Damn It!


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"That's my fault. Sorry," I said realising I got a little lost in the moment forgetting where I was or who I was with. "I just couldn't help myself given how wonderful you look. Like I said, my fault...""

Her eyes spoke volumes.

"No, it's not," Anna said sweetly, but then she paused. "Isn't it... dirty?"

She looked at me curiously when I smiled.

"Not to me it's not. And with an ass this good," I said letting my fingers slide down her cheeks and into the crack causing her to purr softly. "I just have to worship it."

I let my fingers skim her sensitive opening causing Anna to gasp again.

"Well in that case," Anna said looking back at me. "I'm happy to try it. Just no, cock in there, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," I said giving her a naughty wink.

Anna kept looking back at me and her concern turned to one of delight. I then moved back down, trying to maintain eye contact as long as possible. I saw her mouth open, like one does when they watch someone else eat, and then I could only see her ass as I planted another kiss closer to the centre. Her little soft moan let me know she was okay with it and then I moved further in, kissing into the cleft of her ass before finally finding that hot, delicious centre. I was expecting Anna to move forward, but when my tongue found her ass, she pushed back and gasped sexily. That was the response I was after. I rimmed her a while, before moving down to her sopping wet pussy and began sucking on her gorgeously thick clit.

She tasted wonderful and just as I was picking up steam, Anna wiggled breaking my concentration.

"Stop teasing me please," Anna said breathlessly. "I'm afraid I won't last very long if you keep that up."

"That's okay, I don't think I'm going to last too long either. You've got me so worked up, you sexy thing you," I said caressing her ass cheeks and standing upright behind in.

There was a playfulness in her voice.

"Don't worry about it. If that happens, we'll just have to go again... won't we?" Anna asked giving me a cheeky look.

"Yes, we will," I replied lining up and then putting the tip of my cock at her wet opening. Anna moaned and bit her lip.

"Oh god, please fuck me," Anna said gripping the bed in anticipation.

Teasing her only a little bit as I slid the tip of my cock up and down her slit, I marvelled at how she responded. Taking that as my cue, I pushed forward, slipping into her hot wetness which caused us both to groan.

"Oh my god you feel incredible," I said slowly slipping in further before pulling back and then pushing in again. She was so tight, I couldn't believe it.

Anna let out a high-pitched moan and then pushed back, eager to get me inside her as I was. Within moments I was gripping her hips and thrusting into this fabulous woman with gusto. Our bodies were slapping together and her juices flowing, the squelching sound growing louder by the second.

"Fuck yes! Oh God, you're so fucking thick!" Anna said moaning loudly as we approached our fast-building orgasms. With the way her body was gripping me I was certain I was going to disappoint her.

"You feel so good... oh my god," I said picking up the pace. I watched as she dropped to a shoulder, changing the angle slightly as I drove into her.

What I didn't notice was her hand going to her clitoris. I felt her fingers graze my balls and then she screamed, moaning and bucking like a wild banshee. I gripped her hips, surprised at her sudden orgasm and held onto her, thrusting deep into her dripping pussy. When I felt her pussy pulsate around my cock, I felt my loins surge and with that sensation, each time I thrust I was done for. I grunted, pushing deep inside her pussy and unloaded a lot of built-up semen.

"Yes! Fuck yes! I love it!" Anna said moaning and sighing as I erupted into her. "I can feel you... so good..."

"Shit!" I said struggling to say anything as I strained through to the end of my eruption. I fell forward, feeling dizzy and began panting like a wild dog trying to recover.

Anna moved and we fell forward together onto the bed, her giggling happiness and me trying to remain conscious. I felt like I had just run a sprint and a marathon at the same time.

"I enjoyed that. Sorry if I got a bit loud," Anna said looking back at me as best she could and smiling happily.

"Same here, and don't apologize... I liked hearing you," I said which made her smile wider.

"Now that we've got that out of the way. Want to go again?" Anna asked as I started to get up. She held me there, keeping me inside her. "Don't move yet. I'm enjoying it too much."

"Is that right?" I asked smacking her bottom playfully. She let out a little gasp and then pouted before looking down at where I had just spanked her.

"Oh, you naughty boy," Anna replied before looking at me with those sultry eyes. "I think round two is definitely in order... with me on top this time."

I wasn't about to argue with that.

"I like the sound of that," I said slowly pulling out of her now that she had let me go.

"Good. Because I know we'll last longer this time and," Anna said moving while I got into position on my back. It was like a choreographed dance, with her moving in time with me before sitting down on top of my still hard cock. Anna sat up, lined me up and then sat down, taking me inside her in one go.

"And?" I asked astonished at how natural this now felt. It was like we had been doing it for years.

"Oooh that's deep," Anna replied with a gasp. She then bit her bottom lip and continued. "I like a bit of spanking here and there." Her hands roamed up and over her tits, caressing them while she looked at me. "So, if you don't mind. While I ride you, would you give my tits a little once over?"

We stared at each other and I could feel the naughtiness oozing out of her. I gave her a little look and then let my hands run up her sides, enjoying how she felt to the touch. God, she looked good on top of me. This was the start of an enjoyable arrangement. I was glad Anna had suggested it and now after our brief and soon to be extended session, things were looking up.

I had to admit, I had a split-second thought before Anna began riding me, that life was good, things were starting to move in a very positive direction and I couldn't have been happier. When you start out in life, you never know where things may end up. Was it how I wanted life to go? No. But it has and I am going to make the most of it. I have a great bunch of people around me and I couldn't ask for anything more, could I? But damn it, after all I had been through, I finally felt ready to start living my life again.

Chapter 17

Call it fate or just plain good timing, but it was time to have another pool party. This was in honour of my long-time neighbours, The Taylors, who after nearly forty years in the suburb were getting ready to downsize and move. It was also the first time I had everyone around since Heather died, which after everything in recent memory, felt good. Anna and I were still friends, with regular 'itch scratching' sessions, some of which she stayed overnight for, and my work life couldn't have been better. So, coupled with my neighbours moving to a warmer climate, and my life on the 'up', I invited everybody to the party.

Anna had been swanning around all day with me, setting up the backyard and house for the impending mid-afternoon arrival. The Taylors arrived and we knew it was only a matter of minutes before everyone else showed up. Having turned sixty, Jack still looked like a silver fox with his hair in a small ponytail. Fit, lean and quite handsome, even if he looked like he had spent a little too much time in the sun. His wife, Pam on the other hand, was still beautiful. I won't say she was some skinny little woman, because she wasn't, but she definitely knew how to look after herself. Pam kept in shape and she curves and lines to accentuate her efforts, looking quite youthful still even if she had to dye her long hair dark brown.

"Hi Neighbours!" I said calling out to them as they greeted Anna and then me, before putting their stuff down nearby.

"It's been a long time," Jack said patting my shoulder. He was a good man, and it just felt right.

"I agree. Sorry for taking so long to organise another one," I said to which he shook his head just as Pam sidled up next to me.

"We understand, we're just happy you're happy," Pam said warmly.

"Thanks Pam," I said before she gave me arm a squeeze.

"Any news on the buyer?" I asked curious to see who my new neighbour would be.

"Some, but we're going to wait until we're closer to the move out date if that's okay. We don't want to jinx anything," Jack replied crossing his fingers. He was a little bit like that, but I wasn't about to judge. Just before I could ask another question more guests starting rolling in, breaking us out of our reverie.

Roger and Olivia strolled in, bringing good cheer, lots of beer and party snacks with them. Roger gave me that big bear hug while Olivia was a bit gentler, wrapping herself around me and giving me a warm kiss. Even though she was wearing shorts over her bikini, it felt good to have her bikini clad self, pushed up against me for that brief moment. This party seemed to be getting started early, that or the fact that Olivia just liked parading around in skimpy swimwear!

"Hey babe," I said which made her smile.

"Hi hon," Olivia said cheekily. "Thanks for inviting us. I'd better let go or else Roger will get jealous."

"No he won't," I said with a chuckle, causing Olivia to laugh.

"Okay, fine. I'd better let go or else I won't let you go. Happy now?" Olivia said giving me one last squeeze before disengaging. It was good to feel the playfulness again.

"Thanks Liv," I said which got me one of those 'you're welcome' looks, mixed with a little sexiness.

My bubbly secretary Josephine showed up and gave me a warm hug and kiss. Josephine and Mike had another woman and man in tow, which was fine by me, the more the merrier. She was a very busty and petite woman who would no doubt look overweight in anything other than her swimsuit given the size of her bust. Dressed already in her dark blue swimsuit and khaki shorts, it was hard to miss her curvaceous, thick body. She had a pretty face and when she finally shook my hand, a smile that could incite mischievousness.

"John, this is Terri Bradford, my best friend," Josephine said happily, before turning to the young man escorting Terri. "And this is Angelo Bonetti, her date."

"Pleased to meet you both," I said shaking the short woman's hand and then the young man's hand. He was a good-looking guy and probably a little young for Terri, but each to their own. He was well toned, with a trim build and that olive complexion that seemed to drive women wild.

"Likewise, thanks for letting us come," Terri said happily.

"Yeah, thanks," Alberto said kindly. There was a hint of an accent there but not much.

"Any time," I said with Terri's eyes still glued to me. I swear the cheeky woman was checking me out, but as I pulled away, I noticed Mike have a good gawk at her rear which seemed a bit over the top. "We've got a ton of alcohol over at the bar, and snacks all around until dinner. Make yourself at home."

I looked over at Josephine who had a strange smile on her face and knew right then that she had to be trying to set me up. That or something else given she was also dressed in almost matching swimwear and shorts. The tight fitting dark green one piece hugged her feminine body with aplomb and I was sure that if it stretched any further it would be see-through. For once I noticed Mike wasn't concerned about other men looking, ignoring Josephine almost completely as he stood behind Terri. He was in shorts and a button up shirt and once I shook his hand, greeting him, he hit the bar taking Terri and Angelo with him and practically ignoring his wife.

"Hey!" Anna said happily when strutting out of the house towards Josephine. They hugged and kissed as one does when you're friendly.

"Hi Anna, everything looks great," Josephine said kindly.

"Thank you, it's great you could come," Anna said smiling. "It's been a long time since we've had one of these parties."

"I've heard a bit about them, and I'm so glad I could bring my best friend Terri. Here's hoping the rumours are true," Josephine said with a grin.

"And what rumours are they?" I asked acting all innocent. There were smiles all round.

"Oh, you know. And I can't wait to be part of it," Josephine replied with a giggle before hooking her arm through Anna's and leading her to Mike, Angelo and Terri. "Come this way, I want you to meet my best friend."

Before I could say anything, Carly showed up with a younger guy as well, who had long brown hair like a rockstar. I almost didn't notice him, as she strutted in wearing high heels, and a thin, see through dress that covered the blue with white polka dot swimsuit underneath. The big, elegant but casual, sun hat completing the beach style picture that was Carly. She was gorgeous and elegant. The younger guy was tall, handsome and fit. His open shirt doing little to quell the suspicion he worked out. A lot.

"Hi," Carly said with a muted smile. She hugged me and kissed my cheek before turning to her date. "This is Marco Caruso. Hope it's alright I brought someone along? Josephine said it would be okay, given Angelo was coming."

I got the feeling Josephine had arranged both dates for Terri and Carly, but I couldn't be happier for them both.

"Hi Marco, pleased to meet you," I said shaking his hand. "The more the merrier."

"Hi John. Thanks for having me," Marco said with an accent. If I didn't know any better, I would have said Italian but it was only slight. I could see why Carly liked him; he just had an air of sexuality about him that was hard to ignore. Maybe it was just me seeing something that wasn't there, but I couldn't let that get in the way of the party. Plus, with Angelo, these two could be interesting to watch.

"You're welcome. Any friend of Carly's is a friend of mine," I said happily. I got a strange look from Carly ever so briefly but she smiled and before I could say anything else, Anna sauntered up and introduced herself, taking Marco with her to meet the others.

I was about to offer Carly a drink when she piped up and put her hand on my forearm.

"He's just a friend that Josephine arranged for me," Carly said softly but looking at me intently.

"I know, I'm not going to judge you Carly," I said sincerely which seemed to put her at ease.

"Thanks, I mean... you and Anna," Carly said but I smiled at Carly and put my hand on top of hers that was still on my arm.

"She's just a friend," I said which made her smile cutely.

"Point taken," Carly said happily while we were still holding on to each other. It was good to feel comfortable and casual with everyone.

"How about we grab a drink and relax?" I asked offering my arm to walk her to the bar I had set up.

"Sounds delightful," Carly replied with a smile before taking my arm and walking with me to the bar. It felt natural if that makes sense.

The party got underway with Anna leading the charge and getting most of the guests into the pool. I could see she paid particular attention to Marco as he whipped his clothes off and stood there in his tight swimming briefs. Angelo too, it was like a buffet for Anna given they both were rocking the tight swimming briefs with no shame. Yes, guys do check out other guys and from what I could tell the ripped physiques made up for the petite bulges. Maybe they were growers. What?

"Not going in?" Olivia asked after she stopped beside me.

"Of course, just have to get the volleyball," I replied before she put her arm around my waist and hugged me to her. "We should have enough for a game, shouldn't we?"

"I think so," Olivia said letting me go and then peeling off her shorts.

It never got old watching Olivia strip down to her bikini and I quickly followed suit, losing my shirt before I headed over to the bar area to grab the volleyball. I stood up and turned seeing only Carly left, still out of the pool while she kicked her shoes off. God damn those legs were amazing, the way they flexed and contorted as she moved. I glanced away from her and tried to focus on the pool instead but she caught my attention.

When Carly removed her dress, I tried not to stare. Honest. But I couldn't help but notice her glorious hips that rounded out in her vintage, retro-style swimsuit. The exposed flesh was magnificent as was the way the tight one-piece hugged every nuance of her body. I knew she was quite well endowed up top, but this swimwear highlighted that they were bigger than I had thought, sitting high, looking lovely and round. Shit, I know, I was staring and I think others were too, looking at her cleavage while I took in her whole form. Damn it!

Carly caught me, and then again when I looked at her round ass when she bent over briefly to move her hat. I wondered why she was wearing something that covered a lot of skin, showing only her upper back from the middle up, but then her ass, well, it made me forget about her choice of swimwear. Carly gave me a smirk when she dropped her dress next to me as I stood by the bar. She sauntered off to the pool and I had to take a moment to compose myself when Anna walked over, looking as gorgeous as ever. Did I mention the wet look is very impressive on women? The bikini clung to Anna like a second skin and the way the water made her glisten was magical.

"Coming John?" Anna asked peering right into my eyes. She reached for the ball and held it with me.

"The day is young," I replied causing her to giggle and then bite her bottom lip.

"Yes, it is," Anna said sexily. That got my blood flowing.

"I think I need to cool off," I said which made her laugh. God, it felt good to be here with everyone. I had forgotten how much fun pool parties could be. We both headed for the pool and got the game underway. It was fun and everyone had a great time, pausing to get a new drink or something to eat. It was a very casual time which seemed to make it more special.

After the game, I got dinner sorted, with a nice big cookout on the barbecue as everyone got friendly and relaxed with their usual conversational banter. Carly helped me as did Anna while everyone else kept each other entertained. Once we were full, we sat around for a bit before Anna turned the music on and got everyone up dancing. Yep, that sort of dancing.

As the night wore on, I sat back with Roger when Carly plonked down next to me wearing only her one-piece swimsuit and clinked her drink on my beer bottle. It was great to feel so comfortable with everyone. Did I mention that already?

"I forgot to tell you," Carly said looking at me with a sly grin. "I'm buying the Taylor's place."

That surprised the hell out of me. No wonder Jack didn't want to say anything. That sly ol' dog.

"Yeah!? You're serious?" I asked feeling a sudden wave of excitement at having her as my neighbour.

"I am," Carly replied with a big smile. "I've never lied to you and I'm not about to start now."

"Well, that is fantastic, cheers!" I said clinking my beer bottle against her glass again. It was now an even better celebration than I first imagined.

As more alcohol was consumed, the usual antics led by Olivia and Anna started, where the women flashed their tits at us. Even though Josephine had seemed oblivious to her wet semi see-through swimsuit, seeing her now with her wonderful breasts out was exhilarating. I had never imagined it in a million years, especially with her husband around, but here she was and Mike was completely naked next to Marco, Angelo and Terri. It wasn't long before Jack whipped off his trunks and bared himself to the world. Pam was majestic in her removal of her swimwear.
