Cougars and Cubs


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Matthew lay there, yet again, in his narrow single bed. He looked up at the ceiling. His hands were behind his head. It was nighttime. It was just after 2am according to the digital display on his alarm clock. Matthew sighed in the dark. His cock was hard in his underwear, but for once he refused to use his hand to give him some relief.

"Oh my God," Matthew whispered up at the ceiling, before turning over, closing his eyes and opening them again a moment later.

Matthew blinked and then he stared blankly at the wall just inches from his eyes. The sound carried straight through to him from the master bedroom on the other side of the adjoining wall. The sound was muffled, but Matthew could hear. Matthew's brother, Jason was groaning. Matthew's mother, Sarah was laughing. Matthew's maternal aunt, Erika was sighing, squeaking and slurping.

"Awww man," Matthew heard Jason mutter.

"Do you like that, do you, honey," Matthew heard his mother ask Matthew's older brother.

"Awww yeah, mom," Jason said, "Aunty Erika's so good at that."

There was a burst of feminine laughter.

"See, I told you so, Sarah," Erika stated, "I told you I blow Jason better than you do."

"Oh really, sis," Matthew's mom replied. "Well, I'm not so sure about that, Erika. Let's see, shall we."

There was more feminine laughter. Jason groaned again, a moment after the laughter died.

"Mmmm," Matthew's mother murmured warmly, obviously enjoying the feeling of Jason's cock in her mouth.

"Ah, okay," Erika stated, "you're making his toes curl, Sarah."

"Mmmm," Matthew's mom whined, while her eldest son loudly moaned.

Matthew sighed. He rolled onto his back again. He stared up at the ceiling. His cock was rock hard and just aching to be touched. Matthew ran his fingers down his belly unconsciously, but he caught himself at the last moment. He stopped himself. He turned over onto his side again. He grabbed the ends of his pillow and wrapped the soft fluffy thing around his head, effectively blocking out most of the noise coming from the next bedroom.

Not much longer, Matt thought. In two days this torment was going to end, Matthew reflected, his envy through the roof, his jealousy running full steam ahead through his system. Jason was finally going to college after postponing his studies for three years. Jason was finally moving out of the family home and into college accommodation. Jason was due to leave in two days. His suitcases were all packed. His car had a full tank of gas.

Matthew couldn't help but be annoyed with Jason. The only reason Jason had finished high school and refused to go onto college was because he had successfully seduced his mother and his aunt and lured both women into bed. Sarah and Erika were his steady girlfriends. Jason finally bit the bullet though. Jason finally made the decision to go and start the next phase of his life.

Sarah and Erika were surprised when Jason told them he had to go. Jason was actually moving out! Matthew had been startled. Matthew was sure his older brother would never go to college, move out of home or even get a job.

Surely Jason was onto a good thing. He had two of his female family members in the palm of his hand. He didn't have to lift a finger around the house. He didn't have to go to a job - his only responsibility was chasing his mom and his aunt into the master bedroom and sexually satisfying them every night. Jason may have been a lazy lay-about, but he certainly knew how to take care of that one and only responsibility.

Matthew heard Jason, his mom and his aunt hard at it every night without fail. The noise coming from the master bedroom amazed and annoyed Matthew so much. Matthew noticed the way his mom and his aunt looked at his older brother, every morning, before they left for work each day. Both women always wore a delighted grin and their eyes always sparkled.

Neither Sarah nor Erika was particularly pleased with Jason's decision to fly from the family nest. They tried to convince Jason to defer college for at least one more year, if not indefinitely, but to everyone's surprise Jason remained firm, managed to stop thinking with his dick and made the arrangements to escape their incestuous love nest.

Matthew couldn't help but feel elated. The relationship between the two brothers had never been great and there was a complete breakdown when Jason became their mother and their aunt's boyfriend. Jason was usually the guy who got the girl. Jason was tall and well built. Jason was confident, natural and could talk to women so easily. Jason was so relaxed in his own skin. Matthew had to watch as his older brother scored with so many women.

The last week before Jason was due to go was especially tough on Matthew. His mother, his aunt and his older brother were all enjoying the sort of send off Matthew could only dream about. The three lovers were eating dinner and going up to bed early. The three of them were making passionate, prolonged love every night as they counted down from day seven to day zero.

"Look, I know you're all fucking jealous and hung up on this thing," Jason had said to Matthew, one night, while they were having a drink together on the front porch, just a few days before Jason's departure. "I know I've been an asshole to you at times."

"I'm not all jealous and hung up," Matthew had said, defensively, feeling his endless annoyance with Jason flare up into anger yet again.

"You are, dude," Jason said bluntly, before adopting a softer and kinder tone of voice. "Look, I know you're in love with the two of them. I know you worship the ground they walk on. You love them both far more than I do. I was just brave enough and persistent enough to make it happen with the both of them and you didn't."

"You mean, mom and Aunty Erika," Matthew hissed, gazing out across the open yard and running his eyes over the dark parkland across the road.

"Yeah, of course, Matt, who else would I be talking about," Jason said, after drinking more beer, "I know you're really eating yourself up over the three of us being together."

"No, that's not fucking...," Matthew blurted out, before his older brother cut him off.

"It is, man," Jason continued. "Look, I'm going to be out of here soon. I'm finally getting my life on track. I'm finding myself again. I'm driving away from this dark love nest before it's too late. They'll both be yours to enjoy man."

"Too late," Matt asked.

"Yeah, too late," Jason stated.

Matthew licked his upper lip. Matt nodded. Jason was looking at him. Jason continued talking.

"It's a weird situation. The sex is awesome. It's the best sex I've ever had, but an incestuous thing with your mom and your aunt is a weird thing. The love's so strong. The bond holding the three of you together is so tight. It's a sticky addictive love. You make a dark love nest together. You don't need anything or anyone else. I've been inside mom so much. You never lose the need for it."

"Wow, I love that idea. I want...," Matthew said, trying to break in, before Jason cut him off.

"Shoosh for a moment, man - I love mom and Aunty Erika to bits, but I'll be stuck here my whole life, if I don't go now. Mom and Aunty Erika don't want me to go. I would live here with them, forever, if they had their way. Oh boy, I love the incest, I love the incest so much, but I have to get out of here. It's so stifling."

Matthew nodded. Matt smiled. He was glad Jason was leaving. Matt really did adore his mother and his aunt and he wanted his chance. He wanted to be with the two of them. He was never going to leave them if he got his chance.

"Look, I know you want them, Matt," Jason muttered, abruptly standing up, ready to go back inside the house, climb the stairs and join his mom and his aunt in bed, "just don't lose yourself and don't let mom and Aunty Erika push you around and take you over - that's all I'm saying."

"I want them so badly," Matthew muttered obsessively. "I need them so much."

Jason sighed and shook his head.


"Here, do you want some," Sarah asked Matthew, running her fingertip through the bowl of left over cake mix and holding her chocolate colored end up.

"Sure," Matthew blurted out, his eyes growing wide as his mother stepped forward.

"Here you go."

Matthew was about to say something, but Sarah reached out. She ran her chocolate coated fingertip over and then between her son's lips. He gasped. She gently pushed her finger inside Matthew's mouth. She could feel his tongue slipping over her. She could feel him softly sucking her digit. Sarah laughed. She looked up at her son with inviting eyes and then with a broad hungry smile.

"Like that," Sarah asked, sliding her finger in and out of his mouth.

Matthew murmured and nodded. He was blinking. He reached out and gently cupped Sarah's hand in his. Sarah looked at him like he was the dessert, rather than the chocolate cake she was making.

"Yeah, nice," Sarah asked, finally withdrawing her wet finger from her son's mouth.

"It's a good mix. I like chocolate."

"Yeah, you like chocolate cake, do you, Matthew?"

"Yeah, sure, mom, I thought you knew that."

"Here, you get some on your finger then, so I can try it," Sarah softly said, looking up at her son, before batting her long dark eyelashes at him.

Matthew grinned and scratched his head. Sarah turned back to the kitchen counter and picked up the bowl of left over cake mix. She turned back to Matthew. She held the bowl out.

"Go on," Sarah insisted. "I know I could scrape the bowl myself, but this is much more fun."

Matthew ran his finger through the cake mix. Sarah dropped the bowl down on the counter. He held the tip out so Sarah could eat it. The chocolate mix ran down the length of his digit.

"Oh, it's running everywhere, it's sliding down the sides," Sarah exclaimed, instantly taking Matthew's hand in her palms, dropping her head, pressing her lips over the tip of his finger and sinking down.

Matthew watched his mom's dark red head drop. He felt her hot mouth engulf him. A moment later he sensed her soft tongue swirling over him and then he felt her suck him. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"Oh boy," Matthew whispered, his cock hard and upright in his jeans while he watched Sarah's head rise and fall.

Sarah released Matthew's index finger with a sweet pop. She flicked her tongue over his tip. She removed her hands.

"It's a good mix," Sarah softly enthused, her eyes fixed on the bulge in Matthew's jeans, before looking back up into her son's eyes. "It tastes great, don't you think, Matt-darling?"

"Yeah mom," Matthew whispered in a distracted tone while his dick twitched and threatened to fire.

Sarah took another step forward. She ran her arm around Matthew's waist. She pressed herself up against him. Matthew slid his own arm around her. She felt so good against him. She sighed contentedly. He licked his upper lip and swallowed hard.

Matthew gazed down at Sarah. He had such a solid erection. His beautiful mom was wearing her long dark red hair in a gleaming ponytail. Her large attentive eyes regarded him. Her soft mouth was parted. Sarah was dressed in a tight singlet top. She wasn't wearing a bra so Matthew could make out the shape of her breasts through the thin white material. She was wearing a pair of snug, black leather pants and a pair of black high heels. For a moment, Matthew wondered why his mom was wearing sexy leather pants and stilettos in the kitchen when she was just making a cake. The family dinner, she had planned, to celebrate Jason's departure for college the next morning wasn't due to start for another couple of hours. It was only her and Matt in the kitchen together.

"Matt-darling," Sarah prompted him, causing Matthew to look up from her beautiful cleavage and disappear into her sparkling eyes. "Do you like what you see?"

"Yeah mom, you're so beautiful," Matthew said, his eyes dropping to her chest, then rising to her eyes, then dropping again and so on.

Sarah softly laughed. She thrust her breasts out. She ran her hand over his back. She then grinned at Matthew. Her son looked befuddled and intoxicated. Her perfume lingered in the air.

"Oh, look, you have some cake mix on your bottom lip, Matt-honey," Sarah softly stated, with wide-eyed mock surprise, "no, no, don't lick it off, darling! Here, let mommy help you."

Matthew exhaled hard. Sarah pressed her body up against his. She stood up on her toes and reached out. Matthew could feel his mom's warm breath on his facial features as she considered his mouth. Sarah slowly slid her fingertip along Matthew's bottom lip. She collected the chocolate cake mix, which clung there. She put her fingertip in her mouth and sucked it clean.

"Yum Matt, yum!"

Sarah looked at Matthew's lips for a moment. She gazed up into his wide eyes. She looked back at his lips for a moment. Matthew swore his heart had stopped, but it was, in fact, thumping. He ran his arms around his mother. He was exhaling in her face. She closed her eyes, puckered up and prepared to kiss her youngest son. Matthew closed his own eyes. They tilted their heads. They slowly and softly advanced. Their lips were just an inch apart.

"Hey, where are you two, where are you both," Sarah and Matt heard Erika call out from another part of the house.

"Probably in the kitchen," Jason said.

"Uh oh," Sarah whispered, opening her eyes and shaking her head.

Matthew stared at his mom. He couldn't believe it. He sighed with disappointment and annoyance.

"Hey, are you guys making the cake," Erika exclaimed, "or are you up to no good?"

"Up to no good, I reckon," Jason added.

Sarah sighed. She beamed an inviting smile at her youngest son. She made Matt turn his head. She softly kissed his cheek. Sarah and Matthew withdrew from each other. The two of them turned their heads. They could hear Jason and Erika coming. Sarah slipped out of Matthew's arms and he out of hers. Sarah quickly reached out and wiped his bottom lip with her fingertip.

"You still have some more cake mix there, Matt-darling."

"Oh my God, mom," Matthew whispered.

"You like it when I play with you, don't you," Sarah softly stated. "It excites you, doesn't it, son."

"Yeah mom, yeah," Matt quietly gushed.

Sarah could hear Erika and her oldest son approach. They were mere seconds away, but Sarah went for it anyway. She approached Matt once more. She made herself clear. She spoke in a quick aggressive hiss.

"Next time I'm going to pour chocolate cake mix, on the hard spot, between your legs, Matthew and then I'm gonna lick it off the end of your cock."

"Oh Jesus, oh hell, mom," Matt gasped out, on fire.

"I like hot runny chocolate and frothy whipped up cream," Sarah softly assured her youngest son.

Matthew hissed. He was wide-eyed. He was red faced. He quickly nodded. Erika and Jason were there.

"Oh my God, what have you two been up to," Erika playfully demanded, folding her arms, noting Matt's flushed features and the way he was staring at his mom.

"Oh, nothing darling, just making the cake," Sarah said, matter of factly, adopting an innocent looking facial expression as she went on with the cake prep process.

"Yeah right," Erika said doubtfully, sliding an arm around Jason while Matt's older brother laughed at the calm and indifferent look on his mom's face, then considered his brother's horny red features and noticed the bulge in his jeans. "It looks like you've been playing with him, Sarah, stirring him up and giving him no release, doesn't it, Jase!"

"Uh huh, yep," Jason stated. "You're a prick tease, mom."

Sarah gasped with mock surprise. Erika and Jason burst into long laughter. Matt grinned.

"Oh, and what have you two been up to," Sarah asked, putting her wooden spoon down and crossing her own arms. "You two have been so lazy today - you've left everything for poor Matt and me to do."

"I've been spending the last hour or two playing with this boy, stirring him up and giving him no release," Erika said.

Sarah broke into laughter. She turned her head. She winked at Matt and blew him a kiss.

"You're a prick tease as well, Aunty Erika," Jason stated, pulling his mom's sister closer, "just like my dear mother is."

"I sure am," Erika whispered in Jason's face, while she reached out and ran her fingers through his hair. "I want you all warmed up for our last night together before you run away to college."

Sarah silently watched her oldest son and her younger sister together. They were gazing into each other's eyes. Erika was preening her older nephew by playing with his hair. Sarah suddenly felt annoyed, all over again, that Jason had decided to leave their love nest and end their three-way relationship.

"I still don't approve of you leaving, Jason, I don't approve at all," Sarah softly muttered, "but I'm not going to get into that argument with you again. You're determined to go. You do what you think best, young man. I won't stop you. Just remember what I said, just remember..."

Erika and Jason softly kissed. He held her tight in his arms. Matt watched their lips smack and squeak wetly together. Matt listened to the sound of their heavy breathing.

"Oh boy," Matthew whispered, feeling so horny.

Sarah turned her head and looked at her youngest son. She felt such love for him. She felt such a ravenous desire for him. Sarah nodded and sighed. Matthew was loyal. Matthew was more mature. Matthew wasn't a womanizer. Matthew was stable. Sarah got the sense Matt wasn't going anywhere. He wasn't going to decide, on the spur of the moment, to go to college, walk out, run off, and tear a three-way relationship apart like Jason was.

"You're all mine, Matt-darling," Sarah silently mouthed at her youngest. "I'm gonna love your body like you've always craved. You're never gonna leave Erika and me. We're never gonna let you go. You're all mine, Matt-darling. We'll love you always."

One more night, Sarah thought. She and her sister would spend one more night with Jason and then in the morning Jason would get in his car and drive to college and his new accommodation. One more hot, incestuous, over-the-top, all-nighter with their lover and then they would take their sticky hands off him and let him escape the nest. One more night and then Sarah and her younger sister would escalate their slow, steady seduction of Matthew.

"Just one more hot night with your brother, Matt-honey," Sarah continued, silently mouthing, "and then we're gonna come after you and make all your dreams come true. You'll never want to leave my playpen, once you finally get back inside there, like you so desperately want."

Sarah softly smiled. Her younger sister and her older son were still making out.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Sarah said to her youngest son, approaching him, handing him the wooden spoon, "could you please take care of the cake for me? It's almost ready to go in the oven."

"Ummm yeah, mom," a befuddled Matthew said, taking the spoon from her.

"Thanks honey," Sarah softly said, brushing past him, her hands on his arms. "You may wanna turn your head, Matt - I wouldn't want you to get eaten alive by jealousy, my darling."

Matt gasped. He licked his upper lip. He watched as his mother crossed the kitchen floor. She was soon there with Jason and Erika.

"How about giving me a go with my son, sis," Sarah softly said, running one hand over her beautiful younger sister and one hand over her handsome eldest son. "I wanna warm him up as well."

Erika and Jason broke their kiss. A grinning Jason turned to his mother. Sarah slowly and watchfully advanced. She batted her long lashes. She parted and wet her lips with her tongue tip. She ran her hand along the side of her son's face. She closed her eyes and her lips met Jason's. The kiss instantly grew passionate. Jason and Sarah gasped and whined in each other's mouth. Erika stepped back. She leered at Matt, licked her mouth and blew him a kiss. Sarah and Jason slid their arms around each other. A moment later Sarah reached down, ran her cupped hand over Jason's cock and balls and began stroking him there. Matthew thought he was going to cum in his pants.
