All Comments on 'Counseling Ch. 3'

by cooper

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widowedidiotwidowedidiotalmost 4 years ago

Cooper was right in how much your story parralels my life with my late wife. The difference is that either she didn´t have the chance to tell me or she just didn´t want to tell me. I found out a lot of things after she died. While cleaning out closets or other places for her stuff, I would find things that she had hidden. Still nine years after her passing I´m still finding things, the last one was a notebook in our filing cabinet full of notes she had tried to code, but she was never good at coding, like she tried using my grandsons name in place of a guy she was seeing. My grandson was not even a year old, so she couldn´t had met him somewhere. Anyway, I just think that I´m going to go to my grave with a lot of unanswered questions. Thank you for sharing your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I am so sorry that you lost her. Guessing that she was a fun gal. Sounds a lot like my first wife. Shy, sexual, exploratory. But after the first couple of adventures, she became secretive. Darn! In our 24th year, she finally told me of a long term affair that she had broken off months before. It was then that I first realized that she had chosen to lie about her fun. Wonder what else she hid. Still turned me on but very disappointed. We broke up two years later. I will never know what I missed! You sound like you are in a somewhat similar place.


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