

Mathew bowed, "Just Herd Master Lindrose please, and you are?"

"I am Mika Cooper and this is my mate Alivia Cooper, and this is our son Martin."

Mathew smiled at the couple, but looked down at Martin in Alivia's arms. The young stallion looked up at Mathew, even though he was very sick three-year-old, he smiled at him, "Herd Master Lindrose, are you really a mage too?"

Mathew laughed, "Yes Martin I am." And held out his hand and called a twenty-minute light spell for the young stallion. Handing the ball of light to him. The young stallion took it and just stared at it. "The nice man with pointed ears says I could be a mage too." Martin said, still staring at the light.

"Potential," Mathew said. "We won't know until tomorrow when we retest you."

The young stallion looked up, "Momma says that word to Herd Master, but I know I will be one." He held up the little light. Mathew's eyes clouded for a second, then looked into his parent's eyes. They knew the mortality rate for stallions with HGDM as well.

He smiled at Martin, "I think you might be right, but lets just wait until...,"

"I say Willow bark syrup," a familiar voice said.

"Willow bark powder holds more active ingredient!"

Mathew turned to see Herzl Copperroot arguing with Alex Dustin. He held a finger up to the Coopers and walked to Woodshome Master Alchemist, Herzl Copperroot and Alex Dustin.

"Ah!" Herzl exclaimed, seeing Mathew, "Powdered Willow bark enzyme, Master Lindrose or syrup of Willow bark?"

Mathew frowned at the two potion makers. Alex glared at the elf, "We are arguing potion ingredients Herd Master Lindrose."

Mathew nodded, "Then I would ask if the tincture your making, is it going to be a liquid or a powdered supplement, and if it is liquid based, will it need preserving additions?"

Alex looked at Mathew then Herzl, "I say liquid, easier to administer."

Herzl shook his head no, "Powder, so they could add it to his meals. That way we can get a double dose into him at each meal for the first month, then go down to a single each morning."

"But we lose too much active ingredients drying out some herbs."

"Then feed the boy more meat. That is what he is lacking, iron and zinc."

"As I told you earlier, Master Alchemist, centaurs don't eat a lot of meat, its bad for our gut."

Mathew nodded, "Dustin, do you have all the ingredients dried in stock?"

"Aye Herd Master Lindrose I do, but the amounts what Master Alchemist is asking for will deplete most of my stores. I have more in liquid form."

"Would they need added preservatives?"


Mathew shook his head, "Then I would say dry, those with his condition don't handle the amino acids and gums used as preservatives. Would depleting some of your stores put some of your customers in dire need?"

"No Herd Master, not immediately, but I would have to spend several weeks' worth of nights drying out some to resupply."

Mathew turned to Herzl who nodded yes. "Please assemble what Master Alchemist Copperroot wants then."

"And who is going to pay for this, some things the Master Alchemist is asking for is quite expensive."

"How much?"

"Nearly forty gold Herd Master."

Mathew turned to look at the Coopers. When they heard the cost, they blanched. But Martin wasn't paying attention. He was just playing with the light ball. Mathew wanted to shout or scream.

Taking a deep breath, he said. "Then take it out of what you owe me." Turning to Herzl, "How long will this batch of Powder last them?"

"Eight to nine months, we could get it to last a year, but that would require a liquid dose, with a super heal as a carrier, but Alex here informed me they don't have any on hand and as you know we don't because of making all those special heals from the attack."

"How long will he need to take this powder?"

"Eighteen to twenty years, as long as his body is growing at least."

Mathew nodded, then reached behind him and opened his potion pouch and pulled a super heal. "Make your initial dose and administer it." Turning back to Alex, "Make sure you dry extra, he will need it the same mix next year, Alex."

Mathew turned and walked up to the Cooper's. Looking at Martin, "Martin, Master Alchemist Copperroot is going to make you a little potion to help you get stronger. I want you to drink it all when he gives it to you."

Martin looked at him, "Is it going to taste terrible?"

Knowing what super heals taste like, he quickly looked at Master Alchemist Herzl. Mathew could see the hint of tears in his eyes, but he shook his head no. Mathew looked down at Martin again. "Herzl says no, but if it is, be brave and stallion up and drink it, ok?"

Martin nodded yes.

Mathew looked at Mika and nodded towards the corner. When they were far enough away he asked, "How does your Herd Master feel about the law of seclusion being dissolved?"

Mika looked down, "I, ah...,"

Mathew nodded yes and put his hand up, "No, don't answer that. I can guess. Does your Herd Master know you're here?"

Mika nodded yes, "Yes, he has a son he is hoping that has mage potential, so he allowed the entire herd with colts to attend."

"If your son doesn't have the potential, will your Herd Master allow you to be attached to my Herd?"

"I don't know, Herd Master."

"Well then, we will just have to hope he does. In the meantime, listen to Master Alchemist Herzl and administer this medicine to Martin as he says."

"Herd Master Lindrose I don't know what to say, you are saving my son's life, you don't even know us. I could never repay you."

Mathew shook his head no. "Don't worry about this, let us just worry about getting Martin healthy enough to walk on his own for now."

Mika nearly lost it and broke down, but held it in. He knelt and put his hand on Mathew's chest. Mathew marshaled himself and put his hand on his shoulder, "Stand Mika, I don't deserve your respect just yet. I have done nothing I wouldn't do for anyone in your situation. You need to be strong in the coming days."

Mika nodded and stood. "We will talk later, Mika," Mathew said. "After I have a talk with Herd Master Fellis and find out what I can do...,"

"Excuse Master Lindrose," Herzl said, interrupting them. "The potion is ready."

Mathew looked over and nodded, then turned back to make sure Mika was good. Mathew motioned to him to step back over to his wife and son. Master Alchemist Herzl held a small bowl. With Mathews nod, he held it up Martin in his mother's arms and helped him hold it as he drank the mixture. Martin licked his lips as he finished it, "That wasn't bad at all!"

Herzl laughed, "The secret my boy is honey. A spoon full of honey makes the medicine go down."

Martin laughed.

Herzl pointed to the counter, then handed them a tiny scooper. "Now I want you to add a half of scoop of this powder to your son's breakfast every day. If your son has any problems, get hold of Master Lindrose here and we can magically talk about any problems and solutions. But for now we will see you both tomorrow." Looking down at Martin, "I suspect young centaur you are going to feel a lot better later today, but don't push yourself too much. Let that potion do its job. And go to bed early tonight you need your rest to heal your mana for tomorrow's test."

Martin nodded yes. Just then, the light spell went out. Martin looked at his empty hand. "I felt that go out."

Journeyman Herzl looked at Mathew, who raised an eyebrow back at Herzl.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great Story

I love this story. I eagerly await the next chapter. The pictures that you paint with words are easily passed to the reader. Please continue, awaiting the next treat.

Sextus_PropertiusSextus_Propertiusover 3 years agoAuthor

Anonymous, it was an early release, a short chapter due to the holidays and I was one a two week trail ride down south. So no computer, cell phone or tablets.


Shhhh don't tell the mouse, might get in trouble, lol

All mistakes are mine, and just might be my style.

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 3 years ago

...In a most delightful way. The Disney reference was unexpected.

I wish I had the time to help with the bugaboos, but the story is charming as usual.

Thank you for sharing. 5* Slainté

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
release dates

so was this a holiday gift or iis the story now ment to come out at the end of the month now instead of the beginning?

Sextus_PropertiusSextus_Propertiusover 3 years agoAuthor

They are html code tags for less than, and greater than. I missed leaving a space after and before I believe, resubmitted with a note to lit for clarity. Sorry.

All faults are mine to make, and I will make them over and over for dumb reason.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Weird additives in sentences

Not sure if this is something with the editing or not, but I've noticed these weird additives in sentences that are extremely out of place.

Ex: "< Master Sexitorius. >

< Yes, Master Lindrose. >

< Is there a possibility of purchasing two more Apprentice books? >

< What? You already have more apprentices lined up? >"

It's happened a few times in the past chapters, I figured the first time it was just a simple mistake and it wouldn't reappear, but low and behold it has.

Might want to double check either what you are submitting or what is going on in editing.

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