Cougars and Cubs


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"You're next in line, Matthew," Erika softly assured her youngest nephew as he stared at his mom's sister. "We're gonna have you next, Matt-honey."


This was so much fun, Sarah thought - she was really enjoying herself.

Sarah was sitting on an outdoor chair, at a small outdoor table, on the back patio as the sun slowly rose on the horizon line. She was dressed in a sheer white robe, a pair of white lace panties and a matching white lace bra. She was also wearing a pair of white lace-top stockings and a pair of cream colored high heels. Her long, fine auburn colored hair looked a bit wild. Her lipstick was smudged. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses with large smoky lenses. She had lost one of her dangly earrings. Her red nail polish was chipped.

Sarah was sitting there at the outdoor table and she was drinking coffee. The encroaching sunlight streamed through the robe she was wearing. She had allowed her robe to fall open so the morning glow lit up her curves. The glow ran over her chest and belly. The sun caressed her exposed cleavage and her neck.

Matthew was sitting opposite his mother with a cup of coffee of his own. He was watching Sarah. Matthew was very much on Sarah's mind, but she wasn't paying him much attention. She was sipping her coffee, sighing with pleasure and watching the horizon line in the distance. She was also thinking about Jason.

Erika and Sarah had accompanied Jason to the front door 15 minutes ago. Both women had given Jason a warm, long hug on the porch. They both kissed him passionately on the mouth. They had then let him go and he had walked across the porch in the early morning light. He had waved and grinned. He had gotten into his car and driven away to college and a new life.

Erika and Sarah hadn't slept yet. The two women had been making love with Jason all night. They had been having sex with Sarah's oldest son for hours. They got started around 11pm - after dinner, more than a few drinks and a whole lot of flirting. Jason left sometime after 5am for his big drive east. The three of them had been at it for about 6 hours. Sarah had Jason's perspiration on her clammy, glittering form. She had the smell of his cum in her mouth. She had streaks of his dried semen in her hair as well as on her skin. She had his body fluids in her pussy.

Sarah heard a sound coming from behind her. She didn't turn her head. There were only three of them there. Erika, Matthew and Sarah were the only people in her home. The sliding glass ran once and then twice as Sarah's beautiful sister opened the door, stepped out onto the back patio and then closed the door behind her.

Matthew instantly dragged his wide eyes off his mother and stared at his aunt. Sarah stopped looking at the horizon line and gazed at her youngest son. Matthew was such a handsome young man. Sarah suppressed a grin as she discreetly watched him. She sipped her coffee.

There was no need for Sarah to turn around and look at her younger sister. Sarah could clearly imagine what Matthew was looking at. She could hear Erika's high heels tapping on the floor. Erika was wearing a sheer fine robe like Sarah's. Her robe was black though. She was wearing a pair of tiny, black lace panties. Sarah didn't think her sister was wearing anything else. Sarah could imagine the soft morning breeze playing with her sister's long dark red hair. She could imagine the fiery sunrise dancing in her light eyes.

Sarah was still watching Matthew as she sipped her coffee. His eyes were glued to his aunt's gorgeous body. Sarah wondered if Erika had bothered tying up her robe. She doubted it. Had her robe fallen open as she walked towards her nephew? Did the gentle, morning breeze cause her robe to fall open? Did the slow deliberate steps she took cause her robe to part? Surely Erika's nephew could see the shape of her moving form through the sheer material she was wearing. Had the light of the encroaching day made it easy for him to see her? Could Matthew see Erika's breasts? Could Matthew make out the dark red triangle of pubic hair beneath Erika's lace underwear? Could he see the shadow of her pubic hair?

"Morning honey," Erika whispered at Matt as she arrived.

Sarah watched Erika with a soft smile as Erika placed her cup of coffee down on the table top, carefully ran her fingers through Matthew's hair, leant in and kissed his cheek with a wet smack. Sarah couldn't help but gently laugh. Erika hadn't tied up her robe as Sarah suspected. Matthew could clearly see the outline of his aunt's breasts. He could see her aureole and tips through the translucent material.

"I hope you slept well," Erika continued, still stroking Matthew's hair.

Erika and Sarah waited. Matt was so bewitched by the two females. His handsome light eyes clouded over. His senses were being overloaded. Sarah grinned at her son. Sarah grinned at her younger sister. Erika gently ran her palm and fingers along Matt's jaw line and then sat down on the third outdoor chair at the table.

"Hi again, hon," Erika whispered at Sarah, before leaning across the small outdoor table, slipping her fingers through her older sister's hair and softly kissing her lips.

Matthew gasped as his aunt kissed his mother. Sarah put her cup down. She reached out with both hands, took the sides of Erika's face in her palms and kissed her back. It was a noisy passionate moment. Both women made sure Matt could see all the details. Sarah wondered if Matthew could see their tongues sliding together.

"Oh my God," Matthew muttered softly, but intensely.

"Mmmm, that was so nice," Sarah whispered, after Erika broke the kiss and withdrew.

"I'm glad you liked it, Sarah," Erika softly said, smiling.

"Matthew," Sarah prompted her son.

"Huh, what," Matthew blurted out, with wide eyes and an amazed look on his face.

"Your Aunty Erika wanted to know if you slept well last night," Sarah asked as her sister drank.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Matthew said, literally shaking himself awake, the seductive magic spell shattered, at least for the moment. "Oh yeah, pretty good, pretty good, not too bad, not too bad."

Erika stopped drinking. Erika and Sarah looked at each other and laughed. They suspected, with good reason that Matthew was lying. His bedroom was right next door to his mom's. Only a wall separated her queen-sized play area from his narrow single. Erika and Sarah tended to be very vocal and very loud when making love to Matthew's older brother, so Erika and Sarah assumed Matthew wasn't being entirely honest. The two women had been really noisy with Jason last night. The sex was explosive at times. The three of them were crying out at the ceiling during moments of peak performance. Their howls and laughter were bouncing off the walls.

"Really, I thought we were so noisy last night," Sarah said, raising her eyebrows and asking Matthew, "Did you really get any shut eye at all? I thought we rocked the foundations and blew the roof off last night. I'm surprised the place's still standing this morning."

Erika laughed. She watched Matt. He was grinning.

"Yeah, me too," Erika said, looking in Sarah's direction.

"Okay, okay, you've got me, I admit it," Matthew said, scratching his head, "I didn't get much sleep last night. I usually don't get much sleep around here anymore."

"Oh, you poor baby," Erika said. "You do look a bit sleep deprived, doesn't he, Sarah."

"He does - I do make sure he has a supply of baby oil," Sarah said, "that should help him out, I suppose a girlfriend might help as well."

"Mom," Matthew stated, shocked and rolling his eyes.

"Or, even two girlfriends of let's say mature age...," Erika added.

Matthew gasped.

"Oh my God, mom and Aunty Erika," Matthew hissed, sipping his coffee a second later and then choking and coughing.

Erika and Sarah laughed. How hard was Matthew's cock right now, Sarah wondered, as she drank her coffee and watched him over the top of her cup? Erika obviously wanted to keep playing mind games with their gorgeous male family member. Sarah was happy to oblige. Game playing was definitely what this was all about. Women played games with men all the time and men played games with women all the times. Sometimes, just sometimes, family members of the opposite sex played mind games together as well. Games were fun. Games were stimulating. Erika and Sarah loved stimulation.

"It's a shame Jason decided to go to college and desert us ladies," Erika said sadly, "I really wanted more from him. I'm in such a mood lately. I can't get enough."

Sarah watched Matthew out of the corner of her eye. Sarah once more wondered how hard Matt's penis was.

"Yeah, I agree, I'm the same way. I'm all guy crazy right now," Sarah said, "My oldest boy has such a gorgeous body. I love his body. It's so sweet - mmmm yum! I love spoiling him and catering to his every whim. I crave Jason's co..."

Matt choked on his coffee. He cut his mother off. The two women softly laughed.

"Jason was getting plenty of practice, wasn't he, Matt," Erika softly stated a moment later, after turning her head and gazing at her nephew.

Matthew was clearly jealous and getting more wound up by the second. He violently shrugged. He silently and abruptly nodded. Erika and Sarah looked at each other. Sarah spoke next.

"Jason's been getting heaps of bedtime - that's for sure. It's a pity he's decided to move out and study somewhere miles and miles away from here. He just deserted us."

"Oh yeah, it's sad alright, Sarah - who's going to play with us in bed now?"

"Yep, exactly, I'm going to call Jason this afternoon and drag him back here," Sarah said, noticing the look of shock on Matthew's face. "I'm sure he won't say no to me. I'll lure him away from college. I'll make sure of that. He's meant to be at home here with us two. He'll be back in bed with us soon enough."

"Absolutely, what unattached heterosexual male could say no to something like that - your own mom and your own aunt, together at once, ready to say yes to your every request - what guy could say no to that - don't you agree, Matt," Erika asked, looking at Matt, her flimsy robe threatening to slip open even further and reveal more of her breasts.

"Yeah, what horny young guy could say no to a threesome with two family members who are more than willing to fulfill all their sexual fantasies," Sarah added.

"No matter how dark and depraved those fantasies are," Erika added.

"Mmmm, definitely," Sarah softly continued, "the more depraved the better, though it doesn't get much darker and depraved than incest."

"Amen," Erika said, before drinking more coffee.

Sarah watched Matthew with a smile. Her son bit his bottom lip. He looked all bewitched again. He looked so horny. He was so distracted. Matthew was leering at his beautiful aunt's tits through the thin material of her dark robe. Erika just sat there silently. She made no effort to stop her nephew perving at her. Sarah was quiet as well. She just sipped her hot drink. A moment later, Matthew was staring at Sarah - what a pity she was wearing a bra and panties, Sarah thought, annoyed. For a second Sarah considered taking them off in front of her son, but changed her mind. Matthew grinned and shook his head. Sarah smiled back. The three of them burst into laughter together.

"Oh my God, how did I end up with such a crazy mom and aunt," Matthew finally stated. "My family's so damned bizarre! My family's completely twisted!"

The two sisters looked at each other and shrugged. They just laughed. Erika, Matthew and Sarah finished their cups of coffee.

"I guess I better get some sleep then," Erika said with a sad sigh, standing and picking up her empty cup, "though I'm still feeling too wired. I know I should sleep, but I'm not tired enough yet."

"Then don't sleep, Erika," Sarah softly stated, smiling, standing and grabbing her own cup, "I'm not sleepy either. Maybe you and I can figure out some fun way to tire ourselves out - we've done that before."

"Ooh, that's a nice offer," Sarah's younger sister said before blowing Sarah a soft kiss, "I can imagine a few ways we can help each other out."

Matthew gasped. His eyes grew wide. Sarah laughed and shook her head. The two women turned their heads and looked at Matt.

"Are you okay baby," Erika asked Matthew in an innocent tone of voice, raising her eyebrows, before laughing as well.

"Desperate, desperate, desperate," Sarah whispered.

Sarah took two steps towards Matthew. She leant forward. Her robe fell open. Sarah let her youngest son ogle her cleavage for a few moments. She then leant in and kissed him softly on the lips. He gasped. He tried to grab at Sarah, but she broke the soft sweet peck and evaded him. Matthew was staring up at his mother with the horniest expression on his face. Sarah burst into soft inviting laughter.

"He's all set to jump out of his chair, Sarah," Erika stated, pretending to act as if she was surprised, even offended.

"Yep, it looks like it, I'm afraid."

"Now Matthew, I think you need to calm down and maybe have a cold shower," Erika said to her nephew as she came forward, leant in, while her flimsy robe fell apart and her breasts were revealed to her family member. "Go jump in the pool. I bet it's freezing at this time of morning."

Matthew was about to say something, but Sarah's younger sister kissed his mouth. He gasped. He froze. He softly sighed. A second later the kiss ended. Matthew sat there stunned.

The two women were all set to turn and walk back inside the house. They both paused for a moment. They finally turned away. Matthew abruptly stood up. Sarah and Erika heard his chair scrape on the patio deck behind them. They heard his chair fall over backwards with a crash.

"Mom, Aunty Erika," Matthew blurted with a desperate tone in his voice. "Don't go, please!"

Sarah and Erika turned and smiled at each other. They winked. They turned back to Matt. They wore an innocent and concerned expression on their faces.

"What is it, Matt-honey," Sarah asked, going to him, reaching out, running her hand along his upper arm and gazing up into his beautiful horny eyes. "What is it, baby - are you okay, do you need, mommy?"

"Yeah, what's up, Matt-darling," Erika whispered, instantly stepping forward, while making no attempt to hide her beautiful body from him.

"Mom, Aunty Erika," Matthew whispered desperately. "Can you please kiss me like you kiss, Jason?"

The two women stood there silently. Their eyes lit up. A soft smile played on their lips. They looked at each other for a brief moment. They turned back to Matthew.

"Hmmm, what was that, Matt," Erika asked him, taking another step forward and setting her empty coffee cup down on the outdoor table.

"Yeah, I didn't quite catch that," Sarah said, setting her own cup down.

Matthew ran his fingers through his hair. He was hyperventilating and his heart was thumping in his chest. His mother and his Aunty Erika could see he was a nervous, desperate wreck. He was so different to Jason. He was so passive and so respectful. There was no way he was going to have them without their help. Sarah and Erika had no problem taking the lead and being the assertive ones in this. They did, however, still want to play a bit of push-pull with him.

"What is it, baby," Sarah exhaled in his face, while she considered her youngest son's soft lips.

"I want you to kiss me and touch me like you do with Jason. I need it so badly."

"Well, I'm not so sure now, Matt-honey," Sarah whispered, running her arm around Matthew, placing her other hand on his chest and gazing up into his eyes. "Jason's just taken off and left Erika and I without a lover. He just deserted us. I know college is important, but we're important as well. We wouldn't want to get our feelings hurt again."

"Exactly, what's to stop you doing the same thing, Matt-darling," Erika stated, continuing her older sister's chain of thought, stepping in and running an arm around Matthew as well.

"Good point, Erika," Sarah whispered, nodding, still lost in Matt's eyes.

"I would never, ever leave you, mom," Matthew stated firmly, with a desperate tone in his voice. "I would never, ever leave you either, Aunty Erika. I love you both so much. I would be lost without you."

"Well, talk's cheap, my darling," Erika said, caressing her nephew's hair with her soft fingertips. "Isn't it, Sarah."

"It is," Sarah whispered.

"I promise, I swear, I'm not going anywhere, I won't ever leave," Matthew assured them sincerely.

The two women were silent for a moment. They briefly turned their heads and smiled at each other. Their eyes sparkled. They turned back to Matthew. He stared at each of them in turn. He was gasping in their face. His hands were shaking. They were pressed up against him. They wore his brother's sweat and his brother's cum on their shiny skin. Matt loved them so much.

"Mom, Aunty Erika - I want you to kiss me, I want you to touch me like you do with Jason."

A moment of silence ensued.

"I see," Sarah finally whispered, lining up her youngest son's lips with her own, closing her eyes and leaning in, "well then, if that's the case, darling Matt..."

Matthew gasped. He flinched with pleasure as his mother's mouth met his.

For a moment, Matt expected his mom to break the kiss and then leave him hanging. For a mad and irrational moment, Matt expected Jason to appear out of nowhere, come charging in and get in between Matt and his mother. Nothing of the sort, however, happened. His mom hadn't broken their kiss and left him all alone on the back porch. Jason hadn't raced in and torn them apart. Jason was driving. Jason was on the freeway by now. Jason was gone. Sarah and Erika belonged to Matthew now. Sarah and Erika belonged to Matt now.

Matthew ran his arms inside his mom's sheer robe and around her warm grubby body. He slid his hands down her sides and over her behind. He returned his mother's kiss with an intense wet smack. He opened his mouth a touch wider and she did the same. He sighed softly as he tentatively pushed his tongue inside his mom's mouth, while she ran her fingers through his hair and not only accepted his tongue being inside her mouth, but pressed her own tongue inside his mouth as well.

"Nice one, Matt," Erika whispered in his ear with a hot blast of air, before she began brushing her lips over his ear and touching the sensitive spots inside with her tongue.

Matt gasped inside his mom's mouth a few moments later when he felt Sarah reach out and cup his hard cock and balls in the palm of her hand. A few seconds after that Sarah broke the kiss.

"Give your Aunty Erika a kiss, Matt-honey," Sarah insisted, while still caressing his genitals with her fingers and palm.

"Yeah, come here, kid," Erika whispered as he turned his head.

Erika softly growled. Matt closed his eyes, puckered his lips and felt his aunt's warm hands slide along the sides of his face, just moments before Erika kissed his mouth.

Matthew was falling through space. He was just melting on the spot, on the back porch in the early morning sun. He reached in and softly stroked his aunt's naked breast. She pressed her body against him. The two of them kissed deeply and passionately while Sarah watched them, grinned and cupped her son's sex organs. The kiss got noisier and more intense. Sarah grinned at her overwhelmed younger son. Erika and Matt's lips slipped together. Erika and Matt's tongues swirled and tangled together.

"C'mon, time to get back in bed again," Sarah finally suggested. "No rest or sleep for the wicked in this house, at least not just yet."

Erika broke the contact. Matthew was still mimicking the motions of the kiss. His eyes were still closed. The two women softly laughed at him.

"C'mon," Erika whispered, taking Matthew's hand in hers, while he opened his eyes and grinned.