Conversation Took a Left Turn Ch. 03


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After closing the shop that evening, I heard a tap on his office door. I looked up and saw Dutch sweating like a guest pig at a BBQ. Bobby waved him in.

Dutch sat down and started by apologizing. "Bobby, I'm sorry you had to find out that way. But I swear your mother came on to me, and it has been such a long time. She called me and told me she had a plumbing problem and water was everywhere. Now that I've had time to think about it, I was pretty gullible."

"How long?" I asked.

Dutch replied, "The Wednesday after the party. She asked me over for a homemade dinner. I swear was a perfect gentleman up until she came out of the back naked and dropped to her knees and started suc......"

I interrupted, "I get the picture. She is a grown woman, and she has been the happiest I've seen her in years. But I do have one question." And with a dramatic pause, " Are you going to give her more sugar?"

Dutch smiled, "Asshole."

I smirked, "Tell my mother you forgot to take off the GoPro. Tell mom I'm going to download the video to"

Dutch laughed, "I'll tell her, that but you better keep head on a swivel. By the way, how are you and Mary doing?"

Bobby sighed, "Not so good. She's showing no signs of wanting to get back together."

"I'm sorry, Bobby, but you're not out of the house yet, and you have a little time before Amanda graduates. I bet you're proud of her for getting that soccer scholarship to Alabama. I've seen her play. She's great."

"Thanks, Dutch. I am proud of her. She's a good kid. Mary did a fantastic job of raising her, despite me."

"Bobby, don't sell yourself short. The teenage years are where kids are the most impressionable. I think how hard you've worked to make up for the past, and I think that has had a positive effect on her."

"Thanks, Dutch. By the way, don't let the guys know you are taking off during working hours to service my mother's irrigation system."

I started laughing out loud, "I wonder if I can add my mother's services as a company perk".

Dutch leaned over with a wry look and asked, "Who's your Daddy. Oh, I'm going to be." Then walked out the door.

Ten minutes later, Bobby picked up the phone, "He had to remove the receiver away from his ear as a "Mature" woman threatened to cut his nuts off if he posted that video.


Month later.

Mary came down dressed for her date. She looked to see Bobby staring at her with an awed-inspired response to her beauty.

She was hoping Bobby would ask her not to go. "Bobby, now that finals are over, I am going to go out with a few friends and blow off some steam. I shouldn't be out late tonight." Just then, the doorbell rang.

Bobby walked over and opened the front door. In front of him stood a tall good looking man dressed in an Italian suit. Bobby could see the Mercedes SL 500 on the street behind him.

The man smiled and said, "Hi, my name is Jack Carlson. I'm here for Mary. You must be the Cu... husband." Sticking his hand out.

I begrudgingly smiled, wanting to rip his arm out of its socket. "Hello, I'm Bobby. Mary will be ready in a few minutes."

Alarm bells went off as soon as I took his hand. It was sweaty, and he shook my hand with a flimsy, grip. What really concerned Bobby, Jack hesitated to look him in the eyes.

And when he did, it was as if he was looking thru me. I had seen that look in prison.

I smiled, "Excuse me for a second, I need to go downstairs." What a prick, I thought to myself. Rushing downstairs, I pulled out one of his company's Androids. I fired it up and checked the battery to verify the phone was sufficiently charged.

I went back upstairs and snuck into Mary's bedroom. She was still in the bathroom, readying herself for the evening. I found her purse and hid the Android in the bottom of it. I pulled out her iPhone and verified the tracker was turned on and put it back where I found it and snuck back out.

I was waiting for Mary with Jack in the living room as she came down the stairs. Jack blurted out, "Wow, you look good enough to eat." She was horrified when she saw Bobby cringe.

"Mary, I need you to sign some tax forms before you go for Ralph. It will take just a second." Mary followed me down into the basement. "What's up, Bobby?" she asked. I had never asked for her to sign papers before and was a little surprised by his request.

I asked, "How well do you know this guy? How did you two meet?"

"Why Bobby, are you jel.....?" Mary asked.

I snapped back her cutting her off, "No, I'm not jealous." My brain was yelling, hell yes, I am. Please, don't go with him, but I didn't. I replied, "I'm just concerned."

"Well, if you must know, I met him at the off-campus coffee shop while I was studying for finals. He stopped in every day and said hello. Finally, one day he introduced himself and seemed nice enough."

"Mary, I've seen men in prison just like him. It's in his eyes. Please call me if you need me."

Mary looked at him. Her mind was begging for Bobby to tell her not to go. After a short pause. She softly smiled and said, "I guess I have to be going." I just stared at her as she turned and walked away.

I sat trying to watch the Astro game as the night went on. I set both his Android and iPhone on tracking ten when I noticed the two signals separated. Looking at the tracker Mary's iPhone was stationary off Hwy 280 at exit ten. While the Android was moving west on 280.

I grabbed my keys and headed towards the iPhone.

Twenty minutes later, I stood behind a Kwik Trip. I scoured an empty lot. I didn't see the phone anywhere. But worse, I didn't see Mary. I got back in the truck and headed toward the Android signal.

Running, every red light and destroying the speed limits. I slowly gained on the signal. It stopped about 5 minutes ahead of me. As I approached the next exit, I could see, 'The Office Motel'. It was your typical sleazy hook-up motel. No one asked questions or cared what you were doing. I should know. That is where I took Patti and made the worse mistake of my life.

I pulled into the parking lot to see the red Mercedes parked at the stairs that led to the second floor. I got out and headed to the office.

The young sleazeball that ran the place that claimed to be the night manager asked, "Want a room?"

I yelled, "I want to know what room those people went into, now."

"None of my business," the young man replied.

I reached into his pocket and pulled out $1000.

The guy didn't consider it before answering, "Don't know anything about it." I realized this piece of shit was involved and was covering for them.

I turned slightly. As if I was going to walk away. I reached back with my left arm and grabbed the boy's greasy hair. And drug his ass over the counter and onto the floor. The boy was screaming, trying to get me to let go.

I flipped the boy on his back and placed his knee on his chest. I wrapped my hand around his hand his throat and spoke in a low and calm voice, "Here is what's going to happen, dumbass. I am going to ask you what room again. And you're going to tell me. If you don't...... I pulled back his sleeve on his shirt. " You see this?" Do you see this tat?

You don't get one of these unless you've earned it. I have friends in there. And I'll make sure you survive your full sentence there.

I'll make sure you are the prison's cumbucket. So you better pray that they hadn't touched her yet. Now, what room?" As I slowly tightened his grip around his throat.

The sleazeball gave a raspy reply, "They're in room one hundred. It's on the end of the building. " I slammed the man's head against the floor, knocking him out.

I wanted to make sure the boy didn't alert anyone that I was coming. I looked down to see the manager's key card attached to his belt. I ripped it off and headed out of the office.

On the way out of the door, I dialed 911. "Send the sheriff. A woman is being raped in room one hundred at "The Office Motel." They're also about to be a man killed, hurry!" I placed the phone in my pant pocket and ran full speed towards the room.

When I arrived, I listened through the door. I heard two men talking, no sound from Mary. I slowly positioned my hand on the doorknob in preparation to open the door quickly for my attack. I slid the magnetic key card through the slot. When I heard the snap informing me the door was unlocked, I turned the handle quickly and burst into the room.

What I saw made me turn from mad to evil. I was madder than a Hotwife, finding out her, six foot six inch, square-jawed, blond hair, blue eyes, eight pack, Saturday night date, Adonis was packing a 3-inch dick.

The room was surrounded by theatric lights and video cameras aimed at the bed. Mary laid on it naked and motionless with her eyes glazed over.

Her hands were handcuffed to the headrest with her ass propped up in the air. She had black eyes with blood coming from her swollen lips.

I yelled, "Don't touch her mother fuckers. Your ass is about to be grass, and I'm going to be the lawnmower doing the fucking cutting."

The man closest to me dropped the video camera and charged me. I took the charge head-on and grabbed him by the arm.

I assisted him through the large window in the front of the room. The assailant smashed through the glass, landing on the concrete sidewalk outside the room. The piece shit rolled over, tried to stand up, and then passed out.

The other man was on the verge of mounting Mary when I came through the door. I then turned my attention to the other. The sexual predator was up and froze as we faced each other. He moved quickly toward his pants and reached into the pocket.

By that time I had reached him, I had hit him full speed with my massive body, driving him back up against a wall.

My powerful arms lifted him off the floor in one swift movement. I felt a sharp pain in my side. The man was dangling above the floor, flailing at my head and face with his fist.

I was slowly squeezed the life out of him. The man's face turned a shade of blue as he quit struggling. I dropped him and turned towards Mary.

I heard the word, "Freeze, don't move. But I kept moving towards Mary as she lay helplessly in the bed. I felt my body convulse. I froze in place and slid down to the floor.

I started fading out, and the last thing he heard was, "Oh shit, Bobby! What have you done? Oh, fuck, your hurt. This is Officer Morris. Send 4 EMTs to 'The Office Motel' and send backup."


I walked down a dark corridor toward a pinhole of bright light. It widened as I approached it. Looking through it to see his mother and Dutch standing, talking to each other. I tried to break through the light to reach them.

"Mr. Baurs, I'm glad to see you're still with us. I'm Doctor Mathews. Don't try to move or talk," he ordered. He flashed his pin light into my eyes. "We placed you in a coma last week so you wouldn't damage yourself further. We took you off the propofol a couple of hours ago, and you woke up a little sooner than we anticipated. Don't try to talk now. We placed a breathing tube down your throat, and it's going to be a little sore for a while.

That knife did a number on you. It looks like the guy stuck you two or three times in the side by the time you choked him out. He punctured your spleen, kidney, and your left lung. He damaged the diaphragm and the Renal artery. That was what gave us the most problems. He twisted it when he went in, and it really chewed up that artery.

That's what almost killed you. You just about bled out before EMT got you here. We lost you once on the table when your blood pressure dropped. We had a hell of the time getting you back."

Bobby's moved his mouth only to have here unintelligible sound come out. "Nurse, get this man some ice to suck on," ordered the doctor. He continued to check Bobby's vitals.

After five minutes, the ice soothed Bobby's throat and dry mouth enough to try to talk again. His first word was "MARY" in a raspy whisper.

Bobby's mother walked over and kissed Bobby on the forehead, "Mary is fine. We sent her home about 3 hours ago. Her parents and I have been rotating shifts watching you and relieving her. She has been up here 16 hours a day, every day since the hospital released her. She had a few cuts and bruises and a slight concussion, but she'll be fine."

Bobby looked over to see Dutch smiling at him smiling. "The company's ok?" Bobby asked him in a whispered voice.

"Get some rest, Bobby everything is fine. Tommy is doing the quoting and selling. Sandra is running the office and scheduling everything. And I am running the crews. It's running like clockwork." Bobby closed his eyes and was out again.

Bobby heard voices coming from the far side of the room. He recognized Mary's, and the other was Alan Bean, an old friend of his from school.

"Mary, that was amazing what Bobby did," said Alan. "Hell, everybody loves the guy. I'm glad to see he's finally grown up. Let me tell you something about Bobby that very few people know. When we were kids, he kept my ass from being kicked by Dirk Jenkins. He was the school's bully. For some reason he took to torturing me on a daily basis. Bobby eventually found out about it and told Dirk to cut it out.

When Dirk didn't stopped Bobby insisted and that is when the fights started. He and Bobby fought almost every day after school. Somedays, Bobby would win, and other days, Dirk would. Dirk was a real piece of shit. He moved before you moved here.

You should be proud of Bobby. He has really done well for himself."

They quickly turned their head when they heard a gravelly voice come from the bed, "Will you write that down so I can use it at am eulogy."

"Bobby'" gasped Mary, "You're awake." She rushed toward him. She applied a light kiss on his lips. "Thank you, Bobby. Thank you for saving me."

Bobby asked for some water. As he drank, he focused on the man wearing the white smock. "Hey, Alan, how are you doing?"

Alan smiled and placed his hand on Bobby's shoulder. 'Fine, Bobby, may I say you look like shit. I was the anesthesiologist on duty the night they brought you in."

Bobby smirked, "So I guess I'll see the bill from you for putting me to sleep."

Alan laughed, "Bobby, I don't charge people for putting them to sleep. I charge for waking them up. Putting them to sleep is easy. Waking them up is the hard part. Besides, I need to get some of my money back you shamed me out of for my lawn."

Bobby groaned as he tried not to laugh.

Alan chuckled, "Sorry, Bobby, I didn't mean to make you laugh." Mary, good to see you again, I have another surgery in about an hour, and I need to prep. Bobby, I'll catch up with you later."

Mary's eyes teared up, looking at Bobby hooked to IVs and what seemed like a thousand wires running in every direction going to machines she had no idea what they did.

"Thank you, Bobby, for saving me. It was around ten when I asked to be taken home. After that, I started to feel woozy. He must have drugged me just enough to submit but not enough to knock me out. I guess it was more exciting to have the woman putting up a fight. The bastard finally slugged me when I wouldn't stop fighting."

Bobby saw movement out of the corner of his eyes. He turned his head to see Mary's cousin, Charlie, walk in.

"Bobby, how you, old man?" Bobby grunted. "Mary, have you told him yet?"

Mary shook her head no.

I asked with suspicion, "Tell me what?"

Charlie looked at Mary and asked her, "Want me to tell him or Dutch?"

"Go ahead," she said.

"First, the guy you threw out the window will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. He broke his neck when he hit the pavement. The D.A was waiting to see if you died before he finished with his charges against him. He'll never get out of prison."

Charlie looked at Mary and back at Bobby and sighed. The other guy you killed. Bobby grimaced at the thought. "You crushed his throat. There'll be no charges. It was self-defense.

I am sorry I shot you. God only knows how many times I wanted to shoot you in the ass with my Glock. For the way you treated Mary.

When I got to the room, I saw the man dressed in a suit on the ground outside the room. I walked in with my gun drawn to see you heading towards Mary on the bed. At that moment, I thought you had gotten jealous and gone after them.

I saw you weren't armed, so I pulled my taser and shot you. It wasn't till I saw you on the ground that I saw you had a knife stuck in you. I then saw the guy you strangled on the floor.

These guys ran a dark web porn site. They would pick college girls and rape them. They would post it and give out their names and addresses and names of schools. Later, they would post the videos online, the college girls would be humiliated. I guess they wanted a MILF for this edition.

I want to thank you for saving her, Bobby. Marys' my favorite cousin. You did well." Charlie left after a few more minutes. Mary turned back towards Bobby to talk to him. Bobby had fallen back to sleep.....


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AmbivalenceAmbivalence2 months ago

"One minute I'm still furious at him. And the next, I want to rush to his arms and tell him I forgive him."


One of these chapters someone made a comment implying Mary has been fucking a *lot* of guys.

Just curious how many guys she thinks she can fuck before she's passed the point of being the one *owed* an apology.

RanDog025RanDog0253 months ago

Great story, love it. You either need an editor or you could use Text Aloud to write your stories! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS!

StoneyWebbStoneyWebb11 months ago

This is a very good story, but the punctuation, spelling, shifting from third person to first person, having one person's point of view with another's in the same sentence made it very hard to read.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Still going in the same direction, the thing that upsets me is how you change between first and third characters all through this, it’s off putting

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You need to get a much better editing program. I have whiplash from trying to follow names, pronouns and word placement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Continues to be a great story. Bobby sounds like a new great guy. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It’s harder and harder to stomac this. What a chicken-shit-soup you dish !


teedeedubteedeedubover 2 years ago

ditto buzzczar again. Hard to read. Further proof that Artificial Intelligence isn't.

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